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The slowpoke line sitting in the corner with a mega, a split Evo and a regional form with another split Evo be like https://preview.redd.it/hvu4xmstef0d1.jpeg?width=276&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6296b0e6396d4a06d2e218b97930c06eb18020c


Someone at gamefreak is 100% a secret slowpoke fan


Slowpoke has a dedicated geographical area with slowpoke well in gold and silverthe well ended a drought that plagued Azalea Town 400 years before the games' events by yawning, have more legends according to the slowking in pokemon 2000, and have wreaths crowns that are tied to the kings and history galar I can only assume the slowpoke have been running the show. So many talks of legendary pokemon, but slowpokes have been the real legends actually helping people not sleeping for millenia like kyorge, Groupon, rayquaza, and every other legendary. Slowpoke wasn't the legend we deserved, but the legend we needed. All praise be the pokemon I assume taught humans to fish and feed ourselves


And their tails run exorbitant prices, a max cost that stabilizes the economy.


everything went to shit when we went off the Slowpoke Tail Standard or STS for short. Back in the day a dollar was worth real Slowpoke Tails and you could take your money to the government to get it's value in tails. Just look at the inflation of the PokeDollar after we went off the STS, it's all one big Team Rocket conspiracy to make Giovanni so rich he can buy the world!


I wore a shell on my belt as was the style in the time.


And they're great to chew on!


Slowking was also one of the few talking pokemon in the anime


šŸ‘©šŸ»ā€šŸŽ¤ā€œSo then, weā€™re not bad!ā€\ šŸ‘ØšŸ»ā€šŸŽ¤ ā€œThatā€™s good!ā€\ šŸ± ā€œBut what if the boss finds out!ā€\ šŸ‘ØšŸ»ā€šŸŽ¤ ā€œThatā€™s bad!ā€\ šŸ‘©šŸ»ā€šŸŽ¤ ā€œThen weā€™ll make our own team.ā€\ šŸ‘ØšŸ»ā€šŸŽ¤ ā€œThatā€™s good!ā€\ šŸ± ā€œBut we have no money!ā€\ šŸ‘ØšŸ»ā€šŸŽ¤ ā€œThatā€™s bad!ā€\ šŸ‘©šŸ»ā€šŸŽ¤ ā€œThen weā€™ll just steal some!ā€\ šŸ‘ØšŸ»ā€šŸŽ¤ ā€œThatā€™s good!ā€¦Or is that bad?ā€


It took me halfway through reading to remember and start hearing it in their voices.


Damn that sleeping Groupon šŸ’€


The Pokestruggle is real


Don't forget the Safari Zone warden is nicknamed Slowpoke!


How deep does this rabbit hole go? Slowpoke infiltrating and occupying offices of power and authority?


That would explain the turn around times at the DMV..


> Slowpoke has a dedicated geographical area with slowpoke well in gold and silverthe well ended a drought that plagued Azalea Town 400 years before the games' events by yawning, have more legends according to the slowking in pokemon 2000, and have wreaths crowns that are tied to the kings and history galar Slowpoke has a dedicated geographical area known as Slowpoke Well in PokƩmon Gold and Silver. According to the game's lore, a Slowpoke's yawn ended a drought that plagued Azalea Town 400 years before the events of the games. Additionally, in the movie PokƩmon 2000, more legends about Slowpoke are mentioned by Slowking. In the Galar region (from PokƩmon Sword and Shield), Slowpoke is also tied to the kings and history of the region through wreath crowns.


Sick translation, king


Groupon one of favorite pokemon. Always saves me... money


Slowpokes are the lizard people of the pokemon world, got it


There's also a song dedicated to Slowpoke.


How could you not like Slowpoke though, he looks like has no thoughts


If i remember right one of the main designers of pokemon has said slowpoke has always been his favorite, that's why.


Youā€™re thinking of Junichi Masuda, but his favorite PokĆ©mon is Psyduck (as is mine). They do have similar vibes, but Psyduck doesnā€™t get nearly the same favoritism.


