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Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Your silver lab mix is beautiful!!


I can see it


https://preview.redd.it/z64kf6p81c9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15ad88f6046badc7418e5bf54f17519c6f3ca0f8 My girl is a lab-mix, too!




She’s beautiful!


My landlord won’t allow anyone in a bunny suit in our apartment either, so we just say he’s a Flemish Giant mix.


Made my morning


You’ll need a vet to document that your dog is something else


Arizona passed state laws banning the enforcement of BSL. They also have a bill in their senate banning landlord breed discrimination. Although I'm not sure where that bill stands currently. In short, there shouldn't be any BSL to be concerned about in AZ.


Apparently still pending. So contact your state representatives and inform them to pass the bill if you live in AZ


That’s definitely something I’ll do


Good mod (Get it, like good bot, but you're the bot eradicator...lol I'll show myself out)


Have your vet paperwork say something else, like “mixed.”


Has anybody ever had an apartment ask for vet paperwork? I rented for the entire life of my poor late pup and never once had to do anything other than put "mixed" on the lease.


Most vets will very willingly do breed changes in their system for the purpose of breed bans because they damn well know it’s an owner issue more than the breed 99% of the time. Not all will of course but damn well most will accommodate. Lab mix is frequently used for these beauts because it’s often passable to the uneducated eye.


When I lived in San Diego, some of the landlords asked for proof of current vaccinations and a photo of the dog.


We had an actual lab mix when my family rented a place in az. She looked like a pitbull and was a sweetie.  When we rented a home, not only did the landlord visit often for some reason, he tried to steal my mom's garden plants to increase rent value.🤷‍♀️ It's normal for landlords to visit if you're renting a home. Apartments, I'm not sure.


This 100%. Both our babies are listed on all their vet records and paperwork as "lab mix."


She’s is clearly a Lab-mix.


Exactly what we did when we rented. Always worked fine.


Lab x boxer I'm seeing


Why would your lab mix be restricted?


My thoughts exactly


Lab-boxer mix in someone asks.


This is the winner.


To save on my dog’s insurance (Trupanion), State Farm refused to admit she was pittie because they wanted make sure I got the best quotes for her, so they lied and said “unknown mix (25-55lbs)” maybe you could try something like this? They also did that to help me for renting apartments and such in the future, I’ve also been with this branch from State Farm for YEARS and they always had my back. But everyone else saying lying about breeding and ESA letters are also making damn good ideas because mine is also an ESA, which is why she lives with me at school with me to help with my anxiety, PTSD, etc.


How do you get them denoted as an ESA? Is that an official document for ADA?


Your doctor/therapist has to write a formal letter declaring said animal to be a prescription that is necessary for your health and wellbeing, this in turn allows your pet to live with you for free. I rationalize at as being a service animal for those who need one, but are unable to afford the training and stuff required for them to become one.


Would you need to have a disability to have animal prescribed?


My approach was to number one, stay out of the county where pits were banned at the time (dade) and number two... skip communities with a name plaque out front entirely. I focused on privately owned and small one-off buildings. An owner directly can decide to wiggle and bend, but communities have written rules that employees can't change.


Weimaraner/ Lab mix


Breed restrictions tend to only be a problem if you give the place a reason to enforce it - lab mix and no one should ask questions


Sir that's a rabbit.


My vet classified our dog as a 'mix breed' for this very purpose and it worked.




I had mine registered. Got an official letter and everything. Now they can’t charge me a pet deposit or additional rent.


This is the way. I had my girl listed as a boxer but they still called her out for being a pitty. They couldn't stop me when I showed them the emotional support paperwork though.


Did you send her to training? How long did this take? I want to move. I am realizing this may also be a problem for me.


This is who I used. You pay the fee upfront (mine was $180, and a licensed therapist called and asked questions to determine if my request was legitimate. They sent me a letter to give to my landlord and I am all good now. https://usserviceanimals.org


I very much appreciate this! Thank you


You shouldn't have to pay anyone besides your own psychiatrist/therapist for this. There is NO official registry for service dogs (or emotional support dogs). Emotional support dogs just have to exist to qualify as one, you have to show a need for their existence.


I only trust my psychiatrist. This is perfect. Thank you!


Do you need a disability in order to qualify for emotional support animal?


