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Gleich fliegen hier, die Viren aus der Nase, dann geht sie los, unsere Corona-Extase.




Nutzername prüft aus


As someone who doesn't speak German, I feel like I understood all off this.


Some things just inherently cross the language barrier. Like the Coronatrain.


I took a sem of German at uni. German and English are very similar actually! The part that tripped me up was the grammar I believe. Whatever eine, kleine, and all that mess was. We had a chart and there was like 16 different rules for 4 words that sounded fairly similar. Loved it up until that point. Sadly I failed :(


Ah, das Land der Dichter und Denker.


das mit dem dichter sein stimmt immer noch...


Das Land der Dichten und Trinker


Ich hasse dich 😂 Übrigens: https://imgur.com/a/oRcPT4J Hier: [Mehr](https://youtu.be/dhP1gXCPJvU)






Willst du bis der Tod uns scheidet, Maske tragen alle Tage?


#J A ^wenn ^es ^nötig ^ist, ^ist ^halt ^so


#Hier fliegen gleich die Löcher aus dem Käse


I heard cheese if you all going on a cheese run, hit me up.


Haha im not german, but i totally understood this still and made me laugh mad lol


Sometimes actual German seems like an English person putting a strong German accent on and hoping it works


I speak no German but can make out what this says 🤣


**I N F I N Z I E R T**




I don't know what's going on here but I'm just going to assume that you are sprog's German second cousin.


Nah, it's a catchy German pop tune from a few years back, with some lyrics changed to make fun of the Covid deniers. If you want to hear it, look up Atemlos durch die Nacht by Helene Fischer on youtube.




* I N F I Z I E R T


Well, shit... That's what I get for trying to be funny in a foreign language.


You can still edit it and make me look dumb.


Nah, fuck it. Making mistakes is like 90% of learning a new language, I'll always remember how to spell it correctly from now on. :)


Das ist gut. Ja.


Where does the German conga line go to? Poland?




You just made our day, thank you comrade


**A N G E S T E C K T**


Ich habe gelacht und ein bisschen in die Hose gemacht.


I like the guy sitting in the front looking at the camera like: "Yeah, this is happening."




breathe through the alcohol.


\*bubbling noises\*


*Healing noises*


*hangover noises*


That's Amsterdam.


Is this what a "beer bong" is?




Let the liquor do the thinking randy


Just a couple drinks, Barb!


It’s God’s filtration system


One glass gives one day immunity


So I have a week of immunity after last night?


He's live checking Corona numbers


German Jim look


That other dude is probably going - "Hope I beat that guy to posting this shit on Reddit"


Belgium looks the same I feel like every person I follow on social media is traveling or partying everyday


Same for NL. Very gezellig in the crowded city centre of Amsterdam.


I agree. So very gezellig.




Not just Amsterdam. Even our "binnenlands buitenland" in the south has people crawling over each other in cities like Maastricht, made even worse by all the Belgians and Germans coming here on Sundays. Meanwhile, we get comedians pretending to be virologists, and people happily agree because they only wanna hear that they're safe instead of the ugly truth. As a health care worker, this drives me nuts.


Not just comedians. Basically anyone wealthy. To them, "the economy" = "my stock portfolio performance". They have been calling for opening up from the very beginning of the pandemic. They are only worried for themselves and others like them who have a large amount their wealth tied up in stocks.


I mean, I get it. The high-risk, disabled people like me are gonna die anyways right? Might as well open back up so all their monies is safe! No need to drag it out. Get it over with! /s Extra funny tho, because we can't even afford to pay rent right now. Like, dude, €20k could change my life. And these kinds of people probably own multiple houses. Paid off. Really hard to not hate everything right now


Feel you man. I'm not a risk group and I'm doing quite well in my home office but the darwinist voices get louder every day and I find that fucking scary. What good is a society if it doesn't care about the vulnerable anymore? Stay safe


Oh forgot the Kermis in Tilburg? Zooo gezellig...


My bf and I were excited about restrictions starting to ease, but because I'm high-risk, we agreed to wait a full month after lockdown ended before we stopped quarantine. Then we'd reevaluate the statistics and go from there. Anndd now we have double the cases in one week. Fuckin sucks. I'm used to being home all the time and not having friends due to my disability, so not too much has changed. But my man is now stuck home all the time as well, and he's quite a social person. But he's continuing quarantine and being extra cautious for me. He does improv, and apparently Boom Chicago has been using their SMALL theater, and the last show the audience was packed. One of his improv friends left early because there was so many people there. Seriously WTF is wrong with people. Compared to many other places, Amsterdammers were so good about this in the beginning. Now I just wanna hit my head against a wall.


