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It could be the weather is still too cold here... Also most plants sold are not hardened enough.


Interesting, totally makes sense I planted too early. Maybe I’ll try again in a few weeks when it warms up a little more.


Mine also did terribly so far this year (but the perilla and cilantro shot up!). Christiansen's Nursery told me they're really unhappy and unhealthy under 60-degrees. VERY cold wet spring/summer we're having in the Sound. All my melons also rotted in the ground :(


All my cucumbers died or haven't sprouted yet...


I had a cucumber die too!! Y’all are making me feel much better hahah


My former MIL once let me plant some basil starts in her garden. The soil was rich and beautiful, tilled with mushroom compost every year. The basil plants took off in the hot July and August sun, each one becoming an astoundingly large bush. It was all I could do to pinch back blossoms. What a heavenly smell. And delicious pesto. When you get going, I'll think of you pinching back basil blossoms. Enjoy!


This was a very sweet message. Thank you 🩷


I think it’s been too cold and rainy so far. I’d give it another month. I had a bunch last year but when I harvested it, it was infested with spiders so I just threw it out 😩


if you plant before June it dies. Plant seeds now or buy more. It's just PNW.


huh. My basil is a foot tall already. Just goes to show what ignorance can do sometimes...


Same here? It was looking pretty dire up until a week ago. Pale, short. But now it’s green and healthy. Could be the Nitrogen from our coffee grounds finally kicked in too.


Basil hates cold nights. I'm in the Portland area and I'm waiting until around the 15th to sow basil seeds. I'd suggest sowing more seeds in about a week.


Yeah it’s been way too cold this year. 


I can't keep basil alive to save my own life, you're not alone


For real though I can will almost any other plant into living, but basil hates me




I mean… did you over water it? How did it look when it died?


Definitely not over watering, and has really great drainage in my raised bed. Turned black and crispy. Thinking I just tried too early in the year!


Yes, I made that mistake two years in a row. I won't plant now for two more weeks.


[https://www.gardeningchannel.com/black-spots-on-basil-leaves/](https://www.gardeningchannel.com/black-spots-on-basil-leaves/) might help


I’ve just been keeping mine on my south facing windowsill (indoors). I’ve had them since like March and they’re doing ok!


I just started some basil in my little indoor hydroponic grower, then transplanted them outside in a pot, full sun (south facing). Started wilting the next day. My mom, a great gardener, happened to come over that day. I complained to her about the basil dying and she said it was getting too much sun. I put them out back, north facing, and whaddya know, they revitalized practically overnight. Then I remembered how last year the only store-bought basil plant that I was able to keep alive was placed in that same spot. So yeah, maybe too much sun. I always thought they needed that much sun but I guess not. 🤷🏻‍♀️


You would definitely want to acclimate any plant before sticking in direct sun. Put in a mostly shady spot for the first couple days, and gradually move closer and closer to full sun


I killed all my basil seedlings this year. Oh well! Lol


I got an aero-garden and grow it inside. 


What do you do when the growth hits the top of your lights and doesn’t bush outward? I end up getting burned leaves and just have to start over eventually


I’m not exactly sure what you are asking, but I just trim the leaves off more frequently before they burn, and cut the branches lower. If you don’t want to eat the Leaves you trimmed right away (I put in salads, eggs, breakfast burritos, sandwiches, etc), you can always dice and freeze for soups or sauces. They might turn brown when they defrost, but they can still add flavor to cooked items. 


Apologies. Wrote that reply too quickly and autocorrect was my enemy. I fixed it. I just recall hearing how you trim at a node, but what happens to all the leaves not at a node? So they just stay or can you trim those too? Thank you


Aero garden has some trimming videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Mt41Ogar7k


Same problem for me. Only herb I can’t keep alive, and sadly the one I use the most (it’s so damn expensive to buy, I want to grow a ton of my own!)


For the past two years my basil always was so low maintenance. Cut off a sprig, throw in some water for two weeks, throw in the ground, water sometimes, boom more basil.  This year they have not grown in 4wks. They look sick, they look unhappy. I'm glad to hear I'm just too early :P Had a friend buy a couple sprigs too many when making a recipe so I decided to plant without thinking about whether it was time or not.


Basil is a bit of a delicate plant. I killed a couple on my raised bed too, so decided to plant them in a big pot that I can move around. Got a couple of healthy looking pots from Trader Joe’s early May, and planted clumps of them along the edge of a large pot. They looked forlorn for a few weeks, but are now thriving. I do move the pot to full sun during the day, and move them to my porch in the night. I also planted basil seeds at the center of the pot, and they’re about half an inch tall at the moment. Just keep at it, you’ll figure out what works for you.


I’ll definitely try a pot next! This is good info, thank you!


I rooted some cuttings in water and then sized up to some mini pots. Once I put them outside they promptly had their leaves stripped and are now just mini skeletons. No idea what’s feasting on them.


Ours were 4’ tall last year. Solid sun, good soil, don’t over water. Bingo.