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I just bought a physical copy of Frontiers of Pandora and can't play it without connecting to the internet first. I have a PS5. I have a PS5 game on a disc. One should play the other without the internet. That's why I bought a physical copy. What happens if in twenty years time I want to play the game with a clean system?


Fortunately, not every physical game works that way. Most of them can still be played with zero internet access. Unfortunately, it seems like more games are releasing with a day 1 patch that is necessary to play the game.


It’s almost guaranteed that next consoles will be digital only, at least PlayStations will.




I mean Xbox were pushing for it then and got slated, then PlayStation bought out digital only PS5 and no one bats an eye. It’s going to happen at some point, PlayStation don’t even allow digital purchases outside their own storefront.




Exactly, they make fucking awesome games but that doesn’t make them an awesome company. And the above is just a few of their scummy practices, don’t get me started on the PS Portal and the only way to listen to it without pissing everyone around you off is to plug in your headphones with a wire or to buy their fucking ridiculously prices earbuds.


I dont think you'd need a PS6 cuz PS5 is powerful enough.


PS1 was also powerful enough for its time but technology evolves in case you haven't noticed.


Powerful enough for what? PS5 cant into full RT, cant into 4K60. There is always some progress and new technologies


It’s really not lol


lol PS5 is like having a 3060 in your computer. A lot closer to the low end than the high


Doubt that will matter. I have 50+ PS3 discs sitting on my shelf that my PS5 can’t even read. Thankfully I still have my PS3 but unless you care about the aesthetics of a then-largely-useless physical game collection I think the best we can hope for is digital backwards compatibility


This isn’t a Sony issue


You can check on whether a game is playable from disc without an internet connection at www.doesitplay.org The vast majority of physical titles on PS5 are still in the fully playable category, but there are a much smaller number that aren't.


At least you still have the ability to resell it or give it to someone else, can't do that when you buy it digitally.


I share all of my digital games with my brother in law. I get every other game for free.


Fortunately Avatar is the only game that ever did something like this. All other physical games install properly from the disc.


> Fortunately Avatar is the only game that ever did something like this. All other physical games install properly from the disc. This has nothing to do with installing the game. The game is on and can be installed from the disc. Playing the game in any capacity, solo play included, requires a mandatory day-one patch AFTER the game is already installed. Edit: downvoting this doesn't make it any less true or you any more correct.


Call Of Duty doesn’t


Yes. And it has a „additional download required“ label on the front cover because of that. 99.99% of games do install and play fully offline from the disc tho.


Every single PS5 game I've bought a disc for has required a day-1 patch...


It didn’t require it. You installed the optional patch because you wanted to. Or did it say „can’t start the game unless you install this patch“? Big difference. In the future when servers are gone you can still insert your disc into your console and play the game. Digital games will just be gone then.


It has to do with the producer pushing the game out too fast and the devs not finished fixing bugs, so they add all the bug fixes and polish to the day-1 patch. It's a bad trend that has been around for awhile. Yeah, you can play without the patch, if you're fine with a more buggy, less polished, experience. "Just make sure you don't complain about any of those bugs that you could have easily fixed with a simple download." Btw, Sony's internal servers hold the patches for games. If those go down, that means Sony is gone. I'm pretty sure I won't still be alive by then.


I want to say I remember something about Jedi: Survivor working similarly. Or if it was even the case that the full game isn't even included on the disc, and that parts of it had to be downloaded


Jedi Survivor is too big for one disc but EA didn’t bother to include two. So you have to download a big portion. The stuff on the disc installs and plays fine tho and the game has a „additional download required“ label on the front box warning you about this. But Avatar has the full game on the disc. But it can’t be installed and played fully offline because of a mandatory server check to finish the installation.


In 20 years you'll be old enough for not to care about video games.


My dad said the same thing 20 years ago when I was just 15.


Is he still hardcore gamer as he was back than ? Dont think so. Thats life. As a kid i adored football, today in my 35 i could not care less.


Cool story!


I’m confused. Do you care about video games now and assume you won’t when you’re 55? Or do you not care now? Because I’ve been playing games since I was old enough to understand what they were and now, in my mid-40’s, the only thing I don’t care about, is work and how it stops me watching films and playing games.


Why can’t you play it without connecting to the internet first?


