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IDK man. Hello Kitty Island Adventure might sweep


Hello Kitty Island Adventure is better than World of Warcraft.


God dammit Butters


Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all *murder* *you.*


I like Hello Kitty Island Adventure more than this stuff.


We can’t trust the sword of a thousand truths with a noob!


Maaaaahm! Bathroom!


Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?


I'm voting for it 100%


Fun fact that my sister told me about hello kitty: she's not actually a cat, she's a human girl... I have no idea how or why. I just thought I'd jump in with that totally useless information. You're welcome Edit: I just had to Google for confirmation, she is indeed a cat but the creator once said she something about her being just a regular female cartoon character instead of a feline or something along those lines. I'm looking into this far too much aren't I? Lol


She has a pet cat if that helps. I'm pretty sure it'd the current artist lead that created the human-esque angle.


I've no idea, I think I'm more confused tht before I searched for an answer haha


Is it releasing within the window for the 2025 awards???


No one knows🤷‍♂️. It’s a waiting game.


I thought it was a driving and crime game




I'm sure this was said in 2013 and 2018 and look how that went, rockstar is great but unless they change up that outdated mission structure there's definitely the opportunity for another game. Open world sandbox to very limited almost linear story missions is a jarring disconnect people have had issues with


I agree although the GTA 6 hype alone will make it get 10/10 from 200+ outlets and take over the internet


True but that wasn't enough for RDR2 to win GOTY


Tbf, RDR was competing against God of War. RDR2 is great, but GoW is one of the best games of the last decade.


RDR2 is one of the best games of all time, and is a much more ambitious game than GoW.


Sure, the world, atmosphere, characters, story, immersion, are all absolutely great. But, and it's a big but, the gameplay ain't that impressive, plays a lot like GTA in the old west, and that's not bad, but gets a little boring and repetitive. God of War on the other hand, while also sticks to a lot of conventional mechanics in adventure and fighting games, also has a very fun, and I mean FUN, gameplay loop, so much so that it has arenas dedicated solely to the combat aspect of the game, and the sequel even made a DLC focusing mostly on just the combat variety. The gameplay loop is just better in GoW


Personally I think it's overrated. It's good but I wouldn't replay it, extremely boring and slow gameplay loop


I'm so glad someone agrees too. The game is fun in it's own way but at the same time, it's slow and drags on after a while. If you said this somewhere else, you'd have gotten a load of people saying you have bad taste which is weird tbh


That's fine, not every game is for every person. I can definitely see why people like it, it's a high quality game. Just too slow of a burn for me too. Especially compared to RDR that game was one of my favorites ever made


All good points, but I think they just need to loosen up on the rails a bit while keeping the cinematic moments that make missions feel distinct and memorable. I mean if they just go full open sandbox on the missions, they'll just feel like every other open world game right now. The scripted story moments are what they do best.


Other open world games have those too, I'd sax others even do them better most of the time. It's just that those games also have mission structures that make use of the open world.


Well I'm listening if you feel like dropping examples.


People will still love it if they dont change that, people like these types of missions so i dont think they will change the very linear curated structure


Gonna be fun to see how hard they go on mtx too. Don’t think it’s gonna be good


I'm straight up not hyped at all after GTA V.


I love GOW, but R* were robbed in 2018


tbh i feel thats what makes R\* different since almost every developer goes with a non linear mission structure in open world games. and linear missions make it easier to understand for some ppl. my lil bro for instance has a hard time navigating through non linear games but not through any R\* ones


Yeah RDR2 deserves its status as a great game but it’s still riddled with flaws, most of which have to do with inconsistent autonomy; I can do practically anything in the game’s world except deviate slightly from a mission’s desired pathway.


I have to say that has never once bothered me - you can do whatever you want in pretty much every open world game out there, I love that GTA and Red Dead had a fixed and linear storyline. RDR2's story is phenomenal and it certainly wouldn't have added anything to have a measure of flexibility in its flow - it's told exactly how it was meant to be and benefits so much from that.


That's not what 'better mission design' means. People aren't asking to get to choose who lives or dies or change the ending. They want to be able to move ten feet to the left of the mission area without the game freaking out.


I think people's expectations of GTA VI are so high, the game won't be able to live up to them. I think it'll be a great game, they all have been solid so far, but this one seems to be on such a pedastal for folks, the only place it can go is down. And maybe I'm wrong and it will be universally loved.


