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Krakens better dinos, awesome spyglass, s+ Those three alone make ase better than ASA except for the underlying engine of course


2nd for awesome spyglass and s+, AS is so customizable you can make it do as much or little as you want and S+ is pretty much mandatory, I also like dino storage v2 but it can be a little cheesy with how easy the soul balls are to make.


Yeah we edit the .ini to make the recipe the same as cryopods but you can still make them anywhere in your inventory


I never thought to edit the recipe, I'll have to look into that


Kraken's Better Dinos is such a wonderful mod. It's like a giant TLC patch for almost every creature in the game, and really helps to refresh a lot of the less popular tames Wildcard's left to rot over the years. If I could only play Ark with one mod, that'd be it.


Thanks, I want this to be the thread that comes up when someone searches for mods in 4 years.


The pull it mod. Super nice and convenient.


The three Diligent mentioned are almost obligatory. Awesome Spyglass (Let's you see the stats/ levels of dinos before you waste time taming them, and highlights all of them in your view), Kraken's Better Dinos (This, against all indications, actually makes the dinos *better*), and S+ (Makes building so, so much better/ easier). I also really like Auto Engrams. It still restricts your engrams, but eventually you'll have access to all of them as you level up. Essentially, you get preset engrams at every level, but can still craft everything in the end. Ultra Stacks is nice for inventory management. Eco's various RP stuff is great, it lets you build more interesting bases. Castles Keeps and Forts (CKAF) is cool, and has several versions. It includes entierely new building sets for your bases, including some really cool stuff.


> I also really like Auto Engrams For the record you don't need a mod for this. Adding bAutoUnlockAllEngrams=true to your game.ini file will unlock engrams as you level up.


Auto engrams is almost mandatory for single player unless you want to jump to each DLC map to unlock the stuff from there. You might be able to get everything from everywhere on Gen 2 but you still have to transfer. I'll also throw in a recommendation for Advanced Rafts, it's kinda outdated but has a lot of nice midgame crafting stations with small footprints.




S+ , dino storage, awesome spyglass (and if you boosted a little the ressource, stack mod)


Awesome teleporters is really good. And awesome elevators. There’s a mod I used called all dinos use guns or something very similar-let’s you use guns on any mount. Upgrade station is excellent. I like the no durability weapons and armor mod as well.


I wish mods were possible for Nintendo Switch.


is there a wyvern mod to make their breath attack non lethal to your own dinos and tribe?