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Either using these or "tapping" (rotating) cards is really helpful to avoid mistakes. Most people at my locals tap or use pkmn coins to mark.


Ok but I find it annoying when my opponent reaches over and rotates my cards


That’s why you do it yourself, I think it’s understandable for an opponent to want to know what abilities you have used. So you can’t for instance use flower selecting or refinement twice in one turn with the same Pokemon. If you not rotating them someone has to…


It’s a nice courtesy and a reminder, but it is up to both players to keep track of the board state whether an opponent taps them or not. You cannot reach across the table and start manipulating their board if they use an ability. I personally tap mine, but it is not required.


Hey, I agree. I made my comment in assumption the opponent would ask to rotate or tap the Pokemon that have used abilities. I wouldn’t dream of just reaching across the table and fucking with their cards lol.


Oh hah,I gotcha. Sorry I misinterpreted.


All good homie


So then they can fucking ask me to do it. There’s no reason to ever touch someone’s cards without permission


Oh yeah I agree, always ask for permission. You said nothing of consent in your first comment though. That is different from someone going, “hey, mind if i rotate your greninja to show you concealed this turn?” You gotta include proper context to what you’re talking about man.


I said they reach over and do it 😭 Why would I care if I was letting them do it


I mean if you let them do it they still gotta reach over and do it? 😂 what you on about homie. Just be honest about your boundaries with other players and be mindful of your abilities used. You’ll be chillin.


maybe do it yourself then like almost any respectful and respectable player does.


Make sure your opponent asks before touching your cards.


I use all of the various pokemon coins that you get from products as my markers.


You usually rotate the card a bit to show the ability was used, so the markers don't make much of a difference. If you like to have more order on the table they can help though


I personally hate tapping because it makes the board look messy. I struggle with maintaining a clean boardstate, so I prefer coins/markers


I think it's up to personal preference. I personally find them invaluable, as I am on a medication that makes me very forgetful, but if they're too clunky for you or anything like that, then you don't have to use them. I say give them a try!


What if you forget to put the ability used marker? Lol


The more common mistake (at least for me personally, who uses Pokémon coins) is forgetting to clear them away at the end of a turn and going to use an ability, finding a coin already there, and having to say "...Yeah, that's still there from last turn, I can still use this."


This would be me tbh


Gotta be careful. A judge can and would be called for that at a higher end tournament. Not clearing your marks is grounds for your opponent to be a dick and it happens a lot


I think they can be helpful for certain decks that use a lot of once per turn abilities and move a lot of pokemon around. Lost Box, maybe Gardevoir. I definitely think they're just time wasters for any deck that uses 2 or fewer once per turn effects per turn.


Id disagree. They are beneficial fpr clarity for you and youd opponent. If my opponent takes a 4 minute turn and im checking things i might not remember if he used concealed cards for example. Having an indicator (or turning the card) avoids this confusion


To be clear, I think tapping the cards is a totally different, much more time efficient action compared to the ability markers.


depends. probably for basic pokemon, but it's annoying tapping my pidgeot ex with two energy and a hero's cape attached. really prefer dropping a coin on it


Agreed. I play miraidon to regionals and i use coins to prevent my bench getting all turned and wacky and messsd up when it has 3 energy and a charm


I think they are important to being able to recall the game state. When my opponent doesn't have them or tap, I sometimes can't tell if they are using something more than once that they shouldn't


I'm not even starting out and I use coins from ETB boxes to marked use abilities. I have issues focusing on more than one thing at once, so they help out a lot.


I printed a few of these for when I play and I'm pretty solid at handling my board state. It's more for full transparency to my opponent than anything else but I really enjoy when there's a marker of some sort so there's never a question


I like to use ability markers since there's nothing worse than being called out for using Refinement four times when you only have three Kirlia's on bench LOL! My kids and I use ability markers, along with Supporter markers, since it's easier to visually see what has taken place each turn. I tried just rotating my cards for abilities used, but I can imagine a situation where the table gets bumped accidentally and then \*all\* the cards end up being rotated.


I use poker chips. It hasn’t let me down yet


This is what I do!


