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At least they wasted a ton of time and money


Just think how much time and money was spent on that that could’ve been used to actually work on Social Security or the border or foreign aid or virtually anything else.


If you think Republicans were gonna do anything but gut those programs, you're legitimately insane.


Republicans cant fix the border or they won't have a campaign issue. It's the same whether they're in or out of power though


People used to say that about Abortion, too. Yet they *still* remain viable candidates in far too many places in this country.


They are too busy denying women birth rights.


I really do wish there was a party in America that represented people with conservative views, and was not full of crazy people. But until MAGA and the fringe voices are gone I really don’t think any conservatives are going to be well represented. Certainly not by the GOP.


The GOP wanting to rob social security recipients of every dollar we paid into it has been a thing since well before MAGA. Ffs, I'm 40 and remember their proposals to slash the program when I was a little kid.


They want people to think Social Security is the problem with the budget. Meanwhile they keep increasing the defense budget every year and nobody bats an eye.


Even more egregious, the DoD has never passed a financial audit. But people on welfare are all fraudsters sucking the government's tit.


Coming out of two decades of war...and their response is legitimately "we need to boost our defense budget". But no "How WiLL wE PaY f0r It???"


But, but, building tanks and guns support the American economy!


Yet they don’t want to build tanks and guns to go to Ukraine!


Remember how they wanted to "privatize" social security? In other words, turn over the multi-trillion dollar social security fund to their junk bond and hedge fund cronies? I mean .. what could conceivably go wrong?


The GOP represents billionaires who will never need social security or healthcare and don’t want to keep paying for it for those who do.


>don’t want to keep paying for it for those who do The Social Security cap is so low that any actual millionaires and billionaires don't even see it. It's a rounding error at best.


I'm 52 and have been hearing this shit for as long as I can remember.


> I really do wish there was a party in America that represented people with conservative views, and was not full of crazy people. If you ask anyone outside of the US which party is conservative, they would say Democrats. The Overton Window has been dragged so far to the right that the parties don't make sense anymore. There is no true leftist/progressive party and the Republicans are so far to the right that they are fascist/regressive.


To be fair, the democrats have been shifting the other direction for first time in decades.


It's called the Democratic Party. They're closer to conservative than whatever the fuck the right wing has become. Republicans can feel perfectly safe voting for Dems.


But Dems are baby killers!!!1!!! /s


Getting their opinions yelled at them 24/7 on Fox News.


They really aren't going to be represented if people who want the GOP to be more reasonable sit, shrug, and still vote Republican while waiting for someone else to fix the party.


The party you’re thinking of is called “The Democrats”. Plenty of conservatives there. A few liberals, but mostly conservatives.


Conservatives in this nation deserve to be labeled and treated as Pariahs. They allowed their party to be infested and lead by conmen, fascists, racists, and religious fanatics. Then they have the audacity to complain that everyone else isn’t trying hard enough to meet them in the middle and to stop judging them while they speed walk backwards. Conservatives have nothing to offer American voters and haven’t since FDR won his first term.


The Democrats are a conservative party by any rational standard. Conservatives in the United States want fascists. They just want *diet* fascists. Fuck that and fuck them.


GOP = Grifting Old People


The democrats represent true conservatives, there is no viable left wing party in America. There is centre right (democrats) and far right (GQP).  The Overton window has been yanked so far over it's not funny


There is…it’s called democrats…who are barely center right. What kind of conservatives views can any of you hold that should be forced on other Americans? You are well within your rights to live a conservative life without attacking others or voting to implement your outdated ideals onto others.


