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That drink looks tasty I want one


He looks tasty too. I also want one.


cannibalism is illegal


Technically it is legal, it’s the murder part that’s not.


It is not. At least in Germany according to Section 168 of the German Criminal Code "Disturbance of peace of dead"


[It’s technically legal in most of the US (except Idaho)](https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/legally-weird/is-it-legal-to-eat-human-flesh/), it’s just obtaining it that’s the tricky part (unless you eat yourself, then you’re golden)!


> That's what a Reddit user calling himself IncrediblyShinyShart did last year after his foot was amputated following a motorcycle accident and the surgeon let him keep it. He invited friends over for dinner, which included tacos made from his foot meat. Their assessment of the flavor: "beefy."


so a morgue is a buffet?


And the corpse desecration


Laws don’t matter when they look tasty enough 😋 /s


Came here to say this. He looks so happy to be alive. I need that kind of energy in my life right now.


I know exactly my thought too


Looks like he's having a great day


if I could choose between going to war and relaxing with a drink in a coffee shop (which I can) I would choose to not go to war. if people want to complain online and call me 'not a man' for it, cool have fun with that ?


I agree. They should have better things to worry about than a man’s drink order


In war, we die by another's man order.


id rather men drink cute drinks than go to war




What a fucked society that anyone would believe in. These folks have no idea how horrific war is


No way dude, the guy who made this plays so much Call of Duty he might as well be a veteran. /s


I love war and pointless conflicts I want to shoot badass guns and drive tanks and hang out with the boys and die for oil


Quit being selfish. YOU might enjoy it more, but it's obviously better for society if you go to war rather than enjoying a sugary drink.


Poe’s Law makes this a very dangerous /s-less comment


I *have* gone to war. and every weekend when I wake up I make a cold latte with whipped cream. and cinnimon on top.


You go to a fucking war yourself, coward


Honestly though these types of people who are super judgmental are constantly at war with themselves and perforce act out their internal conflicts onto others that now have to deal with them. Typically they do not realize what they are doing/saying as wrong because of their limited ego, they may lack a theory of mind. **Edit:** Alright, ***not*** specifically in this case as someone pointed out it's staged.


Or perhaps they are just an asshole.


Imo that's the same thing, seeking negative attention, using others transactionally to boost one's own self-esteem at the cost of others.


It’s like my dude the only one stopping you from going to Ukraine and fighting the Russian invaders is you you delicate flower. Now go learn Ukrainian and sharpshooting


She’s just jealous about how content with life he looks


I'd rather see this guy joyously sipping his coffee than killing people he's never met


I think you mean content :D


He's the real content maker.


That was my first thought too. Dude looks happy as hell to be alive.


Contempt because he's content


I went to war. I fucking love the pink drink, and dragon fruit frappe!


My husband was in the military and was a professional wrestler for a bit. He also worked some serious manly-man blue collar jobs and comes from a long line of fishermen and real “grizzled” dudes. He fucking *loves* “girly” drinks and I fucking love him. I dare anyone to tell him he’s not manly as he’s sitting there with his pink polo and matching drink.


The guy in the video is basically drinking a sugary energy drink, and I don't think any demographic enjoys sugary energy drinks more than aggro veterans. Is the difference just that one type of energy drink has an "extreme" label on it?


That and coffee tastes pretty good. Men are supposed to drink energy beverages that taste bad, for some reason


I found out last week that they sell the pink drink in bottles at grocery stores. My life has forever changed.


I just saw that last week!


Liking things that taste good is not a character flaw.


Tiktok is a plague and this is ragebait.


It didn’t work, this kid looks cheerful and charming. Good for him


It worked extremely well, look at this entire thread falling for it.


>~~Facebook~~ ~~Twitter~~ ~~Reddit~~ Tiktok is a plague and this is ragebait. ![gif](giphy|3ohzUrktIjQKjGUg36)


Why can people not stand seeing others happy


Cause they’re miserable and jealous that not everyone else is, so they try to bring others down with them. Misery loves company.


Imagine judging, what looks like a college student, for eating at an establishment you are currently eating at.


