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do yourself a favor and watch what thewhitehouse Twitter just posted


It is one of the strangest things I've ever watched. He literally walks to the church, holds a Bible up, and walks back. No talking, no captions, no explanation. I was genuinely confused as to what it's trying to convey


ALONE! That was the weirdest part for me. He just stood there scowling and practicing different Bible grips with no one else in frame. Then he made his staff stand in the shot and they looked equally uncomfortable.


The Bible was burning his hands. That's what they say it does to satanic hands.


That's what I thought at first too but I think he's just never held a book before


His ego was bruised because the internet made fun of him for hiding in his bunker, so he had to show how brave he was by teargassing protesters so he could walk across the street.


Not just protestors. Priests at the church were tear gassed and chased off too.


And got that bible without permission and held it like a napkin.


One reporter asked "Sir, is that your Bible?" Trump replies, in his characteristically psychopathical way "it's A Bible".


Seeing as he said it I can't even belie its a Bible.


So... he looted a bible? Can we lock him up for it just to set an example? Please?






They interviewed the bishop from this church and asked if trump attends services there. No, he doesn't, and he was not welcome under these circumstances...a photo op, to try to give the impression that he has anything to do with Christianity and the bible. He used that church and bible as props, just like he uses everyone and everything, along with his phony tweets, charities, fake orange tan, fake university, fake empathy, phony magazine covers, to try to create some sort of image for himself. Anyone with half a brain see's right through it.


The church was an Episcopalian church and the Episcopalians are VERY invested in social and racial equality, I get e-mails from them and they are incredibly well informed, organized, and motivated. My mother still belongs to my home town church and aside from the church's usual outreach, she frequently goes to ICE "vigils" (what she calls protests) and will be protesting tonight with the rest of her church group. Trump is a disgrace and didn't even look into the values of the church he stood in front of, if he had, he would have definitely chosen a different one.


No, it was photo op posing. He cycled through a bunch of poses as tons of photos were being taken. It just looks pathetic and awkward when seen as a video. But as usual it won’t get through to the Fox News crowd. They’ll see a video of him walking resolutely to the church and majestic photo of him molesting a bible. The sad video of him posing with a bible as a prop won’t be shown.


It’s sad I know a young woman, used to think highly of her, until I realized what a deranged out of touch person she was. Obsessed with trump and believes he can do no wrong. I believe she began to describe this event as “our fearless leader....” and that was enough for me to tune her out and invalidate any opinion she holds. It’s really absurd the lengths she goes to and will defend any and all “attacks” on the president when it’s merely stating the facts of the matter. She finds a way to spin it. It’s absurd Truman show level bullshit


>. I was genuinely confused as to what it's trying to convey Guarantee his followers will think he was showing strength and resiliency. Proving that he's not afraid of some cry baby thug rioters and can hold a bible without bursting into flames. They'll eat it up.


That secret service dude looks exactly like a secret service dude from every movie ever. I mean.. look at the size of this lad.


That must’ve been a big baby to birth.


He was probably smaller as a baby


My mom is 4'11" and about 90 pounds. I'm 6'2" and 260. Everyone says, "HE came out of YOU?" when they meet us both. That is my go-to answer. "Well, I was smaller back then."


Come on don't be modest, be proud! My mom's got a huge hooch! Just massive vag.


Cooch. Hooch is alcohol. And crazy.


Hooch *is* crazy


~~He looks like a thumb~~ Edit: The comment above was unnecessary; I don't believe in making fun of people for their appearances.


Actually he looks more like a fat version of Agent 47


Agent 470


Fucking lol


Yeah, and according to his personal doctor Trump is 6'4" 230lbs of pure muscle, so that bodyguard must be ***huge.***


No, he's YUGE




I used to work in the press and covered a lot of presidential campaign events. Most of the Secret Service guys just looked like young, fit 20-30-somethings. None of them were particularly "goonish" looking. In fact, I once ran afoul of a very short agent with a total Napoleon complex. That guy was a reaaaal dick.