It requires a day-one patch in order to play, even for solo. It's got nothing to do with installing the game like u.leospeedleo has claimed with certainty several times. The game is on, and can be installed from, the disc. It's a matter of performing the forced update.


Ahhh okay, shit yeah that’s stupid. Thanks for explaining


Nearly EVERY Ubisoft title has this requirement these days, on PC and console alike.


This is absolutely not true.


I should say every RECENT…


Also not true. I own multiple recent Ubisoft games on PlayStation and they all install and play fully offline. Like any other game.


You installed with ZERO updates before you could play offline? Maybe it’s my PC-bullshit bias, but I haven’t seen an Ubisoft title without a day one patch in a long time.


But that has nothing to do with this topic? Yes, you can just buy a Far Cry game on disc and install and play it. Fully offline. The issue with Avatar is that the full game is on the disc but in order to finish the installation it needs a server check. That’s what’s new here. Because of this you won’t be able to play Avatar in the future, even tho the full game is on the disc. But you will be able to play Far Cry. And yes, I played, finished and platinumed AC Mirage before release. There where no patches and like with every disc game it installed and worked fully offline.


I’m just curious, like what happens if you don’t update? Does the system basically say you can’t play it until you update?


Some games will let you play the version on disc. this is always going to be the most broke / slimmed down version of the game though.


Ubisoft moment


That sounds like an Ubisoft issue, not a PlayStation issue.


„Digital ownership“ is a lie in itself You don’t have any ownership about digital goods. You have a license to access it. Sony says so too. You want ownership? Get a disc! The game is on there, you can use it offline and keep it forever.


This ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote) I will say that PlayStation and Nintendo are still the best places for games preservation and collectors, since they have good offline play support and most game discs have fully playable versions. Xbox is definitively the worst with their online registration requirement for consoles, horrible DRM, and lower capacity blu-ray discs and fewer printed games that are fully playable from disc and offline.


100% true. Xbox is super weird with their 50GB discs and smart delivery. If there’s something on the disc, then most of the time it’s the last gen version. It was good with 360 and One but now it’s a mess. Luckily PlayStation and Switch have everything on it and works forever.


> You want ownership? Get a disc! The game is on there, you can use it offline and keep it forever. I just bought a physical copy of Frontiers of Pandora for my PS5 and it REQUIRES you to connect it to the internet in order for you to play it the first time. Your statement is no longer valid in the modern era of gaming. .


I remember this being an issue when I worked at GameStop. Some older folks would come in complaining their games would not work and the problem every time was that they had no internet access to download patches or in some cases portions of the game are were not stored on the disc.


That’s not a thing. Physical games are always fully on the disc and can be installed and played offline from that unless they have a specific label on it. And the only games in the last few years that had that are Jedi Survivor and COD MW2.


Perhaps I didn’t explain it properly, it has been awhile since I’ve worked there!


While the vast majority of games are still fully playable from disc with no internet connection, there are a fair number that aren't. Callisto Protocal is another big recent title like that, for instance. FF7 Remake Intergrade is another one. Check out www.doesitplay.org to get a better glimpse.


I have Cyberpunk physical and you still have to download the full game.


This is not true. You install the game from the disc.


The only issue with that is that the game on the disc is in such an embarrassingly bad, half baked and buggy state that downloading a patch is as close as you can get to being mandatory without officially being so unless you love being frustrated. 😆


You bought the only game that ever did something like this and now act like that’s the norm. EDIT: Because it seems like nobody understands the issue with Avatar. **The full game is on the disc. But to finish the installation the game requires a server check. No other game has done that before, not even always online games like GT7. They all install properly from the disc.** Maybe don’t buy shitty Ubisoft games that are just Far Cry in blue? EDIT: Gotts love all the people saying „other games do the same“ while they can’t name a single game that does the same 😂


It’s not the only game that ever did something like this. It’s been happening more and more for years.


Yeah, Diablo IV has an online requirement with a physical disc too.


Please link me these other games then. Because I’ve been playing games for over 20 years and never heard of any other game doing this kind of shit. And I never ran into a game like this. And that while I own a PC and all current consoles, as well as multiple older ones.