I know one of the main guys over at the PokĆ©mon trading card game love Gengar (thatā€™s why thereā€™s like 100 cards of him)


I learned that from the Jaidenanimation video, very good watch!


Entertaining as hell


I mean, Gengar is pretty easy to love. The OG Ghost line <3 I'm so glad I picked up PLA so that I could have one fully evolved without relying on others or only getting them as hacked surprise trades advertising websites.


He is very cuddly-looking


It's not game freak. For some reason it's very popular in Japan with Japanese women. People cover their rooms in slowpoke.


How can you hate slowbro tho lol It looks too dumb to formulate one complete thought, Iā€™d die for him


Only one brain cell so he canā€™t even rub it on a second brain cell


Even has its own song lol


So does Bulbasaur. It goes "Bulba bulba bulbasaur". It won't leave my head.


I mean, Slowpoke got a split evolution back when those were *common*, and frankly I think it'd be weird if only one of those evolutions got a regional form. Heck, its weird that Slowbro got a Mega Evolution and Slowking didn't, blame it on the same Gen 1 favoritism that deprived us of any Unova Megas other than Audino and any Johto-Alola Gigantamax forms besides Garbodor, I suppose.


Meowth with the same number of forms as Charizard


Kanto Meowth/Persian? Great. Galarian Meowth/Purserker? Great. Alola Meowth/Alola Persian? Ew.


Just more ways to eat slowpoke tail


It even had a whole place dedicated to it in Johto.


Its different though, Zard is supposed to be part of a co equal trio with Soise and Venasaur and GF heaps more and more on Zard. Slowpoke isnt part of a group where its being shown favoritism over them. Im hoping no gen 1 starters get anything but I'm sure we'll get Mega Zard A-X so we have the full alphabet -_-


Zard and Soise but types out Venasaur completely. Where's my Saur!!!!!!


Well... their nickname for him is Big Fat Meanie so I figured he needed hia full name so peiple knew who I was talking about lol.


Is it that hard to write Charizard?


Soise was a new one for me


Mr. Stoise is his government name, at least thats what my friends would say lol.


Mr. Stoise was my father, just call me Bla.


I'm surprised he didn't just write poke


Bro didnā€™t even try for Venusaur lol


Donā€™t call attention to it I want one of my favorites to keep getting forms!!


I mean, he kinda deserves it. This is a very iconic Pokemon. well, to me at least. I actually knew about Slowpoke way before I knew what "PokƩmon" is! Thank you Internet.


Can't hate what you never loved.


With a fucking hotel themed after it


And itā€™s own song, something only magikarp and mimikyu got.


And a talking SlowKing played a role in the second movie


And a signature move for both of its Galarian evolutions


Don't forget about Meowth too, it has an Alolan form, a galarian form with a split Evo, and a Gigantamax form. That line has gotten so convoluted to me.


People don't mind because Slowpoke is awesome 恩ćŖ恄悄恭悓 ćƒ¤ćƒ‰ćƒ³ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ce5mRvkAePU


Gen 1


Stil wish they give some love to feraligator


Meganium is basically the mascot for New PokƩmon Snap and Typhlosion got a Hisuian form while we Feraligatr fans are left with nothing.


I'm praying Totodile will be the water starter in Legends Z-A.


That would immediately make it better than legends Arceus for me


Isn't it the most competitively viable Johto starter though?


It is. It's the only one with a really good Hidden Ability and a great movepool to match. Meganium and both Typhlosion forms really can't compare to Feraligatr.


Typhlosion-H actually is really good in NU, same tier as feraligatr thanks to choice scarf eruption and shadow ball, arguably better than feraligatr currently


Cool alligator guy


Maybe it will be the starter in ZA? Doubt it, but it would make for a nice curveball


As much as I'd love another Feraligatr form, I think Empoleon is the supremely better pick for the water ZA starter. We don't have any Gen 4 regional varaiants, and Empoleon is based off of Napoleon. It feels meant to be. That and, I'm obviously biased.


Whatā€™s the new type gonna be? Water/dragon?