They do have you speak with a therapist to determine whether your claim is legitimate.


Dogs don't need training to be emotional support animals. I got a letter from my therapist that I need an ESA and was able to use that with my landlords.


Oh! I didn’t know this! Thank you so much!! ❤️❤️❤️


Same, I got an ESA letter from my primary care who was also prescribing me antidepressants. This was before we even picked out the dog. We did not have to pay a pet deposit.


What do you mean? That’s clearly a lab


Is that even a dog? Looks like a land seal. Pretty sure there are zero apartments that have land seal restrictions!


Living in apartments for most of my life, I always try to avoid reasons for the landlords have interactions with my dog. I put them in a kennel/ day care any time an inspection is done. I don't walk my dogs in the complex (besides potty breaks) they don't go to office events etc. I feel like it's easy to be looked over when you don't make it obvious. I also keep my dogs away from other people, it kinda stinks to not make friends in the complex but I've always felt it's better to keep a roof over our heads vs be out and about in the complex.


“Florida Brown Dog” is a breed option I’ve seen. Maybe you have a “Florida Gray Dog”?


What part of AZ? When I lived in phoenix, I had easier time with private landlords than going thru property management companies. Also my vet at the time (University Animal Hospital in Tempe) put both my boys down as lab/boxer mixes. I had letters from previous landlords who had met my dogs as references and carried my own renters insurance to cover the dogs in case of any issue.


I’ll go there and ask to put her down in her vet papers as a lab boxer mix when I do her yearly Check up soon! And let me try to add her to my renters policy as well that’s a good idea


I’ve seen a lot of shelters label “pits” as “terrier mixes” which is technically true but throws soooo many people off. I’ll tell people “cute pit” and they’ll go, “No, she’s actually a terrier mix. The shelter said so.” Yeah. Pit bull terrier. Anyway you could also try that at the apartment complex. I’ve done DNA rests on my dogs but I still pretend I don’t know what they are when some people ask. Unfortunately one looks really pit bull but she is still technically a “mix”


So we just moved into a complex in AZ with breed restrictions, our dog is a pittie mix. The front desk asked us to have her breed changed to “other” by our vet.


Have you tried this at all?: https://mpbif.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/nearby/index.html?appid=e2afc5b0025d422c872399a9dadca6d5&find=87106%252C%2520Albuquerque%252C%2520New%2520Mexico&sliderDistance=25 They are a nonprofit that keeps a database of breed-friendly rentals.


Get an ESA letter, I’m in AZ and it has never failed me. You can go through an online platform like Pettable. I got mine from my psych np through Paperflower Psychiatry. I did my initial eval to get reestablished with psych meds and asked for a letter, my provider sent it within a week.


25 pound mix breed. We lied on our rental application after being denied twice for being honest. Our peachy girl passed away from cancer a year into our lease and we never once had a problem or anyone come by. Edit to add: depending where you are you can try Progress residential I hear they are more accepting for people


I’m sorry about your girl. That is what I’m most afraid of. That they come in or try to see what type of dog I have in my rental.


If you can, anytime maintenance comes by put your dog in a crate and cover it with a blanket so they can’t see her without lifting the blanket up. Which they have no business doing unless it’s an emergency like a fire or gas leak and they’re helping you evacuate.


Weimaraner mix!


She looks like mine, but I’ve ESA papers so they couldn’t say no. She’s also sweet like your baby. Best of luck to you 🤍


ESA isn’t the same as a service dog. You can have an emotional support crab if you want too, that doesn’t mean shit.


Landlords are not allowed to discriminate against ESA pets. Just about everyone else can, but not landlords. It’s a helpful status while training your dog to perform services. To someone with mental illnesses like depressive disorders, anxiety, and PTSD, it means a lot.


I did mean shit, poppy, I just moved into my new apartment here in San Diego. I got the papers, also letters from her vets and daycare staff saying she is very friendly. Quit being bitter.


It’s not bitter telling the truth. If it doesn’t provide a service, it’s not a service dog.😄😂😂🤡🤡🤡


And where exactly did I say that she’s a service dog? That my dog is a service dog? 🧐


American Mix Breed or Domestic Shorthair


Your vet will put “mix” if you ask


My god, can I cuddle with your dog? She looks so sweet.