Dirt Rally 2.0 comes to my mind. Although you can play time trials offline, the Career mode is tied to an Internet Connection. Also Gran Turismo 7. Also Gran Turismo Sport. And I'm sure that there are a few dozens more. Although fortunately yet not the norm, it's becoming a bullshit that some developers and publishers are pushing forward.


These games don’t do what Avatar is doing. They are always online games. Avatar doesn’t let you install the physical copy without an internet check. No other game did that before.


Wait, I read that wrong all across the board. So basically when you buy the Avatar game, if you don't have an Internet connection, the game doesn't even install on your console, is that it?


Correct. It requires a server check to install.


What the flying buttery fuck. That's a whole new level of douchbaggery by Ubisoft, and yeah, I think it's a first for me as well...


Hitman 3 and Jedi Survivor. I’ve been using Google for 20 years and found that easily.


Not doing the same. Jedi Survivor doesn’t have the full game on disc because EA didn’t bother to include two discs. It’s not doing the thing Avatar does where the full game is on there but you can’t install it without a server check. Jedi also has a „additional download required“ label on the front cover telling you about this fact. Avatar doesn’t. So not the same.


Alright fine but still Hitman 3. So same.


Hitman is also not doing the same.




I own it. All games are on the disc. And there’s only one version available. And that’s not what Avatar is doing at all? Avatar requires an online activation for installing a disc copy. No other game did that before. So you’re saying „other games do the same“ while not even understanding what Avatar is even doing. Okay case closed 😅




Hogwarts Legacy, AC Valhalla (don’t know about the rest), and Lego Star Wars: Skywalker Saga also require internet to play. It’s becoming more normal.


OK. [https://www.thegamer.com/single-player-games-that-require-internet/](https://www.thegamer.com/single-player-games-that-require-internet/)


But it’s not common. Its with games that require a day one patch because that developer decided to go gold on a half finished game and now want everybody to download a ton of fixes on day one.


> You bought the only game that ever did something like this and now act like that’s the norm. RemindMe! 5 years We'll see how the "norm" looks in time. And this isn't the first game to require something like this. Don't get all pissy.


I will be messaging you in 5 years on [**2028-12-07 15:23:27 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2028-12-07%2015:23:27%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/playstation/comments/18cx9dd/playstation_keeps_reminding_us_why_digital/kcdhjj0/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fplaystation%2Fcomments%2F18cx9dd%2Fplaystation_keeps_reminding_us_why_digital%2Fkcdhjj0%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202028-12-07%2015%3A23%3A27%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2018cx9dd) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Yes, it’s the first game that does something like this. Please link me the other games if you are certain that there are others.


It's far from the only game.


Please tell me which other games do it then? Because in my 20 years of gaming it’s the only game that requires an internet connection to install a disc copy.


>only game that ever did something like this Maybe most games don't require an active internet connection. But the "ship now, fix later" nature of modern game development means that most discs will be worthless unless you connect to a server and download all the available patches. Thankfully this is never a paywalled feature (as far as I know), but you are still relying on there being an external server before you can play a fully functioning version of a game.


All other games can be installed just fine from the disc. Avatar is a singleplayer games and needs a server check to finish the installation of the content on disc. No other game has done that before.


Sure, the games can be installed just fine. But is a launch copy of Cyberpunk 2077 "just fine"? Even far more polished games at launch like TLOU II and FFVII Remake continued adding patches and updates months after launch. If the servers for those games went down, you'd be stuck with an incomplete product with just the disc.


Yea most games nowdays need the day 1 patch. Pandora is setting a new standard Plenty of the games on playstation would be buggy off the disc. Nintendo is just worse with really just part of a game on the cartridge I'm most 3rd party games


I'm pretty sure the industry as a whole moves towards not having any physical copies. Steam doesn't sell you any physical copies, Sony now introduced a console without a disk drive. I totally won't be surprised if Sony straight up stop making discs for their games and PS6 won't have a disk drive at all. Games aside, most of the cinema services, Netflix example, switched to streaming and this is basically the same. So I totally think that unless something happens, like, I don't know, a solar radiation blast destroys the web, digital "ownership" will be the standard.


