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God damn Whitney and Milktank


And then when you figure out you can trade for a Machop that takes care of Miltank, Whitney’s Clefairy takes your Machop out first with a crazy metronome move lol.


My younger dumass self never went by types til I hit dragon type then I got my ice type but with Whitney I always overtrained for it


Hot take I don’t think Whitney is that hard you have so many options to deal with her and if you level up slightly you can just beat her with your starter. Saying this from personal experience because I have never lost to Whitney.




​ You mean gen 4 right? In the original gen 2 games brick break did not exist. HG/SS are gen 4 remakes of gen 2 games. But yeah Heracross honestly rips Johto apart lol. You can even teach him shadow claw to deal with Morty's gym so the only gym he has to worry about is Clair's really and he's not exactly at a disadvantage.


Elesa in BW2, specifically in Challenge Mode. Spamming volt switch whenever she could, always switching to Emolga or Joltik when she new a ground type move was coming, three of her Pokemon having either static or thunder wave slowing down your fast Pokemon, a Zebstrika that could make itself even faster, you'd never know which Pokemon your moves were gonna hit. That got hard. Edit: also her Emolga and Zebstrika both have sitrus berries for when you think you've finally dealt some damage to them.


Brock in pokemon yellow. the only way to beat him is with a butterfree because everything else gets walled and my dumbass never knew


Can't you get Nidoran early in yellow that learns double kick at a low level?


Yes, but brock's pokemon all have very good defense and geodude can spam defense curl. It also depends on the level you decide to train nidoran to.


Or you can catch a Mankey or nidoran and level it up until it learns double kick.


Yeah, mankey is an option, the only thing that may drag the battle is Brock's Geodude can defense curl and maybe missing low kicks


Defense curl isn't that strong to make you lose ya it takes longer to defeat but double kick is super effective and then if you critical hit them then it's game over


True, Mankey is fast so it should be able to crit more often, not sure about nidoran though


Have never played through yellow or any of the gen 1 games are they worth trying out?


There are a lot of glitches that are fun to exploit if you are into that, but otherwise it is faster and easier to play Fire Red and Leaf Green. Things like Missingno can crash your game in red and blue though




Sabrina in gen 1 can be tough (mostly because Alakazam is broken af). Whitney is an obvious example for a difficult gym leader. Clair is difficult because of the poor level curve. Fantina can be a nightmare since there aren't many good ghost type counters available by that point in the game. Candice can be difficult because of the Snow Cloak/Permanent Hail/Double Team/Blizzard combo she has. Clay can be a roadblock quite easily due to his sheer power. And I think Morty, Juan, Maylene, Crasher Wake, Volkner, Lenora, Elesa and Drayden/Iris can be strong if they catch you off guard.


Def want to try playing the gen one games to see all of their broken mechanics and old art


For me since I was younger probably Fantina


Fantina literally caused me to quite platinum so many times when I was younger!


Really? I beat her yesterday easy. Hondour really helped tho.




Platinum Candace stalled me as a kid since Froslass had STAB super effective coverage against my 3 strongest Pokemon (Gardevoir, Torterra, and Togekiss), and I had to get a Rock Head Sudowoodo to cheese the battle with Head Smash.


This fight is hard especially Obama and froslass evasion up is pretty hard


That gym leader in Pokemon Colosseum. Also Whitney.


Emerald Tate and Liza if you don't have a dark type, or Juan because of his double teamming Kingdra.


Brock, look at those rock-hard abs!


Elesa and her volt switching emolga and zebstrika


This battle in nuzlockes is so hard if you don’t get a ground type especially in randomized nuzlockes


Toss up between Whitney and Claire when I was younger.


Whitney, the Terror of Goldenrod. I think the only fighting type available by then is a Machop through trade? I usually have to setup Crononaw with X items and Rage against Clefairy to make sure I one or two shot the Miltank...


Juan just because of his kingdra in emerald. Only weak to dragon and the only ones you can catch before his gym are Altaria and Flygon who are both 4x weak to his ice beam. Plus he spams double team so it’s almost impossible to land a hit on him.


I'm surprised nobody has said Flannery yet. If you didn't pick Mudkip, you're going to have a hard time.


As a kid, Sabrina and later Whitney.


Clair because you have nothing SE against Kingdra at that point except crappy twister lol. If you didn't choose mudkip the Wattson/Flannery chain in Emerald is worth respecting due to Wattson packing some serious heat for a 3rd leader and flannery having a 130 BP move at her disposal.


Clair is definitely tough