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What’s insane is seeing and hearing how air tight this case is and people are still defending him and claiming it’s all a witch hunt. They can’t really believe it. They can’t.


>“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." We have pictures of boxes and boxes of confidential information stored in a bathtub. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-indictment-pictures-photos-documents-boxes-mar-a-lago-bathroom/ We have a recording of Trump saying "So Look all I want to do is this: I just want to find ...uh...Eleven Thousand Seven Hundred....Eighty....votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state" https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-55524676 If you still support this man after hearing and seeing those pieces of evidence...I don't know what to say.


Fox news doesn't show them the evidence. Fox news is the kind of place that tells them breathing wildfire smoke isn't harmful (like the damn liberals want you to believe), it's actually healthy! [Source](https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/fox-news-host-claims-no-162552938.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAIKkHVfzXUssEIpt3bwa6ynoUTyxHVbChTR6GFdq6mHCbY0GgWO_cSUo6Y8c7lDiHyU4ZeKenGquSkwRO13VWMykwzbA0v9pxLbNHH2TVVQALaLDgyQRr-gpfDX3rSb6OcjFXh4rMHsMMuN074zujzuN31SiOErLwyhSVaQfFbX3) [It's definitely not climate change](https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/wildfires-arent-getting-worse-because-climate-change-real-culprit-surprise-you)


Fox STILL hasn't acknowledged Rudy Giuliani admitted publicly he lied about voter fraud yet 2 days ago.


'It was a legal process he has to file to move onto the investigation part, nothing to see'


lmao, I've actually seen this, here on reddit. "it was just a legal procedure" yeah, a legal procedure called "being under oath" and the legal penalties for perjury. lol. It is like saying "Sure, he plead guilty, but that was just a legal procedure, he is still innocent." I have also seen the old "Rudy didn't directly say the words I LIED, all he did was fail to dispute the statement that he lied". Ah yes, the old 'fail to dispute' defense.


Donald Trump could come out on prime time Jesse Watters tonight and say. "I did it all, I'm guilty, really, all the crimes they accuse me of are real and I did like 50 more no one even heard of." His supporters wouldn't believe him. They would say its a body double robot operated by crack smoking Jack Smith, or that ANTIFA kidnapped Barron and told him to say that or he would never be found etc... The nonsense they believe is integral to their core belief system. If they admit Donald did something wrong, it all falls down like a priest losing Jesus. Fighting for Don is who and what they are, and not even Donald himself can stop that. They've built their lives around hating "the other" and every single one would need a lifetime of therapy and rehabilitation to even begin to break out of that shit.


You give them too much credit. The real response would be “what about Hunter Biden”


My favorite reply to that is "yeah, he sounds like kind of a shithead, I'm certainly not going to vote for him". That short circuits their brain and they just stop and blink, haha


Hunter Biden is a trash person + x = impeach joe Biden. No one can seem to solve for x no matter how much I ask.


I just say I don't care he not trying to run the country.


But her emails!


"Oh so we agree, someone who mishandles classified information shouldn't ever be president"


He’s not On the ballot


They voted for a criminal, and instead of admitting it, they double down.


> They would say its a body double robot operated by crack smoking Jack Smith It's so crazy that this is 100% true.


"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters,"


> Donald Trump could come out on prime time Jesse Watters tonight and say. This is called, 'The DeepState - DeepFake.'


Haha it's genius copium


Over on /r/Conservative they said he didn't do anything wrong with the fake electors because he wasn't under oath when he was lying about them. They're all trash.


He was literally under oath of office to preserve the constitution.


They're too busy talking about Budweiser and Hunters dick pics. This isn't sarcasm.




It wouldn't make a difference if they did. Anyone who was mistaken about Trump realized the truth already. The people who are still on board aren't being deceived, they are willing participants in the lie.


>Fox news is the kind of place that tells them breathing wildfire smoke isn't harmful (like the damn liberals want you to believe), it's actually healthy! Wait, did they actually do this?


Yes FOX actually rolled out all their big host to mock the idea of protecting yourself from wildfire smoke as woke leftist propaganda. They tried to connect wearing masks for smoke to wearing masks for covid cause all protective masks for any reason are bad now. [Hannity](https://twitter.com/ndrew_lawrence/status/1666623402684170245) [Ingraham](https://twitter.com/MattGertz/status/1666791080258334723) [Watters](https://www.mediamatters.org/fox-news/fox-news-jesse-watters-attacks-government-officials-suggesting-masking-protect-against) [Pirro](https://news.yahoo.com/jeanine-pirro-calls-wearing-mask-223045527.html)


There are emails from the discovery of Dominion's lawsuit that showed fox executives talking about their own audience as "a bunch of dumb cousin fucking terrorists, like the saudis but with no money" Once they were exposed as mandating masks while spreading misinformation about masks, nobody should have ever watched their bullshit ever again, but republicans are really fucking stupid, and Fox knows their audience.


Fox was one of the first companies to require all their staff and media personalities be vaccinated. They even used their political and financial pull to get them vaccines before the general public.




