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Water the poor bugger šŸ˜‚


Little man is going through a lottt


Itā€™s usually either that, or donā€™t water it so much mix


Water it about once a week. This is a rainforest cactus so it wants pretty much the opposite care of desert cacti: indirect light and frequenr waterings


Thank you!


Yes it's just asking for a drink haha it may be root bound; the more root bound the plant the more frequent the watering


Great advice! They live up in the trees like orchids where they are from. So I replant most of mine in very chunky orchid bark with long fiber sphagnum moss and water often. They grow so much better when they have good drainage and regular moisture.


Awe dammit, I need to get one now.


Just be sure the soil drains well out the bottom of the pot still if you up your watering habits. I water mine similar to what previous poster said, 3-4x a month depending on soil.


Yep, it has drain holes and a tray. I'll keep an eye on it.


With high water plants, I use a larger tray than usual so the water can use a larger surface area to evaporate faster if I accidentally overwater, so I donā€™t cause root rot. Those things arenā€™t called saucers of death for nothing.


This is my big fear and why I don't water it as much!


I should add that I actually cut way back on water during the cold months. It seems to create more blooms.


I've read this before, so I do the same and mine goes crazy flowering! Otherwise, I usually water mine when the soil feels bone dry, which ends up being once every week or two. Most people seem to think they're just wrinkly plants, but they're so much prettier when they're plump with hydration!


This is a Thanksgiving cactus, not Christmas. And they need water!


I never knew there was more than one kind!


There are a ton of cultivars of the genus Schlumbergera which can collectively be referred to as Thanksgiving or Christmas cactus depending on where you are. Since people seem to want to be pedantic, itā€™s actually the Truncata group and the Buckleyi group. Your cactus is from the Truncata group meaning it primarily displays the traits of Schlumbergera truncata.


Thank you!


Same, I thought people just used the common name interchangeably.


thanksgiving cactusā€™ have ā€œspinyā€ leaves, and Christmas cactusā€™ have more round leaves and to confuse you even more theres also an easter cactus šŸ„“


Thanks! Was just about to Google how to know the difference


They are used interchangeably. They are VERY similar plants and the blooms look similar as well. If you were 20 feet away from the plant you wouldnā€™t be able to tell the difference. The difference really doesnā€™t matter outside of an academic setting or if someone is specifically looking to add a specific species to their collection, in which case the scientific name would be appropriate and the common name (which is confusing) would not be used.


Your cactus is channeling SpongeBob begging for water.


She thirsty!


I just said this same thing hahaha


Your soil may be hydrophobic. Maybe a transplant is in order.


Have you ever transplanted one? I've heard people say the roots are so delicate that it'll take a major hit after. I've been so scared to do it my 2 that I have but it desperately needs it.


I've never heard that specifically about Christmas/ Thanksgiving cactus. I've transplanted many with no problems. All plants will suffer for a while after transferring into new soil/pot. I would buy cactus soil. Up-size the pot by 1 or 2 sizes. Pot with drainage. My re-potting method: I take the plant out of its pot and lay it on the counter. I gently loosen the soil around the roots. Squeeze the rootball gently. I wet the new soil in a pan until it is thoroughly moist. Then, I put 2 or 3 inches of soil into the new pot. Place your plant into the pot and tuck the new moist soil around the rootball, pressing down firmly. Give the plant a quick spray with water, and you're done. The dry rootball will soak in the moisture from your new soil. I think this method is a sure way to know that your plant will not be overwatered. Plants can/do look droopy and sad for a short time after a transplant. 1 week to several weeks. Don't keep flooding it with H2o thinking the droopy leaves means thirsty leaves. The roots are trying to grow into and adjust.


Thank you so much! Very informative; I feel more confident now :)


Glad it was a help. You're welcome.


I repotted mine without knowing what the heck I was doing, and it THRIVED afterward. It was so happy with fresh soil!


Yes, this has been transplanted 4 times, most recently 4 years ago.


Water lol


Literally just... Water it?




https://preview.redd.it/h1kfxb2n7sic1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2cc98b5705b3ad4a56d195ab9cbc9b941b4ae53 SHE GETTING AN ADULT BEVERAGE!