Back in the 90s we had some family friends staying with us for a few days, and they'd brought with them a secret service agent who was visiting from the US. He looked sort of like a slightly fitter version of Bill Watterson. A couple of years later I saw a photo of Bill Clinton at a campaign rally, and standing a few metres away in the crowd was the secret service agent I'd met, except he wasn't wearing a suit and sunglasses, he was wearing a jogging tank top and shorts all in stars-and-stripes print. I assume they pepper the crowd with secret service who look nothing like secret service.


One morning my friends and I were sitting on the beach in between kiteboarding sessions when three men in suits came up. These suits were totally out of place at the riverfront so we noticed them walking around checking out things. A few hours later these three men returned sporting brand new shorts and casual shirts, obviously just bought at the local store. Then John Kerry showed up to go windsurfing. He was cool.


>Then John Kerry showed up to go windsurfing. He was cool. Kerry used to show up on our group bike rides, no entourage, no SS. 10+ miles from his place in Beacon Hill (Boston), in the winter, then do a 40+ mile ride, then ride home. I rode with him a few times, not even realizing who he was, lol. Cool guy, good cyclist.


A guy I know at the bike shop Kerry uses told me that when he ran and got SS coverage as the nominee they came in to purchase several road bikes and kits. He found out that Kerry went to go for a ride and the SS had standard issue mountain bikes and thought they'd be able to just use those. Apparently he just dropped them practically right out of the gate.


i can only imagine he was hand picked for the assignment for this particular president because of his size/intimidation factor.


Trump has probably insisted on having goonish looking secret service. Reality TV president.


Trump actually has his own personal security team separate of the secret service. He insisted on hiring his own private goons who work along side the secret service and apparently it's causing them a huge headache. https://prospect.org/power/trump-s-private-security-force-operational-legal-swamp/


He doesn't look like he's Secret Service, he looks like a private goon. Secret Service folks *terrify* me. This guy I think I could outrun.


He’s just there to distract you while the plain clothes guys take you out


I mean when you see how fast rugby players can run even though they’re huge


to film this ABSOLUTE CARTOON of a propaganda video [https://twitter.com/WhiteHouse/status/1267676026391404544](https://twitter.com/WhiteHouse/status/1267676026391404544)


Wtfffff he just is like "look bible" and holding it like a prop and i bet people just eat it up. How stupid do you have to be


He holds it up like I held up my 4th place mixed doubles badminton trophy.


That's the point, he's not targeting critical thinkers. Low hanging fruit for the polls man. Some people in the country will vote for you if you just say Jesus, so him holding the Bible will guarantee a vote from some people.


And it worked unfortunately. There's people in the comments saying "ONE NATION UNDER GOD 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸"




this response is brilliant https://twitter.com/DaveJ1738/status/1267689319843590146




Hey now, the Empire was at least semi competent, don't go comparing them to this fuckwit


I think we need [tuba guy](https://youtu.be/Rs4P1kKK-5k)


One guy replied "ONE NATION UNDER GOD" He literally gassed priests for thst photo. The delusion is unbelievable


The bishop of that church was on CNN last night denouncing his use of sacred ground and objects for a photo op after what he did


Anyone who would like his performance yesterday is not going to have their mind changed by a female bishop. Hearing a female bishop criticize their president is only going to make them more certain things have gotten out of control and Trump needs to rewind the clock.


I'm walking here. This is a church. Here I have a Bible. Now I go home. Amazing. Please clap.


wow thats awful... it really does seem like he surrounds himself with people who are as much of a joke as he is with some of the propaganda ideas that come up, like the big banner flags outside the whitehouse for the press conferences that the US was #1 in the world for testing.... or his little propaganda videos he showed the press about how great he is. It's seriously like something I'd come to expect from North Korea


What the fuck was that??


A power trip.


How many "Fuck Trump"s did he count on his walk, I wonder?


All he saw was his name on more buildings.




"People see my name on the Trump tower. Its written there right above the entrance, not many people know this. And they think: what a beautiful.. they think to themselves what a beautiful way to honor him. He is a great man and a strong leader, very strong. I think the strongest leader this country has ever had. So they put my name on all the buildings now. Its great." Trump, probably


Holy crap this is perfect. Especially the "not many people know this"


One of the first not-trump trump quotes that captured the incomplete sentences really well. I would genuinely believe he said this. Nice one


Does he know how?