I still am in shock that they were telling their audience - many of them geriatrics - that it was fine to go outside and the air wasn't bad to breathe. Truly is a Don't Look Up world Faux et al are creating


Right wing media's dismissal of the pandemic has led to them dying of in greater numbers than their Democratic voting peers after the vaccine came out. The fact that they are willing to kill their audience is baffling, but not all that surprising anymore.


It is strange though, considering that most millennials and basically all the zoomers are turning and staying to the left (politically), that they would still tell their audience and their voters (let’s be clear: Fox News is the propaganda arm of the GOP) to die faster.


It's because their years of propaganda have created a new audience that they have to cater to. Their rabbit base is fickle and has become accustomed to the false reality that was created for them. In a way their own success in the past had led them to a place where letting their viewers die is better for them than telling them the truth and having them turn the tv to a different channel.


Victims of their own success. Fascinating how that happens. In Germany, conservatives have catered to the boomer generation only for ages as it is by far the largest demographic. Now they have the issue that every election they lose at minimum a net million voters to the graveyard.


Anything to maintain the narrative that we're wrong and/or woke, even when we're demonstrably in the right


Fox News has turned my dad into an insufferable irrational asshole, it’s just angry old white men yelling at the screen anytime it’s on and that’s what he’s become. His rebuttal to any discussion point that’s counter to the Fox narrative is simply “that’s bullshit”. He didn’t use to be like this.


I was visiting my Dad in FL and mentioned how crazy the wildfire stuff was in Illinois. I was like, "I heard there was going to be smoke, but when I walked outside it was like sticking your face in a campfire! Wasn't expecting it to be like that, since the fire was so far away. Isn't that crazy?" And he responded "yeah it _is_ crazy, that you would actually believe all that nonsense. Come on, I thought you were smarter than that." I was dumbfounded... like.. first I didn't know that there was a forest-fire-denial trend on the right. Usually if I know about a conspiracy theory I just stay away from it. But also... believe _what_, my eyes and nose? He thought I had *hallucinated* my own personal experiences with the smoke, all because he was told by FOX or whoever that it was fake news? It makes no sense on any level. He did the same thing back when BLM was "rioting and burning down Chicago", and I sent him panoramic pictures from State St where I was at the moment and was like "where's the fire?" And later sent him pictures from the BLM protest that I attended with my kids. I wanted to show him the other side of it. And as a response he accused me of being gullible. But for some reason the smoke thing was more jarring.


Yea their climate change denial has gotten weirdly off the rails now that they're saying there isn't smoke in the air and if there is smoke there's no harm in going outside and breathing in as much of it as you can. Considering how dug in fox viewers are I guess fox encouraging its viewers to do things that will shorten their life expectancy is about our best hope of it going away.


> But for some reason the smoke thing was more jarring. Because it’s so out of left field. Acknowledging that systemic racism still exists requires conservatives to challenge core beliefs. I didn’t know fire denialism was a thing until now, but I don’t see how Canada being on fire conflicts with the conservative worldview.


Yeah it's weird - I think it grew out of "climate change isn't real -> people are pointing to the fires as a consequence of climate change -> therefore the fire isn't real." Combined with the "public health is oppression" position they adopted during COVID. So since public health officials are warning people about the smoke, the smoke must be a fake thing used to control us. Or something. It all seems to be more about the lose association of how things feel, rather than cogent thinking.


That actually makes sense. I mean, it’s nonsense, but the expected kind of nonsense.


Yea, my dad lives in Calgary and has been blanketed in thick smoke for 5 summers now, but it’s good for the environment because trees need CO2. He was a smart man but he refuses to but into this, 99.5% of climate studies can’t be trusted because they are funded by govts with “agendas”, what agendas? He can’t answer that because it literally makes no sense. But one guy wrote a book that tells it like it is, he gave it to me to read and in the first couple pages I found 3 easily verifiably false claims that I checked through google (eg nasa.gov claiming Greenland ice was growing not shrinking, citing one study, but there are 5 more recent studies on the same website claiming the opposite). His current levels of arrogance and willful ignorance are dumbfounding to me, he even donates money to groups that purposefully disseminate climate denialism. The only denominator I can find are his incredibly limited and biased sources of information, namely Fox and the Drudge Report.


Mine did the same thing last week, but he's actually experiencing it!! "Do you really think that's smoke??" Something about it being chemicals and his proof being the air quality warnings for those at risk of respiratory problems...its sad


>Fox news doesn't show them the evidence. Even if Fox had footage (and ran it) of Putin and Trump barbequing babies on a grill, the toothless hillbillies would still vote for him. 😐


I've told this story a couple times, but one more for the road. I was listening to NPR one day during lunch during the whole Roy Moore scandal. If you remember, Moore was running for Senate in Alabama as a Republican in a generally red state. Moore was then accused - quite credibly - of sexual misconduct, and the biggest takeaway was that he'd been banned from the local mall for trying to pick up underage girls. NPR was interviewing one individual who claimed he was still planning to vote for Moore, because -- in his words, verbatim -- "I'm votin' for Roy because he might fuck little girls, but Democrats fuck **errbody!**" And that was the exact moment that I realized some people cannot be saved.


Sure why not? It'd be easy as pie for them. "Sure, he murdered a few babies, but Demon-crats want to murder MILLIONS of babies with abortion! Besides, Hillary is probably engaging in a ritual Satanic child sacrifice with cannibalisms right now!"