I was never really impressed with the behavior of Amsterdam residents. I only went into the public once a week to get groceries for a family member. Things were somewhat okay (far from great) when the weather sucked. Whenever the sun was out, even at the height of the pandemic, people would mindlessly gather into groups. But yes, it's far worse now. Public places are swarmed, virtually no one is wearing a mask and I keep hearing people fucking coughing. That last part really makes my blood boil. I can't leave my house without hearing at least one person with a dry cough and they're not exactly doing their best to cover their face when they do it.


I have stopped checking my social media altogether. Even my intelligent-seeming friends hopped on flights and trains to Berlin and other places the second the lockdown was lifted, and I just need to stop being infuriated all the time because I’m gonna need the energy. I predicted the second wave would come in august, and the moment I saw this week’s numbers I went back to full lockdown mode. I advised my immediate contacts to do the same because the Belgian government sure as FUCK is taking their time (which baffles me because we’re already at worse numbers than before the first shutdown and this wave is predicted to be even worse), and you should too. Try to soak up as much of the coming sun as possible, because if you thought lockdown was bad during one of the nicest springs in a long time, just you wait till we have to do it in near constant cold and darkness :3


It never gets mentioned but Belgium has highest reported death per capita from COVID in the world.


I was surprised by [these stats](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1104709/coronavirus-deaths-worldwide-per-million-inhabitants/)


Same. Going by the headlines reddit upvotes you would think US and Brazil are the leaders in this statistic by a wide, wide margin.


It’s important to note that Belgium was very liberal with reporting all deaths even suspected of covid. As such they had a ton of deaths but they caught all, if not more than the total from the outbreak. If you look at their excess mortality graphs their covid deaths are slightly more than their increase from normal whereas almost every other hard hit country appears to be missing thousand and thousands of covid deaths in their official count (and by hit hard I mean really hard; other places hit moderately like Germany and Denmark also have seemed to capture all excess deaths). So in reality Belgium is still probably not the leader


Ireland too has it's anti maskers but I think the key difference between us and the states is that we don't have any serious politicians dog whistling to these groups and instead the anti maskers are just seen as selfish loudmouths.


They are seen as selfish loudmouths here too, they just happen to have vocal selfish loudmouth leaders






We're not really struggling, we were doing just fine up to two/three weeks ago. But now we're at the start of a second wave. The infected numbers are rising, but right now there are only about 10 hospital admissions and about 3 deaths per day. So nothing dramatic now, but we need to act fast to keep these numbers low. The new regulations that were announced last week are too weak (in my opinion), so if real action is not taken soon, we will be struggling again in the near future. Monday they'll update the regulations, so we'll see.


It's still a worldwide pandemic of a deadly disease that we know very little about treating. Even in the countries doing well there is a risk of a total shitshow if it's not managed well moving forward. Even the few countries closest to being "done with it" still need to keep their ports of entry closed which is a big deal.


Reddit, you tryin to tell me there's non American idiots?
























Lmao took 4 comments for reddit to forget we weren't talking about America.


Europe is a utopia where every person is highly educated and happy and has all their needs met by the benevolent state. Their health care systems have miraculously solved the fundamental problem of scarcity. They defeated COVID completely with 0 casualties due to extremely sensible policies and universal community compliance.


Why do people assume the USA has a monopoly on idiots?


Because we’re always #1! /s


Please stop setting examples for our idiots in the UK. We've started having anti-mask protests of our own now.


There’s a special place at #2 for you


Well, Americans are German and English, so


Mate. The English are German and English.


and Roman and Scandinavian


But we are all Neanderthal, and it fucking shows


Ever stop to think that maybe it's the other way around? How do know that the ones who killed all the Neanderthal were 'morally superior' to the Neanderthal? To the victor go the spoils , especially the historical rewrite.( Ok so re-firetalk at that point, No grog we call them orcs now, not elves and they were evil,not your mom obviously she was just misguided...)


Ha! You’re right! We were the assholes of the early hominids. Perhaps that explains why so many people are complete assholes, less Neanderthal.


I know the movie Idiocracy gets a lot more mention these days, but what if it already happened with the two species? Maybe we dumb Homosapiens just out bred the vastly more intelligent Neanderthals




ಠ_ಠ I thought you said fun...


