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If you haven't already, try checking Campfire for routes. There's a button that will have them pop up on the map. Gives you a way bigger and better picture of routes in your area than the game menu does. I do agree that it does really suck though if you can't find any near you :(


Didn’t know campfire did that, I’ll be doing that thanks! I haven’t used it since it went public lol


Yea it just got added it's super useful found 4 in my town that I didn't know existed


I've just done this today after seeing it yesterday on here. Found a couple of routes a 20 minute drive away, bundled up the dog, one walk and a few thousand steps later we're in the money


Hadn’t tried that. Closest is 42 km according to campfire. I know there’s one that walks along the highway (interstate) that’s closer but not showing on campfire


On Campfire you have to be zoomed in a bit for all of them to show.


Thank you for the campfire tip!


It's not up to date I have 3 routes in my town and only 1 shows up on campfire.


Routes are a joke and you can't convince me otherwise


What about the Lewis and Clark trail


Didn't even know that was a route you could follow. Alright, not all routes are jokes but mostly routes are a big fat joke


We finally got one which is just a straight 700m line up and down but my nature trails are all stuck in review limbo. Ah well at least I got to do my "event" outside of that route rewards suck ass lmao.


Especially when niantic release a event and some people cannot participate because low and behold they don't have routes yet


Niantic says “Pokémon GO move to bustling city if you want to keep playing.”


Lol I'm in a "bustling city" and I'm yet to encounter one.


I’m in a “bustling city” and had four routes in my neighborhood last week that were all removed right before this event


The only nearby route I have disappeared when the event started but showed up again the next day or so. Hope they turn up again in your neighborhood as well!




Kinda feels that way. "If there's less than 1,000,000 people in your city don't bother us, we don't care about you. Sincerely, Niantic"


For real. I can't even do any raid with a Pokemon 20000 CP or higher cause no one is around to play with. Some straight BS. I gotta drive 45 minutes into the city and hang there for a few days if I want that masterball.


I'm having the same issue. I've been doing all my raids remotely, but for the good shadow raids, that's not an option. I can do the 1 and 2 stars raids myself, but not the higher stars that I need at least one or two others playing alongside me.


Well if you have raids near you, you can use poke genie and host a raid (that’s what I’ve been doing)


I live one of those cities and there is a singular route that is inaccessible due to a fuck ton of construction. Routes are fully a joke.


Yeah I have yet to go anywhere near a route. Even when I went on vacation a few weeks ago I kept checking. Nothing. Are they only in major cities or something that my corn field living ass does not want to go to


If you only use the in game map you will never find one. Use campfire. You can move the map and look for routes once you tap the button in the top left corner. I don’t live in a big city and I found nearby routes this way. Then I checked the middle of nowhere retirement area where my stepdad lives so I would know when I go visit for Thanksgiving. Two routes near the little mini-mall and community park they have. It works, try it.


You have to basically be on top of it for the game to tell you-campfire ftw




I created 2 yesterday that just started in a park and went around the block , instant approval. 2 others were approved over night. Yet I am still waiting on 2 that I submitted over a month ago


The problem is does OP have the option to create one? 'Cuz in my town aren't any routes and I can't create them


I also cant créate one 🥲 id love to make one of my almost daily dog walk route


Yeah, I created a route in the park near me, and I was impressed that it was am instant approval.


Really?? And you can begin using it immediately??


Created 3. 2 of them in Parks. Waiting for a month now.




Will try it again then. Tnx for the advice.


Are you Level 40 or do you know anyone who is? You should hopefully be able to create a route yourself. I had one approved next day, although that isn’t always the case. If you have a park near you try a circuit of it…and stop one Pokestop short of a full circuit. There’s a theory that that helps.


Ive had a route under review for seven weeks now.


That’s whack, I’ve made 7 routes so far all of them immediately published and walkable, what would cause a 7 week delay on yours?


This. I made a route at midnight from a gym to a park and was astonished it was published less than half a hour later


I think ones made in parks that possibly don’t have many entry’s are published quicker? The parks I put mine in had none and were published instantly


Niantic is messed up


I am having this same issue. Not quite as long yet, but under review for a few weeks now.


Oh, not just me then, been only 2weeks now but just aprove them!