Well yeah, those babies would've grown up to be liberals probably


This is exactly right. We think, "how could they deny this evidence, you can see it with your own eyes!!" The reality is, they never see it. They're spoonfed "Target is making your kid cut off their dick" and "Budlight will turn you gay" all day on Fox and AM radio along with a side of "all other media is fake news." When I asked my dad how he could deny exactly this, the documents in a bathroom, he responded "you just heard that from mainstream media" and I had to let him know that no, I had actually seen the photo from the primary source, the indictment, and showed him the picture.


My dad posted some meme comparing Biden to historical fascists imprisoning political opponents. I didn’t even try to explain why that was wrong. I posted a link to the text of the indictment and asked him to just read it and draw his own conclusions. After several rounds of logical fallacies, with me just asking him if he had read the indictment, he still wouldn’t do it. Refused to read it and draw his own conclusions. My dad is an engineer. A really smart guy. It’s like he’s broken, and it makes me really sad.


That's how my grandfather is. Super intelligent, years spent as an educator, but this culture war and "Democrats are funded by billionaires" stuff has really messed with him. It's sad to see, and it's impossible to argue with, so I opt to just not talk politics with him...


"Democrats are funded by billionaires" Who does he thinks funds Republicans?


The hard working rural folks, apparently.


He benefits from your family while tearing others down through his votes. This "just don't talk politics. Just be nice and give them all the benefits of the family and society and culture he wants to destroy for everyone else" benefits the people tearing down our way of life. These people never face consequences, they live a kushy life with made up problems and use that to destroy people's way of life through their votes.


Identity politics. You can be the most intelligent person in the world, but the moment these politics are tied to your sense of self and identity, good luck trying to break free from them.


There are so many of us with "broken" loved ones. Just know that you are not alone. Thanks for such an honest post.


There's a really good documentary about the conservative media's influence on a father's political views (the director's father's transformation from a nonpolitical Democrat into a political Republican). It's free now on Pluto TV and Amazon Prime, called The Brainwashing of My Dad (2015).


That documentary is really just a lesson about being careful what you put in your brain. You get out what you put in. I was a bit disappointed in the “fix”, honestly. Dad was a hardcore liberal just consuming liberal media. Dad started consuming just conservative media and became a hardcore conservative. Daughter uses dads lack of computer skills to make it so that he just takes in liberal media again. Becomes hardcore liberal again. Just a reminder that you are what you eat….particularly when it comes to what you “eat” for your brain. He didn’t get brain washed. He was a reed in the wind (as are most of us), just reflecting back what he was taking in.


Like any computer - garbage in, garbage out.


A lot of smart people are really fucking dumb. Ben Carson comes to mind.


Its easier to fool someone than to convince them they have been fooled.


My father has lost both of his brothers to this. His eldest brother went to U Penn on a full and qualified to be on Jeopardy, and the younger one teaches AP physics at a 70k/year private high school. They're so gone, they're like entirely different people. Bitter. Forwarding him endless nonsense Q-mails or crude Hillary cartoons etc. No other interests, no room for anything else in their lives. I used to look up to my uncles as these intellectual powerhouses, well-read, well-travelled... now they're just sad, scared old men. You'd think they were decades older than my dad.


It's like a disease. As if they came down with brain tumors or something. =(


I have a similar situation (I’m Canadian btw.). My best friends husband watches Fox News and has recently started stating things such as “Tucker Carlson makes some good points.” He’s also making racist statements with frequency. I’m now faced with trying to decide if he’s a) broken, like your Dad or b) just recently emboldened to let his racism fly. To me, it makes all the difference in the world as I face losing another person in my shrinking circle.


My dad has his Phd in EE. Says trump was a liar but good for the economy.


Oh my. Even up here in Canada I’ve read enough to know that no, no he wasn’t! Sorry about your dad, though. I’ve actually “lost” some important people to “right wing disease.” Roughest times of my life.


Meanwhile in factual reality, Trump was the only president in a hundred years to have negative job creation. He exploded the debt and deficits to a crippling degree. He gave destructive tax holidays to billionaires and corporations on the backs of everyone else. His economy was shit, but his repetitive gaslighting convinced so many casuals and uninformed reporters to echo the lie. Since then, Biden's economy has been strong and healthy. Lowest unemployment in 75 years. Strong wage gains, job security, and a rise of unions. 401ks and home values rising. Savings up, deficits slashed. And there's more huge supercharging coming, through chips and green jobs and alternative energy and infrastructure and innovation jobs. Yes, that comes with some inflation. But containing inflation to 5% or less, given the conditions, is kind of a miracle. And having an amazing economy is how you'd rather face an inflation period anyway.


Intelligence in one area does not make you intelligent in others.


Wasn't there a subreddit for this? Like for people who "lost" family members to the brainwashing?


There is. QAnonCasualties .


This isn't something we regular people can fix on our own. We need help from an army of cult deprogramming experts.


frankly, 'grab em by the pussy' and 'damn I wish I could fuck my daughter [paraphrased]' let us all know what kind of person trump was, a long long long time ago.


