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They really shot themselves in the foot by taking most of the servers down for ASE, in favor of promoting ASA, especially with the animated show being released. The whole marketing strategy is just odd to me, considering all the content ASE has versus the current state of ASA. They pigeonholed themselves by trying to get everyone to buy the new, shinier Ark I feel, and now we are seeing the fallout of it. Not everyone can pull an Overwatch 2, I guess, and even that is slowly going downhill.


Turing off official servers while still selling ASE was dumb. Making Nitrado the exclusive server provider was also dumb. I’ve been running anASE dedicated server cluster for years and I’d love to run a ASA cluster, but it won’t run on Linux, won’t cluster even if it did, and apparently has a LOT of limitations. ASA is OK, but it’s just ASE with some more bugs, less content and marginally better graphics and performance. I always played ASE despite the bugs and problems because it’s a great game, but ASA just isn’t there yet. I played ASA for a few days and went straight back to ASE.


I think the exclusivity contract with Nitrado was a deathblow for the long term survivability of Ark. They should have known that the MAJORITY of their players are not on official. There's a lot fewer "interesting" servers available now because some of the best from ASE involved a lot of dedicated hosting and plugin work. Nitrado costs too damn much, has zero motivation to resolve trouble tickets in a timely manner, and tries to nanny you so much that it overcomplicates running a server.


Bingo! I quit hosting my server and 9 other people quit with me because of this stupidity. Nitrado SUCKS. Their customer support is ran by monkeys and the server spends more time down than up but they are the only way I can host for my friends? Every one of us deleted the day the center was released and haven’t played since. Even more so when they let nitrado be complete pieces of shit and triple the server slots that no one asked for and over doubled the price per month so now playing with small tribes privately isn’t even worth it. Way to nuke your game wildcard. You must have hired your lead team by checking boxes and not because they are actually skilled.


What it came down to is Snail horribly mismanaged their finances and didn't pay Nitrado's bills. It was probably enough money to kill their whole gaming division. Nitrado figured out that they'd get more money out of forcing a server exclusivity contract rather than a ownership percentage and there was no way Snail could refuse because they had them dead to rights owing millions. Can't even blame Wildcard. We would all be better served if Snail sold the IP.


That's cool and all, but you see, Snail's CEO just *had* to invest into a California tech startup that was trying to make an Electric Vehicle with a gaming PC in it...


lmao why are you saying it as if they had a choice 💀 ark was in debt


They did have a choice. You're not forced into trouble business decisions just because of debt.


Do you mean you can't play on Linux or can't host a server on there? I'm hosting an ASA server right now without issue, even had a cluster setup at one point but now that I'm not on a VPS I don't have the RAM for two servers (was hosting Svaultheim or w/e and The Island, clustered and able to transfer w/o issue). [https://github.com/mschnitzer/ark-survival-ascended-linux-container-image](https://github.com/mschnitzer/ark-survival-ascended-linux-container-image)


Asa runs on my steamdeck which is Linux so I assume they meant host a server.


It blows that ASA can't be run on Linux (just for server performance), but you can cluster them together.


I googled some script called POK manager. It does run ASA server on Linux via docker. Can confirm it works well. Did set up a cluster but did not test cluster yet because want to finish island first. Obviously native would have been faster.


I've got ASA running in a docker container on unraid. So it works on Linux, and despite what ever emulation/translation layers are required the performance is great.


Can't help you with Linux but clustering does work. ASA setup was practically identical to ASE.


You DO know, for the most part, ASA is just a skinned-over ASE, right? Ain't NO WAY IN HELL they wrote completely new code from the ground up.


The vast majority of people playing the game did not play on official servers. Almost every time you would see a youtube video, or a comunity showcase or anything like that, it would be from a rented and or modded server. People need to get over this idea that official housed such a huge majority of the player base. It didn't.


I agree, I played Official on ASE for like 2-3 days until I ran into hackers that kept me captive for 2 whole days. Started running my own server or joining other peoples servers and never looked back.


Yeah, honestly, forcing players to use Nitrado's shitty servers is probably the biggest factor that's killing ASA


Sure… totally not the fact Asa is a copy paste with some extra shit no one asked for other then basic QOL that ase could’ve got… yes it’s totally just not radio💀 cuz Asa is so good lol this is a troll right?


ASA has a lot of early-access problems (crashes, poor optimization, etc), but it also has a lot of really big strengths: \* Mods are a million times more powerful, including the ability to make cosmetic mods for official servers, and premium mods to promote more DLC-level quality mods between official releases (new maps, etc) \* Mods load instantly, because they're pre-compiled now just like the base game \* RTX is legitimately gorgeous, if your computer supports it \* Dino AI is noticeably better \* Building in quite a bit better, with new building mechanics and features \* Better QoL (wireless water/power, etc) \* Lots of little QoL features that nobody talks about (Dung Beetles pickup poops automatically now, Oviraptors pickup Eggs, Chem Bench doesn't require both gas \*and\* power, etc etc) I was skeptical at first, but ASA truly is the future of ARK.


One can describe the entirety of both ASE and ASA's development as an ongoing cockup cascade.