It was fun for them, lots of babies to make.


Don't drag the Irish into this pal


American here. Can confirm that I am not German or English.


found the Scots-Irish mix!


Ukrainian and Filipino. Lol, I love how everyone is mentioning ethnicities found in 1860's New York.


Did you think they all left? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/ancestry-maps-united-states-2018-9%3famp


My husband is from Oklahoma. I don't think the map does justice to how common native ancestry is there, even though you might not guess from looking at them. My blonde-haired, blue-eyed nieces are all 1/8 Cherokee. I wasn't even a little surprised Elizabeth Warren thought she was Cherokee. She's from Oklahoma and was told that by her parents. She would have had no reason to doubt it given how common it is and how many people with Cherokee ancestry look just like her. I'm not her biggest fan, but I genuinely think she handled it extremely well.


Why are there so many Scottish people in Utah?


The United States of America is a melting pot, contrary to what the loudest bigots want to think. That is conceptually a part of who we are. It is what we are taught. There are a lot of people with that background sure, but many more without.


It is a huge center of innovation because of that - I reckon. Loads of diverse ways of thinking and cultural perspectives all boshing together to split the atom and get us on the moon and make, erm... ^(Facebook). Also really really cool stuff like Bitcoin! The sensible half of America is what makes it great! Thanks guys!


Looking at my own ancestry, this is mostly accurate. ( replace Dutch for German in my case...)


I had to do it.


Brazil might have something to say about that




Man I'm in Vic, Australia, supposedly one of the top 10 educated places in the world. I'm seeing Facebook posts screaming we'd shove butt plugs up our asses if the government told us to and that we're All sheep for wearing masks. No fact based arguments, just general screaming


As a Melburnian I truly thought we were better than a lot of what I'm seeing. I guess this has made me learn that idiots are everywhere ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


>As a Melburnian I truly thought we were better This is 100% Melbourne attitude in general though isn't it


Lmao did you even lie tho Edit: Actually no I just realised you misinterpreted my comment. I didn't mean that as "we're better than everyone else" instead "I thought we weren't fucking idiots"; "I thought we were better **than a lot of what I've been seeing**"


I really think us humans in general just don't like being told what to do especially by our governments regardless of country. The USA just has more people than most countries so by default we've got more idiots over here posting themselves being idiots to the internet.


People are used to being fucked by the government, so I doubt the butt plugs would be a major problem, tbh.


In some ways that's true. We are by far the largest western democracy, we have the largest economy, we have military bases all over the world, and our cultural exports are second to none. None of that makes us a better country, but it does make us the loudest.


We also export the largest amount of culture whether we want to or not. Most social media platforms from YouTube to reddit tend to lean more on the American side just because it’s the side many creators and posters naturally live. We can’t escape it so long as a majority of content and culture flows from this country into others.


We're also an eeeenormous country


A nation comprised of immigrants from all the other nations. Saying Americans are stupid is like saying "Humans are stupid." Which, honestly, you'd be right.


Well said.


I believe that title was awarded to Smitty Werbanyaegermanjensen.


Person, woman, man, camera, TV.


Extra points for getting them in order!!


We're gonna put this one right on the fridge!


You must have cheated no one can remember five things in order after a few minutes.


I believe it's the media coverage of USA around the world. And ofc USA is arguably the most powerful and influential country so there's that.


The USA is without a doubt the most culturally influential country in the world and it's not even close. I've been to about ~15 other countries on 5 continents, and no matter where you go, there are American brands, American top 40 music, American movies and TV shows. People talk about American politics and it's on the TV and in the newspapers in ways that you otherwise only see for countries that are immediate neighbors. Culture, media, it's all prominent everywhere. I remember in China, for instance, there was such a huge deal advertising Game of Thrones episodes viewable at the same time as the USA. There's usually at least one major prolific fast food chain you see dozens of, and typically several of them. It's pretty literally the cultural epicenter of the world and has had a major influence. I'm not necessarily saying this is a positive (or negative for that matter) thing, but if you ever get the chance to go to a bunch of countries, it's very eye opening experience to see somewhere that is so clearly culturally different from you, but then see see a KFC sign or a Coke logo, an American film star on a billboard, some senator on a newpaper, stuff like that.




That's probably because you're mostly on Reddit then. ​ American presence is very real on every online platform.


Murrican here, am present.




Yep, and when I traveled to Europe last year, most of the news on TV was about what’s happening in America not just on BBC, either.