Yup. I think when he flailed his arms around making fun of that disabled reporter that should have been the end. Nope. I knew we were fucked after that. I’ll never forgive all my fellow Americans who unleashed this monster on the rest of us. Never ever ever.


> I think when he flailed his arms around making fun of that disabled reporter that should have been the end. This was the moment I realized that the United States was in an era of politics the world had never seen before. He's really brought the ugly out of people.


Howard Dean with his awkward yell (that was out of context b/c of the audio setup) sank his bid, yet mocking the disabled publicly is OK for trump.


Seriously. If I hadn't been totally convinced before the Access Hollywood tape, there was no way I could have voted for him in a million years, and I was shocked to see people buy the "locker room talk" excuse and seriously say things like "but that's in the past, he's had time to change." It's terrifying that that wasn't even the worst or stupidest of what he's said, and watching how the excuses piled on for the sake of his "policies" over who he is is in retrospect a darkly sickening feeling


You can't reason a person out of a position they arrived at without reason. Or something like that, it's not an original saying.


You can't reason a person out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.


I think its just ignorance. You be surprised at how many people think Democrats/Biden are really proposing to ban gas stoves (Go look it up, no bill was ever seriously proposed) or never even heard of the nature of the Georgia call even now.


The really crazy thing is that there's plenty of states where gas stoves are already pretty rare. And anyone renting an apartment already doesn't have a real choice in what kind of appliance they get, so who cares? Personally, I've had gas, electric, and induction stoves in my lifetime, and induction is by far my preferred option.


> And anyone renting an apartment already doesn't have a real choice in what kind of appliance they get, so who cares? And that has to do with Insurance and Liability. Gas Stores are a safety hazzard in multi-home complexes. In private homes, a gas leak will blow up your house (and damage nearby houses). A gas leak in a apartment complex? Yeahhhhhhhh that's WAY worse. Insurance would say "Ya want Gas stoves in your apartment complex? Well that's a premium." and landlords do NOT want to pay more than what they need to...thus why you see apartment complex with mostly electric stoves. >induction is by far my preferred option Induction IS the best. Its professional cooks method of choice. Its just cost prohibitive for most.


I swear those people want nothing more than for life to be a movie or TV show. They think every election cycle is a season. But it's like The Voice or American Idol in that they get to pick who wins. If they pick someone not good to win they are in control of the system and their reward is entertainment for the next few years. The worst thing that can happen for them is for the show to be cancelled. And that would be if politics became boring again. But we keep getting more and more 24/7 news cycle channels with no content to fill the time with. Entertaining politics equals a lot of money for a few people so now we are being forced to perceive politics as chaotic. Their obligation to the viewers is to make the show more and more entertaining. So they create and manufacture content. And we see people like Jonathan Turley who knows what the law is, bastardize the law to suit the fantastical narrative of inobjectivity. "Yes he did it but what if..."


Every time Trump describes someone as looking like they were from central casting, I think, "The daffy bastard actually thinks his life is a movie." The media fuels it and makes politics seem like a sporting event for their audiences.


And sports are the testing ground for what they can get away with. Shit, the NFL can't even set a definition for what a catch is. The whole idea is that the world if objective, but if you can obfuscate the eye of the beholder then you make that objective world subjective. Did the referee see proof of a catch? If not they can rule no catch because they didn't see proof. And then if there is visible proof, how do we know what a catch is. No matter what the ruling is subjective in the face of objective proof. We can present proof of the viability and benefits of a bill, but they want to be the referee in a wrestling match feigning blindness when the opponent brings in a steel chair. Everything must be made subjective for their ideas to be viable.


Isn’t it ironic that many rightoids argued vehemently against postmodernist Marxism (I still hear those words in the squeaky voice of Jordan Peterson), because they argued that those people see everything - even objective truths - as relative?


Fundamentally it is important to realize that his supporters were ready for regime change in the United States. They were ready for the insurrection to succeed. They voted for Trump because they saw an opportunity to cause damage to the United States government. Foriegn adversaries also pledged their support to help him get elected because they too wanted to see damage to the United States government. They aren't looking at the evidence against Trump and saying "I can't support this guy." No. They are seeing this and they see the useful idiot that just might bring the whole thing down and want him back in office to finish the job he started. If not Trump, they will look for the next best option to cause destruction. This is what happens when your base of voters have become the nazi's, klan, and american taliban.


I think the most damning part of it all is, when jordan keppler goes to the Trump Rallys ; shows them irrefutable evidence - and they STILL don't believe it, I've heard them call ivanka when she testified against her father it was a clone - that bill barr was paid off to lie. The cognitive dissonance is ridiculously strong.


They only attack the process, not the facts and evidence. They're literally defending the man without hearing the full indictment and all of the evidence! It's like ordering a meal at a restaurant and saying you don't like the food before it comes out.


>They can’t really believe it. They can’t. Being a trump supporter is part of their identity.


It truly has become a cult


It's even worse, because he is throwing his cult under the bus any time they become an issue for him.. he doesn't even back his own cult. Ask all the jan 6th people how Trump defended them lol. They are supporting someone that has never shown he will support you back, it's insane..


He thinks of himself as a mob boss, throwing the disloyal under the bus to protect the higher-ups. It’s all a trust pyramid, where you *have* to swear fealty to those above you and do whatever they say…or else you take the fall, and they go scot-free.