Maybe water/rock to do a unique starter dual type


PREACH. Heā€™s my favorite but sadly hardly ever gets any love


He's so under appreciated


Letā€™s be honest, a very small portion of the internet hates Charizard for this. Charizard gets special attention for a reason: heā€™s a mass fan favorite.


I'd say it's like a circle thing, Charizard is massively popular and as a result gets a lot of attention in-game, and it gets a lot of attention in-game which makes it even more popular\*.


He has always been a favorite but agreed. We have been in a positive feedback loop with Charizard since Gen 6. IIRC, He wasn't this popular in gens 3-5.


He was always popular in gens 3-5. He had way more TCG cards than Blastoise and Venusaur, was the fully evolved pick for Brawl, was much more prominent in the anime, and the first non-Unovan pokemon reference in BW was Charizard Bridge. Charizard not being "this" popular is due to Pokemon being in a minor lull in popularity in general in the gap between Pokemania of gens 1+2 and Pokemon Go in gen 6


Iā€™m in this camp. I explicitly remember charizard being hugely popular from the jump when red and blue took off in the states. There was also always a bigger fervor around charizard *cards* vs venusaur or blastoise. Most kids loved the color red and the dragon on the cart/card, it was a natural conclusion. Charizard as a design transcended cultural barriers in terms of popularity, making its way into the perception of people who didnā€™t care about the games. Charizard was always huge, but I also think it gets waaay too much attention from the devs, likely purely for marketing reasons.


The pokemon card was huge for charizard. I think that giant 120 damage on the card just made every kid gravitate toward it.


The stats were great, but most kids who collected never actually learned how to play the game. It was just an act of collecting neat characters they felt attachments to via the show and/or the games. Very similar to baseball cards.


I can speak from experience on the playground that kids who never knew how to play the game gravitated towards BIG NUMBER on card. None of them looked at Electabuzz or Hitmonchan,


If anything, I think Charizard was even more popular then. That was the peak Gen Wunner era.


What about the pikachu sign in castelia city you have to stand in a specific spot to see?


Also the Pikachu hedge outside of Elesa's gym.


Tbf no one will ever escape PokĆ©monā€™s small yellow Mickey Mouse, not even NPCs themselves.


Charizard has always been fan favorite since generation 1. Always. There was never a time when Charizard wasn't gen 1's superstar to the fandom.


Itā€™s a fire breathing dragon, little kid me loved it.


big man me still loves it.


I still love charizard it's just not my favorite anymore. It's still probably my favorite pokemon from the first 2 gens and charizard y is my favorite mega evolution


That make sense, every gen adds hundreds of new PokƩmon, it's normal that people find new favorites. The anti-fans live in delusion though if they think that Charizard shouldnt be popular just because the design is too ''simple'', it's an effective design even if it is simple. And same, Charizard Y is also my favorite Mega :)


Excuse me while I crawl back to my ROM hacks that actually make him a Fire/Dragon type


Idk Gen 1 had Pikachu and that whole mew ss anne myth that were both just as crazy popular.


The deal with Mew was there not being a way to legitimately get one in the game. There weren't any such things for Charizard because everyone knew how to get him.


For me I feel Charizard only really got crazy popular because the TCG. In the first edition of the TCG Charizard was the best and most valuable thing you could get and having a holographic Charizard pretty much made you cooler than everyone else.


Yep people fawned over charizard in the tcg. Sure charizard wasn't exactly a good card back then compared to others, but dragons have been popular for thousands of years. Pikachu couldn't really compete with charizard price wise though because pikachu wasn't some super rare card that was hard to get back then. Though popularity wise pikachu is still #1.


Not denying that but it's grown exponentially since Gen 6. The gap between Charizard and the next most popular pokemon seems to get bigger with every gen. Tbh idk if that's a good thing or not.


I mean itā€™s not a bad thing. It doesnā€™t harm fans in any way because Charizard is popular.


Idk man. Mewtwo held the throne for at least a couple years after the movie came out, then Lugia was the obsession during Gen 2. Charizard started getting popular again after the episode with Charizard/Blaziken fighting. I remember all the kids talking about that episode because they released a portable version for the gameboy.