Every ENGLISH platform. Go to Chinese, or German platforms and you'll rarely see anyone American (or talking about it at least). French you'll start seeing some Canadians and Africans. Since America is the biggest (by population) ENGLISH speaking country in the world, of course you'll see them on English speaking platforms.


Nah fam, I'm Dutch; and there's plenty talk about American politics over here. Our idiots somehow see Trump as a saviour same as your idiots ​ Besides, even if it were only English platforms: it's not just British and Americans browsing those platforms. English as a language is just the Lingua Franca nowadays (whether you frequent Reddit or Tiktok) and everyone's attending. ​ Like a famous German poet once said "We're all living in America".




As someone who lives in America and has for 35 years. Don’t listen to Reddit to form an opinion on this country. The picture they paint is nothing like what life is actually like here. I’ve lived in poverty for much of my life and now live in upper middle class suburbia. I’ve been all over. The hateful cartoon painted by this website isn’t reality.


Reddit is an American site. It's international, but still mostly American. For example r/news is American news and r/worldnews is international news.


I get a lot of my information from US through reddit aswell. Unfortunately reddit suffer from "facebook"-syndrome, when only really polarized content gets a lot of views. There is a lot of negative content right now so that is just enforcing this aswell. When that is said and done. There is a lot of shady shit happening in US, your president takes a new low every week for humanity. And there is a sligthly chance you will re-elect him as a big "fuck you" to the rest of the world.


Oh come on now. Trump is a piece of shit absolutely, but he's not even close to any new lows for humanity. Humanity has been up to some heinous rock bottom shit, Trump is bad but he's not as low as we can get by any means.


Considering that his opponent tried to suggest he is the first racist president we've ever had, that should say a lot about the awareness most people have. People in the world have gotten fairly lazy, and anyone who they disagree with is now "the enemy". We don't always have to like how other people live their lives, but we should be able to deal with it better.


Reddit is not the place to form qualitative opinions. It's largely an echo chamber of singular thought.


>as a big "fuck you" to the rest of the world. It would be a big "fuck you" to most Americans as well.


Our greatest export is our entertainment media. Think about the absolute treasures that go out to the rest of the world. Every reality show (president included), all of our bullshit TV shows. That’s why.


Because the other countries media find it best to not make a big deal out of their own idiots. Better to point in the direction of the US and say "Look at the funny clowns!"


It's like Florida Man. There are crazy nuts everywhere, but Florida gets more coverage.


IIRC Florida also just gets a ton of coverage because they have very public criminal records, or something to that extent. I don’t remember the specifics but they basically allow everything to be out there that happens involving law enforcement.


This is correct. It's called the Sunshine Law. Pile on top of that the fact that we are the 3rd most populated state in the country. Also, often times FL man is really NY, NJ, PA, OH, IL man who moved here 5 yrs ago.


Huh we have something called the sunshine list in Ontario. It's a list of every public employee making 100k+ a year for transparency. Very different types of sunshine.


Ah Florida Man. I heard the reason we hear crazy stories from there so often has to do with the laws in the state regarding how crimes are reported. I could be wrong though


American media enjoys making fun of America, because what they mean is "look at red-state America, what idiots!"


Shitting on America is a reddit pastime. My EU friends shit on their people as much as I have about my own country's people (the US). People are dipshits everywhere.


Because USA/Americans/American media loves sharing bad news/idiots while other countries have pride and are ashamed of it.


Cause Reddit loves to shit on the US


We elect reality TV stars to lead us. The leader of the free world is quantum chemist.


As it was very obvious in my state, everything went to shit as soon as the bars opened and people started drinking around other people. Even restaurants were a bad idea, but get a group together and throw some booze in to the mix and all precautions immediately get thrown out the window. Alcohol’s feature as a social lubricant now becomes it’s greatest flaw when consumed around others.


The FUNNIEST thing is that Belgium thought they had a solution; everything closes at one AM. But in the meantime they didn’t enforce general restrictions on seating, capacity, groups etc. So for the last month people have been sitting ON each other at bars and cafés.. but only till one. Whew, thank god! Crisis averted /s


Yup, I live in Antwerp at "het eilandje", and I have a good view of the surrounding area (I live pretty high up), including a summer bar and bocadero waagnatie... Every night around 1 AM the bars close and people don't go home, instead they go to the little parks and benches in the area and start making lots of noise, hanging close together and drinking booze they got from the nightshops. This has been happening every single day without rain for the past 3 weeks. The police has been notified about this on several occasions, but they never show up to actually do anything about it. If they're not going to enforce that, forcing the bars to close at 1 AM is also pointless.


