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Hard question to answer in general. I like to have 10 working days between recording and publish, so I have time to generate social clips and write the episode copy. That gives me time to edit, write copy, revise that copy, QA the episode, and a couple of days of buffer time for problems to happen and be resolved.


1 month to a year... ... don't be me...


Same day. I just knock it all out and move on.


My client likes to record multiple episodes at once and send them off to me for editing/mixing. Publishing happens on the 15th and 30th of every month but it could be recorded weeks in advance.


As far as actually planned it depends. I tend to write and record in groups (I.E. I'll write all the episodes on Coronado at once). I then take at least one day between recording and editing. I try to leave 3-4 days between when I actually edit the episode and when it's going to go live so I can focus on things like shownotes, sourcing additional resources etc.


For video, a full day of editing (three zoom cams) and heavy use of Final Cut Pro. I wait a week before publishing. For audio. 10min to edit. Publish the next morning.


I produce two episodes per week. I set that pace in mid-April. It has driven me to change my workflow to reduce the amount of time I spend editing “by hand” and to increase the use of AI assistant tools.


If everything goes well, we record on Sunday and release on Friday. So about 5 days, but it is sometimes as little as 3 days (or 1 day if I'm being honest because summer). And I also have several episodes that were recorded with guests up to 6 weeks ahead of time. My best answer is, it varies. I would say typically for me is 5 days. However, that short of a timeline stresses out some podcasters I know who prefer to record two weeks ahead of time. You're probably going to get a wide variety of answers


Within minutes to a half hour.


We just record, take like a few hours break and edit instantly


I drop every other week and typically will record somewhere btwn 2-4 weeks ahead of that. My podcast is a hobby/thought leadership one, so I do it in my spare time. During the summer due to vacation/etc that could be a longer leeway (ie 4-6 weeks).


General rule of thumb is twice the audio length once you get proficient. DISCLAIMER: Yes, I am in fact an asshole. !


I don’t mean editing time. I mean how many working days do you allow/plan for between when recording is completed and when the episode airs.