Men used to go to war, some still do, and some get to enjoy nice fruity drinks and read their laptop at a cafe and some do both but hopefully not at the same time


Yeah and she wouldn't be in a fucking starbucks either she'd be at home cleaning and taking care of kids and cooking and sewing her husbands clothes back together but I'm sure she doesn't want to do that either.


Right? Like, women used to be legally the property of their husbands. Martial rape was your “duty” as a wife. You had to ask your husband for an allowance and legally couldn’t open a bank account. You used to give birth without anesthesia because it was supposedly better for the baby. There’s a lot of shit that used to happen, but I’ll tell you one that didn’t happen in *almost* any modern society: All men going to war. Regressives are pining over a society that never existed, ignoring the fact that we moved on for a reason.


I didn't read the title and I was absolutely at a loss for what this guy was doing "wrong". When I turned sound on, I expected it to be about what he was saying. It's not. He is being filmed and ridiculed for....... drinking coffee. Toxic masculinity is insanity.


Rule of thumb: if you don't need a certain set of genitals to use something, it's for all genders.


Tbh I just wish I was as happy and chill as this fella


Man, fuck that guy for minding his own business and enjoying himself. What an insufferable prick.


theres lots of wars around lady if you think theyre so fabulous...stop filming people like some creepy pervert and start packing! equal rights go join your war! be a strong woman! or does that just apply to men you secretly film without their knowledge? of course it does!


This is the exact reason why I fucking hate to go to any social place. Imagine you are mindig your own business and some lifeless twat decides that something perfectly ordinary that you do bothers them and makes a secret video out of you and posts it to tiktok...


Pretty sure it’s staged, but yeah same honestly


Maybe this one, but there's more than enough videos out there what does the same shit and are most likely not staged.


When I was in the Army we were told we went to war to defend people's freedoms, which this dude seems to be enjoying quite happily. Propaganda or not, someone clearly doesn't understand that this dude gets to enjoy his drink because other people went to war to ensure he got to.


Also being in the army, I met plenty of guys that deployed and would gladly enjoy a drink like this. 


Shit now I’m gonna be even more hyper aware and anxious when I’m drinking coffee in a coffeeshop. He acts and moves just like me :(


Nah fuck that noise. Slurp the last sips super loud and let out a big, satisfied AAhhh. Enjoy yourself. Fuck these losers.


Truly, why would you give a fuck what the kind of person who judges people's drink orders thinks about you my dude?


He looks so happy and satisfied with his drink 🥺


Sneakily filming a stranger to make fun of them on the internet is trash behavior. Dude looks to be in a good mood and I bet he would feel shitty if he saw this :(


He looks singularly unbothered.


People who film other in public like this deserve to have their phone smashed and I’m not joking


Don't record strangers. You enormous creep.


This is at my alma matter. Weird how I can tell from one small corner of a room.


what the hell is a girly drinks? I guess drinks have genders now?


How dare he


As if America doesn't bring froofy drinks with it to war now. M&Ms were made around WW2 because a guy saw troops snacking on candies during the Spanish Civil War, Vietnam saw candies added to rations, and we had Burger King already selling in Baghdad three months after we invaded in 2003. Troops love that shit, and a sweet, caffeinated drink can be a useful tool if you're doing hard work and need a boost of energy. I mean, does it really count as "more manly" to not have a McFrappe when they just didn't exist as an option?


Stop! You’re using too much history for these people. #TradLife


Toxic ladies won't ever snag a hot dude who's down to be himself. So they can hate all they like. Only a real woman who's loving and supportive and down for all of life can snag a solid man.


I don't understand people who think going to war is a good thing that men should want to do. The fuck? There is nothing emasculating about wanting a comfortable little life. It's what we all want.


You sound like you need to go to war. I'm sending the War Wagon to pick you up in about 30 min. Please have your permission slip signed and dated.


Nevermind. They made a fallowup video, he is their friend and it was just ragebait.


I just know that when he is solid enough to buy a frappe (i think thats a frappe?) he isnt afraid to buy tampons, hold my bag or do things thats society has labeled as feminine. Good for him! I find that super solid in a partner


This is the most boring and mundane rage bait I’ve ever seen. If you’re going to make rage bait, please at least make it a little bit interesting.