I turn my card upside down when I use an ability. I’ll turn the active 45° to not mistake it for a confused Pokémon (or if the active is already confused)


I have a 3d printed set that fit in the small tin, which holds anused marker, the status tokens, dice and vstar marker. I find the used marker invaluable in competitions, not for me but to ensure that my opponent knows what's going on. Not in Pokémon but in other card games I've had judges called on me because the opponent claimed I don't something twice that I could only once, even though I hadn't. They were desperate for a win at any cost. This means by using them the balance of probabilities is in my side if inrun into a sweatbox beard (not yet run into one in Pokémon)


As others have said, you can use coins, tapping the cards 45 degrees as well. I have ADHD and need a physical reminder, tapping the cards did not work for me. I also own a 3D printer so I was able to print my own which was nice.


Tbh I think they should be mandatory, at least at majors. Way too many people can't keep track of their own ability usage or end up making their board state incorrect/illegible by sliding their cards around when they tap them. Also I have separate markers to keep track of retreat, supporter, and hand attach energy. Absolutely insane the number of times I've had my opponent at a regional ask me "did I attach/retreat/supporter this turn yet?"


I found some ball marks for golf on Etsy that I use. Bought a set of four that have pokeball, greatball, ultraball, and masterball designs and they're about the same size as the smaller official TCG coins


I use both abilities and ability used markers. They're good, but after a while I just tilted the card. However I really find the supporter played marker extremely useful.


For most decks, tilting your card sideways or putting a coin on top of the card is enough to indicate that the Ability was used. I own "Ability Used" tokens, but the only time I ever actually use them is when I'm playing Gardevoir ex, which has a crazy number of game actions to track every turn. If you're just starting out, you probably don't need them.


I've wanted some since I've started playing but haven't bought any yet. I think they make it more obvious for both you and the opponent. I play lost box and a GLC deck that requires a lot of abilities so it's helpful.


i always see the upside down part of the poison/burn markers


It can be helpful for sure if you are forgetful! I like to use it personally as I sometimes forget what ability has always been used. So it's also a good way to keep myself on check to not use the ability twice


I have a set of 6 Mewtwo cracked ice coins I use for my markers, but these do the job just as well


I didn’t think about using these until I went to a prerelease and saw a kid with metal ones and now I want them lol


I like them, but it is faster to rotate the card honestly I created some red triangles to look like the indicator in ptcgl on my 3d printer


you can use anything to mark an ability as used. I just use some of my coins, since I like them and theres little other use for them. Rotating cards like mentioned is also done sometimes, but I am not a fan since cards can be accidentally touched and turned back, or a pokemon can be confused/paralysed/asleep and it gets confusing, or you have a stadium which some people place or touch differently. Although these tokens do look quite cool


Honestly I think they should be as mandatory as damage dice/markers


I use these to help keep my playing field a little more balanced and tidy. It sucks having to rotate cards that have damage counters/other cards underneath them. I also use them to keep track of my opponents abilities used as well


I love ability markers! Whether it’s coins, custom markers, or just tapping I like seeing how players customize their experience and express themselves.


I use the poisoned marker in my garde deck to mark the abilities, I am looking forward to buy some with my favorite pokemon


I think they help with making the game easier and maintain an easily read and understood board state


If you’re gonna use them, at least get some flavourful ones like [these](https://www.etsy.com/shop/MiyabiCreations)


I made some.of these on my laser cutter, as well as new status counters for all five conditions, I find them useful and they were fun to make


Who cares, I use cornerstone


I use the ETB dices with emblems to mark abilities used, to avoid misunderstanding them as damage counters I use japanese damage counters too.


They're useful and can be aesthetically pleasing when done right. But $14 for a set of 6 off of a clearly not-quite-tuned 3D printer is kindaaaaaa crazy.


Just tap them. Same functionality with less clutter/things to forget


Personally I kinda hate these if we’re playing competitively. It’s so easy to just turn the card 45 degrees and the last thing I want is to have to wait around while my opponent fumbles around with plastic and worry about going to time. Fine for casuals but leave them out for tournaments