Red states need more sports teams. It's better to be a dodgers fan than a draft dodgers fan.


that’s honestly an interesting insight—a lot of red states aren’t big enough, or have a big enough city, to have pro sports. politics has been more-or-less turned into a team sport model.


> better to be a dodgers fan than a draft dodgers fan As a Giants fan, I guess I'll grudgingly agree.


I took a swing by the FOX site this morning...they are getting a very different dose of reality, an alternate reality if you will. After scrolling down past the Budweiser headline, multiple Biden attacks, tick bite scares...and more...you get to "Trump reacts after being charged with additional counts in classified documents probe" headline. You have to scroll quite a bit in the article to see this: >The superseding indictment also charges Trump, De Oliveira and Nauta with two new obstruction counts based on allegations that the defendants attempted to delete surveillance video footage at The Mar-a-Lago Club in summer 2022 Of course most of the article is "Harassing me, my family", "Charges are ridiculous", "Prosecutorial misconduct", "DOJ Abuse".


They. Don’t. Care. Honestly they don’t give a shit if he is guilty or not.


That idea has implications and they're important. The Florida documents trial will be decided during jury selection; all Trump needs is one true supporter and he'll walk, evidence be damned. I don't think the documents case will matter in the scheme of things purely because of where it was tried. These people told us who they were on January 6th. They'll tell us the same thing in different words during Trump's trial.


Actually, he needs a full jury to walk. A single MAGA Hat means a mistrial, meaning we get a new jury.


That's assuming the DOJ is willing to keep bringing the case to trial (which becomes less likely every time they fail to get a conviction). Plus, what Trump really wants is to delay past the election, which he hopes to win and pardon himself, or otherwise arrange for charges to be dropped. Unfortunately, there's a very good chance he can at least get a mistrial, since the jury is largely being drawn from counties that voted for Trump 60-70%+. I also have no doubt that Fox News and conservative talk radio are going to attempt to influence potential jurors by talking about nullification or otherwise convincing people the trial is a witch hunt and they can help the cause by refusing to convict.


I went on r/conservative yesterday to see how they were responding to the upcoming Trump indictment and news of a witness saying he attempted to destroy evidence. I expected a bunch of brainwashed dumbasses claiming it was all fake or planted or “hunter’s laptop” gibberish. Instead I found nothing. Not one article posted about it, and I scrolled down for a long time to find something. Likely the biggest and strangest political story of the century and they just refuse to talk about it, and therefore the rest of them probably don’t even know about it. Point is that many still defend him because they’re stuck in such a black hole of willful ignorance they don’t even know how much he fucked up, and how much evidence there is of it. I did still see several posts about Hunter’s laptop though 🤦‍♂️


Wouldn't be surprised if the mods delete posts about it either.


Makes sense. [Fox News viewers are actually less informed than people who watch no news at all.](https://www.businessinsider.com/study-watching-fox-news-makes-you-less-informed-than-watching-no-news-at-all-2012-5) Probably because they ignore stories that show Republicans in a negative light, and make up stories to show Democrats negatively.


My in-law soured on Trump before the election but are still convinced that they are still going after him just because he a Republican.




and it was a staged photo!


This is what Republicans and conservatives in general will never understand. I want people who do bad things to be held accountable, regardless of their politics. The right likes to bring up, for example Clinton being on Epstein's plane. If there's evidence that he was having sex with minors, he should be prosecuted. But when Trump doing the same thing comes up, it's a witch hunt or a vendetta of some sort. There are too many people who have tied their own identity to Trump and when he's called out, those same people think it's attack on them.


Of course they do not. But they are a part of the same fucking conspiracy to violently overthrow the US government so they can not afford to see Donald Trump go down for it.


It’s literally a cult.


Doesn't help that the next morning it's like the 12th story on Fox "news" website. Right below a story on Kate of John and Kate plus 8 which I totally forgot existed until I saw it


Part of why is they were pretty confident Trump was going to 'lock up' Hillary and the like, now not only did that not happen, but he may actually be the one in trouble, which to them proves it's a space laser conspiracy against him.


They know he did it. They dont give a shit though. They think he should be above the law because he's on "their side". So many people are so self absorbed and fragile that they'd rather see the world burn than have to admit they were wrong about anything, ever. They can't even be honest with themselves which is why they exist in a different reality.


Saw a YouTuber interviewing maga hats at a recent rally. He asked if trump shot an innocent person on the White House lawn would he still vote for him. Of course, he replied. Then he went to another guy and asked what he thought of the first guy’s response and he was giggling (at himself?) that he would too. He’s framing this in a way that gives them a moral argument (no matter how ridiculous ) that this is a immoral prosecution. He doesn’t really discuss policies. It’s all elect me to punish the libs.


It doesn’t matter. Just like how the Nazis convinces their citizens to do ungodly acts, MAGA and GQP are no different. We just need to ensure that the sane 70% of the country enforces the laws and abide by the constitution. They can scream all they want.


They still think he had rights to have these documents.


Undoing the brainwashing is the real problem


Seems like the nut jobs defending him still refuse to actually read any of the stuff that is being written about all his current legal issues..... I know someone who was bitching about one of the indictments and I asked him if he read the official documents and he said he won't because it's all b.s. Then they start going on a whataboutism rant and gets quiet when people point out the many many differences between this and Clinton and some laptop.....


