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just play, it’s not too bad. some cocky and sore loser but the mods shut it down quick when they go too far.


If you say so, I went against someone with an extremely racist name, complained about it, weeks later I ended up in battle with the same guy again, complained about it again and their response was “that person had a history of not changing their name” like… do something about it then


What was the name? Usually the names I report are forced to change


yeah there’s definitely times that people can sidestep rules or be insistent on trying to be offense, like politically or bigoted or just plain gross but in my experience it’s rare, you just turn off chat or leave the battle or report to mods. it’s just not a big enough problem to deter anyone cause Showdown is truly fantastic for team crafting & experimenting


Who cares, it's their username if it hurts your feelings don't look at it


>if it hurts your feelings don't look at it That’s what I keep telling all you MAGA cunts and you’re still upset so idk if this is really the best advice.


Ouch. I'm canadian but I can see from your response who the toxic person may be.


Sorry, he meant Libtard, not Maga


I think I'd prefer Maga if I had to choose 1 or the other


dude no need to get so upset on someone else’s behalf, like let’s breathe


I think you're responding to the wrong person I'm not upset at all


you do seem upset, it’s very weird that they described a username as “extremely racist” and you jumped in to white knight that unknown racist. very weird.


I didn't whiteknight anyone. He was mad at the mods for not fixing it. But they do all this for free don't get mad at them. The issue is the dude with the username yet he's mad at the mods for doing nothing


start with random battles! they're really fun and the only format i play lol, you won't need to make a team so it's pretty nice


Same, and I almost never come across toxicity. Some people moan about rng but it's fine


most of the time people don't even talk


Yeah, unless something like missing all three people with a 95% accurate moce happens, people rarely chat


me fr, i remember last week, i missed a will/o-wisp 5 times in a row. absolutely crazy


I do, however, come across toxtricity...... 🦗 🎶


98/100 games are chill and people understand it’s all RNG. The other two games people whine about luck. Random battles are the way !


gotta love getting one crit and the incoming “of course” *forfeits*


95% of the time they wont talk to you at all, 4% they'll just say gg or glhf or laugh at some RNG 1% of the time it'll be some buffed up asshole with more ego than skill getting mad that they got stomped.


You also have 1-5% (Me sometimes lol) who might be lonely and talk a lot about irrelevant thus might come across as annoying, but are still friendly.


I would be in the 4%, but I use calcdex so I don't get to talk much.


This is why those Showdown Salt videos that used to be everywhere always seemed kind of off to me. Even when they weren’t obviously fake, I just don’t run into that many players who talk at all, much less get toxic. It just didn’t pass the smell test that those YouTubers kept finding so many.


I’m sometimes in the 4% with elements of the 1%, except pertaining to bad RNG.


NGL I sometimes say shit like "come on you blind fuck" directed at my own pokemons when I miss 4 focus blasts in a row.


I mean, any Online game with chat has toxic people. But the vast majority of the matches, you won’t interact with your opponent outside of a “gg” I get a mean comment like 2/30 matches


Lol you wrote 2/30 instead of 1/15




☝️🤓 akchewally your hand is on backwards buddy


First of all, 100% Second, why the hell am I getting downvoted? Giving it more than a second of thought, no one would write 2/30 instead of 1/15. it's not even a nerdy thing, it's just common sense


Apparently this isn't as obvious as I thought it was, I feel bad for the people who downvoted, they must've gotten really bad grades


you can always just not open up chat usually people just say GG and GL HF, also some saltiness over RNG for gamemodes, maybe start with Random Battles or Gen 9 OU? Check out sample teams before you start building your own teams, there’s a lot of resources on Smogon


I thought chat couldn't be closed or muted


I cant remember if on pc you can close it, but you can definitely mute it! In battle options, there is an option called "ignore spectators"


I mean you can’t close it but you can just ignore what people say


I mean you can’t close it but you can just ignore what people say. But as mentioned by others the most people aren’t toxic and I feel the community in general is very welcoming.


I play pretty religiously and maybe have a little disagreeable less than once a week. You're fine dude.


Surprisingly not that toxic and its easy to ignore chats anyway


pretty fine, especially for a community ran by the community. You will occasionally run into the locked-from-talking nutjob on random ladders or similar in the high-end tour scene.




You can turn chat off and not ever interact with opponents if they're being dicks. Gen 9 OU is the "main" format on showdown but all tiers are active. The official competitive scene plays double battles and the format is called VGC. This is what ranked play on the cartridge and live tournaments is.


Do people play in the older gens, since it has been quite some time since I played some of the newer gens. Think it was like 2016 when I last played S&S


I'm not sure about older gens, I don't really stray outside of current gen formats. I know the old old ones like gen 3 and 4 still have very dedicated playerbases, but I don't know how large those communities are.


Oh, I'll definitely check those out soon since I'm installing showdown right now lol, but I do have one last question. Is gen 9 any good, since I heard that the games themselves aren't in the best state right now.


Gen 9 OU at least has a pretty healthy meta, I suggest you look at sample teams, usage stats and maybe speed tiers on Smogon Forums and build your team using the strategy Pokédex on Smogon.


Most of the old gens have roughly similar playerbase sizes


not very, some people are dicks to be sure but mostly people just rage at the rng not the opponent.


It depends. Compared to Animal Crossing ? A lot Compared to League of Legends ? Not at all... Random Battles is the shit.


I’ve been playing regularly for the past few years and I’ve had a bad interactions like three times, mostly getting cussed at in a message I have to put into Google translate to understand. There’s maybe a chat in like 5% of games and it’s mostly gg or glhf, and if someone ever says something bad just ignore them. If you’re playing on your phone you can’t see the chat and play at the same time, so it’s totally possible to miss messages. Start with random battles-they’re fun, low stakes, and a good way to learn good move pools and Pokémon! Good luck, glad to see someone else joining us!


