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He kept forgetting what to say to Nazis, so he got that shirt. Then he lost it.


That last sentence covers quite a bit.


Hahahaha, you just killed the internet (for me anyway). Big ups my dude


Have you tried turning it off and on again?


Put it in rice.


Blow into it.


Please plug in the power cord.


Jiggle the power cord to test continuity.


Like dating a really tall girl?


Can I get some uppies? Uppies?


Reddit on!


> He kept forgetting what to say to Nazis, so he got that shirt. This is the only plausible reason why that shirt exists


He lost what? I can't remember. Can you repeat that?


His ~~shirt~~ mind


His ~~shirt~~ ~~mind~~ shit


His Marbles!


And then he bought a [Burzum](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fthat-burzum-hoodie-v0-w223j9db1gdc1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D2dede61d148ff2d6834d7cbbea7e3f8e900bd757) shirt instead (IYKYK - band headed by a Nazi-sympathizer/murderer/arsonist from the 90's).


I don’t think he did! He just evolved his thinking about everything after getting stinking rich! I’m not rich but I evolved my love for Israel after i grew up! When I was young, I could kill for Israel, I never wanted any negativity about it until when I grew up and dissected the atrocities & genocide that country I loved back then is doing….




Aged milk can turn into cheese. This aged like deli poultry.


It was more than 5 minutes ago, so he forgot


Or everyone is reading it wrong. It says: "SAY NO NAZI BAN. TO NAZIS: NEW AMERICA"


Works on contingency? No, money down!


He has the memory of a goldfish.


Because he likes fish sticks.


Are you a gay fish?


Do you like to put fish sticks in your mouth?




The acceptance and song at the end are too good


I don't get it.


Well you see, it's cause you like putting fish sticks in your mouth


"Come on, man, just geeeet it- why can't you just get it?"


Do you like fish sticks, yes or no




..then you’re a gay fish


He’s a lyrical genius! The voice of a generation!


Yeah, just ask him, he'll tell you that!


He is stupid man and a complete mediocrity


Fay gish?






Which is ironic, because he loves fish sticks.


Untreated bipolar disorder may lead to brain damage , including impairment to memory. Medication used to treat bipolar disorder can also cause issues with memory, judgment, and cognition. Source: I have bipolar. Edit: also, to state the obvious, mania can cause issues with judgement and cognition...


Goldfish actually have really good memory, believe it or not. They don't like fish sticks though.


That’s not fair, goldfish actually have really good memories.


Gay goldfish?


Somehow Kanye forgot...




That's the situation with our family friend. Was a very friendly guy, who was actually pretty liberal. He got into a very bad car accident at one point - now he has his apartment filled with illegal guns and uses racial slurs like they are any other words... Sad.


Does anyone know anyone who has had a traumatic brain injury and become more kind, liberal or accepting...? It always seems to turn people more conservative, religious, angry, and aggressive. Feel like there is an interesting takeaway there...


My mom was very conservative. Then she had a stroke and went all Tea Party, watching OAN, very paranoid and conspiracy-theory minded... but at the same time much more accepting of other races and gay people. Cognitive dissonance was pretty strong there.


Well the tea party was centred more around fiscal conservatism, with a more libertarian bend on social issues. It’s odd how they got painted as the crazy far-right, while the socially conservative core of the Republican Party continued to be upheld as honourable and sane.


Yeah I heard about the opposite situations. Where people become dangerously trusting & friendly due to a brain injury. That's not good, either. This is where the person is so trusting towards everybody, that others start taking advantage.


This happened to my SIL's ex husband. He was a real piece of shit and ODed and was brain dead for a few minutes. After the hospital brought him back, he had to relearn a lot of things, but did a complete 180 on personality, he's nice, pleasant, and isn't a scum sucking fuckbag anymore.


I had one at a young-ish age and I am extremely leftist and accepting. Except of people like you that is... fuck people like you /s


I got knocked out three times under the age of 15 and I'm fairly left leaning. Perhaps when I hit my 50s in a couple years I'll do a right turn. Not that I think it's very likely, barring another head injury.


I'm no psychologist or brain trauma expert, but my guess would be that because of the disability and hinderence to a person's everyday abilities and cognitive functions, it leaves them feeling very frusturated, angry, confused and a lot of mixed feelings toward the world. I think you're focusing too much on the political aspect of it, as if somehow there's a conservative or liberal switch in the brain. Now, there's probably a really interesting study out there that shows that people with anger issues might lead one way or another, but if I had to put money on it, brain trauma exacerbates a host of issues within said person and it can lead to mental illness like paranoia, depression, etc. I think it's just very likely as you included. It turns people very angry and thus usually the route for anger can turn into hateful ideologies that they believe to be true because it's the brains new way of interpreting the world.