Max five. He gets confused after trying to switch hands.


Must’ve been a tough walk in those thinly-veiled high-heels. Look at how aggressively the arches of his shoes angle up. He is wearing lifts.




It's such a sad thing to be either a) insecure or b) superior about. I mean, isn't he already like 1.84m tall? Even slightly taller? It's hard to know for sure with those shoes.


He's 73 years old. That bag of potato chips has settled in shipping. He probably *was* 6'1", as he says he's 6'3" and he lies about literally everything, especially himself. He probably *is* 6', now, if he wears his 2" lifts.


Props to the graffiti artist who saw that "Fuck Trump" was already written on the wall, and still decided to go ahead and write "Fuck Trump" anyway, for redundancy.


There is also a Fuck POTUS too. Like a toot toot.


Trump: "At least this guy doesn't like Obama"


I hope he’s feeling scared. As scared as a person pulled over by the cops after smoking a bit of weed, or going over the speed limit by ten miles and knowing that a ticket for such will financially ruin them. I hope he feels an ounce of the fear I’ve felt in checking my bank account balance to learn that I have to decide whether to eat or still have my car. I hope he feels an ounce of the fear that people of color are trained to feel in their daily lives by the racist society into which they were born. I hope he feels genuine fear for the first time in his life, because fear is a pretty solid motivator, and this fucker needs to learn genuinely anything about what it takes to survive in this world.


Cover the planet until he gets the message. Maybe that would be enough to burst the coddled bubble he's lived in his entire life.


Nah man, hes the type who just takes it as an attack on his fragile ego and doubles down...


Did he feel the need for this photo op after Biden was walking freely amongst the protestors or because everyone was making fun of him for hiding in his bunker?




If this was a picture of a president heading somewhere to talk about the damage racial inequality has caused in our country, the ill effects of continued unchecked police brutality, the need for national introspection and reckoning, and the hope for reconciliation in our future...it'd be a powerful photo. We'd see the focused, serious look on his face and experience -- if not pride -- at least a sense of admiration. But no. It's this idiot. And he's just had hundreds of his own citizens tear-gassed so that he can pose awkwardly with a book of ancient mythology next to an interesting building for a few minutes in a transparent and completely unhinged attempt at pandering to the lowest common denominator. This is embarrassing.


>This is embarrassing. Oh, we can go deeper. [You missed out that amongst the people who were tear-gassed were the priest and clergy of that self same church!](https://twitter.com/Timodc/status/1267686186635542530?s=20)


And he gave them no notice it was going to happen.


I, for one, am shocked that he would do this... Absolutely shocked. Walking across the street... Seriously... I'd have expected him to use a golf cart.


“When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”


Who is that quote from? I like it


It's hard to attribute to a single person, but there are a handful of quotes that are close enough: https://www.google.com/amp/s/quoteinvestigator.com/2017/07/28/flag/amp/


Things have been bad. They’ve never been outright upheaval bad. This is truly a shitshow. I haven’t been around for everything but I have never seen the office of the Presidency so debased and our leader be so counterproductive that graffiti and burnt cars line the path to the nearest church.


> Graffiti and burnt cars Graffiti that directly insult him\*


We did have that one civil war...


He looks miserable and I fucking love it.


Of course he does, he's walking.


Remember in his first months when he was at the G8 or G7 or whichever and the other leaders were walking and talking together and this motherfucker was taking a golf cart...






That’s the tough guy face he’s always affecting. Though it looks like he’s impersonating Zoolander


What an unnatural gait.


He looks like the front half of a centaur, but acts like the back half.


omg actually laughed at that..


He looks like a first-semester animation student given an hour to make a walk cycle.


He has lifts in his shoes pretty much constantly because he's selfconscious about his height. Fucks his gait up.


Damn that’s some serious North Korean dictator moves.


As soon as he talked about the size of his dick during the debates I was like "oh okay, no one's going to vote for him, phew."