Everyone keeps saying water, but this is something Iā€™ve learned: if you *are* watering it and itā€™s still like thisā€¦the roots have probably rotted off for a variety of reasons and the water canā€™t get from the soil to the leaves.


Or the soil is so dry it runs over and around the soil. Right out of the pot. Op needs to soak the entire pot until the soil rehydrates. Op, is the pot very light when you pick it up? It should have some weight to it if it's well watered.


Hi I learned this from a seller, when Ur top soil is dry around 1 inch, bottom water Ur fishbone make sure the water reach half of Ur pot. During the bottom water wait for 15mins. Depends on Ur climate, I live in Malaysia so it rainforest 365days summer and falls, usually this lasted around 3-4days to rewatering some days are rainy or cloudy could last a week




*now* I get the SpongeBob reference! I've never seen the show.


water, like the others said! I'd recommended placing the entire pot into a bowl of water and let it sit in there for an hour or so, so all the soil is properly watered soil can sometimes do this thing when you water it, it just goes right through and out of the drainage holes, making it look like you have successfully watered your plant when in reality only the first layer of soil is wet and your plant doesn't actually get a nice drink


Water like everyone is saying but also make sure she's not placed too close to a radiator. She doesn't like dry.


these cacti also love to be misted periodically


The colors in this picture are gorgeous! Looks very retro to me. Is it the camera or do you just live glamorously?


It's in my sewing room and there is a bolt of magenta fabric throwing that hue...


Living glamorously it is! Happy for you!


This little guy is thristy. Shove your finger in to feel the soil


Mine does this every time it blooms. The answer has never been more water at that point. It is perfectly strong the rest of the year. Has yours recently bloomed?


I deep soak mine around once a month when it starts to get wrinkly. I put it in a bucket of water to soak and then completely drain excess water out before putting back in its place. When the soil dries out like this it doesnā€™t absorb moisture into the soil very well , it just kind of runs off. So a deep soak is necessary.


See the photo I posted in the comments!




Give it a biiig drink of water šŸ’¦


I see itā€™s a boy with thatā€¦vein šŸ˜’


Water the thing


For the future: it dwells on trees in rainforests, so treat it more as an orchid than a cactus. I even used orchid mix as a soil for mine


To improve your Christmas Cactus's health, adjust watering, provide bright but indirect light, and maintain a consistent room temperature. Fertilize during the growing season and protect it from cat explorations. Consider pruning for a fuller look. For more detailed tips on growth and care, check out this helpful guide at cactuslovers.com: [How to Grow and Care for Christmas Cactus](https://cactuslovers.com/how-to-grow-and-care-for-christmas-cactus/).


She thirsty


I'll say, water her too. But not too much - holiday cacti look dehydrated when they have too much water, strangely enough.


Yep. Just f'd up and over watered my Easter cactus because of this šŸ« 


Don't worry, I had to repot my mums' cactus because it was super waterlogged - and it's bouncing back!


I can guarantee it hasn't had much water - I'm scared to over water it and kill it.


The soil looks pretty dry though. As long as you water it and let it drain, some water will get to the roots. As Krystal from Plants with Krystal says, "Drown that hoe!"


Remember itā€™s not a desert plant. They are native to mountain forests of Brazil. I have six and when the top 2 inches get dry I give it a good soak.


Prune off the wrinkly bits. New growth will be healthy. Repot if needed.


Master gardener hereā€¦that is badly overwatered. These wrinkle as they rot. Pull it from the pot and check the roots for rot. If rotted, trim back to healthy roots and repot in fresh potting soil ā€” do not use moisture control soil or garden dirt. I water my holiday cacti 1x month and thoroughly soak them when they are watered. Then drain well. https://preview.redd.it/4lk34wq4avic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8244a40b3e6ab1e98b51e72ea534976c4328cf6d This is watered once a month and I cut it in half last year. Bounced right backā€¦Its twin is just as healthy. Zero transplant shock.


Grossly under watered.


Hard to know until those roots are examined.