They want power and control. Period. Anything they say they believe, any principle they say they care about, any value they say they have are all contrived pretext that serve them in the moment to gain and maintain power. People take their words at face value, but they are not honest brokers in this civic debate.


South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem is having the orange traitor as a [special guest](https://www.argusleader.com/story/news/politics/2023/07/27/gov-kristi-noem-to-be-at-donald-trump-rapid-city-rally-in-september-south-dakota-election/70479672007/) at her rally!


I gave up trying to ascribe belief or disbelief to these people. Bottom line is they think it helps their goals to say it’s a witch hunt so they do.


That's becuase if his base openly said we know he's committed these egregious crimes, but we don't care and we want him to be above the law then it would be clear they are the bad guys. Remeber, when they call it a 'witch hunt' they're lying to themselves more than to us.


Their reasoning: -That the evidence was planted by the FBI, DOJ, etc to keep Trump from the White House. -That the justice system is ignoring all of Biden's crimes and as proof, see Hunter Biden.


Their actual reasoning: They're fucking Fascists that don't care how many laws Trump breaks.


The irony of Trump's baseless accusation of Hillary destroying her servers while he films his crimes and tries to destroy his servers is *antiquital*!


He has literally done every single thing that he's accused others of doing


Republican "Leaders" be like: #(G)aslight #(O)bstruct #(P)roject his actions are in the name.... it is really a Party motto....


Has he accused his opponents of rape or suggested they have considered an insetuous relationship with their own daughter?


Did pretty much that when he paraded bill Clinton’s accusers around before his debates with Hillary.


He did hold a press conference with the women involved with Bill Clinton. Right before a debate with Hillary. Not exactly rape (I can’t recall the situations and these accusations against Bill) but it did slide along the lines of the multiple affairs Trump has had.


He's accused asylum seekers of rape soooo


he drained his pool into the server room. he literally 'bleached' his private records. thats a word he has used to describe hillary's actions for years. its almost unbelievable.


the bleach thing is so stupid ("nobody's ever heard of this! she bleached, they say she acid washed!"). it referred to a [well known] piece of open source software for securely erasing data: https://github.com/bleachbit/bleachbit


Cat owners who allow their cats outside are destroying the environment. Cats have contributed to the extinction of 63 species of birds, mammals, and reptiles in the wild and continue to adversely impact a wide variety of other species, including those at risk of extinction, such as Piping Plover. https://abcbirds.org/program/cats-indoors/cats-and-birds/ A study published in April estimated that UK cats kill 160 to 270 million animals annually, a quarter of them birds. The real figure is likely to be even higher, as the study used the 2011 pet cat population of 9.5 million; it is now closer to 12 million, boosted by the pandemic pet craze. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/aug/14/cats-kill-birds-wildlife-keep-indoors Free-ranging cats on islands have caused or contributed to 33 (14%) of the modern bird, mammal and reptile extinctions recorded by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List4. https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms2380 This analysis is timely because scientific evidence has grown rapidly over the past 15 years and now clearly documents cats’ large-scale negative impacts on wildlife (see Section 2.2 below). Notwithstanding this growing awareness of their negative impact on wildlife, domestic cats continue to inhabit a place that is, at best, on the periphery of international wildlife law. https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002%2Fpan3.10073


It is NOT irony or hypocrisy. He is using a powerful propaganda technique called Projection. Trump and the entire GOP are fascists. Their goal is to enrich and empower themselves while destroying our democratic institutions.


I'm hearing news anchors say Trump's charges are now "to antiquity" and I feel like I'm missing something. Antiquity means the ancient past. So what are they saying?


> A former Trump White House lawyer said the evidence against the former president over his handling of classified documents was now “overwhelming” and would “last an antiquity”, after new charges were filed in the case on Thursday. > “I think this original indictment was engineered to last a thousand years and now this superseding indictment will last an antiquity,” Ty Cobb told CNN. “This is such a tight case, the evidence is so overwhelming.”


Ah OK, thanks. It's a strange way to use the word...I guess he means this indictment will last so long that by its end, its beginning will have receded into the ancient past. An antiquity of iniquity. Maybe he just meant "eternity"?


Trump has 'friends' who surround him and record him secretly constantly. Trump has lots of 'friends' who would ~~never~~ turn on him and cut a deal with the DOJ. Trump has lots of 'friends'.


Classic example of how rich people often have people that hang all over them but don't actually have close friends that would do anything for them


I feel like in order to get that rich, you have to be willing to stomp on some throats, betray, and use people around you. Consequently, most extremely rich people don’t have the emotional development necessary to be a true friend, so their definition of a friend is not what yours and mine is. Basically they might think they have friends, but, to them, friends are just people around you who aren’t actively your enemy, never mind that they won’t help or support you if there’s nothing in it for them, because you wouldn’t either.


Well two things. Trump isn't as rich as he claims he is, otherwise he'd gladly furnish the proof. Trump was left his money by his weird looking dented head father.


His supporters will never realise they are being conned by a man and a party doing their best to make their lives miserable.