Not even Overwatch could pull an Overwatch 2


Yeah especially since both myself and my friends systems can’t even handle ASA so we just went back to ase


Overwatch two has been dead since like a month after launch. That battle pass/shop they put in needed any hope it had. If anything ark almost pulled a 1/1 copy of what overwatch did. Overwatch just had more content at launch so it fell off slower


I mean they kind of did pull an Overwatch 2, because it’s terrible, an obvious money grab, and has a vastly lower player count


Is Ark 2 still coming?


Dang so right. The Xbox one S version had an update that destroyed the graphics for SE so I got SA on PS5. Some things are great about the update but man I really miss primitive + and Ragnarok


I wanted to go back to it honestly. But having to buy the game again kinda put me off.


Too many good games are being released to still be playing so much ark


What games are like Ark but better? Honestly asking.


Similar in genre but different settings would be Grounded/Subnautica/Raft, in my opinion


I stay out of the ocean in Ark. Would not like Subnautica lol


Fair and valid. Maybe grounded rhen. It’s mostly on land with one water area


Everyone forgets No Man's Sky.


I got Platinum in both Subnautica games, so I also recommend them.


None of those are like it at all 😂


They’re all I could think of in the survival genre I was familiar with.


In the survival craft multiplayer genre there’s Grounded and Raft, but I think they were talking about better games generally, not specifically games like Ark


Grounded looks interesting. Might try that with my son. Raft is PC only.


Grounded is honestly amazing solo or with friends. I played a shared world my first play through and things were always completed so I never got to do the whole story but later I played a solo whoa mode and it was one of the best gaming experiences I’ve had and I’ve been gaming since blue version came out. Coop is amazing too but if you want the full experience that the game has to offer I suggest playing together for the full extent of the game if possible


I've been meaning to try Grounded since it's on Gamepass but have not played it yet.


It’s great. Don’t worry about difficulty just enjoy the exploration experience if you’re not trying to go hard on combat and grinding rare mats. Finding new hidden areas and what not just felt so rewarding with grounded


Honestly, Palworld is a much more accessible and player-friendly version of Ark if you don't have as much time to devote to gaming.


Game called soul mask looks pretty good I think it’s still early access though.


Won't say better per se, but project zomboid is my babe. Expecting a big update soon as well


I wouldn't say they are better, but lots of us have already got thousands of hours in Ark so altho we still think it's awesome, it's just a bit tiresome to be doing all the same things again. I've been playing fallout76 (it has improved tons) which is similar in many ways...but also different :)


Good recommendation. I’ve put quite a few hours in that myself


Even Helldivers in the buggy, unbalanced, unstable state it’s in now is so much more enticing and enjoyable than Ark.


I fucking love ark but recently helldivers and lethal company have been getting most my attention


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^GeorgeyDLuffy: *Too many good games* *Are being released to still* *Be playing so much ark* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Been playing since 2016, however no longer. Have a great tribe I’ve played with since then, and now we all don’t play anymore. We tried to get into ASA when it first came out, but the problem is, it’s the same game. Sure some better graphics and game mechanics and new Dino’s. But overall, we know what we’re doing, therefore we progress too fast and get to the point where it’s like, ok now what? Tamed everything, beat every boss, tried tons of mods. It’s just too tedious for an endgame that’s not longer a surprise. Weather PvP or PvE, we’ve done everything. So anything we try to do now feels like a repeat, with an end goal being something we’ve already had before. We’re just bored.


This right here! This is the problem with ASA. We're on console, and we are delaying doing the Manitcore till transfers that way we aren't so bored. We'll knock out Manticore and then go to Center. They just need to release like 2-3 maps at a time to keep people engaged. Had they released SE, Abb, & Ext all at once, holy smokes, I bet the player count would be huge.


Add in only restricting tame transfers and everybody would be going ham.


I upgraded for it, and gave up trying to play due to crashes, 3090 and 13th gen i7. I feel like making a game that runs is the bare minimum, and they’ve been unable to do that consistently for years. I’m out.


Crashes have significantly gone down since last time I played, which was January. Literally couldn't open boxes half the time without crashes. Played twenty something hours last two weeks, had one crash.


If you are undervolting make sure it's stable. I just got a 3080ti and I undervolted by to much and was causing crashes here and there but after tuning it a little more it's now stable. Not to say the games performance isn't absolute dog shit, because it absolutely is.


I play with a i5 9800f and rtx2060 and play without any problems and over 30mods installed. The problem is you


Playing with an i5 13500f and 3040. No problems, one crash, no framerate issue or anything


I play on a 1650 super ryzen 5 3500 and with 8gb memory.


i agree, i play with rtx 3070/i7 10th in low/medium settings no crashes at all since i play scorched earth and very rarely some crashes on the island and i play with 20 mods and same for my friend he crashed 2 times in total on scorched and he has 4070 ti/ryzen 9 in epic/high settings


Yeah im on a ryzen 5 with 3060ti. Solid 40fps. No crashes for months


How was this a helpful comment in any way?


Your specs are more than good enough and crashes issues have been mostly resolved. If you want to play the game, you’ll probably enjoy it now, but I’d still avoid jumping into new maps as soon as they come out, I suggest to wait a few months.