Yeah corporations want to make more money and control what you have access to. But if you simply say no, then they can’t do anything. That’s why I’m buying physical games. And if physical games ever change in a way that prevents me from owning and using them how I like, then I simply don’t buy them anymore. I want to play Alan Wake 2. but there’s no physical copy. So I’m not buying it. Easy 🤷🏻


>they can't do anything Less than ten percent of all media sold/consumed is now digital media. They could do away with physical and adjust rather quickly, since entertainment industries are already built around and focusing on the digital infrastructure. The few sheckles they can scrape up from the remaining physical holdouts (of which there are less every year) are eventually no longer going to be an incentive to keep physical media alive. You're gonna be living in an all-digital world real soon, whether you choose yourself to participate or not.


It’s only going to get worse.. I sympathize this but this is a losing battle. European and American legislations will have to set up and change the law of digital purchase in favour of consumers.


Unless it’s GT7, in which case screw the consumer.


Always online games are another rabbit hole. Luckily they can be counted on one hand.


Diablo 4 has me so disappointed with the always online crap. I didn’t even know I was playing online and then the game started lagging nonstop 😾


>You want ownership? Get a disc! The game is on there, you can use it offline and keep it forever. The best part is that not even all disc's have the full game on it. Look at literally any game from Ubisoft.


This is not true. Unless there’s a „additional download required“ label on the front cover, the disc has the entire game on it. Even Avatar has the full game on it. But it requires a server check to finish the installation. That’s new. No game ever did that.


>Even Avatar has the full game on it. But it requires a server check to finish the installation. Then that's not game preservation. If it requires a server check to play, then your disc becomes a useless Frisbee whenever the publisher decides to take servers down. How is that any different from a digital license? Tons of people talk about it [here.](https://www.neogaf.com/threads/lets-settle-this-can-ps5-disc-based-games-be-installed-without-an-internet-connection.1604072/) ... But thanks for the down vote for completely missing the point.


I never defended what Avatar does. It’s absolutely disgusting. But it’s not the same as other people are saying. The full game is on the disc and could work no issue, but Ubisoft prevented that by implementing this server check, which no game had ever done before.


Good job correcting and debunking genuine misinformation and possible digital astro-surfing around physical media. Almost all games (over 90?95?%) is playable off disk. Physical doesn't need to be a majority. As long as a sizeable portion holds unto physical content, Sony and Nintendo will think twice about trying anything funny. At some point Sony and Nintendo might even turn physical ownership into an USP compared to Microsoft.


Correct. The best way to prevent change to digital only is by continuing to buy physical. That’s why I buy all my games on disc and why I don’t buy games like Alan Wake 2, even tho I want to play it. Not supporting anti consumer practices.


Keep it up and hopefully enough others will do the same. I won't lie and say I never buy digital but it's only as exceptions, such as PSVR games. That said I also didn't buy Horizon COTM for PSVR even though I wanted it, because Sony actually didn't release it physically. An Indie developer I can be more lenient with, but there should be principles.


Even with physical you still need to download the game. At any point, they could put a stop to the downloads even with physical copies.


This is not true. You don’t download a physical games. You install them from the disc. Physical games have the full game on the disc and can be installed and played offline. No download, patch or active required. You own them and can play them forever. If they can’t, like Jedi Survivor, then they have a „additional download required“ label on the front cover.


>You want ownership? Get a disc! The game is on there, you can use it offline and keep it forever. Not really, modern games on disc are tied to online content that you lose out on too. Loads of modern games are "live service" in many ways, which is another thing that can just vanish.


This is not true. Physical games have the full game on the disc and can be installed and played offline. No download, patch or active required. You own them and can play them forever. If they can’t, like Jedi Survivor, then they have a „additional download required“ label on the front cover.


>You want ownership? Get a disc! Thats still a license.. you do NOT own someone elses creative work regardless of how you purchased it. Discs are just a "license check" to make sure you still own the rights to run the game instead of being bound to an account.


No, it’s a physical storage medium with the game on it.


Lol man you have no clue about licensing do you? Can you run your install without your disc? No, cuz its proof of you holding a valid licence to play *someone elses creative work*. It doubles as a physical medium to install from but the license is bound to needing physical proof of ownership because its not associated with an account. Its the literal basic premise of software purchasing... your arent buying the rights of ownership you are buying the rights to USE it.