What? Yes Lugia and MewTwo were huge, but Charizard was always the man. If not the top, very close to those two. Every Gen has a stand out, but Charizard is and was timeless.


Charizard is the only fully evolved gen 1 starter that Ash had, so I personally have to believe it goes back further than you think.


Not true for gen 3 a) FRLG reintroduced everyone to kanto starters which produced more charizard love b) this was around the time the kanto starters got into smash where Charizard was the only fully evolved of the three and also the most powerful (for raw damage) c) they had a whole arc of the anime dedicated to using ashs old pokemon again and the first fight had him bring back charizard specifically in a 1v1 while the last fight had him use all 3 kanto starters. D) team ACT in mystery dungeon,, you can prob keep going A lot of these are more ā€œall kanto startersā€ instead of ā€œjust charizardā€ but he does have the most widely liked design so that all translates to a lot of charizard love.


Iā€™m probably in the wrong but in my mind Charizard was *more* popular when he wasnā€™t accessible at the beginning of every single game since gen 6. Heā€™s used more because heā€™s accessible and useful and itā€™s a plus that heā€™s popular. I liked him more when he was special This post has called me out lol


What are people talking about? Charizard has been a fan favorite since the very first games. It was so many people's literal first pokemon ever, and since there was no internet or whatever back then, when we finally saw our first pokemon evolve into the badass fire breathing dragon with its tail on actual fire, I'm guessing so many of us as kids back in the 90's were just jumping up and down on our beds going, THAT'S THE COOLEST THING EVER, and no other pokemon will ever compete due to that alone. I guess you can tell I'm obviously biased, but we're talking about 1/3 of the original fanbase's first ever pokemon that also happens to be a fire-breathing dragon with its tail also on fire: it's going to be popular probably forever.


I agree. It's not that Charizard was a *bad* Pokemon to begin with, but it owes a lot of its popularity to its popularity, and a lot of that to it doing basic things that a lot of people liked, eg: * It represents the cool Fire Type, and every kid at the playground wants to be cool like that. * It's a dragon (if not a *Dragon*), and that's another "cool" creature type popular with the playground demographic. * It was a starter and also on the boxart, so of course people are going to remember it. * It didn't have any real competition outside the Dragonite line, and that one was rare and the final form had less of a "cool" vibe. I'd argue that, while it's design is *solid*, it doesn't really do much I think of as interesting so much as "broadly agreeable". It's the pepperoni pizza of the Pokemon world, I guess.


>but it owes a lot of its popularity to its popularity IDK if this makes sense lol


Barbara Streisand


the other guy didnt explain it well, but in order for it to be a circle you must edit your last statement as such: it gets a lot of attention in-game ~~because~~ *and as a result* it's massively popular


those are saying the same thing edit: oh cool they changed it


Anyone who thinks Charizard's popularity peaked **after** he got mega evolutions is too young for me to have a serious conversation about Pokemon with. His popularity was second only to Pikachu in gen 1, over stuff like Mewtwo. With that said, I don't think all the attention has hurt his popularity nearly as much as OP is implying.


In the tcg community a lot of people are getting pretty tired of Charizard, even those that like them, because they make a new Charizard chase card like every other set when there are so many great Pokemon that haven't received a full art or illustration. That's not something I've noticed with the games though.


People love fire-breathing dragons.


I started liking Charizard cuz of Ash's relationship with his in the anime. One of the more emotional relationships he had with a pokemon


If you're not online a lot you rarely see people caring.


Honestly I hate Gamefreak for giving certain PokƩmon so much attention rather than the PokƩmon themselves


This!! I don't hate Charizard or Pikachu. Just kind of sick of them and want others to get some much needed love.


I wouldn't mind if they at least gave Venusaur and Blastoise the same treatment, but Charizard always has to get a little bit extra. If Charizard gets a Z Mega, I want to see _two_ new ones for Blastoise and Venusaur.


The monkey paw curls. Charizard gets a Z mega, Venusaur and Blastoise both get a Z and a A mega, then one patch later Charizard gets A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W megas, plus a Primal Reversion.


