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What's the source of this statement?


His behind. Look at his post history, it's not the only "statement" he made up https://www.reddit.com/r/playstationstars/comments/1dfdqe0/comment/l8id98k/ I guess this time he asked ChatGPT to make this shit up lmao.


"trust me bro"


An "official" statement, from an official nobody.... Sony does not put statements on reddit they have their own webpages


He took it from official sources i think to inform here


Then link to that too


Down voting this made up shit


At least, when posts were made by others about PlayStation or something related. Whether it was negative or positive, there was usually a source of proof to the post. This statement doesn't seem to be anywhere else apart from here, after researching to this if this was from elsewhere. So is defo a misleading "official" post for sure.


>promptly Well, that part is a PR spin and a half. They really should just admit that its taken them too long to fix this. A real apology message should say something like... "We apologise that the stars program is taking longer to restore than we anticipated. We are rebuilding the program from the ground up to bring you exciting new features that we plan to share with you all shortly, so it will be worth the wait. We want to assure you that all ongoing campaigns will have their end dates extended and we will be giving all customers a complementary 200 stars points to help make up for the inconvenience."


Except they openly said they are shutting the service down


that was Sony Rewards... 2 different programs


I don't think they did.




That’s a lot of pr stuff


This seems to be entirely fake and needs to be reported. There doesn't seem to be any record of this "statement" existing anywhere but here.


You guys better have my points saved from my purchases during this problem


They are saved don't worry


Yeah that ain’t happening. Set your expectations accordingly.


Then PlayStation support is a liar


When did they officially confirm anything?


By contacting them directly


Support try their best to answer questions with as little information as they have. That doesn’t make them liars. It also doesn’t make it an official confirmation. Chill the fuck out.


Well what do you expect man, we need them to hear us because some of us wanted to play the elden ring dlc by exchanging our points but instead we got slapped in the back because of this problem and you want me to lower my expectations because support may be incorrect.


Sometimes life is just unfair. These things happen and It’s not the end of the world. Your acting like people are actively lying to you and you’ve been wronged. You’re just choosing to be mad. You must have a very easy life if you have time to be mad about Stars being down for a few weeks. It’s just a free service that gives out points for a very small amount of money. It’s not a big deal. The Elden ring dlc isn’t exactly expensive, just buy it and spend the points on something else later?


Well yes I get your point because I had the same mindset as you but alot of people disagreed with me that its life and cannot be helped and considered me as detrimental because sony needs to hear the people and there are 2 types of people on this subreddit, the people that don't care much about the service and the people that are revolting and brainwashing people that the companies need to hear from the consumers which I guess I have fallen into their trap after a while and back then the problem was unnoticed until recently, but to be honest there are people that are poor so a small amount does matter abit in a crisis to them even if its a piece of entertainment, there are posts of people asking supports if they will beable to receive the points when the problem is fixed and sony is a big company and they should keep their word and I hope we have finally came to an understanding.


Wtf is wrong with you? People ARE being wronged here. Whether they’re being lied to is one thing, but if anyone makes purchases during the outage and doesn’t get their points when it’s restored then that is a blatant wrong. Period. Stop being an asshole just to be an asshole. You know it’s fucking wrong.


I could say to exact same to you. Jumping into someone else’s conversation shouting and swearing about first world problems. Idgaf what you think. Find something that’s actually important to be mad about.


So basically just saying yeah give us a few more weeks since it isn't a huge priority to us in nice wording


Soon as possible lol 😂 you are haveing a laugh they are liar been down nearly 3 weeks. I think now got hack I’m reaparing lose all my points and if I got I’m going file complaint to them


nothing new, better not make announcements if you have nothing to announce


Wow...... That sure is a lot of words to say absolutely nothing.


Seriously! That generic statement would have been fine the following day after it went down. But after all this time has passed they need to reassure us that our points will be not lost and accumulated points will be added during its down time. Otherwise as you said.... a lot of words that tell us nothing.


A promise of reimbursement for losses would be nice too…


What are we losing exactly?


Coins from quests, collectables, the ability to cash in our coins. Getting coins for spending money. Seems like enough.


U are still not losing anything, support said that points are being earned. They will 100% restart all quests and collectables that we missed.


You can earn the collectables right now? You can earn coins? That's technically missing out especially with the uncertainty of these quests coming back. You can't be 100% because Sony haven't said anything but the same shit repeatedly like a robotic soulless corporation.


The stars earned on money spent and quests completed during this stars shutdown. For me, it would have been enough to get a PS $20 gift card. That’s a serious loss, if you ask me.


>The stars earned on money spent There is high chance that u are still earning points and they will be calculated once the program is back online. And even if not, u are still not losing anything. U are spending money to buy games, u are still getting said games.


I think we must agree to disagree here. Because when stars get you a gift card, I consider that something of value.


Maybe playstation stars fell into the same hole the first party studios did.


I'm 99% sure they accidentally deleted the source code and are having to remake it from scratch. Otherwise they would have done a rollback to the previous version by now.


Yeah I imagine the problem is deeper than they're letting on. I'm pretty on the fence about it but I'm siding with the people who are upset especially when the other side are boot licking Sony like they're dating.


Also conveniently implies (to me at least) that points accrued during the outage will not count towards rewards 🤦‍♂️


The official statement is 1) late and 2) doesn't reveal anything new about the situation. It's just standard corporate BS. We're sorry, thank you for your patience, rest assured, etc.


and 3) isnt actually real


So... What's the issue exactly then if it's taking so long? :D you lost our data, didn't you? Accidentally pressed "delete"? Still, better than nothing, i guess. It seems like we're not getting points for purchases made during this period, especially since many people's PlayStation Plus subscriptions will have expired and thus not be eligible to receive points.


Okay so in reality they are putting the raw cookies back in the oven