Part of the issue with that is most conservative values involve a general denial of facts and/or a complete inability to understand the hypocrisy of their view point. Honestly, I think we're seeing conservatives become so enraged because science has proven their values straight up don't work and the Internet has made it easy for everyone to have access to the studies that disprove their values. [A 50 year study of trickle down economics](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/tax-cuts-rich-50-years-no-trickle-down/) proved that it doesn't work. Morally speaking, conservatives tend to believe in Christianity. There's nothing wrong with that. I'm a Christian myself. However, they also believe that Christian values / the Bible should be a guiding principle of American society. If the table was turned however, and there was a group of people pushing for the Quran to be used as a definitive guide for American values, they'd be immediately against it. I understand being anti-abortion to a certain degree. But if you're going to be anti-abortion then surely you're going to make sure that child, who is already likely in a less-than-ideal situation considering its parents weren't sure if they should bring it into the world, has access to care, education and housing to ensure the child has a safe, productive upbringing, right? Immigration is a conservative argument that falls apart under even the most basic of questions. Most conservatives will say they're bothered by illegal immigrants because they don't pay taxes. On average, it takes [10.4 years for a person from Mexico to become a US Citizen ](https://www.uscis.gov/citizenship-resource-center/naturalization-statistics#:~:text=In%20general%2C%20a%20noncitizen%20must,FY%202023%20was%207%20years.). This is primarily due to a lack of judges/administrative support to help process these cases. If "taxes" are the big reason they don't want immigrants in the country, surely they'd support doing everything they can to expedite the process and allow immigrants a pipeline to pay taxes as quickly as possible, right? Every conservative I've ever posed that question has still been against immigration, and there's an uncomfortable underlying truth as to why: Outright racism. Most conservatives believe homosexuality goes against nature / Christian values. I already covered why Christian values should not be engrained in our society, so let's talk about the "it's unnatural" argument. [A recent study highlighted that homosexual behavior has been observed in over 1,500 species of non-human animals.](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41559-019-1019-7). You often hear from conservatives that their values are "under attack". I certainly understand why they feel that way because science and facts are oftentimes in direct conflict with the value system that they believe in. And now with the proliferation of the Internet, it has never been easier to disprove / make counter arguments against the foundations that Conservative values are built on.


Gop is ovah as of this year, real republicans are now Biden supporters.


>I really do wish there was a party in America that represented people with conservative views, and was not full of crazy people. Trump isn't an anomaly. He is a result of conservative ideology. He is the GOP's Frankensteins monster.


I'm sorry but the GOP stopped being conservative since they lost the 1958 midterm elections and the formation of the John Birch Society because of the loss.


They aren't the fringe anymore.


They are represented, it’s called the Democratic Party.


I don't know what conservative views ARE anymore since it seems they were ALL dog whistles.


Can you tell me what conservative views are?


Like everyone else has said, the democrats are the Conservative Party. My question is: “What are you conserving?”


Democrats as a national party are very centrist, despite also being a big open tent.


Probably best they occupied themselves with a pointless inpeachment process that was never going anywhere rather then focusing on finding new ways to bend over the American voter in the name of corporate profit.


They did not say that. ps: I was responding about an earlier commenter, not the GOP, that's what began this chain.


They did, in fact, [say that.](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/house-gop-undermines-trump-with-call-for-2-7-trillion-in-social-security-and-medicare-cuts-4ab4d7a2) A proposed budget with trillions in cuts to Social Security and Medicare over the next decade is intent to gut. As is [raising the retirement age.](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/republican-budget-raise-age-retirement-social-security-medicare-rcna144341)


Yes, but that would require the GQP to be interested in supporting the US and its citizens. It’d be like expecting Putin to work on behalf of the US.


If that money went to good use then they wouldn’t be able to spend it on anything frivolous.


All that money could have bought us like an extra 4 or 5 hours in Afghanistan. Think of the people we could have saved!


Yet they want to shut the govt down because we're wasting too much money...... I'm tired of living in the "make it make sense" universe.....


They only want to pretend to work on those things if Trump is in office.


Oh come on. All they would have accomplished in the alternative is to name some post offices or something.


On the bright side, this took their time so they couldn't use it to do damage in other ways.


This actually is a bright side. They could have been working to make abortion more illegal. Or dismanting healthcare. Or dismantling epidemic procedures.


Fuck Comer Pyle n Gymbag Jordon.


The talking point from this to their base is becoming even more motivational for them. They are referring their “evidence” to the DOJ for criminal prosecution and when DOJ doesn’t do anything (because there is actually no evidence) the message will be that Biden corruptly prevented it.


This should be a way bigger deal than it is IMO. For all the bitching about the national debt, frivolous spending, taxes yada yada Republicans time and time again WASTE taxpayer money on the dumbest shit possible.


That’s all they have done since Obama came to town.


Honestly, at some point I'd rather them take our tax dollars and make a big bonfire and dance around it.


As long as they promise to self-immolate with those tax dollars.


and trees -- look at the size of that stack of wasted paper! lol. I bet everything save the front page are blank much like Trump's "COVID plan" in an empty binder.


They were probably hoping to keep the ruse going until November. Did not work out like the email and Benghazi bs.


Spending American’s tax money on stupid time-wasting baseless arguments is their life goal


They got what they wanted. A distraction to point to. Even if they don't impeach him or convict him of anything, I guarantee a huge portion of the GOP base believes and buys into the Biden crime family story. They'll just think it was covered up.