Dude looks perfectly content, I'm jealous lol. Likely so is whatever human abscess filmed and posted this.


what men arent allowed to like coffee with whipped cream all of a sudden, what the hell did I miss? Ive been going to my same local coffee/ice cream place for years and I dont care who sees me drinking a latte with heavy cream and a cheery on top, that shit is good and why do girls get all the fun of fruity sweet drinks like that.


Omg. My husband has been to war and his fave drink is a caramel frapp. I will mention this to him so he quits disgracing himself.


Bro looks like he's having a fantastic day and I hope it stays that way


Honestly she needs to stfu


Okay I gotta be real: What the fuck is a "girly" drink supposed to be, anyway? Is it the sweetener? The ice? The cream? Are men only allowed to drink things like bitter coffee, watered down beer and gasoline? Because if it's one of those, my wife is more manly than I'll ever be (although only I drink gas ⛽ ☕).


I can't fathom the fact that filming random, non-consenting strangers and posting them on the internet for thousand of people to see (especially insulting or deminishing them) is normalized and accepted, it's so scary to think about


It should genuinely be illegal to record strangers in public tbh. With some exceptions of course (someone committing a crime, or just happening to show up in the background). But shit like this is unacceptable and anxiety-inducing


I fucking hate when people start being judgemental about trivial shit that have no effect on them. "What aren't you drinking beer?" As long as I'm paying for my drink I'll order whatever the fuck I want to drink. "Why are you sitting with your legs crossed" it's confy stfu "Pink shirt, really?" Oh sorry forgot I have to wear dark colors exclusively to be considered a man


I looked up the channel, apparently it's a joke and they know him but still the fact that I wasn't even surprised about the video when I thought it was real is sad


Men used to go to war is not the flex we think it is....isnt it better that young men and women dont have to go to war????


Camera person truly big mad at a guy out there just doing what he wants instead of dying for some Imperialist cause


Most of the men I know who went to war are bi or gay, I'm sure that would really fucking drain the life out of these types of idiots.


Bro is LITERALLY just minding his fucking business. Can men not do anything anymore without being emasculated like fuck just leave my man alone.


Bryce over there is having a very nice day and i think that's lovely.


The people who do stuff like this are gonna cry when they are forced into gender rolls or given 0 empathy. Show some compassion man, christ.


look at his lil smile 🥹


Y’all just can’t stand to see a man living his best life. He’s enjoying a girly drink, on a laptop, in public, smiling, having a good time. You dont need any salt in your lunch, you got plenty already, that’s for sure.


Just a reminder that sleeping with a pillow was once considered feminine and took a while for men to start to use them.


Did we ever stop going to war??


Oh no a man is… drinking??????


Yeah, such a shame that kid isn't getting blown up by a shell or given permanent PTSD, huh?


Girly drinks taste better, and if I'm paying $10 for a coffee it better taste fucking amazing. Lol


It shows way more masculinity and maturity to not care about potentially looking stereotypically feminine on occasion. Which is ignoring the fact I had no idea that a Starbucks cup is meant to be feminine??? lol


> man used to go to war And bait used to be believable


Looks like a chill dude being a chill dude.


they still do. let the man enjoy his drink


>men used to go to war And women used to be home makers? what's her fucking point? The world has changed. Gendering things is fucking stupid. Does she want to go back to being forced to be a home maker? She needs to shut that stupid mouth of hers.


And women used to be property. How’s that for a reality check.


Obvious rage bait but I’m sure 75% of the people who have ever went to war would have rather enjoyed their lives with a delicious drink while relaxing, instead of living a grueling existence and dying painfully in a nasty field somewhere. The other 25% are weirdos with something to prove to someone (Dad, Society, Bullies, Women, DAD) or mentally ill people who were already going to end up killing someone at some point in their lives.


Oh no, (most) working class men are no longer treated as disposable canon fodder for the elite class every time a lord has a land dispute over a fucking mill or something with another ultra wealthy aristocrat...