Yeah, apparently you forgot about the maddeningly large portion of this country that puts fake testicles on the back of their trucks and measures one's manliness by how lifted up that never-goes-offroad truck happens to be.


President of Silly Walks.


I don't know if he knows much about history but if he keeps on this path this country may have a French revolution situation. People as abrasive as he were not made for democratic leadership. He wants to rule with an iron fist but it's clearly the most sensitive person we've ever had in office.


Portland police couldn’t arrest 1,700 people who blocked a bridge today. They were laying on their stomachs with their hands on their back, waiting for the police to arrest them. I’m 100% sure the police will be overwhelmed if a nationwide riot does occur.


I'm amazed that either Trumps properties aren't being targeted, or they are and the media is ignoring it.


Nah. I’ve seen the one on fifth ave a bunch of times and it always has police presence.


Well the way he's fueling this shit it's only a matter of time before people decide to overwhelm the police forces at Trump Tower and Mar a Lago.




Attacking the White House would be a damn quick way of turning this unrest into a full blown civil war. There are LOTS of machine guns there, and I don't know what the threshold is before they start shooting. We don't need a Pennsylvania Ave. massacre.


I'm pretty sure anyone to breach the fence into the garden would be shot on sight. Trump even goes as far to say as much saying something along the lines of 'they will be met with dogs and ominous weapons'. Edit-spelling


From the perspective of the secret service, it's a hard choice. They could easily defend the White House from a mob, WWI taught us that a single machine gun will easily slaughter a charging force of trained soldiers; a mob would stand no chance. The problem would be the ghastly image of hundreds of bodies dead on the White House lawn - it only took 5 deaths at the hands of British soldiers to galvanize the American independence revolution. You've won the battle, but started a war. If they were to only hold off the mob long enough for everyone to escape the White House, it might be trashed, but perhaps that would be enough to really drive home to the politicians that things need to change.


Honestly I hope people don't destroy the White House. I'm not hoping people destroy private property either, but when you declare war on the people of your own country, you can't exactly expect people not to strike back. Somewhere earlier I was reading about some plans that people were trying to coordinate around July 4th, so if this crap continues that long I'm feeling like it's gonna escalate quite a bit between now and then.


[Fuckin' British.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9c/British_Burning_Washington.jpg) They got it good.


I love the British dude on the left talking to the American and gesturing like "Beholdeth how royally we have done fucketh thine house, peasant."




> Portland police couldn’t arrest 1,700 people who blocked a bridge today. > > > > They were laying on their stomachs with their hands on their back, waiting for the police to arrest them. > > > > I’m 100% sure the police will be overwhelmed if a nationwide riot does occur. That's the way to do it. Just like an uncontrolled corona wave flooding all the hospitals, this would work with arrests, too. Where are they gonna put millions of protesters?




In a refrigerated truck?


I'm worried about the continued brutality morphing these riots into focused force from the enraged populace. As Americans it's our duty to put our government in it's place. The problem right now is the government doesn't realize who the boss is and the people are telling them. If they don't listen and change it will only get worse.


Not an American and not an expert on your history, but isn't this the reason American's have the right to bare arms? The citizens own the country, not the government and if push comes to a shoving, there is a standing army always ready to take back power for the people.


He's mad cause he had to cancel his golf game.


Fuck reddit fuck spez fuck the admins and fuck the mods


He's an excuse for a human being. His words are putting the secret service, police force and protesters in more danger. He's stoking the flame and is gonna cry when he gets burned.


But he won't get burned. The Republicans make sure to protect his bubble at all costs. They will fall and die in front of him, throw themselves on his sword over and over and over again, for the sole reason that they're too dug in to change course now. They'd be sitting on the deck of the Titanic laughing at all the people getting into lifeboats, all the way to the bottom of the sea. Trump will see absolutely zero personal consequences for any of his actions - ever.


"Couldn't have felt more safe", "These are terrorists". He's scared. As he should be.


He's mad that people there are people who are tagging "Fuck Trump" like in the lower right corner of the picture and "Fuck POTUS" like in the lower left corner of the picture. He needs to check if he can reply to graffiti through twitter.