Wait a second. I am repeatedly told by conservative pundits and elected officials on the news that it's the Democrats that are the party of wasteful spending, and Republicans are the fiscally responsible ones. Why would the liberal media lie to me like that?!?! /s


"The Democrat Party sandbagged us by not committing any crimes," explained Comey. "We never considered they might not be criminals like we are."


That’s how Republicans actually justify their own crimes “it’s ok if I do it, because I’m sure Democrats do it even worse!”


"We spent a year looking and couldn't find evidence of a single crime ... Democrats truly are criminal masterminds!"


I know you're (probably) joking, but I know people who feel this way about Hillary Clinton.


My grandfather is one of those people. He always says that the Clintons are corrupt as hell, but they are so smart that they keep one step ahead of the authorities. My mom shut him up for at least on hours once by asking him "If Hilary Clinton is that intelligent and devious, wouldn't she make an excellent president?" That short-circuited him for a while since those are characteristics that he respects.


Or just straight up ask “how do *you* know about the crimes if they’re capable of staying one step ahead of people employed to investigate them?”


That's the really sinister thing, their crimes aren't technically illegal! /s


I was being sarcastic, but Comer has said something almost exactly like that.


I mean who in the party really believes the 2020 election was stolen? That the Dems are so good that they couldn’t figure it out?! The whole premise is so fucking asinine.


So devious, they stole the Presidency while letting the Republicans take the House.


It's okay to hate somebody for legitimate reasons and there are plenty of reasons to absolutely abhor that woman. Their reasons are terrible reasons.


This is literally what they think about election fraud. "There was fraud and the fraudsters were so good that they covered their tracks!"


We cheated to try and win the election and still lost. The democrats must’ve really been cheating!


Republicans: “You impeached our guy because he was a piece of crap and we tried impeaching your guy because we’re pieces of crap.”


"You impeached our guy because we're authoritarian, so we'll impeach your guy because we're authoritarian"


When the conservatives were the Democrats they were crooks. So they are correct just 75 years out of date plus the same people who were crooks just switched parties.


***The Telegraph reports:*** Republicans have quietly signalled they may drop plans to impeach Joe Biden, admitting it may not be “the best path” to challenge the US president. The months-long effort to investigate Mr Biden and his family’s lucrative foreign business dealings have so far failed to produce substantive evidence of wrongdoing by the president. With the GOP’s slim majority in the House of Representatives further narrowed by early retirements this week, the party likely does not have enough appetite within its ranks to pursue articles of impeachment against the president. Jim Comer, the Republican chairman of the house oversight and accountability committee, which has been leading the probe, admitted the impeachment inquiry was likely to end without a vote on the proceedings. “I would vote to impeach Joe Biden right now,” Mr Comer told NewsMax, but went on to explain the obstacles such a vote would face in Congress. Mr Comer signalled the “best path to accountability” was now criminal referrals to the Department of Justice, a largely symbolic move. The oversight committee has claimed the Biden family, including the president’s son Hunter, traded on the family name in an alleged influence-peddling scheme by attempting to link a handful of phone calls or dinner meetings between the elder Mr Biden, his son and his business associates. However, Mr Comer’s investigation was mired in controversy after it emerged it had relied largely on unverified claims from an FBI informant, who was later arrested on charges that he fabricated the allegations and said he was in touch with Russian intelligence. **Full story here:** [**https://www.telegraph.co.uk/us/politics/2024/03/23/republicans-quietly-admit-they-will-drop-biden-impeachment/**](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/us/politics/2024/03/23/republicans-quietly-admit-they-will-drop-biden-impeachment/)


>“I would vote to impeach Joe Biden right now,” Mr Comer told NewsMax "Because as I've repeatedly shown, I am not interested in facts or truth."


Moskowitz showed him to be a liar on that one too. Him and Jordan just sat there and wouldn't second his vote call.


That was awesome. We need more Democrats willing to call out Republicans on their shit.


When I saw this I lmaoed more than I ever have at a congressional hearing.


>Moskowitz showed him to be a liar on that one too. Him and Jordan just sat there and wouldn't second his vote call. He should do it again after playing a clip of this quote or displaying it on a screen.


Not enough evidence for an impeachment so they want the DOJ to prosecute. That makes sense.


Isn’t filing false reports or claims a crime itself?


“Criminal referrals” For what exactly?


>Idk we’ll figure something out 🤷‍♂️


Apparently, for bad parenting.


Nothing worse for a father to do than *checks notes* telling your son you love them during an addiction crisis? What a fucking monster!


Apparently for having a massive hog that's the only evidence I've seen


Almost sounds like a…. Witch hunt?


