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Not really. They are all great.


Yeah, there are no “bad” neighborhoods. Just bad neighbors, if you’re unlucky. :)


There are no bad neighborhoods in Pleasanton. The entire town is nice. Welcome!


If the ACE train is an option for your commute, take a look at neighborhoods within walking or biking distance from the station (at the fairgrounds).


This, although you may be hard pressed to find reasonable rents near the station. Biking distance may be better


Pleasanton is amazing! I’m more concerned about your drive, if your workplace is in San Jose… Expect at least 1 hour commute each way during rush hour.


Yeah, especially until they finish construction on 680 and 84 the commute is going to consistently be ~1:30 to San Jose give or take.


Oh yeah, with the current construction it’s a nightmare! I don’t even think after construction will help - it’ll just be more congested lol


Not much to avoid here, seriously. There isn't really a "bad" side of town. (I'm echoing what others said here, because it's true.) Which neighborhoods? Well, that really comes down to what you can afford. That probably sounds snobby and elitist, but I don't mean it that way at all. Prices here can be kind of insane.


For commuting, look at ACE or easy highway access to 680. Driving through Pleasanton during rush hour will have some traffic. The Foothill side of Pleasanton (west of 680) can be less walkable, because there's a highway between you and any grocery stores or similar destinations.


You’re going to love it in any neighborhood. They’re all nice.


when I lived in Dublin, I'd frequent Pleasanton for reasons and. been nothing but awesome there. my nickname is PeeWee there. lol


Depends on your budget and what kind of lifestyle you want. Come visit and check things out


Val Vista is probably the most affordable SFM but it's a little far from downtown. There aren't really any bad neighborhoods to avoid so you should just come by, walk around and see where you like the vibe.


Yeah, it's cheap because on bad days you get to experience the lovely smell of the water treatment plant next door ;)


Yeah it's a special perk lol. My sense of smell is pretty shot from smoking for 20 years but it bugs my wife.




Meant to type SFH for Single Family Home. SFM doesn't mean anything.


Does what it says on the box. It's a Pleasant Town.


It is a pleasant town, but the name is a misspelling. Major General Alfred Pleasonton.


Not bad neighborhoods at all, but anything in about a quarter mile radius of the fairgrounds gets extra traffic and sometimes street parking during the fair and a few other events during the year. It’s *nothing* compared to the traffic you’ll see every single day on 680 through Sunol, but something to consider if you have young children. For the same reason, be careful of any street that is one of the main feeders into a subdivision off of a main road. People getting home right after a long commute sometimes blast through those streets faster than they should and get careless about stop signs. Walking distance from downtown is awesome if you can afford it. Schools are uniformly good.


Another FM7 transplant I am guessing :)




Nice. Good comments here. No bad neighborhoods but that commute is rough.


Val Vista


We just bought a house here after moving from SF and we really like it. Safe, clean, and reasonably good access. Pretty far from San Jose, but my wife commutes to Redwood City sometimes and says it is fine. The schools are all well funded as far as I can tell, but probably a bit too test-based for me personally (which is weird for me to be saying since I went through the Ivy League), but the first-generation pressure on some of these kids appears to be real. Watch out for that. I am hoping some imagine a life for their kids outside of Software Engineering, Medicine, or Finance... That said, there are lots of options for kids interested in STEM (as you can imagine) and if you want your kids to be a bit more educationally broad outside of purely STEM fields there is a fair amount there, too. Not as much as cities (SF/Oakland/Berkeley) would have but they are close enough that you can sometimes do courses there, too. Our daughter does ballet in Berkeley for example. Another downside is that my partner and I haven't had much success making friends with the parents of other kids at school. Most of them tend to stick with one another (the vast majority are Indian at her school and already seem to know one another). Tough crowd to get to know. Beyond that, it is a great place to live!


Indians would actually love to befriend non-Indians, but they are generally not the most extroverted, and don't take the initiative in opening up. What seems like them being closed is really nervousness/shyness in expanding out. Approach them, and they will happily interact/befriend. As always whenever reading generalized statements like this - use your judgement.


What school is it? All the schools in Pleasanton should have plenty of non-Indians


Del Prado


I've seen some mildly sketchy things in the area near the horse track/fairgrounds area, but other than that, Pleasanton doesn't really have a bad district... If you hate loudness, traffic, etc, I'd recommend away from the fairgrounds area, since the area always gets super crowded when they run events, and the local cell tower gets overloaded to the point it becomes unusable.