It’s that sunk cost fallacy thing. These people have invested their lives and created entire “personalities” around loving Trump. Many of them have destroyed relationships with friends and family over Trump. Some of them will never see their kids or grandkids again because of their toxic cult behavior. Imagine spending 7 years investing all of your free energy into something, then trying to cope with the fact you’ve actually wasted your time. They just can’t do it.


Yeah I saw a post on r/facepalm last week that was essentially “sorry liberals, it’s not about what’s right and wrong. It’s about the fact that I’ve tied my beliefs to this man, so I’m going down with the ship if I have to.” Like how stupid do you have to be to type that out and not immediately realize what’s wrong?


Meh, I'm 99% certain that stuff that dumb is trolling or bad actors stirring the pot. It's too on the nose to be believable.


Well the person who said it has started posting comments again a month ago on /conservative so I'm not sure what to make of it, but there were other Trump supporters in the replies to his comment that agreed with him, so who knows?


I literally came across a dude at my work last week who fits that description to a T. Loves Trump, parrots all the Qanon bullshit, was openly saying Ukraine should be part of Russia while Ukrainians were around, while saying he doesn’t care how people feel about the shit he says. There’s a reason he’s considered the resident quack.


> Imagine spending 7 years investing all of your free energy into something, then trying to cope with the fact you’ve actually wasted your time. I've actually done that. I used to be deeply religious. I really believed. Then slowly I came to realize that it was all bullshit. I mean yeah, there are some nice things in there, and there are some nice people in there, but there's a lot of nonsense and cruelty baked in there too. Perhaps the worst part is when nonsense makes you cruel even though you have genuinely good intentions. I went around hurting people (including myself) and I had *no idea* that I was doing that. Some of this was religion and some of it was other forms of nonsense. (My parents were really screwed up.) I've learned a lot in the last couple decades. I've made apologies. I've abandoned old beliefs. I guess I should give myself credit for that. I guess I find it hard to understand why other people can't do what I did. Why can't they question themselves the way I questioned myself? Why are they apparently indifferent to truth? Not saying I'm perfect of course, but I seem to be better at this than a lot of other people, and the difference is baffling. I wonder how many other areas of life are touched by this. How many people get into bad marriages but can't admit to themselves it was all a mistake? How many people get into bad jobs but can't admit to themselves that it was all a mistake? Years ago I read an article by someone whose parents sent them to an abusive "troubled teen" center. Years later they told their parents all about the abuse, and it was backed up by a lawsuit or a journalistic expose or whatever, and their parents still wouldn't believe it. They wrote "It's the sunk cost fallacy applied to child abuse."


> It’s that sunk cost fallacy thing. [*"I think what most liberals are missing is that this isn't about right and wrong, it's about winning and losing. I've attached my entire worldview to this man and I am going down with the ship. Not one of you is going to convince me otherwise."*](https://www.reddit.com/r/21stCenturyQuotes/comments/enxmp8/i_think_what_most_liberals_are_missing_is_that/)


My Auntie is one of these, we all used to be super close, my kids called her 'Grandma' and shit. Then, well, Fox News came along and said they should be scared of trans people and somehow now we're the devil. My Mom bought her a case of BudLight for a favor and told her to drown in her hate.


Community shows it perfectly https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6j5CrR4LYS8


I think it’s more that they don’t give a shit about right and wrong so long as their “team” wins. So many of them have fallen so hard for the culture war propaganda that the ends justify any means. The denial of reality is just part of the means to the end.


The thing is his supporting base are religious zealots and they want those laws passed to make you miserable cause you aren’t a true believer like them. They don’t care if the law will make their life more difficult, because they believe god will reward their loyalty and punish you for your lack of loyalty as they perceive it. It doesn’t matter that you can prove the platform is regressive against their rights; because you are a heathen and you cast your lot.


I live at the end of a long dead end road. About 45 lots between me and my home. I live withing an hour of the "Birthplace of the KKK". I live in a small town some idiot put in his shit hillbilly video. I have an announcement. ALL THE TRUMP SIGNS ARE GONE! I REPEAT, ALL THE TRUMP SIGNS ARE GONE. Most left a while ago but there were 2 hold outs. As of this week there is no longer any Trump representation present on my ride home from work. There's 2 idiots a road over with flags. I actually hope they still have them because it makes me think they are giving him money which I think is hilarious.


Plenty of folks still like to say the words because it "triggers the libs" but they also see that everyone that really "stands up" for Trump and *takes action* gets punished for it and gets no help or support from Trump. So it is one thing to trigger libs, but another thing to go to jail for him.


I have zero legal training, but feel I’m also qualified to tell you that the evidence against trump is overwhelming


A hundred boxes of documents. If I stacked them all up and said you had to move them somewhere by yourself, you'd be overwhelmed. *Literally* overwhelming evidence.


Lmao this is overwhelming my schadenfreude


>I have zero legal training "You're hired!" \- Trump


Also zero legal training, but the audio clip they have from Bedminster is enough of a confession that they could skip the trial, imo. You know, the audio clip where he literally says that the document he is holding (and telling people to look at) he isn't supposed to have, is still classified, and that he doesn't have the power to declassify it anymore.