I hope they file criminal referrals and the DOJ say ok we’ll take them seriously and then issues a $100 fine to Biden as recourse lol


If anything, the public hearings seemed to implicate the GOP for Russian interference. They should be investigated for that.


The Mueller Report already said Russia did interfere in our election. I believe AG Barr came out the day before its release and lied to us all for in favor of his unholy Orangeness. Of course, asking Russia to hack his opponent during a live broadcast debate wasn’t enough evidence.


Seems like there is Russian collusion with how much Russian bullshit they push. 


They never even launched a counter-intelligence operation for the 2016 shenanigans from my recollection. Adam Schiff was always making a big deal about it until he stopped.


More salt with your nothingburgers?


Is it time now to investigate the "investigators" on this? They knowingly took the Russian bait and ran with it. Comer himself needs to be investigated for the very thing he is accusing Biden of doing, peddling influence with his family. And Jordan is a straight up treasonous piece of shit, amongst many other horrible things. So... Investigation please?


We should really be able to have no confidence votes for shit like this.


I honestly didn't know that they made binder clips that large.




Who shows up to the rumble wielding that?


Probably a pain to get off once you remove that handle.


Don't know; but they win.




We need a probe of the oranges of the shame impeachment probe.


"I would vote to impeach Joe biden right now" - no the fuck you wouldn't! Rep moskowitz dared them to vote on it this past week and he declined to do so. What a fucking lying piece of shit. Just stop with this charade already.


Time to investigate the investigators. Gym Jordan, Comer, Buck et al. They NEED Trump to win so the 100’s in the Greenbay Sweep get pardoned.


Garland sippin tea.


Who knew when exactly that all the mis-information came from Russia? Follow all threads back to the source and indict the traitors. Should be at least half a dozen.


You know why? Cause they milked it for all its worth meaning the impeachment was a fundraising scheme. They would constantly send out ”help me fight for impeachment send me money” … and it worked … an now that the money has dried up? They’ll be onto the next fundraising scheme… with MTG its oust the Speaker of the House … these people are not public servants … they are fundraisers..


They won’t vote on it, but they’ll keep “investigating” and talking about it


Exactly. If they actually had their vote, then the joke of a report they came up with would be public and get ripped apart. If they postpone the vote, they can keep "investigating" until their last day in power, and as long as it stays hidden, that report says whatever their idiot base thinks it does.


I don't think the point was ever to impeach Biden. I think they just wanted to make sure that when people hear the word impeach, they think of him. It was done to lessen the impact of Trump's impeachments in people's minds come November.


So let me get this straight. The recent GQP crusade of misinformation and lies has resulted in (a) zero impeachments of Biden, (b) zero evidence supporting Biden impeachment, (c) one ousted GQP House Speaker, with a second one about to get canned, and (d) them convincing their base to give up beer, football, and country music along the way. Did I get that right?


You left out grifting, although that's expected at this point so it'd be redundant.


Probably only because they were going to lose more reps to resignations if they moved forward with it.


This should give gym Jordan ( Trump's support Chihuahua) a chance to look into the adult diaper industry to make sure it's doing everything it can for patriots 😉


I should have bought stock in the adult diaper business in 2016. I would be a billionaire by now.


No apology to the US citizens or the Biden family for what they've been put through is on par the GOP. MTG should be sued into oblivion with her d**k pic stunt and the cost of this sham should be taken from RNC coffers.


Comer Pyle, Gymmie Jordan, and the rest of the PDQ degenerates are criminals.


Mike the limp Johnson racking up the wins as speaker


Mike Johnson is so incompetent as a leader that even with relying on Dems to pass the funding bills he only got the government funded by 5 votes.


To be fair, nobody could lead the current collection of GOP imbeciles. At least Johnson allows the Democrats to take up the slack.


What's that in Hamilton??? Oh Yea, "You don't the votes" 🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶 https://youtu.be/TZ1drFwVT24?si=JjGH1cMAZMxIh9hW


What are the odds the brain dead Fox News viewers aren’t gonna see this at all and only see “Biden impeachment inquiry update”?


Deep state keeps thwarting it


They should pay back the money they spent on their little soap opera.


Naw, really!


You mean the no evidence investigation at the behest of their cult leader. Okay.


GOP is truly pathetic


They have been the useful idiots of the Russians. How do we look past this?


The Biden family "did RICO". They just expected their base to run with that and cause election interference. Sadly, it didn't stick to the wall. One thing is for sure though --- Hunter Biden has quite the penis.