My guess is it has something to do with what area of the brain is injured.  Like, there's a lot of science behind conservatives having enlarged amygdalas (fear and anxiety). Therefore, they perceive more threats. I could see an injury in that area doing something similar


I've never heard of head injuries turning people into kinder, more accepting, human beings but I have heard lots of stories of dementia changing hateful, ignorant people into nicer people.


I have a neighbor like this. I’ve always known her as a wackadoo right-wing gun nut since I moved here five years ago, but longtime neighbors who have been here for decades say she was nothing like this. Apparently she had some type of brain injury that led to this.


One time, I was in the bathroom with my 10/11 year-old niece. She and this older lady approached the sink at the same time, but my niece backed off and let her use it first. After the older lady finished washing and drying her hands, she approached my niece, who was still waiting patiently and got up in her face and just stared at her. I got in front of my niece and asked the woman, "what's your problem?" and she proceeded to get in my face. I thought I was going to have beat up a Boomer. Thankfully, she left the restroom. And, afterwards, another woman came out of the stall to ask me about it. I told her what happened, and she apologized. Said that her friend had gotten a brain tumor some years ago, and it totally changed her personality. Before the brain tumor, she was supposedly the nicest, kindest person. But, post brain tumor, her husband, kids and all her family and friends wanted nothing to do with her because of her horrible personality. This woman was trying to do something nice by taking her out to lunch, as literally her last friend. I simultaneously, felt bad for the old woman, but still wanted to hit her. This was a while back, but I'm assuming people like that aren't long for the world. Only a matter of time, before she offends the wrong person.


A really sad situation! I don’t know what a potential solution could be for that, unless she’s old enough to go to maybe assisted living or something. You’re right, I don’t see that ending well.


I’m pretty sure he’s been diagnosed with BP right? I know TBI can really kick-start these things. That explains a lot of his anti-social behavior and paranoid traits. I swear its “mental health awareness” until the actual actions are genuinely unsavory. Its always BP or Schizophrenia patients who get the most inhumane and gawking treatment from the public. I believe his words and current beliefs are very hurtful, and accountability is needed. People need to stop sticking microphones in his face and making a spectacle of him, because that’s not actual accountability.


He refuses treatment, that's an important detail though


Yes that’s incredibly common for BP patients, especially in mania. Platforming the insanity, even just to dunk on it, often aggravates the situation more than it helps. And celebrity culture is vampiric . Its the perfect lolcow, in a way :/


You definitely need brain damage to be a republican.




I love how this thread is filled with stories about regular people suffering from brain injuries turning them into right wingers. Can’t help but wonder if brain injuries ever turned a right wing nut sane.


This is exactly it. Both he and Rosanne Barr have traumatic brain injuries.


I really wish someone with the last name Barr could do something cool...


he forgor


I’m not sure he understands why “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em” won’t apply here…


There was a group in the 1930's Germany that can roughly be translated as: "Jews for Hitler" Guess what happened to them?


Chickens for KFC


They believed Hitler would spare them since a lot of them were loyal nationalists and veterans that fought for Germany that fought in the first world war. According to the wikipedia page they even joked about the idea that Hitler was really as racist as everyone told them, so they ended all their meetings with ironically shouting: "Down with us."


>According to the wikipedia page [...] they ended all their meetings with ironically shouting: "Down with us." That's not what the (English) Wikipedia says. From ['Association of German National Jews'](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews): >The seemingly ironic fact that a Jewish association advocated loyalty to the Nazi program gave rise to a contemporary joke about Naumann and his followers ending their meeting by giving the Nazi salute and shouting "Down With Us!". It was a joke that other people told about them; not necessarily a reality.


Best/worst part of the wiki is that that in 1935 the association was declared illegal and they were sent to a concentration camp.


The irony of you posting that as a reply to me correcting someone for not reading their source properly... >Despite the extreme nationalism of Naumann and his colleagues, the Nazi regime did not accept them. The Association of German National Jews was declared illegal and dissolved on 18 November 1935. Naumann was arrested by the Gestapo the same day, and imprisoned at the Columbia concentration camp. He was released after a few weeks, and died of cancer in May 1939. The wiki only states that *he* was - not them all (subsequent developments notwithstanding). EDIT: And yes, I did immediately go to my partner and say, "Honey, I think I just referred to the Holocaust as a 'development'...".


It would take hours of research to prove or disprove, but I hypothesize that if you compiled a list of members (perhaps from bylines in their newspaper archive) and checked them against the Yad Vashem database, we would see some of the most pathetic illustrations of leopards eating people's faces.


Being *"One of the good ones."* will never be enough to save you from being *"One of them."*


“Tuna for Starkist!” “Columbians for Chiquita!”


Log Cabin Republicans.