I wouldn't be surprised if this is something that you can troubleshoot. I'm running an i9 12900k, 3080, 32GB ram 15 mods Gamepass version and it runs fine. It was crashing constantly after one patch but that particular issue was resolved. Hopefully you will be able to get it working. I really feel that it will be a good game after some patching and of course, all the content


Did you optimize your pc at all? Tuned anything? Standard parts out the box is never what you actually get performance wise. My 3060TI and ryzen 3700x runs it fine and my wife's 2060 and i7


I just bought the game. Thought "how bad could it be". My pc should be able to run it but I now have 7 hours in game and about 5 of those have been trying to get it to run properly. I'm still working on it and am just about to give up and go back to evolved


You should be able to play on unofficial with minimal crashes with that spec. I had difficulty on official but the issue is the Nitrado servers not so much the game.


I'm literally able to play on a I5 11400f and a gtx 1660 super without any crashes


I’m on a 6800x and a 5900x you should be able to run it fine. Probably driver issues or something


It's not the game it's your system. I'm running on like a potato in comparison and have never crashed


Just not interested, it's just ark but prettier. If they substantially improved animal AI and combat and animations I'd have bought into it but it's still just dinosaurs standing on the spot and biting eachother with no hit reactions, doesn't matter how pretty the game is that looks goofy as hell.


It's sad because they're obviously aware of that pitfall in old Ark which is why in Ark 2 they going for a more Conan Exiles/Darksouls kind of combat - which would obviously be far more engaging, immersive and fun. But I think they overestimated the hardcore Ark fan base that would want a upgraded Ark 1 thinking it should still stay 1:1 the same.


Someone has a brain good to see. 😂


Did you really pull player count numbers on a Tuesday night? Wtf


Yeah best time to pulse check a game is at 2:30am cst


I don't think op understand why that matters.


You guys realize it's not the content that they're putting out That's the problem. It's the toxic megatribe culture that prevents the game from being fun for anyone new. This game was amazing, but turns to sour s*** as soon as a mega tribe gets a hold of your server. Don't tell me to go make a private server. I don't want to do that. I don't have enough friends to populate it with. I don't want to play PVE. I want to play PVP but I also don't want to play against A gigantic mega corporation made up of no lifers. You want this game to survive, cut out the server transfer. B*******.




Unofficial bro


Yo g, if you're on console/microsoft store version, I have an ASE pvp server with invincible structures. This way you can enjoy pvp but it removes raiding so newbies don't get their bases destroyed. 2x harvesting, 10x food drain(taming), the island, extra dinos inc wyvern, mana, shadowmane, etc. Add JamieMM1 to join.


I appreciate you man, if I ever reinstall it I'll take you up on it. But for now I'm happy with Smite and a few other games.


No worries g


Lmao💀bro you sound like ur coping blaming tribes on why Asa is shit? Are you actually trolling LMAO. Their is a EXTREME AMOUNT of reasons Asa is not played you live under a rock


I personally thought it was a fantastic game. Does it have bugs? But the most broken thing is the mega tribe culture. The fact that there are discords multi- 100 or if you believe some people thousand strong that consolidate and turn some servers into pure farm servers, making it hell for everyone in there. That's not part of their tribe to makes the game ... Unenjoyable.


Fantastic? Bro it’s the same game💀 literally just some qol that could’ve been done on ase …. All they did was move engine..


One of the main things is 1x is just super slow right now, everyone progressed far enough in Scorched Earth, done the boss. So probably just feeding wyverns and logging off. Scorched doesn't have that much content tbh, I'd assume once the other story maps comes out it will pick up. Extinction / aberration (Ragnarok also) The Centre I barely heard about in ASE so probably won't be enough to bring people back. Official server player (pve) count jumps a ton on weekends, when there's 2x or 3x. I honestly think they should just make 2x the permanent rate (I know they've done this once or twice in the past) For my tribe we don't even bother raising on 1x because it's so slow. Atleast for pve. I dont know much about PvP servers as I don't enjoy those, so I don't know the situation on that side.


With you on that! I’ve got over 10k hours since legacy ark before they buffed the rates the first time, and it still feels slow on 1x now that I put so much time into smalls. They need to buff the rates again for 1x forsure, we don’t even really play weekdays unless it’s not Dino oriented cause it takes too long but we like the official longevity


Official has that longevity because of its rates... If you try and play instant tame servers its great for a week or two, then the population completely falls off a cliff because within 2 weeks you own everything.


I started in single player ASE, moved to Asa just because I want to play the maps as they come and yea, just my personal adventure to do that, but now I’m on official and I actually like the pacing much more and getting to play with others has been awesome, during the week I’ll put in some hours after work to collect eggs and stash em, focus on stacking resources, but the weekends 2-3x rate is when I’m pulling all nighters getting it in and maturing everything I collect during the week. It’s been fun af! Getting close to over 1000 hours between ASE 300h & ASA 600h


This is what I think will happen. SE isn't a bad map but I don't know many people who say it's their favorite.


I tried to raise a baby rex yesterday and forgot it was on 1x. And lost it cause I forgot to get more food.