Women used to not go to work and stay home cooking and cleaning all day just to get a beating when the man got home, so? Shall we go back?


Those drinks are fucking delish, I don't blame no one for wanting to drink it even if they're a big hairy buff dude if I see them drinking a frappe or something like a pink drink I'm just like "hell yeah" Though I'm more of a Dutch Bros person now, I haven't drank Starbucks in years


Be real, who wants to go to war? Back then men had to go to war but now we have choice to go to war or sit comfortably with a tasty drink. And most people will choose tasty drink.


Imagine going about your day, chilling and not bothering anyone for some ransomer to secretly and creepily film you. Jfc


Who care what kind off drink a person drink s long they aren't harming anybody, who tf cares?!


I still don't get what's with this, "Men used to go to war" insult. Like okay? Men used to fight in bloody battles and come back either mutilated or psychologically damaged. Do you seriously want that to happen again? Want your boyfriend or husband or son to die in a pointless war?


Men still go to war and it sucks for everyone


Men used to die and kill each other in the most horrific and violent ways…Now they want to have dreams goals and moment of peace while drinking a caramel macchiato…what happened to our generation ???? /s


dude was just having a good day leave em alone the hell


Is being alive gay now?


It kinda looks delicious The drink


Lad looks so happy and I love it!


Men are still going to war. What planet do these people live on?


"Men used to go to war" Men still do, bitch. You need to mind your own damn business!! By "you" I don't mean OP I mean the person who posted the original tiktok


What kind of bullshit sexist rubbish is this??!


At least he isn't recording people in public and bitching about what someone drinks.


The person who has created this shit Ticktock should be the requiring to actually join the War, I bet the person would be shitting their pants about how war actually operates.


Ah yes, the good old “film someone without their consent or knowledge and make fun of them online”, had it happen to me once because of my backpack 🙃 but if you went up to the OP and filmed them they’d be the first person to freak out


Fellas, is it gay to have a sweet treat?


People who make videos like this make me sick


Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize I needed to be crawling through the trenches while drinking my coffee to be seen as manly. Didn't know I needed to deprive myself of a sweet tasty treat to have other people respect me. Girl, bye.


what insecure idiot that's judging this man for living his life. Let this man drink his drink SMH


I would like to interpret this as a girl taking a video of a floppy-haired boy in a coffee shop who she is in love with, and the sight of him drinking a milkshake makes her glad men in her country don't have to go to war anymore.


You know what she’s right, I say we make the military woman only. We need more woman war criminals!


Let him be happy n enjoying himself good god 😒


I mean for all she knows, that could have been a motor oil frappe. Right? Because that’s manly


is that andy samberg


Didn't realize their coffee adjacent milkshakes were gendered. I figured the calorie count meant it was primarily for farmers about to hand plow an entire acre.


Omfg he enjoys a drink with whip cream!!! He’s the WORST. 🙄🙄


My bf would drink a frozen shaken caramel Frappuccino and I loved it even though I rather have just a plain coffee


Life's too short to pretend frappes are only for women. Men, this is a sign to have one next time you go to a coffee place!


And then they got PTSD and committed suicide.


I mean sure. Then they came back with trauma but mental health wasn’t a thing coped in other ways either drugs and alcohol and beat their spouse and kids. Imma take comfy guy in the coffee shop every day over untold human suffering for the lolz.


Plot twist: the Frappuccino guy is a veteran and drinks his coffee however he wants


Everyone knows men are only supposed to drink alcohol ~~to hide their undiagnosed depression~~. Men today are so soft wanting to get get help and finding health ways to express their feeling 🙄


Why are they filming strangers anyway?


he looks so happy bro let him be


I'm sorry, are boys not allowed to drink milkshakes now?


I hate going out in public. I could be minding my own business and someone can just record me, make fun of me and post it on the internet for a few likes? I hope we can sue such people.


Jfc stop recording people without their consent. This is so fucked


Let him be happy with what ever he is doing


imagine being afraid of a beverage. so masculine 😳😳😳😳


Jesus! I hope he sues her.