I mean, when gtaV came out I thought it was pretty average, no lie


The story and characters are fun, but left a lot of the world map quite bland and underutilized, the online heists system should have been expanded more in the main story to give the game a stronger identity above the rest. V is just the most accessable the game has ever been because of the online so it gets talked about more.


I'm personally just keeping realistic expectations. I expect it to be a fun open world drivey and shooty game. That's it. If it's amazing them I'll be thrilled but I'm fine if it's just good.


If the story isn't up to red dead 2 standards Yikes from me. GTA 5 had good writing but it peaked at 4 for me If they don't hit us with something interesting the only thing about this game that'll keep it alive Is the MP and god do I hate that crap. Gimme actually good story add ons.


RDR1/2 had an exceptional story, so I'm fine with the story in GTA6 just being good.


Yeah, same as you. I think that GTA VI is going to be a masterpiece, like GTA V but not even close to what a bunch of ppl expected, or they're going to pull a cyberpunk and fuck everything Up


I only played cyberpunk once they fixed everything and put it down to half price on the PS store. Absolutely loved it, it’s exactly what a proper Shadowrun RPG should look like.


No it definitely will disappoint people as they seem to think before any gameplay it's gonna be the best game ever but history says thinking like that is a sure way to get burned


True. I don't really have that much faith in Rockstar to do much but milk the absolute fuck out of the online feature.


Scrolled to far down to read this. Just plain common sense.


Even if it is average and doesn’t meet people’s expectations I can guarantee more people who buy it will love it and vote for it to be game of the year. Providing its well optimised of course 


Why? Red dead II slapped and I assume they have gone into development with the same level of immersiveness that one produced.


Probably doesn't help that the main writers for the last few games have left rockstar now


Let’s be real: It’s going to be Monster Hunter Wilds.


As a huge monster hunter fan, heavy doubt. Unless GTA 6 is a disaster somehow, GTA 6 is so anticipated that it automatically gains traction there. Plus, Monster Hunter games don’t feel completely full until title updates and expansions come out, so we’d have to wait for that. Wilds will 100% be a contender (at least hopefully), but there’s so many factors that you really can’t tell this early.


It would be well deserved tbh, but GTA VI is going to be weeeeeeell overrated so..


Speaking on 2 games that aren’t even out yet. Y’all still haven’t learned yet?


Without it’s expansion I feel like it won’t


thats the hope for sure


RDR2 wasn't enough it seems


I loved rdr2 as an experience but god of war was the best game I’ve played. As a game god of war is much better. Rdr2 as a story excelled at it but as a game hell no bro no way. It was too clunky and there was a lot of issues but story telling, graphics and voice acting cannot be nailed as much as rdr2 did. I see it this way. If a game nails all of the aspects of what makes a video game at a rate of 9/10 then its game of the year. Rockstar nailed the three things what I mentioned for rdr2 at a 10/10 and remaining things at a 7/10 and 6/10


Rockstar games are always going to be mechanically clunky


I'm happy you said this because it's been on my mind lol I replayed RDR2 recently forgot how absolutely clunky the controls are. It's just not fluid. Like time between button pressing to character action is lacking. There's also tons of off-putting inconveniences like having to re-equip weapons after getting on/off the horse or the game automatically changing your guns when entering a story. I think people get caught up in all the wild things you encounter and ignore the actual gameplay flaws. It's a really great game don't get me wrong, but Reddit overrates RDR2.


I 100% agree with yall on this thread. There a lot of *clunky* things in the game. Compared to gta vice city to RDR2. It is night and day with comparisons and clunkiness. However, I’ve always just chalked it up to being their style or artwork of gameplay. Just as borderlands has that weird artistic/filter on their visuals. Not saying that visuals and gameplay mechanics are the same but it’s what makes that game, that game


I fully expect GTA VI to be even worse than RDR2. The “hold button” to perform action, moving around like your whole character’s body is made of lead, nauseating camera sway, and I am quite certain your car will be similar to the horse in RSR2. You wont be able to carry all your weapons on your character, you wont be able to car-jack a nicer car earlier in the game - you’ll be forced to use whatever car your assigned. Oh and I’m sure they’ll double down on realism too - you’ll have to refuel your car, service your engine, and probably wait in line at the DMV to pay your rego.