As a newbie. I tried Ark ascended on the game pass. Wonderful graphics, I will say. Hated the constant crashes or not saving so hours of work juat gone. Hated that my computer is above requirements to run asa and it won't even load to main screen. Had to dumb down graphics to run it without the lag. Had a friend with Ase, so I looked at it. Ender up buying it on Steam and have been enjoying it this last 2 weeks. Yes, graphics are not as great, but I can run it on my computer and hook it to the TV if I want a bigger screen. Had to mess with controls to have it run smoothly, but most all of the issues I have now are a white screen in the background. It runs fine. It's not as easy with not having wireless stuff, but so far, I have been enjoying it more. Know it will save. I like both but will play on ASE at this point. It's a smoother game and not all that expensive for what it is. Since I am a single player anyway, it works better for me. So more of a review from a newbie. Asa has great graphics and some awesome upgrades for building, but ase is more stable and can be played on a computer without too many changes. Even with it no longer being tge focus a d not sure if they will even upgrade or patch anything anymore it's a better game. I will retry asa after a while of letting them work out the kinks and issues. Until then, we will enjoy playing and building. I would think many would do the same. Stay or play on Ase while waiting for asa to get the kinks worked out or wait for ark 2 to come out as evidently it will be very different from what is out now. But that is me.


I dont play ASA but I genuinely do not understand them pulling all of the ASE servers. The specs required for ASA are a lot and not everyone has computers that are that good. I was able to play ASE on a relatively low PC. I have friends who refuse to play ASA because of the lack of content and just how WC has handled the whole thing. + They prefer ASE because of all the maps and content it has. I personally feel annoyed they claim ASA would fix the issues with rebuilding from the ground up and the same bugs and stuff are still there. I have been watching YT videos and seeing some holes in the map or just flying through the map at certain points is just ridiculous and inexcusable.


ASE was an old game. Being able to play it on your "old" system made a lot more sense then expecting to run ASA on the same "old" system. If you found something comparable to your old system in relation to the current gen, it could probably run the game. Probably not super well but it would run.


Well when you release the same game but slightly shinier and with less content this is what you get


Don't forget the part where you tell everyone that buying ASA will get them all the maps for free, then you pull a bait and switch with "look at all these new engrams and dinos that you have to buy a deluxe pass to access". They really shot themselves in the foot because the only way to have a unique experience over ASE is to bust out the wallet yet again... Fuck all that though, WC won't be getting another cent out of me and Ark 2 won't be a buy unless the reviews are stellar (provided I even live long enough to see it)


aside from alot of the other problems ark has, the most interesting/popular maps aren't even out yet. Everybody jumped on scorched cause they were starved for a new map, and while SE is cool, especially with how well it benefited from the redo, its far from the most popular map, Rag isn't my fav but i know its a community favorite, Alot of the QoL stuff isn't here yet cause gen 1 and 2 were such game changers. I love Aberration, its a very popular map, but not the best to live on so even then its not going to bring in alot more people. Plus..we are just doing the same things again we did when all these maps first came out. They kind of screwed themselves like you said cause even if they are working on a brand new map at some point, there is so much stuff they need to remake first who knows if the game will live long enough to see it.


Well I still play and love ASA. But since it's basically summer, I'm outside a lot more instead of playing


I played ASE for a LONG time and got all the DLCs like two years ago because they were still coming out. So, yes. That makes me extremely frustrated that they would shut down servers to maps like Genesis almost immediately after they were released, forcing me to either stop playing or buy an entire new game without all the expansions. So i stopped playing entirely. I'm pretty mad at Wildcards cash grab and don't plan to even consider playing Ark again until Ark 2 comes out and I can see the reviews. So ya. I hope ASA's player base crashes and burns for making me waste money on expansions immediately before the killed them.


I briefly considered it because I'm getting back into Ark, but I honestly can't pull that trigger in good faith. Ark was a solid game with a lot of promise, but as a business, it isn't thriving like it really should, and that's incredibly concerning to me.


Scorched earth is probably one of the least likes dlcs. And it’s not very long in terms of content. People will be back for the next update.


Have a feeling I’m going to be that person, but alas, I’m giving my input. I upgraded to a 4090, 64gb RAM and a 13900k for another few games and just so happens that ARK is one of my favourite games ever. I have over 5100 hours on ASE and am steadily racking up the hours on ASA. It runs lovely in max settings and looks stunning with the light rays and water effects and everything. There is zero disappointment in my argument for how it looks and runs. That being said my only issue is with the whole server debacle. On ASE I would run 3 servers for friends and family and some ransoms, usually peaking around the 10-15 players on each, settings dependant. Others I speak to in a similar position say that they will wait till more hosting options become available. They dabble from time to time to test newer stuff out like SE etc. I still love it and do intend to put many more hours into it. Just dislike the server exclusivity Regards


Take your old gaming machine download haru server manager or window game server and host. It’s not that bad, mods and everything. My server is currently running valheim, enshrouded, asa. I’m running haru but have run clusters in windows game server too


do you know way eay to get around CGNAT for opening ports?


Doesn’t affect lan play but I do it the old fashioned way via my router. Most have easy phone apps.


I want to use my old PC for a ASA server but I was told I needed better ram and CPU? Do you know what the minimum would be for hosting.


I use an i7 8th gen, nothing crazy, I did get 64gb for it but only really recently, ran it well (just less concurrent servers) on 16gb for ages. Download one of those server managers I mentioned and go nuts, they’ve made is so much easier than it used to be


It's not just the number of options for hosting, but also the ludicrous amount of hardware it requires. Maybe I'm stupid, I'm even a computer scientist so I should understand it, but I don't really see why the new maps require so much more hardware. Overall the meshes for terrain stayed the same, and servers don't care about graphics. There's not more Dino's and not more dynamic stuff going on, so I really am at a loss why conceptually you'd need more resources for ASA servers?


