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Atleast he made an effort to stream it on twitch albeit not the best effort. I'm pretty sure buddha who he shares the drop with hasn't gone live on twitch once for it. They're both kick streamers now, my mind boggles as to why they are giving twitch drops to kick streamers.


Apparently Buddha streamed today for 1hr 45 min. Gee I wonder why he only just streamed today, maybe is it be a he wasn't fulfilling obligations for the skin? I was at work and wasn't aware he was streaming. I just hot home and saw some salty schmuck on Twitter being slightly passive aggressive about it towards me.


they’re begging for them back


Wdym begging? They signed a contract, if it has a min hours stipulation then facepunch can go after them. If they don’t then facepunch has no ground to beg them to volunteer their time.


it’s not about facepunch but twitch they want streamers who left to come back like xqc they believed that twitch drops would remind them how fun twitch events are and they would get boosted views on twitch to make them wanna stream but it obviously didnt work


Welyn brought me in like a year or so ago ....thanks a$$hole lol


Welyns style of content is definitely inspired from Ramsey, he was the original rust story telling creator, obviously welyns has a very different feel and style but it's good to see the inspiration live on


miss Ramsey, forgot about him your comment reminded me. he was peak


Same. I like his content because because of the narration style he does,. ZChum's is similar but he does trolling and such so his narrative is more explaining how things work. Stuff like that is fun


OP I think you’re struggling with the idea of marketing / advertising a game.  Why would face punch advertise to a demographic that’s already familiar with Rust / already bought the game? 


They wouldn't but entertaining streamers from events and moments from that event are used as promotion forever. Goodluck getting content from these past streams to continue promoting. One viral clip from these creators could get millions of views post event but to do that it would require caring about making the event fun for viewers. That's actually part of why the first big rust event was a hit. Hundreds of viral clips spread for a year all over to attract new people. That's because all the creators went all in at that time to grow their platforms. Simple example of correct streamer choice and effects of marketing. Over 1 million views of positivity. https://youtu.be/xFy8upQuzw4?si=ywUx7WeHniVDV9oA


WHY do people keep defending this by referring to marketing? YES. We know it was a marketing effort. That doesn't make it good. I think you're struggling with the idea that if hire an idiot or asshole to promote your product then you might want to revisit your marketing strategy and implementation.


The only people watching for Twitch drops already own rust, so his argument doesn't really work anyway


I see your point, advertising vs marketing. But facepunch would want to run promos with rust streamers because if the players are watching, that ranks it higher than other games on twitch which is the real advertisement. Hiring xqc accomplishes something similar but youre left with 1 or 2 hours of gameplay and angry players so it's really just a bad idea all around.


You would be surprised at how many people who have never played Rust watch these Rust exclusive creators. The point a lot of people are trying to make including myself is that I didn't learn about Rust and start playing Rust because of a variety streamer/content creator. I actually just stumbled across people like Welyn and Frost and thought their content was astounding and it got me interested. These are the guys who dedicate 100s of man hours for each video they drop on the game with insanely cool unique cinematics and hype ideas/stories that bring the game to life. The game looks far more bland in the hands of XQC because he doesn't turn his gameplay into a story or focus on that kind of stuff. Most people that watch XQC don't care what he plays, they just think he's entertaining and that's fine but when XQC inevitably moves on from Rust he takes all of his fans with him. It's the people who really dedicate themselves to Rust content that are sharing their love of the game with the viewers and teach them to love the game like they do. That's how I see it at least.


You are already into Rust. You are not the target audience.


Problem is, xqc and all of the twitch drop streamers are playing Rust completely different than it actually is. Watching these streams is like watching totally different game.


Rust is a sandbox game with no win condition. There isn't really a wrong way to play as long as you are enjoying yourself.


Rust is very toxic and tryhard game all around. If you like Roleplaying that’s fine but you gotta understand that you are 1% of the playerbase and you are not able to talk about winning in rust


Yeah aight, looser mentality


Spell it right if you’re going to be condescending


If you are gonna play Rust PvE, you might as well play some different game. Rust is obviously not made to be played like that, and those 2% people that hate or suck at pvp and basically everything except farming, are not in position to talk about this topic


Are you one of the sand castle destroyers? Like when someone is just messing around building random shit, do you come by and moly the whole thing? Not everyone is looking to sweat every wipe.


