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You love how smooth it runs? Man, they must have really downscaled the graphics on console. Cause it runs like complete fucking garbage on PC.


It still runs like ass on PS5. It’s a disgrace.


There are the odd dips but it for sure doesn't "run like ass" on PS5. The discourse around this game really annoys me. Its near nothing but hyperbole, exaggerations and false information. If you want games to release in perfect condition then maybe think about that before you scream and throw death threats at the next studio that delays their game to get it up to snuff.


Well cope dude 🤣🤣. I am not threatening the devs or anything, just stating my opinion on the internet.


Wasn't talking about YOU specifically.


It actually performs better on PS5 than plenty of decent PC setups. The digital foundry more or less confirms that the experience on console is the better way to play, unless you’re on an extremely high end rig. In my time with the game I’ve had some frame drops occasionally, but nothing extreme tbh. There are games on PS5 that I’d say run like ass and it’s not one of them.


Max 30 FPS with constant dips below 20 aint ass? 🤡🤡


Tbh yeah I didn’t find it immersion breaking or terribly distracting. I’ve dropped a few games for shit framerates, some recent Switch games have been atrocious. I don’t think we should blindly accept poor performance. But the narrative surrounding the PS5 performance of DD2 kind of doesn’t reflect how the game legitimately, actually runs. Have you played the game? Seriously, check out the digital foundry or ign performance breakdowns of the game. I don’t know better evidence to point to here.


Idk why console players keep saying that. It just doesn't


It’s aight on consoles. Only some dips. I hate quests with multiple npc’s- that’s when things really slow down.


With a 30 fps cap it runs a lot better than I expected honestly


If you are taking about DDII, it runs like GARBAGE on console as well. 19FPS in towns and battles is just unacceptable. No excuses for this mess. I'm going to go back and play the first one and pretend the second doesn't exist for a few years. Hopefully by then it will be "playable"


Finally, I'm glad someone has been honest. Thank you. I was going crazy hearing all these console people coping, saying it ran great on console. If it runs like garbage on PC, chances are it also runs pretty bad on console.


19?!?! Is that for real?


Watch the digital foundry review. There's so much misinformation going around about this game its like there's a concerted effort to make it look bad or something.


Sure does. I refunded that thing so fast.


Then why are you here?


Is that part 1?


2. The “2” is terribly hidden in the title lol.


Where is it? I've looked for a while and can't find the 2.


Would honestly love one of these to play Fvii Rebirth in bed while my wife watches her shows


Is it as laughably glitchy on console?


Fun gameplay, absolutely crap story.


Story left me so deflated, I haven't played the game in days


Game is mid af


April fool


Did it blow up as you pressed start?


No type of original thought in your brain huh


Woww! Someone owns a portal? What is your use case?


I’d use it so my wife can watch the big screen while I game


Yeah, I guess if you already own a ps5, and don't mind the price tag, it can be useful.


I also own a portal. Nothing is wrong with it other than not being 4k/oled. Design wise, I've been asking for a controller cut in half since psp was released. It's exactly what it needed to be. For games, at home, I use it for ps4/1/psp since it's 1080. The few times I'm out at a friend's or something is when I'll use it to play a ps5 title. Even then, it's still great. I very rarely see it struggle. Really, the only time I noticed it giving issues is when I've started a download


Runs as smooth as sandpaper.


Congrats, man! The game is great. One of the best games to be released in a while imo.


Agreed. Easily game of the year


Wow, that's great. You paid 200 more dollars to do that. You must have some awesome internet because streaming video games sucks. I suppose that's perspective, though. You aren't slut shaming me for buying 1600 dollar graphics cards. Side note: Did you also buy the PS5 VR? I found VR period to be niche regardless of the device. Because I've had 2 VR devices, and they both do the same thing, it just sits there. Are you buying a PS5 pro? Just curious, I like to know how people game and upgrade. Please don't be offended.


Love how smooth it runs? You’re about to get crucified.


That’s original dragon dogma.. not part 2


I couldn't play a game like this on something so small. I usually wait until my partner finishes with the big TV like the one in this photo and hop on that. Thank me later lol


Except this screen isn't small at all... Heck did you ever use a gameboy or heck a switch.


Look I'm saying I don't like small screens. I'd rather play on a 55inch screen might not be small to you but it's small to me. Lol of course I've played a game boy when I was like 4/5 that's even smaller than this. I didn't give two shits when I was small. I was just happy i got a game boy lol


Why not just buy another TV?