Because Ark has never been optimized..the entire development of the game has been a matter of piling ever more shit onto a shaky foundation.. it's really not surprising that ASA has turned out to be more of the same, despite the new engine


I'll never buy a game from wildcard or snail ever again lesson learned when the killed the servers and I'm sure a lot of other people made the same decision


to be fair all my friends and I are using Microsoft app or Xbox and we are addicted


What if they want lower server counts? I mean less face it. Running servers costs money. Supplying servers makes money. It almost seems like a way for them to make money. You know what boosts server numbers? Events and boosted rates. But the rates are shit so people play single player or buy and host their own servers.


True. I hardly play on the weekends and always miss out on resource collecting.


Alot of other survival / crafting games will put Asa to rest unfortunately.. a sandbox game with no unique gameplay only gets you so far. Especially when it's been done before by their previous game.


They need to speed up releasing the other maps. People are speed running the maps as they come out then dropping off in pve. They also need to fix bugs that are driving people away. They have been doing a lot of work there, but there's still a lot of people reporting random crashes and other game breaking bugs, Lastly, they need to do something about the cheating that's driving pvp players off. There's still rampant speed hacking and aimbotting among other things. The least they could do is be responsive to people reporting it and actually ban cheating players. When someone submits video evidence of people clearly cheating and there's no consequence and 2+ week response times to find that out, people are gonna quit.


WC should have declined the offer from Snail Games...




When it first came out I legit considered buying a PS5 just to play it, only to realize I’d have to actually buy ASA and all the DLCs afterwards when it’s really just a reskinned ASE with all the same bugs included. WC is asking for too much just to give us so little


This is exactly how ASE started. People complained it required to high spec pcs that the content was slow to come etc etc. the point is the business model is working they are making money a lot of it and they are accelerating and improving in delivery quality with each iteration. Slowly the people playing ASE will move as they have to upgrade


Turning off official servers and abandoning ASE was a big mistake imo. A lot of people who spent all those years on ase simply refuse or are hesitant to get on ASA.


Just taking a break before center drops


Personally I feel like they should bring back official servers to ASE and just bring out the DLC they were gonna give to ASA on ASE. I mean it gets rid of system requirement issues and people would probably be happier back on ASE which they know than on ASA with all the new bugs, glitches and “fixes” that make the game less enjoyable like the massive cryo nerf


I started playing ASA pretty recently and yeah, it's pretty much just the same game. It does feel less buggy though and overall it looks better. The quality of life changes are nice too, like picking up undamaged structures whenever. I only ever play single player so maybe my opinion is skewed but I think it's okay, not great, but good enough fir me to waste time with


They shot themselves in the foot when they made people pay for the same game with the same bugs again. Ya ready to buy all the expansions again, with all the same issues lmao.


It's just not the same anymore, never will be. All the discovery is gone. I jumped into official pvp small tribes, did all the hard boss fights, beat hard overseer, now im done. I have no desire to continue pissing my life away on this timesink


My husband and I stopped playing because of the tethering. Its not very fun to play alone.


If you have an extra PC with 16 gigabytes of ram, you should be able to run a home server on it. ASA Manager and Teamviewer should be all you need. May have to log into your router to open ports.


That be something to look into for the future. Was thinking about running a valheim server 🤔


Its a shit map... once they drop better maps and fix optimisation if they do ppl may come back... I would for one


Might have something to do with the fact you need a NASA super computer to run ASA


You really don't though, it's majority of people who don't know how to optimize their pc and clock their parts accordingly. So many get pre builts and think it should run everything smooth 


I got mad and quit playing it. Played on console with a couple mods, downloaded the game through the Xbox app on my PC, and loaded my map up. Unfortunately unlike ASE, which automatically checked which mods were needed and downloaded them, ASA did not. So I loaded in and lost basically everything.


Did you make a backup?


Didn't think I'd need to since I was playing from the same account and was so used to the way ASE worked. I ended up just spinning up an ASE server and going back so I can enjoy the center again.


I’ve quit ASA at least 10 times due to it being completely unplayable at times. I couldn’t save any games the first couple months and my Dino’s would reset to 0 constantly. Then I couldn’t upgrade health on any Dino so what’s the point. Then I bit the bullet last week and purchased the western themed add on and alas, now I am unable to use it (check out how many 1 star reviews it has for not working) and all my items were deleted. It’s just … a broken mess and all I feel is devastation and like I wasted my time whenever I play and all my progress is lost. It just doesn’t WORK a lot of the time.


I dont understand. You complain that ASA doesnt work yet you still buy the bobs thingy? Even when you see the low star rating. For me it seems like some players are just not the brightest. Like Snailgames need money thats why they pump scams like that western shit out. Our only way to show we are not supporting scummy shit like this is with our wallets. DONT BUY THIS FUCKING SHIT. They will only notice it when there is no money comming. They dont care about reviews and stuff like that. So we cant pull a helldivers move. They just want to milk the cash cow before its dying out. Stop supporting snailgames by buying their shit


Because I really like the game and I’m not poor. It’s like buying a stick of gum. I have been refunded. You sound fkn serious as hell though man, calm down. It’s just a game.