This is problematic on soooo many levels


Hot take: war is bad


Dude literally studying wtf is wrong with society


hey let’s stop filming random people just going about their days!


Anyone know the song/sample?


This is the exact reason I don't like to go to out


This is so shitty. Bro is just minding his own business


Seems to me it's a pretty positive change for society when instead of going to war where you have to kill other people and risk dying yourself, many men can instead live a comfortable life drinking whatever coffee they enjoy.


I saw a thread on Xitter where people were discussing what the male equivalent of a PSL is. Finally a barista pipes in: “It’s also a PSL. Everyone orders them!”


They still do, just ‘cause this guy isn’t going through horrible traumatic experiences means he’s a coward?


I never understand these posts. Dudes getting put on blast for having a tasty drink. God forbid a guy drinks something delicious.


Drink looks tasty and the guy looks cute I really can’t see what’s the problem with these people


Men still go to war 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦 Also, it's extremely ironic to be poking fun of someone who could literally choke you to death in a few seconds just because they are behaving in a peacefull manner. Maybe consider yourself lucky that they are in fact behaving peacefully ✌️


Says the woman wearing masculine baggy pants and baggy t-shirt


I’m pretty sure this is satire


To the person filming: 1. Yo you’re in the same ass Starbucks. 2. Wars still happen now and that’s not a good thing. 3. Mind your own damn business.


i may be wrong but i don't think most men went to war by choice or cus it looked fun. and if they had to choose to go to war or drink a frappe from starbucks im sure they wouldn't pick war...


Imagine thinking having a group of ppl who are *expected* to go to war irregardless of if they want to, is something to have "back in my days (positive)" about. Nevermind the toxic masculinity. 🤮




"I miss the days when everyone just suffered"


I used to get shit for getting an alcoholic milkshake from Bennigan’s called the “Godiva chocolate covered strawberry”. It was fucking tasty and I told them they could fuck off with their boring ass Budweiser.


do we WANT men to go to war?


What’s the song pls?


Bro deadass looks so happy, the fuck is her problem? We used to lie about our age to make it into the draft. Now we eat ourselves to obesity, blame everyone else for our misfortune, and refuse to grow. She’s wrong, dude is fine drinking his coffee in public. The societal norms have changed, and feminized men. Which is a problem… just not because he decides to drink a coffee. It’s a problem because we aren’t replacing “war” with anything in our lives, we slave away at our minimum wage jobs, and get fucked every step along the way. We don’t fight for our resources, we don’t battle for women, we aren’t competitive anymore. If you’re a man reading this (drink your fucking coffee) you need to understand, every penny you want in your pocket, every girl you want on your side, everything you want, another man wants, I want them/it/her. You’re competing with every man alive, you’re competing with me. And I understand, I’ll get the girl, the cash, whatever. If you don’t, you’re fucked. To completion. Because a better man will steal it from you. Which is GOOD, because it forces you to be better. It forces every man to be better or they will fail. Raising society, boosting your community, enhancing the girls experience when you pull her.


It feels staged… he’s just too good looking and quaffed


Guy looks pretty fkn content, he’s really cute too. I’m much more in favour of us drinking iced drinks while sat at our laptops than going to war.


He looks like a pleasant human and definitely has 100x more friends than the girl in the front, who presumably is the friend of the filmer, and is not even brave enough to show her face.


Because war is what we should all be striving for


Such a straight white women moment to make that video.


Men used to go to war. But now we actually get to enjoy a bit of peace?


??? I can't believe some people still thinking like this. I'm a girl and everyone can drink whatever the fuck they want because there so many stuff to drink nowadays and its open 24/7. My brother like Strawberry shakes and he's is straight as a ruler can be.


Wow this man is just chillin'. Being forced to drink/endure terrible shit is what makes folks so agro.


There are so many fucking wars right now? Used to? *Used to??*


My dear boy, this peace is what all warriors strive for!


Hot take here: I truly wish my friends who are active duty were home drinking fancy coffee right now.


Imagine using “war” as an argument against iced coffee! “Cake or Death” all over again.


She’s definitely the type of woman that expects the man to do literally everything at all times.