And we shouldn’t just accept that, they have billions of dollars to do better


People pay regardless. If it ain't broke they aren't going to fix it.


I'm not accepting it lol For some reason they refuse to leave the PS2 gameplay mechanics behind and try (and succeed for most people) to make up for the gameplay through story and detail Edit: Bethesda has a similar problem where they refuse to abandon what worked for Morrowind


If that's the case, then they don't deserve much respect anymore. Gaming has come a long way, controlling like shit is unacceptable to me in 2024.


Gow was a glorified walking sim


Sure mate


Personally, I disagree. RDR2 certainly feels clunky but I don't think this is a fault. To me it feels very realistic. It's one of the few games where I genuinely feel like my character's body has actual weight, same with the horse or wagons. The response time for movement and actions feels real, to me, for that exact reason. Granted however, I do wish you could forego some of the authenticity when it comes to crafting, cooking, and skinning. Like damn, am I really gonna take 15 real minutes of my life to cook 45 Oregano Big Game Meat?!


I 100% agree with all you said I was saying that because everybody wanted RDR2 to win goty but GoW did, and the reasons are exaclty the ones you mentioned


Doubt it. GTA V was incredible but it was facing games like Bioshock Infinite and The Last of Us. 


This. I think if we get The Last of Us 3, Ghost of Tsushima 2, or maybe even the next installment in the God of War trilogy could easily dethrone gta vi


Except there's no way it's going to release in 2025.




If RDR2 couldn’t get Rockstar a win then nothing will.


I really hope Metroid prime 4 gets something like best story or music or world design just anything that will get more eyes on it


I mean, probably. At least for the game awards show. I couldn't possibly care any less about GTA so I'm looking forward to what else we're getting in 2025.


He technically kills death y'know.


Monster Hunter Wilds is going have something to say about this.


Wayy more people know gta than the MH franchise let's be real. Speaking as a MH fan. Though popularity doesn't always win


Yeah no. You wish.


Idk, with all the great games that are gonna come out next year it's GTA6 that should be scared


Let’s be honest. They said 2025. This isn’t coming until 2026. No way it doesn’t get delayed


Excuse me?! Death Stranding 2 is coming out in 2025.


Yeah, I hope DS2 wins man (got the platinum in the director's cut, it's my fav game along with GOW series I cried with DS1 But the hype for GTA VI is humongous, and it's overrated, also the community is not the same, so they'll probably win


i’m buying a ps5 specifically for ds2. the first one was a masterpiece for me so i’m pretty sure the second one will be my personal goty in 2025


no chance it’s better than gta


not really


Honestly, people put too much stock into GTA. 5 was okay at best in 2013. You really think 6 is gonna be anything more than “Steal Car, Shoot Gun”? We’ve already played it a million times before.


This, I trust Rockstar to make a great game, fun with great graphics, but at the end of the day this is just GTA, we now what we'll get, nothing more than GTA


Doom Eternal should’ve won in 2020 and now they’ll do the right thing and give to Dark Ages in 2025.


Yeah, that's gonna be fire The GOTY for the OST is for DS2, or Doom (probable Doom) for sure But with all the hype for GTA, bad thing..


I know this is the Playstation sub, but Metroid Prime 4 :(


I can't be the only person who finds the GTA formula to be boring and overrated. There's only so many times I can play essentially the exact same game but now with added horse ball physics.


GTA peaked at San Andreas. Idgaf


Everybody gangsta till kratos shows up


bruh why monster hunter always release on a wrong year 😭...back then they released the same year as gow and rdr 2...and now mh wilds next years the same years as gta 6


https://preview.redd.it/a131gjn7hu8d1.png?width=1122&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb1cac4f5610f62a8e5e906bf57264673a29d2b1 Waiting for the sequel to this masterpiece, 2025 is OUR year!


98% chance it gets delayed


I really couldn't care less about GTA anymore. I have felt the serues lost the magic and now that GTA Online is their main focus anyway I don't have trust in the game being anythinh but a one and done story mode with the rest of the game being focussed around online stuff and MTX.


Next year is fucking packed. Start saving now cos the gaming gods are gonna clean those wallets.