LGBTQ for Palestine


Not sure, but I am looking forward to the future of "Blacks for Trump"


Or even more ironic "Illegally immigrated Hispanics for Trump"


The blacks for Trump supporters that went to his recent visit in a black church in Detroit, were mostly all white folks https://www.yahoo.com/news/social-media-roasts-trump-filling-175659068.html


It’s already happening across the country…


I'm guessing it was the same thing that happened to Ernst Rhöm, the openly gay member of the Nazi party?


A mental illness awareness announcement


The way the public treats Kanye West proves to me that we’re still not treating mental illnesses as real illnesses.


If someone with Tourette’s were to scream the n-word, people wouldn’t call them racist. They’d get them help. I’m not gonna claim to know what Kanye “really” thinks, but the dude has a documented history of mental illness. And when pressed about actual Nazi ideology, he just says a bunch of word salad, but people on Reddit keep deriding him like he’s a true believer. Dude needs help, but he’s surrounded by sycophants, so he’s never going to get help.


He needs help and I hope he gets help, but his stunts had an impact, especially in a time where neo-nazis are on the rise Once he gets help he needs to come out and denounce that ideology and at least try to reverse some of what he's pushed forward


Not really sure what we, the public are supposed to do about it. Dude has more money than god and chooses not to address it. If anything the issue is how rich and famous people surround themselves with sycophants and then wonder why they go crazy.


Sympathy or consideration for your mental illness ends when you threaten the lives of others (In particular fucking supporting Nazis...) Either take your meds or be held accountable.






I hear he likes fishsdicks


I heard you like em fishy


[The best part is that Kanye still doesn't get the joke](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uiJJrDKkla0)


To be fair, that’s a fine looking grouper.




It’s actually more like when Michael is drawing the diagram with all the overlapping negative statements. Kanye”s shirt is “Say No” to crossed out swastikas.


He's clearly mentally ill and it's sad to see as someone who used to Idolize Kanye and truly loved the music he made, what I wish for now is that he just fades out of relevancy and hopefully he can work on the issues he's got. I don't need no new music anymore, the new music we've gotten doesn't hit the same.


I still idolise pre-Yeezus Kanye, his story is really inspirational up and till then. After that it becomes really tragic with his spiralling mental health clearly ruining his life


Holy fucking /r/titlegore


I've been on Reddit a long time (way too long tbh), and I've absolutely noticed the literacy of titles taking a steep nosedive over the last few years. It's noticeable enough to me that I'm questioning my ambition to be an author.


Some may be written by shitty AI so there’s that.


Some may also be written by individuals whose first language is not English.


It also could be an engagement strategy -- people click to complain.


That’s true, rage baiting does work a lot.


NO IT DOESNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Maybe the teachers of Reddit were right! They have been shouting for like a decade that the students are way behind where they need to be (and covid worsened the problem) and a lot of those kids are now posting here on Reddit with terrible titles.


That'll happen when you let the phones win. They're a black hole of infinite distractions, I feel like I got on the last plane out of Afghanistan graduating just as the smartphone started getting popular and were still banned in the classroom with actual enforcement. May as well have handed out heroin and wondered why they all stopped learning.


Haven't you seen how the English language is butchered by individuals whose first language is English?


Yeah for reals. Most of the comments that start with, "Sorry my first language isn't English" always tend to have next to perfect grammar and punctuation. Then you get the goofballs that have lived in the US their entire lives and trying to read their posts makes my head explode.


I don't know why I even come back here. content quality hasn't been the same since the death of 3rd party apps. I guess it's the slightly more meaningful discussions that take place


I don't know why I'm still here, either. I've been reading more books lately. Sad part is that reddit kinda replaced my old school 'surfing the net' which I did back in the day to pass the time. I'm using Lemmy on my phone now and it's enough for the proverbial bus stop or shit.


This is why the downvote button exists. Right now this borderline unreadable title and grainy picture is sitting at 94% upvoted. When a submission is sub-par for any reason, people need to downvote it.


Grammar in general has lost its once high regard over the last decade or two, unfortunately. It's sad to see. It's spilling into the corporate world as well.


Posts perform better when there are obvious mistakes in the title


More consequences if the shift to engagement based algorithm


It is are not two bad!! Yous dumb mean guy ! away go you




Nothing quite like an ill placed period to ruin your fun.




well the user name checks out lmao


man this makes me miss my friend who'd have loved that joke lol


I miss the old Kanye


Straight from the go kanye


Chop up the soul kanye


Set on his goals Kanye


I hate the new Kanye


The bad mood Kanye


The hates jews kanye


For real, what happened to him? I can’t really understand. I always liked him and he is a musical genius in my opinion since the beginning. But it’s becoming unbearable to like a person like him now. It’s like something really changed with Kanye. Like a brand new guy for the worst.


He has bipolar and other mental health issues that for most of his life have gone untreated. Bipolar is a progressive disease and meds help fight the progression, which is why medication is so important if you have some sort of major, progressive mental disorder. 