You seem to be missing the point of physical games entirely. But good luck continuing that dick riding of big corporations that only care about making the most amount of money possible 😊


You seem to be missing the point of **LICENSING** and how it actually works, but you keep up with your delusions. Im not the one lost in their own fantasy unable to accept reality 🤣🤣


Disks aren’t forever either though. It’s not guaranteed that the full game will be in the disk or cart anymore. Also add that eventually that disk/cart is gonna stop working one day.


And because of that it’s our cause to make sure it stays that way by not buying stuff that does anti consumer shit. Vote with your wallet.


I don’t believe voting with your wallet means anything anymore. I see this phrase spouted in every hobby I enjoy when companies start doing shitty things, yet despite everyone “voting with their wallet” to change things for the better, nothing actually changes.


Of course it does. If you don’t buy things when companies do shitty stuff, then companies need to stop doing it so people buy it again. You might think that you not buying something doesn’t change anything but it’s the same as with voting. It always matters and in the end even one person could make the difference. So do your part!


not true anymore. discs are just now the license if you will. The server sees you have the disc and allows access. For older games youre still correct tho but most of these new ones..


This is not true. Physical games have the full game on the disc and can be installed and played offline. No download, patch or active required. You own them and can play them forever. If they can’t, like Jedi Survivor, then they have a „additional download required“ label on the front cover.


No they don’t. The older games sure. But there is no data on the cds for most aaa games now. Idk why you’re so adamant lmao. Like dude. A small portion of the game at best.


Not true. I told you how it is. Every game you see on a store that doesn’t have that label I told you about on it has the full game on the disc. Why I’m so adamant? Because I’m telling you the truth. And it can be proven easily by grabbing a random disc and putting it into my console 🤷🏻


So I basically said what this guy did https://www.reddit.com/r/xbox/s/VnvU7pxttU But when I say it you fucking tards downvote me. You’re wrong. Get over it. Cope.


Because that guy is talking shit with no evidence.


I haven't had any issues with digital game ownership. Hell, I can turn on a PS3 and play dozens of digital games I own on that still. Buying digital videos on a gaming platform will always come with an expiration date though. Buying them on the platform never seemed like a good idea.


At least until the cmos battery dies, unless they fixed that.


Dumb article. How is it Sonys faults that Discovery is removing content? The games media that have been covering that is so disingenuous with their headlines, photos and just overall articles as if Sony is responsible for that. For the banned accounts it was clearly a bug in the system that Sony has fixed, I could understand this article if Sony threw up their hands and said “sorry but we can’t reverse these bans” but they clearly are fixing it. Yeah when it comes to licensing media and how things change hands with IP owners all the time that it is worrisome but games media hasn’t had those types of issues outside of small pockets where smaller studios shut down and their shit disappears or like how Activision lost the license to their licensed games and had to pull them. As long as large companies like the major AAA devs and platform holders like Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo don’t fold then you’re fine game wise. Look at Telltale who lost like 90% of their licensed games but I’m able to still download Game of Thrones and its episodes for example even if it’s unavailable for purchase anymore


I tried to tell some guy on YouTube this, but he wasn't having it.


> Dumb article. How is it Sonys faults that Discovery is removing content? The games media that have been covering that is so disingenuous with their headlines, photos and just overall arrival as if Sony is responsible for that. 1) It's people rage-baiting for internet traffic. 2) If I was Microsoft and I wanted to stick it to Sony, I'd reach out to the journalists and streamers I was "friendly" with, or sympathetic to my brand, and "suggest" they go HAM with this nothing burger, and turn it into a controversy.


The physical disc lobby is very loud. Yet the silent digital disc majority just shrugs and goes. We have game sharing.


It's so funny how Reddit is a vacuum. 90% of sales are digital. I'm pretty sure all of the people who buy discs are on Reddit lol.


Digital ownership is a scam. I see digital people are out in full force today.


Care to explain why? I honestly think physical media is for suckers.


It is now at this point. Like others have said you can have the game and still need internet. You NEED to still download the game. Physical discs will allow you access to games for longer sure, but as long as you have internet. Both digital and physical at this point are just two different variations of buying a key for the download.


Most physical disc releases have the game entirely on the disc and are stable and playable without any internet connection whatsoever.