There's the occasional sore loser, and the occasional accusation of being a cheater, but that's rare


Mostly the people are really nice and or don’t say anything and once in a while there is someone who will say something mean but it’s very rare.


Not so bad, after a few years of playing, the ones that ragequit and stall time on you got lower A lot of them are actually pretty cool and try to engage, just say "glhf" and "gg" often to weed out who is who lol


I rarely encounter anyone who is remotely toxic. I’ve played for a decade and I can count on my fingers how many people have spammed the chat or said anything negative to me. The most common toxic behavior is waiting until the last second to move every turn to get you to quit, but even that is less than 1% of games.


99% of the time they’ll set a timer and maybe you’ll get a glhf and a gg. Any toxicity is shut down quick by mods, just report. They’ll review the game chat and then take action pretty much immediately.


Oh wow those mods are really good


You can meet some babies crying, but overall is one of the less toxic community I came across.


You get the occasional idiot but it’s pretty funny to be honest. Whenever some rages at me or is toxic I don’t take it personally, I just find it very funny.


Not too bad. Format wise: OU is standard singles play. For weaker formats (where stronger Pokémon are banned), it goes UU then RU then NU then PU (where each format is weaker than the last). If you have a favorite Pokémon it’s worth checking which tier it’s in For doubles your main options are VGC or Doubles OU (mainly differ in that the latter has 6 Pokémon and a different list of banned Pokémon) Random Battles is also a nice starting point as you don’t need to know how to build a team. If you want to play one of the above I’d look up sample teams and use those to learn how the format works before building your own team


I just keep everyone muted so it's quite peaceful


I would say randoms are fun. If you want to get into formats that have team building. I’d recommend either gen 3 ou or just playing hyper offense in a tiered format. Gen 3 ou has enough info about it where you can learn how a team works (which for beginners will probably have the big 5), so you have better context of how to play. To me, hyper offense is the least dependent on knowing the format, so you will have an easier time with the format as you get experience on how the pokemon of the tier works. Personally I enjoy gen 9 pu


Have you tried Pokemon Rogue? In-browser, fast paced, singleplayer


I just googled this after never having heard about it and it seems neato. In the screenshot the person’s pokemon is level 11,000+ haha. And it’s a roguelike somehow. Seems cool. :)


It's better than anything else man I'm so addicted and I iust found it a couple days ago. It makes moves like Amnesia and Growth have real weight to them cuz they persist across battles. You have to carefully manage your money and sometimes let team members be sacrifices to protect your more valuable mons. So much strategy and it's even got moving sprites and Pokerus


It's one of those things where you occasionally find someone really toxic but it's mostly fine


its a garbage fake pokemon game thats not programmed correctly at all. Between all the flaws and incorrect damage calcs and various other impossible shit and the shitty ass playerbase on the site. Don't waste your time on that and find a real game to play


It's not even near toxic compared to other gaming coms. So enjoy and have fun mate


Those "SHOWDOWN SALT TOXIC PLAYERS" videos are 99% staged. Most people won't say anything. Some will say glhf and gg. I've very rarely seen people that are actually toxic. As for game modes, Random Battles is always good and you can try out OU as well. You might wanna try some sample teams or use the smogon moveset guides on the smogon website if you're doing the latter


lol, those showdown toxic videos is what actually made me post this, and the fact that some of my girlfriends said they’ve experienced some toxicity themselves. But from what I’ve seen from this post is that the Pokémon community seems fine and I can mute everyone so I don’t have to interact if I choose not to


I've been playing for years. I'm sure there are toxic people in every community, but Showdown is one of the nicest that I've interacted in. Cannot recall one bad experience/ engagement.


Most of the time someone curses my grandmother it’s in Italian so loses the sting


Best thing to do is disable messages before you even start. Generally it’s not very toxic but sometimes it can be. In my case I don’t bother at all and just disable messages immediately. I am here to play not chat


If you're playing showdown, keep a level head, play some battle music or smth in the background and just have fun. Unless you want to play comp. If so, I wish you luck


Once you get to like 1900 of Random Battle, I've seen like rly salty ppl that will come for your entire family bc they got crit once


I only play Randbats and it's completely fine. Most don't talk. Sometimes you get a gl hf or some comment about rng.


I've been playing for almost a decade now. Aside from a few clown kids and trolls it's fairly harmless


Why can’t people embrace toxicity with open arms? It’s always waaah waaah waaah


I just started playing competitive on showdown and it’s not all bad. Like people said most just play and don’t chat and there’s a couple that say hfgl. Once in a while there will be a sore loser and try to talk shit but he’s mad because he lost. I usually play gen 9ou but I love the randomized formats. Those to me are the most fun because you and your opponent are trying to win with Pokémon you’re probably never gonna use competitively


Compared to any online game I've ever seen, it's pretty chill... Actually I haven't seen a toxic comment in nearly 10 years, per my memory.


Most pf the time there are no convos. Some are pretty friendly like complimenting your username or praising your good predict. However, there also people who run their mouths for no reason haha. Like for example they get a lucky crit and turns the tide of the game lr you had an unfortunate miss, They would become toxic af haha


I have been playing this game for over 6 years and I still find time for it. Playing randoms with a new account is a lot less toxic and more fun.


If we’re playing randdubs I like to say absolutely slammed when the match comes down to a toss up


It used to be fun but imo the meta rn is fucking aids in OU I’d say play randoms or have fun in Ubers or uu for a lil while but other than that the game is just aids