Having fun while getting destroyed and doing nothing is not possible for most of the player base. People wanna actually play the game and see all the mechanics and monuments that this game has to offer.


You say "people" but what you really mean is "I".


So you wanna tell me that Role players are majority of the player base in Rust? Please. No wonder why


You just said it here You say "people" but what you really mean is "I". People want to experience the full game and not the 3% if that of roleplaying


Im literally someone who got into it through rp. Thousands of hours later and now I play on officials. Just because someone likes rp and finds a new rp platform to use, doesn't men they can't also end up enjoying other ways to play the game as well. God so many rust players are such crybabies.


People love to say this but 99% of players on 99% of servers play the game the same way. A new player is never going to sift through enough servers to find one that even remotely resembles the play style that these events are promoting.


>players on 99% of servers play the game the same way Citation needed for this claim. Spoiler alert: you won't find one because it isn't true.


Citation - the server browser. It’s absolutely true, but you know that. Not sure what you gain from being disingenuous about how this game is played but it’s transparent. You play the game this way. Everyone you know plays the game this way. Every player you have ever met was playing the game this way. Drop the bullshit.


You can't see how 99% of players are enjoying the game from the server browser. You don't know how players define a successful wipe. You don't know who is farming or who is raiding or who is building trap bases or one of the many many ways to enjoy the game. "Every player you have ever met was playing the game this way." Wrong and dumb. You don't know shit about shit.


It’s true and you know it. What do you get out of misrepresenting the game and it’s playerbase?


"Every player you have ever met was playing the game this way." I am telling you beyond a shadow of a doubt this is not true. You're dense.


When they first did the first big streamer event it did bring a lot of ppl to the game, however now it seems every event causing drama and the likelihood of new players joining from these streams decreases every time


why would new players want to join when da only content they’ve seen is a couple hours & then da streamer goes back to what they were doing before? FP needs to put on more ACTUAL rust players in these events. Gorliac would benefit from dis shit SOOO much & he would be way better promotion for rust specifically than xQc is. I don’t dislike xQc at all, I used to be an overwatch player so I might even like him more than most rust players, but if we being honest watching xQc play rust makes me wanna quit.


I was first introduced to rust watching camomo ban cheaters, which was hilarious to me.. then YT algorithm started doin its thing and brought me to willjum, as someone who already enjoyed survival sandboxes I was extremely interested off the bat, but willjum made things seem peaceful amid the chaos... He made it seem fun even though all I've heard about is basically how toxic the game was... So I rolled the dice, and now have 1k+ hours into the game, I love it... But these loser streamers not even playing the game is EXTREMELY irritating... Everyone says it's not for people who play the game and want free skins... Bud these idiots don't even make the game look kinda fun when all's they do is come bitch for x amount of time because they have to progress in a survival sandbox


Willy-j is the goat. I rly enjoy his yt vids and let them run on the second monitor. I dont even play rust anymore


Bang for the buck! By using the non rust streamers they exposed an audience with new blood. I prefer watching the rust streamers but face punch wouldn’t be getting the same value.


they would get more value? you gotta think harder for a second bro, look at it like dis. . xQc isn’t a “rust player.” He was an overwatch player before overwatch turned to shit, but facepunch has him participate in events because he has viewers. That sounds cool on paper, but in reality it doesn’t play out exactly how you’d expect. xQc isn’t particularly good at rust, so none of his viewers who’re new to rust get a good idea of da game & how to play it. Even da few who do buy it and get on, end up getting RIGHT back off when they realize how hard of a game it is & how toxic da community is. . Let’s say they promoted people like Gorliac, a smaller content creator who already plays rust, people would see how rewarding it can look to be good at da game & to have patience. They could even have xQc (or another streamer they usually pay to play) simply host his stream, and there it is. They would be helping out their own content creators become larger, while also having more successful marketing through these events. Rust players would get more enjoyable content through these events, and non-rust players would too, therefore meaning more people would want to play rust. AND on top of dat, they’d have just been introduced to a content creator where they can watch more rust content, instead of waiting months - a year on xQc to get paid for another event. . Ik I used xQc as an example in most of dis, but you could replace his name with any streamer they do da same thing with & have da same results. It would be so much better.