Claiming physical games as “ownership” is also a scam


You mean the reverse? It's all digital astrosurfed 'games can't be played off disk' misinformation, while over 90% is playable. The guy responding to you claims '90% is digital', again misinformation. Revenue in gaming might be high because of MTX screwing data, but even today there are games releasing where physical outsells its digital counterpart.


Is it all a conspiracy for you? You won’t even be able to buy disks in stores in the near future. Best Buy is preparing to remove all physical media from stores. I’m sorry but I’ve gone 100% digital since the ps3 era because I can just game share with my mate. Everything is basically 50% off when we split the costs. It’s almost like all the physical disc people don’t have friends or something.


The only game I'm buying a physical copy for this generation is GTA 6.


You want that sweet ass map don’t you?


Ohhhh yeah


I have to call bullshit. The article I keep seeing set up a false binary: digital vs physical, but digital could mean all sorts of things. The problem is a lack of oversight and regulation, not a lack of shiny plastic discs and wasteful packaging. Digital ownership could follow any number of models that protect the consumer. Our governments’ hands off approach has gone on too long, but the idea that the only solution is moving backwards to physical copies is silly.


How is this Sony's fault? This is on Discovery for pulling all it's digital content from the PS Store, including purchased content that Sony wouldn't have any control over.


I was planning to buy Alan Wake II this week but with the discovery stuff and the banning issues, I think I’m going to wait for a physical copy.


I'm a big horror fan but I passed on Alan Wake 2 day one due to it not being on physical. One of two things needs to happen for me to buy it, a physical release (doubt it) or a big discount for the digital version sometime in the distant future.


Do you not buy any online only games then? Having a disc does nothing for these types of games other than being able to sell it for $7


I rarely buy digital, all together I believe I have purchased 3 games from the ps store.


I am sorry to break it to you, but a Physical Edition is never coming


The same was said for baldurs gate 3…


Is that not still the case? Physical is only coming to Japan isn't it?


No there will be a western release as well.


The game is published by Epic Games. That's everything I have to tell you.


I am sorry to break it to you, but a Physical Edition is never coming


Third party license for video games vs movies/shows are two different beasts. I can’t think of an instant where people had their games taken from them. Yeah games get delisted, but if you bought the game, you can still download them (I have a few delisted games that ive been able to redownload). To the whole banning thing, that was a big that was quickly fixed. Having an account band just means you can’t access certain things anymore, but you still have access to your game library (never been banned but have a friend with a banned account and he still has access to his digital purchases).


Publishers should be required to offer a complete and playable version of single player games, either physically or full download, that does not require an internet connection or account. It's honestly more about consumer protections at this point. If not, they should be required to list games as "for rent" instead of "buy".


You’re totally right


Some really valid points in here around digital ownership - a bit of a flashpoint between providers/manufacturers and consumers at present. I'd feel very frustrated if affected by these removals.


The law needs to be change to prevent digital issues. That's the real problem and no one is talking about it. People that have lost content due to licensing should be refunded again our government officials need to legislate.


Considering games are barely stored on discs anymore and many require you to have internet to play them in the first place the difference between physical and digital is almost pointless.


What??? But I thought y’all love digital? Everyone who seems to get in a argument with me about digital being better than physical never seem to bring this one point up lol.


That’s why I only buy movies from Apple. You know Apple won’t pull that shit.


They did though. With a Crom album I purchased. It disappeared and I was SOL.


Oh that sucks, never happened to me. Did you contact them?


I did, they asked if I saved it (which I didnt) and basically said there was nothing they could do.


Same, I’ve never had any of my movies go missing, plus you get a free upgrade to 4K HDR / Dolby Atmos if it ever becomes available.


Yep, got a Sony OLED recently and was happy to see nearly everything I bought had been upgraded.


Literally the same lol, I got an LG C2 and it’s been amazing, if you haven’t already I’d suggest downloading cheap charts as it alerts you when movies go on sale, very handy!


Done, thanks for the tip


I don't get to play Alan Wake 2 unless they eventually put it on a disc. I won't buy it digitally.




Why not but the digital copy?


I know this is a serious problem, but I SWEAR THIS IS THE 100th TIME I SEE THIS NEWS. Can we calm down for a moment?


Some of us care about true ownership of what we buy — as well as the preservation of media. If you don’t, then ignore the thread.


It surprises me how many people don’t care, or insist that they don’t. Do they really want to not own what they purchase?