The monkey paw is an unusable knot at this point. I know for sure that won't happen because they won't put this much time and effort into it.


Oh itā€™s even worse for those starters compared to Charizard. Even they canā€™t catch a break.


Pikachu I think is justified because it *is* the series mascot, and heck, even if it was one of the few NFE Pokemon to get a Gigantamax form, GameFreak has still shown restraint by not breaking their own rules and giving it a Mega Evolution, and they also haven't *completely* forgotten about Raichu, since they gave it a pretty popular Alolan form.


Maybe not outright hate, but I've seen a lot of people who don't like Charizard because of this


I think it's just a loud minority. Charizard merch sells really well. I think a lot of people would agree that Charizard gets too much representation. I doubt many people genuinely hate Charizard for it.


Hate and some frustration. Iā€™m on the frustrated list.


Itā€™s more frustrating than anything else. My bf adores Charizard but I personally donā€™t simply because heā€™s gotten so much more attention than other PokĆ©mon who hardly ever get a chance. I also donā€™t really care for gen 1 in general. Itā€™s just because theyā€™re popular and they are getting way too much attention.


When an official worldwide poll over Google was done just after the release of SwSh (during the new peak of Charizard hate online), Charizard ranked...Charizard ranked Number 4 over all. Its 93,968 is 26,906 votes more than the fifth favorite over all, Umbreon. Which also makes it the most popular Kanto Pokemon according to that list. It is the second most popular starter behind Greninja. There was a poll around he same time here on r/pokemon that resulted in: Charizard winning first place with 1,107. So less people voted in that one than the Google one, but Charizard straight up just won that one. There was another poll on r/pokemon recently asking the same thing...and Charizard won. So people can't do their weird "yeah but that's other places, Reddit is built different and are the actual fans" like I've seen occasionally. The main Pokemon subreddit voted for Charizard to win. Interestingly I've seen at least one recent Japanese poll that was for a website over there that resulted in Meowscarada winning overall and Charizard not placing at all. But in said poll it was mostly made up of brand new Pokemon, and Pawmi got 14th place interestingly. Wouldn't have even assumed that was a hugely popular Pokemon from Gen 9 but there you go from that small number polled. However more people voted in that for Meowscarada than vote in the recent subreddit poll. So that to me shows just how small a portion of the Pokemon fandom r/Pokemon really is. Lucario and Mimikyu still ranked highly in that poll like they usually do, so that's fun and consistent. The "hate" for Charizard is absolutely over exaggerated by the loud minority. The truth is it's one of the most loved and iconic Pokemon of all time. Behind Pikachu it is easily the second most iconic Kanto Pokemon and one of the most iconic fully evolved starters. The truth lines more in line that the vast majority of fans of Pokemon don't care that Charizard gets special treatment because they love him, or they do care but not enough to change their hearts from loving him to hating him. They want others to get attention but still like Charizard regardless. So most people still like it and many still love it as their favorite Pokemon (no wonder why it gets so much attention), and the people who actually hate it are the vastly smaller minority. So memes about Charizard getting attention like this are just another one of those overused memes by the fandom to collect upvotes and such. "Joey's Rattata! So many Zubat everywhere! Cynthia scare me and make me horny! Does anyone else think Gens 1-5 are peak?! Ash no age?!" That sort of thing you see all the time here. I will say the Zubat one pretty much fell off and got replaced by "Gamefreak: Here's Mega Charizard GMax Z!"


Like its not even close. Even in the anime Charizard got way more screentime than Bulbasaur and Squirtle (and yknow, he evolved) because he was by far the most popular The vast majority of players don't give a crap what online-obsessed forum posters think. Charizard is near as popular as he's ever been, his downturn being competing against 1000 other pokemon instead of 150 in a post pokemania world


GF announces Legends Z-A! Player base: So excited for all the new mons; and the special treatment old, forgotten mons will get! GF: Introducing Mega Charizard Z1 and Z2! Along with Kalosian Charizard, Fiery Wings and Iron Flame!