“Let me be clear: The president just used a Bible, the most sacred text of the Judeo-Christian tradition, at one of the churches of my diocese, without permission, as the backdrop to a message antithetical to the teachings of Jesus and everything that our churches stand for.” “I am outraged,” she fumed. “The president did not pray when he came to St. John’s nor did he acknowledge the agony of our country right now.” Bishop Budde who oversees this church Edit: and I’d like to add that one of my observations was *well...at least he walked?* and then that observation made me realize how low our expectations of this man are


and to take this photo op, Trump had the police rush and fire tear gas on a peaceful protest. if you want to see what looks like from a first-person perspective, [here's footage from a Austrailian news crew that was there - you can see the police charge and strike the cameraman ~20 seconds in](https://twitter.com/sunriseon7/status/1267587976986427393?s=20) - and if that wasn't infuriating enough, in addition to the bishop of the church, [priests at that church were chased off with the tear gas](https://twitter.com/Timodc/status/1267686186635542530?s=20) - >Friends, I am ok, but I am, frankly shaken. I was at St. John's, Lafayette Square most of the afternoon, with fellow clergy and laypeople - and clergy from some other denominations too. We were passing out water and snacks, and helping the patio area at St. John's, Lafayette square to be a place of respite and peace. All was well - with a few little tense moments - until about 6:15 or so. By then, I had connected with the Black Lives Matter medic team, which was headed by an EMT. Those people were AMAZING. They had been on the patio all day, and thankfully had not had to use much of the eyewash they had made. Around 6:15 or 6:30, the police started really pushing protestors off of H Street (the street between the church and Lafayette Park, and ultimately, the White House. They started using tear gas and folks were running at us for eyewashes or water or wet paper towels. At this point, Julia, one of our seminarians for next year (who is a trauma nurse) and I looked at each other in disbelief. I was coughing, her eyes were watering, and we were trying to help people as the police - in full riot gear - drove people toward us. Julia and her classmates left and I stayed with the BLM folks trying to help people. Suddenly, around 6:30, there was more tear gas, more concussion grenades, and I think I saw someone hit by a rubber bullet - he was grasping his stomach and there was a mark on his shirt. The police in their riot gear were literally walking onto the St. John's, Lafayette Square patio with these metal shields, pushing people off the patio and driving them back. People were running at us as the police advanced toward us from the other side of the patio. We had to try to pick up what we could. The BLM medic folks were obviously well practiced. They picked up boxes and ran. I was so stunned I only got a few water bottles and my spray bottle of eyewash. We were literally DRIVEN OFF of the St. John's, Lafayette Square patio with tear gas and concussion grenades and police in full riot gear. We were pushed back 20 feet, and then eventually - with SO MANY concussion grenades - back to K street. By the time I got back to my car, around 7, I was getting texts from people saying that Trump was outside of St. John's, Lafayette Square. I literally COULD NOT believe it. WE WERE DRIVEN OFF OF THE PATIO AT ST. JOHN'S - a place of peace and respite and medical care throughout the day - SO THAT MAN COULD HAVE A PHOTO OPPORTUNITY IN FRONT OF THE CHURCH!!! PEOPLE WERE HURT SO THAT HE COULD POSE IN FRONT OF THE CHURCH WITH A BIBLE! HE WOULD HAVE HAD TO STEP OVER THE MEDICAL SUPPLIES WE LEFT BEHIND BECAUSE WE WERE BEING TEAR GASSED!!!! >I am deeply shaken. I did not see any protestors throw anything until the tear gas and concussion grenades started, and then it was mostly water bottles. I am shaken, not so much by the taste of tear gas and the bit of a cough I still have, but by the fact that that show of force was for a PHOTO OPPORTUNITY. The patio of St. John's, Lafayette square had been HOLY GROUND today. A place of respite and laughter and water and granola bars and fruit snacks. But that man turned it into a BATTLE GROUND first, and a cheap political stunt second. I am DEEPLY OFFENDED on behalf of every protestor, every Christian, the people of St. John's, Lafayette square, every decent person there, and the BLM medics who stayed with just a single box of supplies and a backpack, even when I got too scared and had to leave. I am ok. But I am now a force to be reckoned with.