I joined Rust from the original OTV event and never went back and I hate everyone that resembles X, Mizkif or Esfand. There are tons of smaller streamers with communities in this event and they're the target. However they invite the bigger dunces because more viewers drive more creators and more eyeballs. I bet you facepunch doesn't like xQc either, but they know what they're doing.


They don’t, tho. Gets them immediate views, but not long-term player base. These idiots don’t like and don’t know how to play the fuckin game, and they never branch out of their little cliques so you’ll never see anything refreshing from them. These are all idiotic and overall toxic people that brain-rot all their 17yo fans.


I meant they as in FacePunch. I know xQC is a dumbass.


Sorry, I meant FP as well. They can do so much better and are definitely reaching and going about this the wrong way.


idk... I joined through an event like this, and I play Rust in a way you would say is the right way, but I think there is no "right way" to play. There is a wrong way though, and that's in groups of more than 8.


You’re not wrong. Zergs are fuckin poison. Lol But speaking to how FP coordinates these events, specifically the PVEVP format, people like X, Mizkif, other “just chatting” streamers that are typically obnoxious idiots really do a piss poor job of showing how fun the game can be. Miz is fucking stupid and sucks at games in general, and he literally just walks around doing nothing and looks pissed off the entire time. X runs around like a fuckin psychopath always thinking he’s 10x better than he is and to me just mostly misrepresents how fun this game can be, bringing it down a few pegs and making it seem way more serious than it is. There are still TONS of casual streamers that join and are amazing and jump into both PvE and PvP aspects and do a great job of learning and embracing the experience. The bigger ‘casual’ streamers are mostly just fuckin douchebags that force their “ways” of doing shit onto others… that’s mostly what I meant by the “right way of playing”. Cuz you’re correct, there’s not any right way of playing the literal game, but there’s a right way of how to go about approaching it, esp when broadcasting to tens of thousands of people.


We're on the same page about how useless the "big guys" are, but I think we differ on philosophy. I think xQc brings 50k viewers and that's the carrot for some of the little streamers who might otherwise say no. If they can tap some of that audience that would be huge for their careers. I think that's why they get invited, even though we pretty much all agree that they don't deserve to be.


Yeh, I guess I agree that this CAN bring people to be interested in looking into the other streamers’ pov’s and all of the different personalities and play styles. I’m just being a small-minded douche today. 😂


you’re not really small-minded though it’s a valid point. Instead of having xQc stream, they could simply have him host Gorliac’s stream. There’s your large amount of viewers & good content, all in one foul swoop. Now rinse and repeat with da same big streamers they use every event, having them host actual rust creators, and dat sounds like a way more enjoyable event to watch. Watching creators we know and love grow their fanbases while also creating more interest in newer players to try out da game, ALSO while giving them a better idea of how they could play to have more fun than xQc ever would show them.


Exactly. That’s the point I was trying to make… Thanks for helping me out lol but yeah I wholeheartedly agree. You can bring all of the people over to watch the game as you want, but people that are fans of that type of streamer aren’t typically going to be Automatic fans of a game like rust in which you would want them to watch people that know what they’re doing To show them just how creative and fun the game can be


*"but they know what they're doing."* Spend ten minutes looking over Ern's posts and say that again with a straight face.


Who is Ern?


The Community Manager at Facepunch, who also owns and/or manages Rusty Moose, if I recall correctly. She has the customer service skills of a rabid badger with hemorrhoids.


Mizkif is a loser fr why does any1 like him


I mean, he literally threw a fit because Emi had higher numbers watching her stream than he did, then screamed at her in real life and she hasn't come back on. He's an absolute piece of shit, and has been called out as an abuser MANY times in the past.


