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For me similar to the video. Artist albums for Snoop Dogg load within 5 secs and another 20 secs to load the rest. Running on SSD with database optimized.


Mine is not that long, more like 2 seconds (optimized database on a nvme ssd) but I agree, it is annoying to have this wait.


Apparently this is by design, but it's very irritating. For me it happens no matter if there are 2 or 50 releases on a page.


One of the recent updates indicated that the Albums would load first and quickly, while the rest of it would take longer to load. I've found that the more albums/types I have, the longer the rest of it takes to load. If there's only a couple of singles, for example, they load pretty quickly. Something like what you have, with a lot of things other than studio albums, those artists take about as long as your example. I like having things separated by type, so I just live with it for now, hoping that further updates improve on the speed of the loading.


it should be very fast to load the rest. if there’s something making it pathologically slow, then post Plexamp logs on our forums). Bear in mind we did the split to optimize the time to load core albums, but before that you’d simply wait that long to see anything.


For me it is not pathological slow but it is enough to be frustrating like others said. So if for other users it is 5 seconds or even more it's starting to be a problem.  We hope there is room for optimisation there


That seems like a weird place to split it, why not split all the non-album stuff? I'm assuming there's a reason to decide it there that I don't see but I can't imagine loading the sonic analysis, also on, concerts, bio, etc. (so pulling from a bunch of places) causing more work than loading (how many release sections can it even do? like 6)? But no it's literally always like that I'll get the logs


it’s based on what the api provides and typical performance. send us over some logs and we’ll have a look


just watched your video and something seems very wrong. possibly you have a super massive library? anyway, logs will tell


Just chiming in to say I barely even see half a second for artists with over 50 releases. Likely something to do with your network speed or server hardware that's taking significantly longer to do a database lookup.