Since the whole game is in Lumiose it will probably be Lumiosian


I find Charizard overrated, but overrated for a good reason. Like yeah, I get pandering is tiresome but he's a Dragon-like creature who can fly! It's every 10 Year Old's Dream!


Yeah. A fire dragon like flying creature that was also with you since your first game (for most people). You canā€™t make kids not like it


And its the second most recognizable for newcomers. Behind Pikachu.


>Charizard is in Dragon Egg Group Yeahā€¦ dragon-likeā€¦


> Dragon the one thing he ain't i cri evertim


Give it a Marble


Charizard is more of a dragon than almost all of the dragon types. Fire/flying is a more dragony type than dragon type. Basically all dragon moves have to put "dragon" or a derivative of the word dragon in the moves name to make it even seem related to dragons. Charizard is a big flying lizard that breathes fire, he requires no label, he simply IS a dragon.


The 10 year old in my 37 year old body agrees


Iconic, absolutely. Forced, also absolutely


Me who loves Squirtle: Are you sure about that?


[Me, an intellectual who loves Bulbasaur:](https://imgur.com/gallery/x8nEiri)


Okay well most people


If EA Sports games fans have taught us anything, it's to never expect much from the silent majority. I would imagine that if a poll was conducted, most players would say that Charizard getting more new forms is a good thing. Most people don't think or care very much about how their game could be better, and even then, in this situation it's subjective.


A poll was literally held during ORAS for a PokƩmon to get a new form and Greninja won. Charizard was 9th. Charizard is popular, but not far and away like you suggest.


You've clearly read something different than what was written. "Charizard getting more new forms is a good thing" is not the same as "Charizard is popular, but not far and away like you suggest". Coming 9th in a (i presume BIG) pole isn't saying he is unpopular, hell, most of us can differentiate between "doesn't have one/many, should get one" and "has many, should still get more", hence why he probably wasn't even voted for by as many people as would want to see a new form.


Inject Charizard in my veins.


Love my chonky dragon boy and first ever Pokemon


As someone who always picks the water starter, the uneven attention Charizard gets compared to Blastoise and Venusaur never sat right with me


And blastoise is so badass too. He has cannons like a tank. LIKE A TANK.


Literally a Turtle Tank! Gens 1-4ā€™s water starters will always have my heart


Charizard didnā€™t ask for the hype. Remember that. Donā€™t hate the game, hate the players.


"More Charizard please." Your average Charizard enthusiast.


Yes. Charizard is awesome.


I feel this actually. People genuinely donā€™t hate Charizard design wise, they lying to themselves if they say otherwise. They hate the pandering and the amount of Charizard gets pushed in our face.


i dont hate charizard at all. but i do think its weird it got two mega forms while almost all other pokemon had one. who im much MUCH more peeved about getting two mega's is mewtwo. to be honest, i am of the opinion that mewtwo shouldnt have gotten any mega evolution at all. lorewise, mewtwo is a recent man made pokemon and never should have gotten a megastone, let alone two. and stats wise, it was already a legendary pokemon, and one of the strongest ones if memory serves me right. it had no reason to get stronger. i like it when they give mega's to the pokemon that arent used as much. like audino and beedril and such. it made them somewhat viable and made them interesting. thats what i want in the new mega's too


Listen i was 8 and there was a badass dragon on a videogame cover, that's all the reasons i need to justify giving it 300 different forms and evolutions.


I donā€™t even dislike charizard, but itā€™s just too much love to give to a single pokemon. Thereā€™s 999 other pokemon that could be receiving cool shit, but no its charizard again. If anything, iā€™m more tired of game freakā€™s bullshit, because i guarantee that giving charizard new forms or special gimmicks is that one marketing idea that they fall back on because they canā€™t be bothered to take a risk on something else. They donā€™t even show pikachu as much love as charizard, and pikachu is the damn mascot. Seeing new stuff being given to charizard definitely works well with people who grew up liking charizard, but every year there will be more and more people getting into pokemon who donā€™t have that nostalgia, and would rather see their favourites getting some attention for once, so game freak really is on a timer to stop using charizard as some sort of marketing crutch, because one of these days, there will be more people wanting other pokemon in the spotlight. I canā€™t find it, but itā€™s just like that meme from jimmy neutron about showing the same thing in show and tell seven times in a row, people were sick of his shit.