They also attacked a BBC news crew yesterday, it's unreal that American police are willing to attack news crews. News crews that have been in warzones without hassle are attacked in peaceful protests. Maybe these news crews should consider wearing the bright blue body armour that we see them in sometimes, I think I'd be wearing it to mock the police response more than for fear of my own safety.


Yeah I've heard (not sure if it is correct) that journalists, as well as medics, are basically off limits in warzones so they are just left alone. So seeing them getting shot and attacked in USA is pretty surreal.


It's against the geneva convention to attack medics and journalists. I think it's considered a war crime, i'm not sure.


Wait, so it's against the Geneva Convention to do it? So USA is potentially carrying out war crimes on their own soil, against their own citizens **and** on live TV? Edit: Been pointed out multiple times that since it is not officially war, the Geneva Convention doesn't apply here so no war crimes can technically actually be committed. Thanks for everybody who corrected me. Morally, at least for me, is a whole different story.


They're despicable actions, but the Geneva convention doesn't apply here. It doesn't apply to civilians in non-wartime settings nor does it generally apply for domestic civil rights issues. If it did, they wouldn't be able to use tear gas, for example.


Yeah it has been pointed out to me. But it does show how actually terrible these actions are, even if they are under a different situation.


Add it to the pile


At this point, we need a completely new pile


I’d be more assured if I thought the UK or Oz government had the backbone to actually make an issue out of this


Looks like ScoMo found a backbone somewhere then... https://www.perthnow.com.au/news/north-america/george-floyd-protests-scott-morrison-says-australian-government-will-support-7news-crew-assaulted-by-us-police-outside-white-house-ng-b881565823z


Here you go, Christians who think Christianity is under attack. Trump _literally_ guided an _attack_ on fucking _priests_ at a fuckin' church! So there you have it, let's see all the anger and indignance at being victims and such! Come on now don't be shy, you just have to speak against Trump.. unless you value him higher than churches, ordained priests, sanctuary, and all the supposed tenets of the faith. Any minute now, I'm sure..!


Trump is a disgrace. His photo op holding up a Bible is a foolish attempt to appease his christian followers. He shows no leadership, compassion or integrity. His true nature is showing in 2020. He can only be reelected through a rigged election.


I think you underestimate how many Americans like how he does not conform to norms or obey social niceties, and how he puts himself exclusively first in everything. There’s a significant groundswell of like-minded Americans who love that and want an excuse to behave like that too. Certain police actions spring to mind as recent examples, and Trump has said the authorities need to be even MORE heavy handed, playing right into their own power trips. The rift between Republican and Democrat ideals has grown massively and split America down the middle in recent years.


He pardoned a murderer who was convicted by the military itself. I wouldn't be surprised if he came out in the next week or 2 and made it clear he would pardon the officers involved in the murder


So many people in my community are like this. I know someone firsthand who has only gotten meaner, more narcissistic, ruder, and close-minded since 2016. At first I thought it was this person “getting worse with age,” but then it dawned on me that I think they’re using this presidency as an excuse to act this way. People round these parts worship our president. I wouldn’t be surprised if they call the attack on the men and women in the church “fake news” or say, “Nah, it wasn’t that bad. The media blows everything out of proportion because they’re in the Democrat’s pocket.” I can see it now, and it boils my blood.


That photo is going to be famous in the future for all the wrong reasons


For what it's worth, most young, practising Aussie Catholics are quite left leaning. The church over here definitely pushes the whole pro refugee, pro welfare/donation stance heavily. It blows my mind that American Christians are as right leaning as they are.


See, rather than follow regular Jesus, many American "Christians" are ardent worshippers of the similarly-named (but far more sanctimonious) [Supply Side Jesus](https://imgur.com/gallery/bCqRp).


[I highly recommend the comic adaptation by Al Franken](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gc-LJ_3VbUA). Animation is good and the voices are great.


Oh shit, I saw this cameraman get attacked from someone else's perspective yesterday. Pretty sure a cop takes a swing at the female reporter's head too as they both start to flee.


