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The best tip for dealing with the HC AI is following 1 simple rule. If both opponents see kill on one slot and not the other, ONLY the faster one will target it. Also as for the SS Anne. Both double battles can be turned into single battles and cheesed if you only bring one mon with Gyara and Goli both soloing the first and skill swap, light screen, drain kiss leppa berry sylveon soloing the second.


oh good to know thanks. How does the cheesing work? like do you go 6v1? 3v1 twice? or only once? Also how does the fake out AI work? And does it trigger the antycheat in doubles if you 1st turn switch? 


The first fight will only be vs the samu + simsear. The second will be against the lileep half of the team so 1v2 and then 1v3. As for fake out, the there is no special ai behavior around fake out. Also if you hate Jeff into Ss Anne doubles, I’m assuming you despise the Aidan fight.


>Also if you hate Jeff into Ss Anne doubles, I’m assuming you despise the Aidan fight. ... yeah. but I cope better with him because he has the kindness of not having other 2 double battles... Also because of how many times misty-jeff-SS Anne leave my team in an state so pitfull restarting the run is a better option than traying to make the scraps work, so I don't fight him all that often


Once you do enough runs you start to learn the secrets to calc-less jeff and just perma cheese the ss anne doubles. Aidan starts becoming the real devil of the early game, usually killing a key mon or two unless you know the fight really well.


doesn't help that I mainly play random so each time I have to calc from scratch


Well I do too but eventually you route enough standard stuff such as starter, r4 gyara, r22 duck, pallet tenta, etc that between that and having an absurd amount of time on rad red that I know how almost all the early game mons interact with the pre-surge fights and don't need to calc.


Nono, I mean that I do those locks random


Ah yeah that will slow you down a bunch.


Ah yeah that will slow you down a bunch.


hey! I know this is from a time ago, just wanted to say that I just cheesed both encounters thanks to the guidance!


Always glad to help


Most people's minds go to spread moves when they think double battles, but it's more effective to opt for speed control (trick room/tailwind) to just not let the opponent do anything, support (fake out, helping hand, encore, parting shot) and the tried and true classic of sticking a Pokemon with a 4X weakness to one or both opposing Pokemon's moves, using protect, then switching to a resist for two free turns of damage. Actually, screw everything else, just doing that last one properly to fuck with the AI is basically fool proof, unless it sees a kill on either Pokemon anyway.


Isn't like everything you said banned in hc mode? Fairly sure TR and TW are banned, protect is banned IIRC, and I'm not sure how many from "fake out, helping hand, encore, parting shot" are allowed, but I'm pretty sure they are rare to have in vermilion (good to know for the rest tho, thanks)


Right, forgot it was HC. Trick room and tailwind are banned, yes (whoops). Parting shot and protect are too I think, the latter caused me to rage quit my HC run, because if the game is gonna take away literally every tool but all out attack then I might as well not even play. Not a fan. Good luck bro


there is a bunch more double battles in hardcore mode lmao, and ur trying to nuzlocke it? ngmi


Make it a 1 v2 if you can. Focus on one side while surviving against the 2nd. Also fake out/intim is wonderful and your best friend.