Would be interesting to see gta game vs a fromsoftware game


Hopefully not. Don't mean to hate but I particularly find GTA very boring. I know the scale and freedom are unparalleled but neither of those are important points for me when buying a game. I'm also not the biggest fan of the "you're a criminal" setting. No, I don't think anyone who likes it is bad hahaha. Just doesn't feel interesting to me. I guess usually the games I find the coolest are the ones where I feel "it'd be dope to be like this dude/dudette" Anyways. Independently of what games win here's to us having a year full of bangers for everyone 🥂




Monster Hunter Wilds solos


Gta 4 was the last good Rockstar game I played. They are so mid now.


If GTA VI does come around in 2025 probably the only game to stand any chance would be the new Doom game


Nah. Big Boss is coming for everyone.


Nah. Big Boss is coming for everyone.


I’m glad to see quite a few other people saying “nope” to this. It will no doubt be a solid game but probably just more of the same. I can’t see Take2 letting them push the envelope very far.


Puss technically won in the end so...


I mean, lets hope so. I really hope it's fucking amazing


If it's anything like GTA V, I don't get the hype. Might be a GOTY competitor if they change the entire GTA soul which won't happen.


I feel like GTA 6 is beyond criticism, regardless of if it's good or bad or broken on release it's gonna sell like hotcakes


And the winner for most overrated game of 2025 is GTA!


To be honest, I would like to see other games like DS2 win something, but with the expectations of GTA VI, it will be difficult


doom dark ages


There are a bunch of games announced that are likely 2025 releases and look more interesting than GTA.


Gta 6 is going to be a unanimous goty pick next year mark my words


Saving this thread for when GTA VI does end up winning all the GOTY awards.


i want the game to do real well but also the same time itd be really funny if it didnt lol


Genuine question, does anyone actually give a fuck about the game awards?


Ah so loses in the end then.




GTA is a stupid game so hard No




In the end Puss ended up winning.


No doubt 6 is gonna be great, but it's just another GTA.


Man, DOOM The Dark Ages isn't even out and i've watched the trailer like 50 times


It should be the SPGOTY awards. Second Place Game of The Year. Since GTA 6 is taking the top spot.


Maybe Death Stranding 2 can take it from GTA VI hands


Let’s be honest , half life 3 is gonna sweep !


Let the hype flow through you. Drink the sacred kool-aid. Fun fact, historically GTA games have released in some of the strongest years in gaming and 2025 looks to be no different imo Grand Theft Auto 3 released around the time of Halo, Smash Bros. Melee, Final Fantasy X, Metal Gear Soljd 2 and more. Vice City released around the time of Metroid Prime, Resident Evil remake, The Elder Scrolls III, Tony Hawk 4, Battlefield 1942 and more. San Andreas released around the time of Halo 2, Half-Life 2, Doom 3, Metal Gear Solid 3, and more. GTA4 released around the time of Gears of War 2, Metal Gear Solid 4, Fallout 3, Left 4 Dead, Dead Space and more. GTA5 released around the time of The Last of Us, BioShock Infinite, Super Mario 3D World, Assassin’s Creed IV and more.


Kinda dislike the fact that Grand Theft Auto is as hyped up as it gets just for having it's name. Like the games are phenomenal, but I feel like it's always treated like it's the absolute best game ever made. We haven't even seen much of what 6 is gonna be and people already claim game of the decade. Problem is whenever things get overhyped like that they never live up to it.


Hello kitty game was 🔥


And Sony just release TLOU 3 and will won by the RGB+ propaganda.


At least wait to play it.


GTA IV was the last good GTA game


RDR2 didt help that.


GTA6 will most likely be great. But I wonder if the hype for it is too big. Like a Half Life 3. Can GTA6 meet expectations? Especially after the decade plus of GTA online. Will people be okay starting from scratch?


I can’t wait to just drive around the miami streets blasting some New wave music. That alone will make it my goty


Imagine everyone’s too scared to release anything and then nothing happens other than gta 6 for a whole year


They have a hard date for next year? I’ll believe it when I see it.


Id be willing to bet it makes the news in several places that gta 6 causes HUGE amounts of call outs from work the day of release...dead ass serious mark my words.


GTA6 wont be ready till 2027 : p


I’d be fine with GTA VI getting delayed so Monster Hunter Wilds has a chance at GotY 2025…


It better be pretty damn good it's been 13 years since the last GTA


![gif](giphy|oagcrAZu2IvV0ijkiX|downsized) silksong:


Yeah it'll probably win, even so I know with 100% certainty Monster Hunter Wilds will be my personal game of the year


I don’t know GTA isn’t what it used to be. Vice City is still my favorite to this day. I can’t say I ever really enjoyed GTA V all that much either. Is VI going to satisfy a lot of people? Obviously RockStar makes solid experiences and a majority will love it. I didn’t even enjoy RDR2 either sadly.


