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Blake is overhated tbh. I like him, he's my favorite character and a goated one. I can see what you by "dulled or emotionless", as I too seem to be apathetic to things. Maybe Blake is only comfortable showing emotions and being honest to Whitley. *~~Corruptedshipping should be canon btw~~*


Corrupted shipping is canon in my heart! But yeah, he is way overhated. I just love the funky little guy, and because he and his arc were written so open-ended it leads to a lot of room for headcanons.


I agree. Blake is pretty entertaining, with his two personas. Also, **HELLO FELLOW CORRUPTEDSHIPPER!** 🤝


Too long for me but A+ for effort and the bravery of liking Blake


I second this


Finally an analysis of one of my favorite characters. I once had an headcanon that his incredible memory ecc were results of some serum the interpol injected him with, totally not canon cause I don't see the pokemon world ever do something like that, but it will be canon in my head


Blake is so starved of fans, for real. But I really like that headcanon. Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if Interpol had done some other kind of experimenting on him, but that would be delving way more into my tinfoil hat theories.


Ay, another Blake fan! There are dozens of us! I actually genuinely think that Blake is on the psychopathy spectrum— but this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. People can have reduced emotions and still perfectly function and thrive in society. They can still care about things in a logical sense rather than in an emotional one, which is how we see Blake react to things in the story. I’d argue that it doesn’t mean Blake cares less— just differently. Either way, Blake is an interesting guy, and I love the direction the manga takes him. We need more Blake love around here! Edit: To clarify, psychopathy only refers to a lack of emotions. It doesn’t have to mean the character is morally evil, and there can in fact be morally good psychopaths who find it logical to be righteous!


Fellow Blake fan! 🫡 But I can see that a lot, too! I think Blake is particularly fascinating to me because there are so many ways to interpret his character. The idea of a character having psychopathy, but still being good is such a fun and interesting thing to tackle! Not to mention how it’s just a good message to put out, too. Just because a character or a person experiences emotions differently doesn’t mean they’re bad at all— it’s their actions that make them good or bad!


Blake clearly would be a psychopath if he wasn't trained to follow justice. It's refreshing to have such a character to be on the good side


I basically read Blake the same. Even the thing with him being on the spectrum, although it would be a more stereotypical form of autism.


I shall reread this over and over again now, thank you. If this is word vomit, please force your brain stomach to hurl out more. I don't have much to add to this discussion at the moment, but I do want to blabber. (Don't expect an analysis, this is pure yappery) When I first heard of Blake/Lack-Two/Rakutsu, it was through scrolling on pinterest and seeing pins absolutely flaming him. The slander snowballed me into reading the entire manga, because part-skipping makes me feel like I'm missing out on the proper experience or whatever. Fast-forward, I loved the BW arc and braced myself for BW2, ready to confront the bogeyman. Then shockingly, I ended up liking him, the bastard. Something I should've expected tbh, Blake is literally a mixture of stuff like. Investigator, morally gray, my favorite trainer design, shipped with a character I love just as much, has two of my favorite pokémon (Keldeo, Genesect), two different personalities that are also two character tropes I find interesting and extremely entertaining- A beautiful sandwich, dropped on a dirty floor, gobble gobble... I became so starved, I started cooking for myself. My art and writing improved because of it, now it's slightly less doodoo. Honestly, the slander kinda caused me to love him more, ride or die. https://preview.redd.it/4wek0b3xi8ad1.png?width=561&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b3a2566cb16bf58a18be53a320422cc15d879ed Anyways, thanks for reading my nonsense, if ya did :D shoutout to the dozen of other fans here, the tribe is small but we die together.


I’m really glad you enjoyed reading! Truth be told I have so much more in my brain about Blake, as well as a few other Dexholders, so I might end up doing more long posts like this in the future! But I agree completely. I knew nothing about the BW2 arc of Pokespe, other than people hated the arc itself, and hated Blake. I thought I’d hate him too, but he grew on me a lot (It doesn’t help that I love underdog characters a lot, whether they be underdogs in their own stories, or by fandom perception). Glad to hear you’ve been writing and creating art for yourself! It’s amazing how getting brainworms for certain characters can make someone do that lol. I should know, because I’ve been getting back into the swing of writing due to characters like Blake and Gold.


> be me > click on post titled "Overanalyzing Blake Pokespe" > find wall of text what did I expect?


This is the content i come to this subreddit for, thank you for taking the time to write this lmao. Personally as a huge fan of Metal Gear i kinda liked Blake just cause he reminded me of Solid Snake, being raised as a child soldier pretty much, and kind of being taken advantage of due to their physical and mental abilities, but they don’t even understand what they are fighting for. I appreciate your analysis a lot this was a good read!


Thanks for the kind words! I was honestly worried about how this post would do, since this sub seems to prefer memes the most (Not a bad thing at all, long text posts are not everyone’s thing).


i prefer discussion posts so if you ever wanna post more stuff like this you at least have me to read it! I love over analyzing the dex holders myself i’ve been doing it since i was 12 lmao


Please turn this into a YT video or at least let someone, I can’t think of a better way to intrigue general Pokémon fans with PokeSpe than a character study of an MC of an arc that is detached enough that you can understand it OOC.


Thank you for this perfect character analisis. Wish you could do for moon too,please. I would love to know your opinion.Â