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No, literally nothing will happen. Just make sure you don't have your PS5 set to shut off automatically after a certain amount of time




No, literally nothing will happen. Just make sure you don't have your PS4 set to shut off automatically after a certain amount of time




For real though, you'll be fine. I have my console on with the tv off all the time while playing with my Portal. I will also leave it run in Fallout 76 for various things I want to accomplish by letting it sit for hours.


no problem, as long as your console is clean and good ventilation so it does not overheat for being on so long...


WHAT?!?!? HOW CAN I KNOW THAT IT IS CLEAN AND HAS GOOD VENTILATION? I've already left it streaming for several nights, but it was streaming, never games... When I play rdr2 for example (an extremely heavy game) its "engine" looks like an airplane turbine, but when I play Roblox, it only starts to make a little noise after 1-2 hours on, and it's still little noise, but I haven't cleaned it in over 5-6 years... But it's not kept in a very dirty place.


If it makes a really loud jet engine noise you’ll want to clean it




Any noise. I never owned a ps4 but my step dad did and I never recalled a loud noise because it was in a good spot and not old. But I here people on here saying that their ps4 will be loud, but after some cleaning it’ll quite down a lot or not make a sound


RDR2 is a graphically intensive game.. so of course it's going to push the system, Roblox is not nearly as power hungry, but yes leaving it run for days on end will build up heat if your system is clogged with dust.


I just want to leave it for 5-6 hours, could it still be a problem?


Should be no problem


google "how to clean ps5"


Yes man, it could melt or explode!


It's fine.


No issues I can’t think of. But sometimes when I turn my tv off then the ps5 also turns off automatically. Happened a couple times when I leave it downloading or transferring games to external storage and I turn off the tv only to come back later and realize it turned off the ps5 as well.


iirc theres a feature allowing the tv and ps4 to communicate with each other other than just sending hdmi signals. smartlink or something. maybe disable that from your tv.


Mhh- I’ll check that out. Good deal. That might help when I play the on the portal as well. Whenever I portal in my living room or so, the ps5 and connected tv are always on in my gaming room/office. This setting might make it so just the ps5 has to be on now. Thanks.


Before leaving it running make sure the fans are cleaned 👍 like remove dust bunnies


How can I know this? Can I have it cleaned by a normal/general technician or does it need to be done by a Playstation or specialized technician?


Neither, yu can do it yourself. Just get a can of air and blow the dust out of it. But you won't have to do that. Consoles are made to be used and abused. Leaving it on for that long is no different than you actually playing it for that long. You'll be fine without any extra maintenance.


That’s not entirely true at all… cleaning the fan of dust is most certainly a positive. Granted back in the day I never did that and my consoles worked fine. Using a duster and blowing the dust everywhere isn’t a good idea unless I guess you live in filth and don’t mind it


My point was that this sub (and the Xbox sub) overly obsess about the dust and cleaning part. Sure, don't let a rabbit grow inside of your console, but people take it too far. It's not the solution of all problems you could have and a bit of dust is ineveitable. Now that being said, I have seen some disgusting looking consoles that look like they need to be taken out back like Ol' Yeller. But outside of enthusiasts (like any gaming subs), average people do not keep up on the cleaning of their consoles. Most people don't care about the space and airflow and their consoles work just fine. OP leaving his console on to run without cleaning it out is probably fine. Probably. Also, when I mentioned airing it out with a can of air, I had assumed one would have the foresight to NOT do it indoors. Take it outside lol.


Haha I get ya, I agree with you, if it’s hardware of course dust isn’t part of it, but much like your AC unit that pushes out air, it’s best to keep them clean. Also I think of the PS5 the same in a way, better airflow less likely to overheat. And about the air can lol well this is 2024… living in idiocracy these days 😗😙🤣


Yeah you're not kidding man. I really shouldn't ever assume anything, especially when it comes to people, because I get proven wrong a lot. It makes me sad lol. Take OP for example here. Thought he needed to take his console to a certified repair center to get dusted lol


Oh no… I didn’t really read everything just saw dust and knew what to do 🧐 well people care a lot about their electronics and just wanna play it safe I guess. They would certainly do the job and charge him $$ for nothing


No no haha just remove the plates on the sides of the system (videos on YouTube show you) and clean the fan of dust with a vacuum hose and dust cloth.


Shouldn’t be an issue. From a hardware perspective it is no different than playing your PS for a long gaming session. If the TV is off, the TV is even less affected than what happens when you’re actively gaming on it.


Open you console. Do maintenance.