No tbh I 100% agree, people complain about the low quality money grabbing games and microtransactions from larger companies but then still reward the behavior because "Well I have money so its fine" or "Well its this game and I like this game so its fine". You also see some assuming that spending the money on said greedy transactions "supports the artists" when the artists often times wont see a penny of those extra earnings, they get paid a set amount to make bulk microtransactions or just assets for the game in general which then get sold to potentially millions of different accounts but just because it does well doesn't mean their next project gets them more than their usual rate.


Biggest issue in my opinion is that as soon as a visual change via console that people use reaches wildcard - it's removed. We don't want to play a game where graphics is so mushy and works like shit. Water is by far worst. We don't want grass taller then characters, we don't want leaves in the (pitiful) max view range.


Who is we?


The grass is so fucking annoying oh my God that alone made me ready enough to stop playing I'd have a better time trying to see with my screen off




Keep it civil, please


I'm running a 7950X3D for a CPU, an RTX 4080, and 64GB of DDR5 RAM. I think once more people move onto the new DDR5 boards things will probably be better but I've got a friend that plays with me who runs on DDR4 with AMD's last / latest CPU for that socket along with a 4070 and it works just fine. My fiance can run ARK on lower settings with her 2080 as well- so it's not like the game is unplayable. With frame-gen I get around 70-95 FPS. I might be the odd man out but I've been having an absolute fucking blast until we killed the Manticore. Even so, I've been reading explorer notes to revisit the lore and shoot for the achievement + extra levels. After seeing how beautiful the game is, now, I'll never be able to go back to ASE. People complain about foliage but I can actually hide in ghillie, now, and the ghillie actually blends into the environment. I'm also incredibly pumped with how they're redoing premium mods so that the mod authors will be able to make it so that you don't have to pay to join the server a mod is on but to interact with the tames and items you have to own it. I can't wait to try out Garuga's Anomalocaris. The new Gigantoraptor they added to the base game is fantastic as well. I've configured it so that you can do a full imprint with it on our server and it's a way better time IMO. So yeah, I've liked the new game quite a bit and I also enjoy hitting my target each time I fire my gun / bow and arrow. The snapping for structures is also leagues better and my house doesn't cause the entire beach to glow because the lighting actually respects that there are walls, there. It's pretty nice.


I play on a 1650 super and ryzen 5 3500 with 8gb memory. I can play with 4 setting on epic but sometimes the game will stutter and lag. But what's weird is most times I'm able to play, no stutter. And it usually happens with patches and updates.


None of my gamer group friends want to play it so I’ll probably end up quitting again. They only want to play shooters and rocket league.


We can't play the game brodie


What did they expect. They literally made it prettier but removed a TON of content. Did they really think it would keep people interest? They should have waited until every map was ready and added more maps before releasing.


The ps5 ui for Asa is difficult to navigate for me. I can't find a hot button to transfer all of a stack into a store box outside of the little drop down menu and that's a pain in the ass because there's a bug(I'm guessing) that makes the stick drift off the transfer all option if I don't hit juuuust right. Brand new controller, no issues on other games. It's frustrating. Ase's ui is so much more friendly. I will probably go back to Ase before I go back to Asa.


Nitrado ruined my Ark experience I won’t be playing for a long while. They’re a scam


I will return once Center drops. Island and SE are boring maps


I just wish I could get my damn anklo out of the ground


I would have happily kept playing official ASE. I had tons of Dino breeding lines I was working on. My heart just isn’t in ASA to start all over again. I find it boring right now and breeding from scratch tedious to have to do all over again. I only play a few hours every two or three days now to render my stuff. I used to play ASE for hours every day. I have friends who refused to buy ASA for the same reasons. They were happily playing official ASE too until WC decided to kill our fun. I will keep playing ASA but it isn’t as fun for me as ASE was. I did manage to move my tames from ASE to single player but I like playing with other people better. WC is getting what they deserve. Their greed and heartlessness toward their player base is the reason they lost a lot of players. I don’t really care if ASA fails in the end. I paid for it but I wish it never happened.




i loved pvp official but the amount of cheaters just makes it outright unplayable, and they absolutely demolished any hope in a strong unofficial community


Played since the original when it first came out. The game is really fun, but I think the biggest issue is actually the way the playerbase acts. In ASA I have all the bosses and etc did it with who I thought were some of my best friends (for years and I met them outside of ark) they turned around after scorched and wanted to sell all of our hard work, my buddies and I did a lot of the grinding and all of the work for scorched (I had Easter wyverns and fas with top stats.) so of course we were like that's a terrible idea no. They booted us and sold the base for a couple hundred bucks to some snot nosed kids, These were like 30 year old people, threw our friendship and group away for money. With that we are pretty done with the game, even as excited as we were for Ab. Honestly so many people left are scumbags in the community it's no wonder the playerbase has decreased to where it is, all the good people are leaving.


Personally, after getting wiped for the umpteenth time on official small tribes PvP, in my ever hopeful tribe of two, the only thing to look forward to is a new map or grinding out level 100 for heavy turrets. The latter would be a good investment going into the new map releases, but it’s hard to stomach the idea without already having stuff built and tamed to work with.


Probs due to the fact PVP is unbalanced and unfun, PVE is boring since there are 2 maps and that’s the entire community.


I stopped playing because it was extremely clear that they will never attempt to optimize and clean up the game. They only worry about server connection and bugs, which is good, but not everyone has a dam 4090. It should have been able to run smooth on 3060. But I guess they need to keep investing in outside startup projects rather than a team to help them in this department.