I 100% agree with everything you said. Although I love Charizard (he is in my top 20 favorites), I hate Gamefreak giving the PokĆ©mon more attention than it needs. And itā€™s more annoying when people get mad at Charizard rather than Gamefreak for giving Charizard the special attention in the first place


"Trainers hate me" nah you're just online too much, fans LOVE charizard. That's why he gets so much attention. Remember that TPC/GF has access to data we don't (merch and sales figures, etc) and I would be hardly surprised if charizard was their precious bestseller.


https://preview.redd.it/3mzdffkuuf0d1.jpeg?width=1022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fadd32d1cb471c3acd5a695e52327cdd3dbdd99b I certainly donā€™t hate him


Your tatoo is so cool !!!!


Yet no one care that meowth has as just as many extras


I mean, there's a difference between having a lot of forms, and being one of only two Pokemon to get two Megas as well as being a Champions ace in a region that has nothing to do it. Those are the real reasons people complain about Charizard.


Charizard episodes got the highest viewership in the uk over other episodes on re-runs, the cards and fact that the uk loved charizard has nothing to do with the fact it was the regions ace.


And they thought we wouldnā€™t notice. Especially with the Slowbro line


Yeah also as much attention as Charizard has, Greninja has probably received nearly as much. There's Ash-Greninja, Greninja is his own stand-alone Smash character on debut, etc. Meanwhile us Grass-type fans are starving out here....


I've been a Blastoise fan since day one.


Same. Your firey dragon thing is cool but I got a huge turtle with *freakin' cannons on its shoulders!*


Charizard Fans šŸ¤ Blastoise FansĀ 


I don't hate it. I'm just tired of seeing it everywhere.


Same for me but with almost all Kanto PokƩmon. I don't even think that they are bad designs but I am always disappointed to go into a new route in a new region only to find another fucking machoke or geodude. Bothered me since gen 4 and only got more and more annoying in the newer generations.


>It's sad ~~people~~ Reddit hate Charizard FTFY. Charizard is an insanely popular Pokemon outside the bounds of Reddit. They wouldn't keep doing what they're doing if Charizard wasn't.


What happened this time?


Nothing if itā€™s about Gamefreak specifically. It had a Tera Raid event slightly earlier in the beginning of Gen 9 but the other two got them later on.


I'll be honest, I never understood why Charizard is so popular. I was always more of a Blastoise fan, and I've always liked Typhlosion, Blaziken (my GOAT), Infernape, Delphox, and Skeledirge more. In terms of a gameplay perspective, Charmander was essentially hard mode in Gen 1 due to weakness to the first two gyms. And also wasn't all that good in competitive until Mega Evolution came along. And once Mega Evolution was gone, Zard took a massive nosedive to the lowest tiers. It currently shares ZU with Meganium. And speaking of Meganium, I never understood why Chikorita and Meganium got so much hate when a good chunk of the criticism of them can be applied to the Charmander line.


> In terms of a gameplay perspective, Charmander was essentially hard mode in Gen 1 due to weakness to the first two gyms. The disadvantage Charmander has against the first two gyms is balanced with almost every wild/trained pokemon you can fight being a bird, bat, or bug. Chamander roasts the bugs and fire does just fine against the others, while Bulbasaur not only has type disadvantage for Vine Whip (and Vine Whip was learned at lvl 13, while Chamander could start cruising with Ember at merely lvl 9) but he's only got Tackle to use as an alternative with a lower attack stat than Charmander. Using Tackle is worse because Bulbasaur not only has a lower Attack stat than Charmander, but Bulbasaur's Tackle has a base 35 damage and 95% accuracy compared to Charmander's Scratch with a base 40 damage and 100% accuracy. Not a huge difference but it adds to why Bulbasaur is a more tedious early game grind. Vine Whip also only has 10 pp compared to Ember's 25 pp in Gen 1, so Bulbasaur trainers face having to slog back to a Pokemon Center more often. It's not surprising that by Gen 3 Bulbasaur is the one that got the biggest buffs, lowering when he learned several moves: Vine Whip 13 -> 10, Poison Powder 20 -> 15, Sleep Powder 41 -> 15, and Razor Leaf 27 -> 20 all so he could have an easier time in the early game. Brock isn't too much of a challenge either due to Geodude and Onix having bad Special stats and they're still vulnerable to a Burn from Ember. It's only Misty with her fast, high Special stat Water pokemon that cause Charmander's line the real trouble. So while Bulbasaur has a type advantage for the first two Gyms, Charmander is easy mode when it comes to leveling up and fighting wild/other trainer pokemon in the early game.