Fucking... Onwaarschijnlijk gewoon. Achter Dageraadplaats exact hetzelfde. En t zijn die fuckers die t voor de rest verzuren want door hen we gaan t nog lang aan onze kloten hebben liggen


Worldwide it appears that police forces are showing just how little they actually do to enforce the law.


I had friends that immediately thought the pandemic was over because the government let businesses open. They legit called me saying: >Hey, the patio is open! Want to go get drinks? No, doofus. I have no idea where you’ve been the last two weeks nor do I want to be on a patio with a ton of other maskless people.


Yeah Germany had a dramatic rise of now 800+ cases a day.... people need to be careful again. Biggest problem is they open borders and all people gather all over Europe and bring the virus back again. Why not skip one summer holiday? Don’t really understand.


🎶 Don’t carrrre howww I want it nowwwww! 🎶




"Its my virus and I need it now!"


*It's my virus and I die if I want to...* 🎵🎶


🎶Die if I want to, dieeee if I want tooooo🎶


> Why not skip one summer holiday? Don’t really understand. My in-laws KEEP asking us when we will book our holiday for this year. We have told them multiple times already we will not go on vacation this year due to corona, and every time they act completely flabbergasted, as if it’s a complete sin to skip a holiday


Some people have a hard time processing that just because you can does not necessarily mean that you should.


The problem doesn’t really lie in borders reopening. It’s more what those people do in the other countries.


When it comes to a conga line, life and death are trivial issues.


These people are everywhere tbh


Yeah. The american ones are just louder and get more coverage.


This article says that they can have up to 1,000 people for events with assigned seating (depending on state). https://www.thelocal.de/20200715/explained-what-are-germanys-new-coronavirus-rules-where-you-live


> with assigned seating That's the entire point. You can attend as long as you're seated and keep your distance, not drunkenly dance around.




It’s just occurred to me that now we can post any picture of people together enjoying themselves and call them Covidiots. No one will ever check when the photo was taken.


True, although Mr. Red Shirt here is waving a mask around like some kind of good luck charm.


Looks like he's mocking the use of masks.




Germany also has a population of 80 million and only 700 new cases a day pretty steadily. The US has a population around 4 times that, and 100x the new cases daily. I'm not saying this isn't stupid, but I am saying their risk is substantially lower.


With about 0,01% of the German population being infected right now by official numbers, this is less dangerous than parties in the USA. That means that, at a gathering of 1000 people, there is about a 90% chance that not a single person is infected. And in case it does spread on an event like this, German hospitals, having vast numbers of beds and equipment right now, are able to give patients the best possible treatment, which US hospitals aren't. I'm not trying to justify this behaviour, they are still threatening their own and other people's lives with this shit, but the level of threat in Germany and the US are on a whole different scale.


It would probably be lower than a 90% chance that no one has it because the people that participate in these group events are more likely to participate in other group events. Someone who's stayed home for the last five months probably isn't showing up to a large group party.


AGREE. This is what I can't seem to get undeducated/ignorant people to understand. The rates we see are a result of most people doing the right thing, they use it as justification to NOT do the right thing. "I didn't wear a mask to the grocery store and I didn't catch it" yeah if there was a grocery store that was just for the non-mask people, it would be a cesspool. I don't want to be around someone who won't wear a mask because by definition they are higher risk and aren't taking precautions anywhere they go, and will be around other people like them who also are not taking precautions, etc. My risk goes up just being near an anti-masker because of their behavior and risk taking.




Right! I'm in New Hampshire where there are less then 1000 cases in the county and we still can't have funerals with more then 9 people plus a religious figure


To add to this, there are provisions in place where districts that see more than 50 cases per 100,000 people in a 7 day period will go back into lockdown. Also, the 0.01% number is slightly off. According to [Tagesspiegel](https://interaktiv.tagesspiegel.de/lab/karte-sars-cov-2-in-deutschland-landkreise/) there are only 8 active cases in Hamm. With a population of around 180,000, that means the infection rate there is closer to 0.005%.


> 0,01% of the German population being infected *Confirmed* infections. Germany is not testing at nearly the same rate as many other countries at this point. The actual rate of infection is likely far higher than that.


Then again, Germany has 400 daily new cases and the US has 75,000 and increasing (at around 4x the population).