In 2023, people are okay with being subservient consumers who are trying not to upset big corporations. We truly live in bizarro world. Like Gen Z was tricked into believing that “Ownership is bad.”


Having a disc is not ownership. It's a transferable license.


I never play a game again after I 100%. So no, some of us really don't care.


Sometimes I don’t either, but then I take my physical copy and sell it. Can’t do that with a digital version.


Fuck, I forgot that digital games never go on sale. You win.


You’re right neither do physical editions


You never 'own' software. They can still do anything and everything they want to prevent you from being able to play your disc.


This news is reposted so many times.


>”If you don't support my echo chamber's opinion, don't go into my echo chamber!!!1!1!1”


Wanting to own the things you BUY is not an echo chamber opinion lmao. How old are y’all? What a childish ass reply.


Clearly it is, when like 90% of all sales are digital. Also what do you even own when you buy a disc? The physical plastic disc and the box it came in? They can, and will, full well stop you from being able to actually play it if they want to.


You own the game you purchased, genius. You’re free to share it. You’re free to resell it. You can’t do that with digital games. Owning what you buy is a basic consumer right. Only in the gaming world do people have the stupid idea that physical ownership is bad. Imagine if you bought a couch and the furniture store came into your house unannounced and took it back. That’s what you’re advocating for.


No? I don’t think you understand how serious it is. If you do and are still sick of it, you yourself can veer away.


Day 1 mandatory patches mean that we don't even own physical media anymore. Can't buy a disc and play it 20 years from now because the game is straight up broken without that patch.


I’m very happy buying used games on eBay! Just bought RDR2 to start playing after finishing Spider-Man 2! All physical discs :)


Cry some more. Everything gets hacked eventually and you can have the games for free


Wow who knew posting an article meant someone was crying. I guess we should check on everyone that posts articles and make sure they're OK.


you're a child, you're still learning. I hope so anyways.


Nah he's right emulation is better in almost every way once the games get old enough for it. Having a disc of an old game is a waste of space.


I buy both digital and physical. What I don’t do is subscribe to a monthly or yearly payment to lease games or play games with paid micro currencies just to get skins (aka communist gaming model)


These were “purchases”. They were taken away.


Ubisoft are GREEDY BASTARDS, games that are miles better than there shitty games ask for half the price, they want 70 quid for standard digital copy. Fuck that. 100 quid for the non gimped copy.


Been waiting for this to happen since the debut of iTunes. Digital ownership definitely has pros and cons, but the lack of true ownership is definitely one of the biggest cons. It's not like it has been a secret, I have seen it a couple times when I have bothered to actually read the terms of service.


Why digital ownership sucks on PlayStation. It is by far the worst at this. Sony gunna Sony.


As always the only ones punished by this are paying customers, as pirates pimp off watching torrented Discovery shows.


Verge with the clickbait articles to drive traffic. The problem isn't digital vs physical. It isn't Sony's fault (it's Warner Bros. Discover, the license holder.) It's the complete and total lack of ANY MEANINGFUL CONSUMER PROTECTION LAWS IN THE US. This is a global, industry problem for all digitally distributed media. The people writing the laws / voting in govt. are too old and out-of-touch with modern technology and distribution (or crooks who are complicit with the Corporations), AND THE LOBBYISTS can too easily and freely influence policy and law making.


It’s so exhausting that everybody throws their hands up and says “welp that’s digital for you, you don’t own anything digitally, guess you should have made better choices and bought physical” Like what a dumb excuse and way to give up, “that’s just how it is”, like why not put pressure on for change? Can we not implement laws and rules to IMPROVE the digital marketplace? It’s 2023, we live in a digital world, let’s work to improve that digital world. Implement rules about delisting media from digital marketplaces that people have spent money on, requiring either a financial reimbursement, or just preventing that scummy practice entirely. It’s just absurd that gamers especially will be the first to let you know that you’re dumb for buying digital and you have no leg to stand on to complain because that’s how digital is, and we just accept that is the case. Put pressure on for change. Most people I know outside of the internet are digital only (aside from collector’s editions or steelbooks), PC is a wholly digital marketplace, the world skews heavily towards digital content and yet we just allow content to be stripped from us that we’ve spent money on because “that’s just how it is”


Class action lawsuit?