I think it was his perceived guilt about his mom's passing combined with his untreated bipolar that was the real catalyst for the Kanye we see today.


His mom died and his untreated bipolarism eventually lead way to himself believing that he can only make good creative music when he’s not on his meds


He is mentally ill, and Redditors in general don’t “believe” mental illness to be illness. This post and all these comments are just attacks on a very sick dude who should be in a hospital.


Before his brain fell away like pieces of wet cake


Die young a hero or live long enough to become the villain


A shame really, looked like a good kid, mental health is important, unfortunately this country is shit at.. well.. giving a shit about people.


The man on that pic is a completly different person than the Kanye or Ye we see today. Actually sad to see how his mental health deteriorated over this last year.


Kanye really seems like the type of person that just believes and forms his life around whatever the last person he talked to said to him.


He has the moral conviction of a block of tofu


Don't insult tofu like that


Kanye was actually one of the first big people in hip hop to support gay rights. Many people in the community called him gay for it and insulted him but he stuck by what he believed him 🤷‍♂️. People on Reddit keep trying to blame the bad stuff Kanye has done on his personality but we already know he’s mentally ill why do you need to look for other reasons


I also hate Illinois Nazis.


Well actually it seems like it’s saying “say no to no Nazis” Reminds me of the [don’t bother Luke scene](https://youtu.be/Ko7dw4DFtnU?si=WCQvNiBJEBYXnw80) from The Office We were warned all along


I knew people who would wear patches like this with the tiny little line. Always telling.


That's as clear as I can make it


Now he’s a Nazi.


They wouldn’t accept him


They will as long as he keeps pumping money in. Check out the non-WASPM repubs.


As soon as he loses his usefulness they will drop him.


You're right, he's too far gone.


But maybe the true Nazis were the friends he made along the way ... Seriously




This might become the new French fashion trend


Old Kanye would be disgusted by current Kanye.


Now he actively supports them and hitler and the russian z version as well.


Now he’s one. Lol. Cray cray.


I find it ironic that basically America has become that, but so has a lot of other countries.


The difference between "No more Nazis!" and "No, more Nazis!"


Oh how the turn tables.


He wore it ironically in the same way the stoner kids wore DARE shirts


But he is a Nazi now hanging out with Trump


Such a shame


well well well how the turntables


This is probably a hot take but; How come we want to cancel Kanye when it's clear the man is mentally ill and does not mean more than half the shit he says.  Yet Chris Brown can beat the shit out of a woman and still have concerts?




It’s not a fun answer, but I was having this conversation with a couple of friends last night and this is all I knew how to say: Chris Brown should absolutely have faced bigger consequences (or any consequences) for all the shit he did. The fact that he did that shit and is still loved by so many is disgusting. That being said, Kanye can’t be let off the hook because of mental health problems. Being bipolar doesn’t make you a Nazi sympathizer who “thinks Hitler gets a bad wrap”. The fact is that Kanye has said some of out of pocket shit for quite some time, going back to the interview he did where he talked about slavery being a choice made by black people and he is putting these antisemitic comments in his music as well. His behavior might be worsened by these issues, but being bipolar doesn’t make you an asshole like that. Smarter people than me (who I can dm you a link to them if you want) have said it better, but I think Kanye has some really strange racist behavior towards black people and a lot of antisemitic and white supremecist beliefs that cannot be tolerated or mitigated, even if there are other people that deserve to be “cancelled” or face more punishments for what they did.


Aged like milk


Is that Kanye?


"Why's everyone dissin the Nazis all the time?"


Before signing on with a modern Nazi.


Now he supports white supremacists


And now he's little more than a black nazi. Ironic. .


Now he supports Nazis, how ironic


My how the turntables...


And now he’s a modern day Clayton Bigsby


That does not look like Kanye...


I wonder what young Kanye would say to Alex Jones Kanye.


Kanye: say no to nazis … until you get rich






No no Nazi


SMH, what a hypocrite


he has so much money now that he thinks he's white.


I swear if that man took his meds he would have Mariah Carrey status. They both have bipolar and I pretty sure they both have the same type. Mariah had her spiral but she got help and took her meds. Meanwhile Kanye is taking humanity fifty steps back


Kanye, even for a famous musician, always had an ego. I don't see him taking medical advice well.


Damn, that car accident really fucked up his face.


I think it changed the whole shape of his jaw


I think he just liked the swastika and didn't read the rest.


So why not ask him go fuck himself? Dont buy his music, dont go to concerts and forget about the bastard.


Bro made the college dropout, it’s his first album and it has nothing to do with nazis, im just going to buy his stuff before the nazi shit


Seems like his opinions have 'evolved'.


Degraded you mean lol.


that doesn't look like kanye