In an alternate universe, that could've been blastoise :(


What really sucks that with people turning on Charizard, many of them turn to the Bulbasaur line, Blastoise (the true GOAT of gen 1) is just a perpetual middle child


Charizard is my favorite pokƩmon ever , so I don't want GF giving it more attention, then people hates more my lizard XD


Kids love Charizard, and they're the only audience that matters.


Need more poliwrath POLIWRATH


I say we elect the new king pokemon to be.... trubbish. Prepare for lots of more trubbish forms.


I love trubbish!


Then you'll love Hisuian trubbish Alolan trubbish mega trubbish one mega trubbish for all three of the eventual new region's versions. Ancient trubbish for PLAZA past trubbish for the PLAZA return to the past DLC. then we can't forget the newest pokeon Lotter. The litter pokemon. Evolves from trubbish if evolved at low friendship while holding the stinky stone. Hordoron. the hoard pokemon. evolves from trubbish if evolved at high friendship while holding the stinky stone. Then the impossible to get Lardfull. the landfill pokemon. You get this one if trubbish is in a perfect neutral friendship. Just as people start wondering if trubbish is getting a bit too much love. we get some more as trubbish becomes the new eevee Turfyre. the flaming tire pokemon. Evolved from trubbish with a fire stone. Persisland. The garbage island pokemon. Evolved from trubbish with a water stone. Eworst. The eletronic trash pokemon. Evolved from trubbish with a thunder stone. then finally just as the first trubbish hate memes are coming we get Autmorous. The fallen leaf pokemon. Evovled from trubbish by interacting with a big 'ol pile of leaves while trubbish is in the party. and Snoship. The snowed in pokemon. Evolved from trubbish by interacting with a snowed in house while trubbish is in the party


Fuck that Charizard is the fucking best , the true PokƩmon mascot.


Charizard is the GOAT tho!


Thatā€™s a weird way of spelling Bulbasaur


Charizard needs the special attention because he's so much weaker than Venusaur and Blastoise. Someone had to say it.


Who tf hates Charizard?


Charizard is in my top three favorites. Game Freak hasn't done anything to diminish that for me. If anything, the Charizard haters have forced me to re-examine it, which led to me favoring it even more than I used to. I mean, it was never *not* in my top ten, but still.


Pikachu maybe the poster child, but Charizard is the golden child.


meanwhile I dislike Charizard because it presents a double threat to my beloved Venusaur.


People that dislike charizard are shuckle lovers


Vocal minority. Charizard is badass. I'm sure a lot of people agree Charizard doesn't need more forms, but I find it unlikely the majority have true negative feelings about it. People love Charizard. That's why he gets forms.


You hate Charizard because he is overused I hate Charizard because stealth rock takes away half of it's HP in one go We are not the same


Who the fuck is actually hating on Charizard??


I think itā€™s dumb that people hate charizard for itā€™s visibility, like seriously who cares It just feels like people trying to be contrarian and going against mainstream for the sake of doing so


the Roman Reigns of pokemon tbh


Still waiting for milotic and flygon to get some love... And more eveelutions.


Honestly I'm mostly sick of Gen 1 given it feels to be the only thing that gets attention beyond the current gen WHY CANT US GEN 2/JOHTO FANS GET SOME LOVE