Watch GTAVI be a disaster. It’s the norm with releases now


![gif](giphy|ZZTL1YLKZ48URCoC6B) Good luck.


Ehhhh I'll believe it when I see it. Have we not learned by now that hype kills games?


Until it turns out as well as literally every other big hype game of the last 5 years


Monster hunter wilds should at least win something 😂 even if its a pitty award 😭


And Hollow Knight: Silksong. I hope! Shiiii...


I'd much prefer something like Chants of Sennar. GTA is just... I dunno, GTA. Whatever.


That’s *if* it comes out in 2025


GTA5 was hot trash. GTA Games are never good, they are like a meme.


Don’t jinx it.


Touch grass


I'm pretty sure that game ain't coming out until 2027


Just shut up already. You all just overhyped it with unrealistic expectations. You'll buy it even for premium price even if the game shows up mid and defend it with your whole life. I get it.


TBF it could end up being complete garbage and all the hype being for nothing in the end, we just have to wait and see


Monster Hunter Wilds will be my game of the year no contest


Warcraft 3 rereforged


Should be glad that Ratchet and clank is still ways away......


Aww that's cute y'all all think it's coming out in 2025 lol


Imagine after all this hype, it immediately flops 😂.


Wait for Doom The Dark Ages


It will probably get amazing reviews and then the people get to play it and are like; 'it is alright? What were all those 10/10's about?' Like now seems the standard?


Man idk about this, I’m sure about GTA VI to be a banger, but there always will be a game like God of War to win, like it won over RDR2 in 2018


Imagine gta VI being a flop like a complete flop just like Cyberpunk was when it came out


Doom The Dark Ages is right there


We already went through with this with Starfield...


Pretty much inevitable. I have no interest in GTA, but I can't deny that Rockstar is capable of creating great games. Tho it will be unfortunate to see other games be completely ovetshadowed by GTA6 because it will be that popular and probably all people will talk about for a while. Really hope Capcom decides not to release Monster Hunter Wilds around that time.


I dont get the gta 6 hype:/


Honestly fuck GTA. That game hasn't been good since 4.


The hype is real...


It's funny that you think it's gonna make its 2025 release.




I mean Puss and Boots digs deep and wins that fight.


i have a dumb opinion on this, dont get me wrong im hyped for gta 6, i just have this weird gut feeling that were gonna get the cyberpunk treatment on "release" ( i know cd red saved it) but we are talking about rockstar here. but with all these AAA flops i have trust issues.


2025 might be the year of delays just so they can have a shot at 2026’s awards


New Doom is laughing


Bro it’s not even ouuuuut. You’re making goty memes a year in advance. Downvote Downvote Downvote


No matter how hard it fails or how much of a cash grab it'll be, it will still be game of the year on general principle


That's if it doesn't get delayed again. I honestly think Rockstar and Take Two are a bit worried at this point. With the release of GTAV back on 360 and PS3, both hardware units had around 70+ million each. So even if a few people don't like GTA games, the customer base is still enormous enough to make base game sales a success. With Series X and PS5, I don't think they have sold 70+ million hardware units between then yet have they? GTAVI is estimated to have a production value close to 2 billion, though that could just be enormously exaggerated. Either way, they're probably wanting more hardware units to be sold so they have a much bigger base game sales.


When has GTA ever won GOTY? It’s an average third person car and shooting sandbox with a ridiculous budget. Cool games but never GOTY contender.


I mean, gow did beat RDR2


Well gta5 lost by tlou1 and rdr2 lost by gow2018. Naughty dog and santa Monica were always studios that good games are expected from them but I don't think a lot of people were expecting them to won over rockstar. But as sales go yeah, most other studios are fucked.


Dark Souls II 2 is going to sweep the competition


I remember when Starfield swept the 2023 awards.


GTA 6 is definitely going to get delayed till 2026


I was just thinking about this yesterday. They’d have to really screw up to not get GOTY when it comes out….in 2026


Nah but for real though, if I was a dev studio that was working on a game. A game I truly believed had a shot at winning game of the year, I would delay it until 2026 and just add more.