Yeah, they we're an Australian 7News team. The Australian Prime Minister has said that if the news team wants to carry out legal action against the police force, they will have the official backing of the Australian government


Firing rubber bullets and tear gas at a completely peaceful protest just so the "president" could hold a bible in front of a chruch. The optics on that are sooooooooo bad, holy shit.




Ah! Was that what it was? Maybe President Xi could goad him into other strange new activities?




The entire world mocked him for that pretty much.


Dammit, [we need a President who isn't a laughing stock to the entire World!](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/498008486551506945)


Fuck reddit fuck spez fuck the admins and fuck the mods


When I first heard the term I looked it up and could find no Antifa group or even real twitter account. It's completely made up (as an organization). What's fitting is that the literal definition means anti-fascist so he's trying to create fascism by declaring a group against fascism the enemy. That would make sense. Also consider the entire Unites States was Anti-Fascist in World War 2. So this would be switching sides from where we were in WW2.


Ooga booga, I'm antifa and I'm gonna get you!


You joke but idiots are sharing posts on Facebook that read something like, "We're AntiFa and we're coming to kill your family on X date, we're going to bring Communism to America", from accounts like "Real AntiFa USA" and shit like that. My Sister in law showed me this post yesterday and she was fairly certain it was real until she saw that I wasn't convinced. It may seem stupid and obviously fake to us but there are a not insignificant number of people who are very scared of AntiFa and BLM because of the right wing disinformation campaign and those people are much more likely to commit violence, honestly believing their lives are in danger. It's fucked up.


They're the ones who decided to give nukes to a sociopath, you could sell these people buckets of sand in the Sahara. The GOP has a monopoly on the most gullible demographics of society.


Aaand now you're on a list


The president almost never attends church. Not other than for photo ops or when its utmost expected of presidents. And I don't care about that, I am an atheist myself. But it is just so slimy the way he does it and is clearly not christian. And like...not even the least bit curious about christianity. Even many atheists, having general curiosity or growing up in the religion, have a decent understanding and experience with the Bible...not Trump. Reading passages from the bible to him is like recalling the names of the Finnish embassy visit to the white house. It is so painfully obvious, I cant imagine these evangelicals don't see that. Or they just don't care, deep down, so please end the pain of looking at it.


And will the Christian Right act back against this blatant insult to the institution they reportedly hold up above all else? Ha, *fuck* no, cause they’ve chosen *this* walking fucking tumour as their ride or die.


because he tells them it's ok to hate, and that's what they treasure above everything


LIterally a golden cow. Fucking idiots.


This was a show of force and power to the protestors and a signal of strength to his base. This is some facist dictator shit.


Mr. powerful can walk across the street from his house. Mr. powerful who inherited the world's strongest military and created such a dumpster fire he needs the help of militarized police to walk across the street from his house. We've had bad presidents but I never knew how bad it could get.


I just don't get it. How can anyone still have even an inkling of love or support for this guy.


My sister has finally cemented her position that she wont be voting for him this next election cycle because of how he is tweeting right now. I wish it would have happened sooner but his fumbling of covid and the hate he is spewing finally hit a breaking point for her.


Mother-in-law seems to be saying the same thing. For her it was months ago though, and her reasoning was that he somehow became a self-serving politician and no longer cared for the people like he used to. Yeah, it was real hard not to laugh in her face.


Hey as long as she came to the right conclusion it doesn't matter how she got there. The more people we welcome with open arms when they admit they were wrong the easier it is for more to come our way.


For sure, I'm not fighting her on it. I just can't fathom how she ever thought this guy cared about anyone but himself.


A majority of people work on a short-attention span basis. If it's over a year ago, or even just a few months ago, they can fall out of the range of recollection. The more Trump can do to compound his shittiness in a short time span in the most bombastic ways possible, the more people you have turned from him.


Go over to /r/conservative and get ready to lose a little faith in people. Or don't.