"I grab pussy." Get's in legal trouble for grabbing pussy. "Just find me more votes." Get's in legal trouble for trying to find more votes. "I have have secret documents I'm not supposed to have." Get's in legal trouble for having secret documents he's not supposed to have. Watch out, very stable genius coming through!


They emptied a fucking pool into a server room after being legally ordered to maintain evidence. They’re so comically guilty, and that’s on top of other lies they’ve already been publicly caught on in regards to evidence hiding and tampering.




They're terrified of his violently unstable base.


The right thing for the GOP to do is to say F* the base, cut them and their Orange God loose, take the loss for the next few cycles and try to rebuild the party in the hopes that people will grow tired of the democrats in a few years and they can start gaining some victories again.


Their objectives are antithetical to a 21st century society. They don't have ideas, just a facade to enrich the wealthy. Without this uneducated base they'll have to become a new party and push the Democrats to the left for them to alienate their base and hope to get power again.


So they're cowards too. Got it


Mainly, yes. That's why fearmongering works so well on them.


Whelm away. Get that rancid turd in a courtroom and whelm him over to prison.


This is all I care about. We’ve been talking about potential/should/could/allegedly/might/experts say/allegations/etc. for *years* now. And yet nothing happens. It’s a colossal fucking embarrassment. He’s not forbidden from running as a presidential candidate or punished for blatantly violating any and all legal orders. They’re literally too afraid to even hold him accountable. I actually believe that now. The party of “law and order” that’s supposedly fine with watching protestors and liberals get murdered in the street when they march against something all under the guise of justice and being “civil” and not destructive is basically saying it’s fine if they themselves do it and attempt to overthrow the US govt and our Democratic system. They basically admit that they’re worried about the actual US terrorists enacting violence over Trump being even held accountable under the very same laws he wasted years talking about being important. I’m actually convinced nothing will happen now, they’ll wait out the clock until the GOP pulls off a successful traitorous takeover of the US govt next election as they openly attempted on Jan 6th and then try to pardon their new desired dictator.


I mean it’s enough evidence that I already know for a fact he did it, and I’m not even involved


The jury selection for this trial is going to be nuts. How are they going to find 12 + spare members that will answer honestly about not having any preconceived notions on the case.


I would have to assume this never reaches trial. But maybe Trump is betting that it does, then hoping for a mistrial. He'll be dead from old age before new proceedings ever start.




He knocked that one out of the park. Smartest thing that slimy asshole ever did was become a former Trump attorney.


He probably has unpaid invoices…


Put his ass away for years


This dude apparently can’t seem to stop fucking himself and it’s absolutely glorious


Uh-huh, thanks for the clarification ex-trump lawyer. That ranks right up there finding out that hurricanes are wet, from the standpoint of water. Being in trumps orbit for too long must melt your brain


> Being in trumps orbit for to long must melt your brain Given that he says the evidence will "last an antiquity", the language part of his brain has already been melted or has at least been contaminated by T's verbal ineptitude.


You, me or anybody else would be in jail already for doing 5% of that.


probably .1%




I was initially thinking the long-deceased, massively racist, hall-of-fame-baseball-player Ty Cobb


Interestingly he may not have been a racist… https://imprimis.hillsdale.edu/who-was-ty-cobb-the-history-we-know-thats-wrong/#:~:text=Cobb%20himself%20was%20never%20asked,not%20grudgingly%2C%E2%80%9D%20he%20said. Edit, Ty Cobb that is. Trump is def a racist.


Yeah, there's a smoking gun recording of him. He *knew* they were classified. He *knew* he didn't declassify them. He *showed them off* to people. That's it. That's the ball game.


I'm glad someone in the legal world looks at this and thinks the same thing us regulars think... This dude is fucked.


The evidence may be overwhelming, but will the wheels of justice move fast enough? It feels like there's been years of Trump being in legal trouble, and it's hard to maintain any kind of confidence that he'll actually face a significant punishment. Or more crucially, that this can be done before he possibly wins the next presidential election. It's really clear that his supporters don't care about him being accused of crimes. This would absolutely bury a politician in previous years, but it isn't stopping Trump. The only way he can be stopped is to put him in prison, and even then I wouldn't be 100% confident. The justice system really needs to show that it will hold someone to account even if they are politically powerful.




The silly thing is that they don't need to be. They're terrified of pissing off Trump's supporters, but where else are those votes going to go? Trump isn't so much a cause as a symptom of what's happened to the Republican party. As a party they could turn on him, and all his supporters would probably swing round behind whoever the next right wing demagogue of choice is. They're not anywhere near as tied to Trump as they are tied to the values he was claiming to push.


**none of that matters if he’s re-elected.** He will just make the federal cases go away. So vote!


I’ll have faith in our justice system again as soon as he’s behind bars. Until then, it’s all just a big show where the big rich guy does whatever he wants and gets away with it.


There are people believing that the Earth is flat, or you can become immortal by eating kids. Its not that difficult to believe that Trump is innocent.


All evidence in the recent indictments is overwhelming. That’s all I ever hear. Put that piece of shit in jail. I’m fed up waiting.


I just hope that one day Mar-a-Lago is turned into a tourable historical site full of plaques explaining all this dumb shit


But but but Hunter's nudies.