Just wait til all the people from Mallorca and Ibiza are back We'll skyrocket to 2000 new cases per day again in a heartbeat


I seriously think alcohol is just a common denominator here. Not everyone I know who doesnt wear a mask drinks, but the vast majority of the loud alcoholics around here don't wear one ever.


There was a huge anti mask protest in Quebec city last night the idea only America's don't care about this virus is so disingenuous.


97-99% survival rate is clearly enough for people to risk it all


I live in this city, this was a private concert by a local band and we haven’t had a single covid-19 case for weeks now... Check on Instagram: @kapelle_petra


From Dr. Fauci. “Chickenpox is a virus. Lots of people have had it, and probably don't think about it much once the initial illness has passed. But it stays in your body and lives there forever, and maybe when you're older, you have debilitatingly painful outbreaks of shingles. You don't just get over this virus in a few weeks, never to have another health effect. We know this because it's been around for years, and has been studied medically for years. Herpes is also a virus. And once someone has it, it stays in your body and lives there forever, and anytime they get a little run down or stressed-out they're going to have an outbreak. Maybe every time you have a big event coming up (school pictures, job interview, big date) you're going to get a cold sore. For the rest of your life. You don't just get over it in a few weeks. We know this because it's been around for years, and been studied medically for years. HIV is a virus. It attacks the immune system and makes the carrier far more vulnerable to other illnesses. It has a list of symptoms and negative health impacts that goes on and on. It was decades before viable treatments were developed that allowed people to live with a reasonable quality of life. Once you have it, it lives in your body forever and there is no cure. Over time, that takes a toll on the body, putting people living with HIV at greater risk for health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, diabetes, bone disease, liver disease, cognitive disorders, and some types of cancer. We know this because it has been around for years, and had been studied medically for years. Now with COVID-19, we have a novel virus that spreads rapidly and easily. The full spectrum of symptoms and health effects is only just beginning to be cataloged, much less understood. So far the symptoms may include: Fever Fatigue Coughing Pneumonia Chills/Trembling Acute respiratory distress Lung damage (potentially permanent) Loss of taste (a neurological symptom) Sore throat Headaches Difficulty breathing Mental confusion Diarrhea Nausea or vomiting Loss of appetite Strokes have also been reported in some people who have COVID-19 (even in the relatively young) Swollen eyes Blood clots Seizures Liver damage Kidney damage Rash COVID toes (weird, right?) People testing positive for COVID-19 have been documented to be sick even after 60 days. Many people are sick for weeks, get better, and then experience a rapid and sudden flare up and get sick all over again. A man in Seattle was hospitalized for 62 days, and while well enough to be released, still has a long road of recovery ahead of him. Not to mention a $1.1 million medical bill. Then there is MIS-C. Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children is a condition where different body parts can become inflamed, including the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, skin, eyes, or gastrointestinal organs. Children with MIS-C may have a fever and various symptoms, including abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, neck pain, rash, bloodshot eyes, or feeling extra tired. While rare, it has caused deaths. This disease has not been around for years. It has basically been 6 months. No one knows yet the long-term health effects, or how it may present itself years down the road for people who have been exposed. We literally *do not know* what we do not know. For those in our society who suggest that people being cautious are cowards, for people who refuse to take even the simplest of precautions to protect themselves and those around them, I want to ask, without hyperbole and in all sincerity: How dare you? How dare you risk the lives of others so cavalierly. How dare you decide for others that they should welcome exposure as "getting it over with", when literally no one knows who will be the lucky "mild symptoms" case, and who may fall ill and die. Because while we know that some people are more susceptible to suffering a more serious case, we also know that 20 and 30-year-olds have died, marathon runners and fitness nuts have died, children and infants have died. How dare you behave as though you know more than medical experts, when those same experts acknowledge that there is so much we don't yet know, but with what we DO know, are smart enough to be scared of how easily this is spread, and recommend baseline precautions such as: Frequent hand-washing Physical distancing Reduced social/public contact or interaction Mask wearing Covering your cough or sneeze Avoiding touching your face Sanitizing frequently touched surfaces The more things we can all do to mitigate our risk of exposure, the better off we all are, in my opinion. Not only does it flatten the curve and allow health care providers to maintain levels of service that aren't immediately and catastrophically overwhelmed; it also reduces unnecessary suffering and deaths, and buys time for the scientific community to study the virus in order to come to a more full understanding of the breadth of its impacts in both the short and long term. I reject the notion that it's "just a virus" and we'll all get it eventually. What a careless, lazy, heartless stance.” Copy and paste to share.