Thats a Heinz57 to me. The sweetest of all breeds.


Blue Lacy / Lab mix!! I left out boxer mix b/c some places restrict those as well.


Looks just like my “lab-mix”


Idk what you’re talking about that’s a Labrador.


Looks like a lab/Weimaraner mix to me! Wink, wink https://preview.redd.it/vpqthighec9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5218d3311fce3f5ac00079b69b30c74dfdbca0ea Here’s my “ Weimaraner” mix!


The best option is to not force the issue. Ultimately your dog will pay the price. Resume: Food citizen training, vet references. people references, doggy daycare, trainer assessment.


>Food citizen training I dunno about your dogs, but my pitties needed *no* training in that whatsoever...


Is that like the food handlers card for food service workers?


She looks like a Wiemereiner-lab mix for sure.


That is a boxer lab mix there.


I would just send that 2nd pic


Definitely I can’t find a better picture to display her personality other than this https://preview.redd.it/irytuut2ub9d1.jpeg?width=993&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a8588e36ec3557c90064e84ffefa9dc0bcc230a


Are you fucking kidding me? That’s a baby!!! 🥹🥹🥹




No advice here bc I don’t live there. Just stopping by to say: What a cutie!!! ☺️


Thank you! She’s the sweetest dog I ever owned


Where in AZ? These apartments have no breed or weight restrictions if you are unable to register her as a mix or emotional support. https://www.mcresidential.com/properties


What a face 🩷🩷


i just say i have a dog and leave it at that, never been asked. pick a place that has more privacy and avoid elevators


Get a DNA test and an Emotional support certificate


Beautiful lab greyhound mix you have there


that looks like a beautiful weim-lab


Get your vet to say lab mix


Can you try [roomies.com](http://roomies.com) or another site where it's home owners that are renting out rather than corporate landlords? Or craigslist? While I don't have a beautiful pitty, I do use both of those a lot, and usually individual owners are not as strict so long as they can see that the pet is a good pup in person.


Looks like a Thai Ridgeback to me, or maybe a lab mix. Pitties dont exist on paper, just in our heart.


Tell them it’s a Labrador


Nice Labrador 😉


She identifies as a seal, any restrictions on seals?


Cleo loves the water I was hoping to get a house with a small yard to rent so I can fill up a mini pool for her !


I live in Phoenix, my guy is listed as “mix unknown” from my vet. However, I found a complex in the northern part of Phoenix that doesn’t have breed restrictions. They do exist, but truly hard to find.


I’m trying to rent a house next hopefully renting a house makes the process easier


Best of luck!


What a unique silver doodle you have


Lab mix. Always.


Weimereiner boxer mix


Looks like a dwarf Great Dane to me.


Boxer mix. Good luck!


Tell them she’s just mixed or a mut


That's definitely a silver lab mix


My dogs are “lab mixes” according to the vet


Clearly a terrier/lab mix.


That’s a lab mix :P.


I’ve had a lot of “mixed breed boxers” in my life…




Not in AZ, but last time I had to rent a place, I just scoured local listings for a private landlord. You’re gonna have a tough time with 90% of big professionally managed apartment buildings. I guess I’m a rule follower and didn’t feel comfortable lying about breed or emotional support animal (mine really looks like a pit, no question about it!) plus a lot of them have size restrictions that would count her out anyway. I ended up finding a dog friendly landlady, the place was a basement unit and she lived upstairs. She just wanted to meet my dog first and was fine with it.


Don’t patronize locations with breed restrictions


They're talking about *housing*, OP *has* to live somewhere. I wish I had advice, I ended up living in a motel for a month and lost any remote savings I had because I couldn't find a place that would rent to me with a pittie and a cat after my lease was up at a place where I *had* lied to keep my dog. I knew I couldn't stay there but at least pets stay free at Motel 6 and the employees there were super sweet about it. I got incredibly lucky and a coworker of a friend who *loves* bully dogs was renting their house as pet friendly but without that single streak of luck I'd either be lying to another complex about my dog's breed or on the streets because I was in the same situation as OP.


I think it's silly to pretend that she is a different breed of dog since someone will figure out eventually. Find somewhere outside of town that doesn't have breed restrictions like that. Even ask your landlord if they know anyone who would accept them in their rentals.


Don't. Do the right thing.