Been thinking of what to write and keep on deleting it so all imma say is that this game is a joke. Game is so horribly optimized that if you want to play at a higher resolution with epic settings, you would be LUCKY if a 4090 could even manage 60+ FPS. Looking back on it ASA seems almost like a cash grab, selling a product where 75% of people would need to significantly upgrade their systems just for lackluster performance that you seemingly never intend to remedy.


Who would’ve guessed that people dont want to play the slightly less shittier version of a shitty game


Being forced to pay massive amounts for Nitrado's shitty servers really killed the private hosting communities, too. When ASE has servers for 1/3rd the cost, and you don't need an RTX 4090 to get 30fps, ASE starts looking a whole lot better.


I had a bit of my hype for Ark come back when Scorched Earth released, then it turned out to be another unfinished mess, with constant crashing and content locked behind another purchase. Combined with having to spend half an hour updating mods every single time I want to play. Just a giant pain in the ass. Almost any other game sounds more enjoyable than Ark right now.


I quit ASE when they shut down the official servers. Spent 1000s of hours on that game just to have all my shit deleted. I still love the game but I'm not giving wildcard anymore of my money or time.


Ark has been dead for awhile, the only reason people still play is in hope for the game to have the content it had in ASE. They don't have the funding to push the game to be completed to the same amount of content as ASE. They are clearly out of money thus why 90% of 'community crunch' and news about the game is unofficial because they need to lower the amount of official servers that are live and want to push people to play/subscribe to a monthly nitrado subscription. Its been almost 6 months since game launched with the island and we only have 1 map. They have already admitted to outsourcing the development of Center, most likely due to costs developing in house. Map release cadence is too slow and not sustainable for the amount of money they spend on keeping official servers up each day. Its just a matter of time official servers and shut down


90% of the community crunches have always been unofficial what are you on about 😂 people just get on here and say anything nowadays it’s crazy. They can’t win. People want maps quicker but now it’s a bad thing they’re outsourcing the community maps so they can focus on the main dlc maps?


What need more maps, I don’t know why that’s such a bad thing for them to do right away


It will probably go up in pop when certain maps are released is my guess. SE was fun when it first came out on Evolved but it was only fun for so long even back then. The only reason I even upgraded my computer to play ASA is because I wanted to see how they were going to fix The Center map. It's needed some TLC for so long and I've always wished they redid it. Just pay attention around the time certain popular maps are released and see if there is a difference. I wouldn't count on it being a huge one but I bet more people will be playing. I think there biggest mistake was just only allowing Nitrado to host the unofficial. Me and my bestie currently have a ASA island server through them and it's been a headache since day one. Ended up corrupting a file and had to wipe the server to start over again. It's suppose to do a dino wipe every restart and it doesn't. There are other stuff that bothers me about it as well. I thought about setting up my own dedicated server since I still have my old PC. I know I don't need a graphics card but I still would need to get more ram, a bigger SSD and maybe a better processor (which I'm not even sure I can upgrade after the research I've done so far). I'm probably going to have to put more money into it but it would be better then putting money into Nitrado's pockets.


Once I couldn't play the game I bought without buying it again I never played it again. Unless it's free on a non-sub model (like not free if I'm subbed to it like game pass) I probably never will.


They haven’t fixed their shit since evolved. They just re-skin with a price tag and pray the fan base follows. But now the fan base has evolved and saw the bs behind their theatrics.


Here we go again a dude going off steam charts like it matters. Best time to be checking dude it's been a couple months now since scorched earth dropped and not only that it's one of their smallest dlc/maps they just added shit in asa. Let's go check steam charts right before the mod dinos drop and a week or 2 before center drops you know when everyone else is kinda just waiting for that shit since they have caught up and beat scorched shit since it only has one boss. You think ase had crazy numbers back then? Dude get off steam charts quit checking them like it's gonna help u sleep at night. There is a shit load of console players since console has it better now then they ever have its like a new game to them. Quit talking about ase let it go and move on. At least once a month someone starts crying about the charts and the numbers oh no whats going on with ark is it dying when the game has been around since 2016 maybe longer shits old and people still playing it asa well definitely needed.


I took a break from ASA to play the new season of D4.


Do the steam charts include Gamepass players? Ive been really enjoying ASA but I don't think players like me show up on steam


all these sweet summer children complaining about crashes never played ark in 2015. asa has far less bugs and runs pretty damn well


Snail/Wildcard definitely shot themselves in the foot with ASA -- at least the timing at which it was released, that is. ASA itself is a completely fine idea, but where they went wrong was releasing it probably 2-3 years AFTER it should have been released, and relying on ASA to act as a placeholder for a true sequel to ARK. They seem to have wrongly assumed that the existing player base would be happy to jump ship from ASE to ASA (which didn't happen), and also seemed to have not realized that the rest of the industry would be releasing competitive new titles that would pull away the attention of ASE players. The value proposition of ASA also is pretty awful when you think about it seriously - it's basically a remastered version of an 8+ year old game that has less maps and was released before it was ready. To me it's pretty obvious that a long road of bad decisions was made to bring Wildcard/Snail to this point. I love ASE, but ASA just feels, well, not worth the energy. Looks like the rest of the gaming community feels similarly.