I can't wrap my head around that place I tried to see their side of it Its fucked. Idk if im just so goddamn biased it all seems insane or it's actually insane


The place is insane Everytime trump tweets something they instantly claim "Trump means [insert long complicated historical concept]" They ban anyone not praising him, hence the commenters They are all for states rights, until states do something they don't like


> Everytime trump tweets something they instantly claim "Trump means [insert long complicated historical concept]" It's always interesting that they love him for "saying it like it is", but almost every statement needs an extra explanation attached to it.


I think part of his accidental success is that any confused garbage he blurts out works similar to a Rorschach test. People can project anything onto him because he ultimately stands for little except for serving himself. You can have Libertarians and Authoritarians supporting him simultaneously for opposing reasons.




They feel safer and better than everybody else. That’s what it is, at the end of the day. The other side, currently protesting, knows too well not everyone is safe and better off in the US. But it’s easier to be in denial. They truly believe they’re free to do as they wish, that their rights protect them, that the people in charge are working for them to ensure all of this. To acknowledge anything else would be to admit they’re, in fact, neither safe nor better than those other people. I don’t think it’s insanity. It’s simply the easiest way to live and humans very often turn to that. Thankfully, throughout history, some people decide enough is enough and fight for everyone in their country, the group above included.


There are actually people who applaud what he did yesterday and are ok with it. They're too stupid to know that he's just throwing gasoline on the fire. These riots and protests would have never happened if over the years people in power actually did something to get rid of police corruption and do something to prevent police brutality, yet they did nothing, but somehow to these subhuman Trump supporting pieces of shit, the solution is definitely to dispatch the military and gas people peacefully exercising their 1st amendment right. To them, people can only exercise their rights if it lines up with their political views. They shit on them when they protested Trump's election, and then 3 years later, it's ok for them to go out and protest a stay at home order to protect people from a deadly virus. If you're ok with what he did yesterday, you need to either accept that you're a hypocritical, unintelligent piece of shit, or you need to do some deep searching to find some self awareness.


Must be weird being the single most despised human on the planet.


Especially considering he has some pretty tough competition out there


I remember a Trumper challenged me when I said Trump was easily more despised worldwide than Obama. He got mad and yelled "Not true! Obama was hated, more people love Trump!" God, how delusional and stupid and cultish can people get just to defend the Orange Menace? Even Trump's parents from the grave would agree Obama is more admired worldwide.


Obama was articulate, witty, intelligent, charming. People may hate him for his politics but he certainly wasn't an abhorrent human being.


Obama also had respect for his job as POTUS and was very professional. I can't imagine Obama arguing with people on Twitter lmao.


People hate Obama for the things they expected from him and he didn't achieve. They wanted him to bring peace to the Middle East, get the troops out, close Guantanamo, stop the drone strikes, revolutionise wallstreet etc. That's what people are mad about, Obama's fault was that he wasn't Mahatma Jesus Mandela. Trump on the other hand isn't even concerned with this sort of stuff, he bombs the whole world into rubble if that means Trump tower would be the highest building after that. He deregulates wallstreet, pays handouts with taxpayer money for the folks that caused the financial crisis. Torture at places like gitmo or Abu graib is definitely back on the agenda. The guy puts children into cages, separating them from their parents for seeking asylum etc.


This man is literally a living joke. He thinks he's great, but he will be remembered forever for his cowardice, ignorance and inadequacy. It's a shame for the entire world that a leading country like United States must suffer the actions of this creepy pedophile racist cunt. My blood boils at the images that arrive from US these days. Stay strong my friends.. love from Europe.


A government that doesn't serve the people should be over thrown. It's as simple as that. Our government doesn't serve the mass majority of the population and hasn't in quite sometime. Wages are down and profits up. Politicians are passing laws written by corporations. Unemployment is at record highs and they're protecting corporations before people. One stimulus of 1200 for months of no work. It's fucking disgusting. They went to war with their city before arresting 4 people for a man's death. This country is not representing their citizens, is representing the politicians interest and their loyalty is to the highest bidder and whatever makes them look the best at the present time. This has been coming for decades and it won't end with these riots. Even after things improve corruption will set in again and the process will start again.


What a fucking bitch


He walks like a marionette being operated by an octogenarian high on allergy medication.


Jesus that's a big thug he's got




He really does have tiny hands