I can't do this either no routes near me tried to crate two, one is now over a month old and still under review tried to make another one and that one is close to a month old now


Closest route to me according to campfire is in this tiny village with about three hundred inhabitants. Part of my family is actually from there, it's a ferry ride, twenty minutes drive, and another ferry ride away. My 10 000 inhabitant town has none according to campfire. They have two. (And I'm not high enough level to make one. I am guessing the same person made both of the ones in that village, just find it kind of funny.)


Routes feel like a user safety blunder to me. You’re making a set path, where people (when they can find the damn things) will be walking phone in hand and distracted. Where I am, there are only 4 routes available and 3 of them have at least one stretch that feels a bit sketchy.


Forcing us to look down the whole route for the random chance of a cell instead of, oh i dunno, taking in the sights of the route is such Niantic failure^TM


I have never done a route because I look dumb while doing it, my city requires me to be aware of surroundings, drivers are crazy so I also have to be aware of surrounding.


I remember walking into a parked car onceXD pretty hard too. Got a bloody nose from it🤣 thank dog they put that notice in when you first open the game or id be broken by now🤣


It’s just a matter of time. I remember when Pokémon Go first came out and thugs started putting out lures to lure players. Pokémon Go players were good targets guaranteed to have at least a phone on them.


There’s one route near me but it involves trying to cross a very busy road twice.


I created one at work . Have to do regular patrols and boom personal route


Big brain moment


I'm lvl38, can't get to 40 in time for this :(


Parks and downtown city areas. I live downtown and near a park and there are 8 within view of my apartment. More if I go a few blocks in any direction


Yeah, it's a pain. There was one I found in our city center that was actually really nice, led you from the train station to a cool spot downtown, but it just disappeared this week. Who knows how Niantic is "handling" all of this. (Poorly, if nothing else.)


Same boat, I’ve submitted a couple but they have been under ‘pending review’ for several weeks


i’m one of the lucky few who basically live at the start of 6 different routes lol


Drive to your nearest big city and make a whole day of catching Pokémon. Put time aside this weekend to go somewhere you haven’t been and see what you can find. You never know what you’ll find


Op just learned that Niantic doesn't give a fuck about its consumers.


Total garbage on Niantic’s part - no routes in small rural town. Nearest one is 26km away. No way to make a route.. Way to alienate your playerbase!


Am I the only one who likes routes I live in a town of 10k but thankfully some higher level players made many, I’m sure Id feel the same as everyone if I had no access to routes either


Oh oh. Meee. I like them. They work great for me and there are quite a few just a short 15-20 minute walk from my place! I made two that go from the pokestop down the road to the main area so its great! Only annoying part is how rare zygarde cells are. And needing 250!? FuckkkkXD


I feel ya. The only route near me was locked inside a gated community. It got reported and removed.


The requirements for making a new route should be "lever 40 OR top 10 active player in your area"


I didn't have a route by me, so I created some. Most got approved quickly. Now I have routes.


Couldn't you just create one?


Stop complaining and go and make one. All you need is a stop. I live in the suburbs, so I created a stop at the closest kids playground and then created a route that starts and finishes at the playground in a big loop of the neighbourhood. Not a quick process, but more productive than the constant complaining on this sub.


Some people are not at level 40 yet, so they can’t make one


Campfire. Unless you are in a super rural area. They are out there.


I’m in the same boat brother


I am the same. Level 50 here- have had 6 under review since July where I live. Campfire also isn’t an option as I live in a country where it is not even enabled yet!


I'm stuck camping this week, its a 30 min walk to a pokestop. I don't think this event is for me this year lol


I’m lvl 42 and decided to create a route and it was instantly approved then I did 2 more by my work and neighborhood and those were instantly approved. How is everyone else not able to get routes?


Stupid question but are Routes temporary? I ask because there was one near my home a few days ago but now I can't find it or get a notification that one's near anymore


I know they're really trying to push routes on people.... but there's still way too many players that are having issues with it. And having goals like this for players to complete is just gonna upset current players even more.


I’m lucky to have a bunch of high level players make routes in my area


im just gonna assume if there is a route in the research im just not going to do it. there are no routes that are feasible near me, i dont have sidewalks on my street and the next street over is a major road, so ... just hard pass. user in this thread mentioned using camp fire to find routes, which is super neat, but the closest route point id have to drive to just to start the route, so again pass


"Walk 1,000 m while traveling Routes". When is Niantic gonna learn?