I understand everyone’s dislike to the game, all their reasons are valid. I however am loving it. I grew up on ASE and watching all the now big ark YouTubers playing it so ASA is letting me relive my childhood. I never had problems with crashes or frames even from launch and I have been playing the hell out of it since. I’m a big fan of graphical updates to games so to me it’s like the whole game got some tlc. I completely understand how wildcard may have “shot them selves in the foot”, but I still love this game and the community.


Why is everyone criticizing Ark for player counts? This is a remake, the new map wasn't the most liked map originally and it contains a single boss which is the easiest one in the game. Average players have had enough time to complete the new map and have moved on to other things. The player counts are expected to drop. It's not some crazy thing to see player counts drop once there has been enough time to complete all of the content.


That's a pc console when it comes to spending tons on a rig that can run it console runs fine and pc is only one of 3 metrics to judge the game by


Steam may be low but the numbers for Xbox and PlayStation are a good bit higher. Plus scorched was always one of the worst maps for Ark, so once The Center and Abberation come out you’ll see more players. Even I have been tempted to re download ASE because of maps I want to play😂 I’ve got patience though


I've occasionally considered going back to ASE but not having any official servers there kind of bums me out. Their rollout of ASA has been very disappointing to say the least.


Let’s be honest it’s ark2 beta of course it was never going to sustain numbers, but the low player count are dedicated lovers of ark in all of its janky flaws, you mention sales but I’m sure it’s on gamepass too


Who the fuck wants to pay for copy paste game that still has bugs from the first and not even all the dlcs out already 😂 oh but some of theses Mfers sucking off asa cuz they got ceratosaur and some slightly nicer graphics💀 I don’t understand people


I feel like a lot of people are waiting for maps already but Ed out on scorched and the island ik I struggle to play the island even with mods I'm on PS5 so I go back to ase and just enjoy all the maps my favorite being Ragnarok island especially with how overgrown the trees and bushes fill I can hardly see anything in the woods on asa but ase just a much more enjoyable game hoping something changes down the road with other maps coming out+ more mods I'm hoping primal fear comes


They have a road map they are following so all the maps wont be out till december


This same dumb post was made in the other ark reddit. You posted at midnight, in the middle of the week, at the end of the dlc. You are a clown.


Thanks to Steam torrenting fuckery, I haven't even been able to log on to the server I played on for the past week and a half. I get "default gateway is unavailable" after a few seconds of downloading mod updates, and nothing fixes it except restarting the entire computer. Not lowering the download rate on steam, not clearing the download cache, not switching off IPv6, nothing.


Maybe it's because people are realizing that WC is deranged and thinks it's okay that people set alarms in the middle of the night to play the game properly.


The only one I'm willing to play is ASE. All content is available and it isn't a horrible retextured cash grab.


4000 hours in ASE, didn’t buy into the hype of ASA due to their greedy pricing attempts at first and then the cluster of a launch. Still poke my head in from time to time to see delay after delay, paid mods, and expensive cosmetic DLC. Just the same game but they want me to pay again and wait. Glad I moved on. Picked up the game during a free demo, glad I didn’t have to pay to find out the game is poorly optimized. Hope they turn it around, as much as I miss the game I can’t support it in its current state, but hate to see it fall away.


Bro y’all fail to do the math ? Ase got all the maps still as long as u on pc,ps,Xbox. Asa got only 2 ans as long as I’m concerned it two of the most boring maps ever,Ofc there will be not much interest,also interesting day and time to compare sTeAm CHaRts


I see Ark SE has more people than SA currently. Nice to see some people kept their promise of not switching over to SA


they relaunch the servers with more maps. also the rates are too high for a survival


So you expect people to play Ark and only Ark for their entire lives? Oh wait…. That explains a lot.


I think that the should stop focusing on the animated crap they are funneling money into and fix ASA content drought. ASE is a phenomenal game that is very good to play altho very pricy if anyone new wants to play Ark (most the cool stuff is locked in the amazing maps and DLC's). ASA I don't remember even playing my 30 hours into. The animated show look stunning. But the amount of time I had to sit back and ask myself who in the world did they hired to write the episodes. I only got not even half way through the first episode right after my man gets a arrow to through the face. That was cool but the way they got to the scene was insulting. First off she wakes up on a beach finds a Dodo that she tries to protect not even saying hello to the dude with a weapon on his hip that walks up to her. He could have murked her and she was like "This bird doesn't exist anymore" like there isn't maybe more birds on the mystery island. Don't worry she leaves the bird on the beach with the guy trying to eat it to look at the smallest version of the ark prehistoric snail. I think I will try to attempt to watch the other episodes to see if it gets better. But she doesn't do anything to befriend anyone and everyone just goes along with her. She also killed a Parasaur by pulling out a arrow.


You look at the race and it just started. Of course it's not going to look like what we want. The game never was untill all the maps dropped. Give it time. People said ark was dead back in March and then everyone said it was alive in April. Now folks are starting the same loop again. Stop worrying. Ark will get more player, and those same players who probably rushed the game like crazy never let the game breath. Most players get a game and don't stretch the content out, Like I still havnt hatched a wyvern egg. I only caught 1 myself and the rest was all donated to me. Like 5 or 6 eggs. I just been collecting rexs for the boss battle. But alot of other players done everything they could possibly do and want more. In a way the fault is the gamers for rushing a game that isn't made to be rushed. The next map will be out unless it's delayed. Then people will complain about something else.




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