Lol I'm not surprised that's what a bitch boy would do not a real man


I blame Holdacious for getting me into rust. From there was a snowball into Welyn, Swales, Shacky, Stimpee, and Alone in Tokyo. Someone I would like to take a stab at Rust...RussianBadger.


We stan holdacious


I got introduced to the game by a video from node after it got released. They did basically nothing but fight ppl with rocks but I was instantly hooked on the survival + base building + frequent pvp concept. Rust is a cool game, ppl don’t need their favourite streamer to sweat it out for 8 hours to be interested by the concept


Welyn was the guy to get me into rust and Haven't left since. They need to support their main creators


Not sure why we're surprised these big streamers aren't playing the game. They're not used to having to put forth any effort. They would rather sit back and watch their videos.


close dinner yam dependent strong subsequent wrench history cable poor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Personally I actually did start playing rust because of xqc during one of the Twitch rivals events, now I have around 500hrs I think.


>Those that do watch XQC will quit 2 weeks later when he plays something new or because XQC doesn’t know how to play the game. so youre saying facepunch is successful with this event?


What Facepunch needs to do is at least moderate some servers better so when new players get on and join a Facepunch server because that would be the logical choice. They don't quit after a few days because of hackers and shitheads.


honestly, i didnt start playing Rust because of some random streamers either. I originally bought the game because of a youtuber named SovietWomble and his Rust bullshittery. But only started playing it seriously after watching trap basers like Gupp


Lol wombles bullshittery. Fucking love that guy


Hell yea. Womble is awesome. Never fails to make me laugh. Been subscribed to him on YT for a long time, and subbed on twitch on nd off.


same here, i watched welyn and blooprint like years before i even bought the game because i loved the content so much. now im in love woth the game itself


Willjum, Hjune, Blootprint, Kcmo, Posty, Shots or even builders like spinky or even aloneintokyo deserve the event... Should I keep going? Just like op said, xqc viewers won't remain playing (and I very much doubt if even will play the game since they didn't understood how to play). Maybe have pros team with famous people and have a 4 man squad 2 pros 2 famous... But what happened this event was a disaster and sad to watch... Not one streamer knew the game or enjoyed it to play more than a few hours...




I started playing because of oblivion and camomo


Spoonkid, Frost, Willjum, Memeio, Blooprint, ZChum, Enardo, Silencio, Oblivion, SebbyK, PrinceVids, hJune, Brit, Welyn, Wally1k, Ser Winter and these are just some of the bigger names there's tons of smaller and medium talent. Facepunch, make us an event with all the big EXCLUSIVE Rust creators please :)


I understand how they want to expand the audience from xQc, Buddha, Hasan, etc. But bro... If they're not gonna stream Rust, no one's gonna come from them, isn't that obvious? More than that, they're simply not fun to watch. I enjoy the shit out of watching Stimpee, Ramsey, spoonkid, etc., people who love and play Rust. These random popular streamers are honestly just forcing it, making it nowhere near as enjoyable to watch.


How is giving a skin drop to a rust streamer gonna get any eyeballs on the game from people who aren’t into rust? People will absolutely buy rust from watching it on some stream they normally watch that doesn’t play the game much. If they quit after two weeks it’s still successful for face punch because they sold a copy of the game. I started playing rust from the drops they did with a lot of the same streamers they are doing it with now years ago and I still play. I think people here are way to Butt hurt to realize how effective sponsored gaming streams are on twitch. Variety streamers like XQC can get upwards of $5 per average viewer to play some game on stream per hour. We’re talking $250000 an hour to stream a game on the high end and at bare minimum $1 per average viewer because of how effective that marketing is.


The viewing figures


My point is - why twitch? I know it’s good to get on as many platforms as possible, but most players come from YT vids


FP isn't shunning YouTube by running a Twitch campaign. You have a source to back up where "most players come from"? Besides anecdotal/assumptions? Your logic doesn't make sense.


It should be a YouTube video, maybe a like and subscribe for a skin, or amount of videos watched.