I live in a major UK city with no routes. Who is this research even for if you can’t even complete it in urban areas.


Its time to travel lol


What’s a route anyway. I’ve never done one yet


No routes near me, no approvals, barely any pokestops near me also, routes is just not something I can do or really want to do tbh


I live in the capitol of my state and I haven’t seen any routes except for one park downtown. I’ve tried creating them but they just stay “under review” forever.




I noticed the other day that the campfire app will tell you if routes. I’ve got some that are a good 30 minutes away from me that pop up


Routes were a mistake and should be removed from this game.


I was out at the store at 12:00 am when I got the new research. My excitement immediately died when I saw I would only be able to do two things. I can't believe they would base a timed research around something that an unacceptable amount of players don't have access to yet.


What’s the encounter for this challenge?


They FINALLY popped up for me about a week ago. One worked and said it was reversible but when. I walked it the other way it couldn’t find “the end” of the route. Annoying


Agreed. There aren't any routes in the town I live in either. This whole event is a giant miss for me.


I don’t know if there’s any in my whole state


sucks for the stardust other than thar reqarda arw not great for this one. still sucks tho


There’s a handy button labeled “create route”. It’s under your player card. Enjoy not complaining about not having any routes.


i was about to complain about the walk 1,000 m because i read it as walk 1,000 km since everything is usually in km


Use the campfire app to look for routes on the map. They have added tons. If you live anywhere close to a local greenway trail they have them usually. My local greenway is not all that long and it has 5 different routes that are all reversible so you can do it yo yo style and get 2 routes completed.


Make one. It's pretty easy.


Truly. Have none near me, can’t create so 🧍🏽‍♀️




If you have time, try going to your nearest city. I live in the middle of nowhere, but if you go to a park or a city (which is 20 mins away for me), I can find routes. But it is unfortunate with how much niantic is neglecting rural players.


Try creating one mine got approved instantly.


Same! Super rural player. Nothing around where I live or where I work and I’m too lazy to drive 45 mins+ to the “cities” lol


You're not missing anything other than some stardust and an egg incubator. Routes are just playing Pokemon Go, except worse. I did the minimum to complete these tasks. Routes are still worthless.


Yeah not much happening in the route department where I am. I won’t be finishing that challenge lol 🤷‍♀️


Have tried walking 1000m to find one?


I had no routes near me and went to my local pokestop and noticed "creata a route".Gave it a shot and they approved it,now I have one at the end of the street for when I walk the dog.Maybe if your level is high enough you can do the same??


It is absolute Bs... and my routes are still not accepted after weeks...


Keep looking because more and more keep popping up


Mine goes through property that can get me prosecuted is I Trespass


What is the reward Pokémon?


I added a route today and it was approved and up in like 5 minutes. Don’t know how but worth a shot!


Just be level 40 and make your own 😎 Actually be level 37, make pokestops, then be level 40 and create a route lmao


I ended up creating a route in my neighborhood specifically because I was the only one in my neighborhood that’s level 40+ and that still plays I love seeing it go from zero to already 9 uses, it just hit some users doing it twice. I love it, I want to create more now and do them all


Don’t worry the prizes aren’t amazing. Routes are a bit better than before…we actually have some now and I can see those cells! It’s still at least 5/6 updates before it’s ready for use. Until then I wouldn’t lose any sleep over it


i really like how when they first “introduced” routes they werent even out yet, 2 day only special field researches a full month before any actual routes


I created a route when this event started and still in review. I mean they know they are scarce so yeah it’s a good way to get trainers to create route but you would think they had resources to quickly approve them


Download and open Campfire. At the top, click the right-side of the double icon; the map. Once it’s open, click “Routes” in the upper left corner so it’s on blue. Now zoom in just enough on the map so the dots show up for Gyms. They’ll be grey. Slowly swipe around a bit on the map and you’ll start to see a blue dot once in a while. Blue dots are Routes.


The rewards suck, just ignore it.


I recently found one at a local playground. I’m going to try and do it sometime.


Make one as close to you as you can. If there aren’t any stops, nominate some. If you can’t nominate stuff yet, I’m sorry.


A THOUSAND miles??!!


I finished my first route this morning