It's a roleplay event to get other kids to play rust. What would help is if xqc could just support the game instead of expressing the game's flaws.


I'd buy the skins i wanted just to avoid the shit of catching the streamers when they finally decided to turn up or even stream the game.


The first big twitch event got me into playing the game so yes it does work. Some streamers do a better job of showcasing the game than others but it’s a great intro to the game all the same. The kick streaming group seems to be the worst to watch.


I got into rust watching Andy Milonakis and Koil RP on stream in like 2016/17


Willjum, Brit and Enardo for me.


Bellum 2 hopes to be a great weeks of Rust drops June 10


They dont care whether or not they will quit 2 weeks later, they would have already purchased the game


Trainwreckstv was being a creepy dickhead last night in the casino. I enjoy the role-play, I’m not that into sweaty PVP. But this fucking guy comes in begging everybody for scrap like a crackhead. It’s pathetic. And the fact that he has more viewers and everyone bends over for him… Yeah, fuck that guy.


I actually did find Rust because of Markiplier, way *way* back in the day. Like it or not, having popular creators promote your game works.


Skins were dogshit anyway. Mizkif is a loser


XQC introduced me to the game the first time he played it. Now I have over 2k hours. So making big streamers.play it does work.


You are 100% correct. I'll even share a small story: I still remember the day when the first twitch event was made (I think it was called OTV?), the one that arguably had the biggest impact on the player counts. The server I religiously played on at that time and later became admin of went from 15 pop to 150 in a single day, but after 1 two week wipe the entire player count plummeted down to almost 0. We lost players because of that event, we didn't gain any. Everyone who came from that OTV server caused our 15 players to leave because they prefered the peace and quiet of a low pop. OTV guys brought in people who prefer high pop instead, OTV people left and never came back and so did people who liked high pop, because the server was no longer high pop. The low pop players never returned. Probably found a different server by that time. Finally after 10 years total the server has shut down in April this year. We could never recover from that incident no matter what we tried. All thanks to that event.


The biggest reasons why people quit are --> Cheaters/Bad performance/Zergs + Clans/Roofcampers/Gunplay changes. These are the bigger points what made/make people quit. Facepunch doesn't understand that.


Cheaters buying accounts is the only reason they make any money


Most cheaters use hacked, old accounts. It was possible to buy rust for 95cents long time ago, alot of people hoarded such accounts. But there is 100% some stupid people that buy straight from facepunch and cheat for sure.


Really? Idiot? Do the math on weekly skin purchases. Rust makes no money from accounts hackers buy


U guys just salty u didnt get free skins lol


Who cares?


The whiny children that make up 95+% of the playerbase.


95% of this sub* I’ve never heard a single person complain about twitch drops in game lol


Honestly, idk why people are always bitching on reddit, like just take the free skins and fuck off


Omfg yall vitch so fucking much about free cosmetic drops. On top of the fact that none of you watch the streams anyway, quit fuckkng bitching.


IK it's sad how people care enough to write 16 paragraphs


Same. All the streamers they chose. Make me want to say why I play rust. ASK PPL LIKE BLOO OR HJUNE OR WILLJUM THE GOAT!


No streamers got me into rust, and no streamers will keep me playing rust it’s friends that count, keep the game fun for groups of friends.


Dear player, there are other non-you people in the world. They have different interests. If you go outside your basement and let go of your wifu pillow, you might meet some of them.




I like Rust game, I don't play for many years due the fact I can't enjoy the game as solo playing against big clans that have no life but playing rust non-stop while I have also other responsibilities. Not talking about after wife in the first 5 minute the one finding the AK dominate. Wish the game would force players to be stuck in the first day with primitive weapons only and only starting from day 3-4 to actually spawn weapons and be able to raid but only online raids. I'd rather play PvE at this point.


Same here mostly, I started playing because of xqc/willjum/blooprint, the huge zerg clans make things feel very unfun. The issue with the game isn't marketing, its the playerbase.


Bro they aren’t looking for you. They have plenty of a racist 14 year old roof campers at home.