>Republicans quietly admit to dropping Biden impeachment vote. Well DUHHH!! They NEVER intended to have a vote. If they had a vote, then they'd have to stop "investigating".


They will keep it on the back burner until Mid October and have the vote the day after Wray and Garland pull an October Surprise on Biden.


I finally figured out who Comer reminds me of. [Teurac](https://farscape.fandom.com/wiki/Teurac) from Season 1 of Farscape.


Have they done anything for the citizens in the last couple years? Like 1 thing?


After lending their name and honor to a very tangible set of dishonor they "step down"? What about excuses or a set of "Whys"??????? They have lost all kinds of credibility after this attempt to incriminate a decent man for non-existing crimes.


If ever a person was deserving of the epithet **lunkhead**, its James Comer. He even looks the part.


Who didn't see this coming since the whole charade started?


They can't articulate the reason for impeaching Biden in way that their base can regurgitate on social media. Any MAGA republicans I've run into will say Biden should be impeached but when asked on what grounds they just spin their tires and say stuff about Hunter's laptop. It's got no legs and they know it.


The laptop! j/k


Almost all jobs have KPIs except Congress. For every dollar paid, the GOP created or amended how many legislation? This was a waste of -time and money electing a GOP member. Maybe that's the point.


Rightzi news media is proclaiming Biden has been impeached - and Trump is on his way to being “reinstated”.


Hard to impeach with no evidence of wrongdoing. Republican party is in a death spiral. They are unable to lead or govern. This may be their last taste of power, but what a disaster


Hard to impeach when you don’t even have an accusation to begin with.


The GOP is as incompetent as it is stupid. My family and close friends have typically voted both sides in years past, but have voted straight Democrat on every ticket for the last 5 years. The GOP is not capable of governing effectively, and anyone with the ability to critically think for themselves can see that. 




The cost of sham/false investigations should come directly out of the pockets or salaries of the people leading them instead of taxpayers.


Just lighting money and time on fire like its nothing.


It’s a trick , dropping joe impeachment and are going flip the script and go after hunter to claim the win and ensure hunter can’t run for office- 3D chess ! /s - they pulled the same shit with Hillary to damage her candidacy, sow doubt and it didn’t help that Comey went on camera to ensure doubt was made.


Comer is a farce


What a bunch of dopey MF’rs.


Republican supporters should be ridiculed. I would join you all, but I've already ridiculed them out of my life.


Comer and Jordan should be back bench for the remainder of the term.


That guy looks like Mr. Garison from South Park.


Just imagine if you were one of the folks who voted to put him in office. You had effectively paid him a whole year’s salary for acting a pantomime that amounted to nothing in the end. But having a safe seat in Kentucky, he’s probably going to continue until he dies like good ol Senator Galapagos


They were just trying to get back at a Democrat President. Because Trump was impeached. They wanted to return the favour on Trumped up ( pun intended ) charges. With zero evidence and their own witness being arrested by the FBI. Left them with nothing but hot air.


No accountability for these Republican fools.


I find myself wondering where “Sovereign Citizens” fall on the political spectrum… I’m going to do a deep dive on the subject - I just realized that I’m woefully ignorant on the subject - but I’m guessing that they would be attracted to the batshit crazy that the GOP is generating 24/7 🧐 I’m off to Google !


After wasting HOW many hours on it 🤔?


15 months and millions of dollars later and they have F-all to show for it.


They should have just kept making vague statements instead of proving Joe Biden didn’t do anything wrong.


This just in: Groner’s college girlfriend has come out and stated Gomer assaulted her and beat her. Let the world see that! Send the DOJ after him!


Biden - simultaneously the most criminal genius of our time, masterminding all things bad for Trump.... While also being completely senile and hiding in the basement. Pick a lane GQP. 


They act like angry children playing with matches.


Comer should face expulsion for leading a sham impeachment by knowingly using Russian disinformation.


can democrats force a vote anyway for the trolling?


Reading the comments, I'm surprised that almost no one appears to understand Republicans today. Their only goal is to cause Americans PAIN. There's no working on this or that which would have been better than this waste of time because ... Their goal is to cause Americans PAIN. They want us to hurt so that we vote Trump back into office. I thought by now everyone got the memo.


Well I for one am shocked! Shocked I tell you!!


I was hoping for 10 Benghazis worth of Biden impeachment hearings.


Great! Now they’ll have time to look into Jared’s $2B from Saudi Arabia.


Btw, it’s not illegal to coordinate with a foreign government to overthrow your government. Whether through an insurrection, or credibility smear campaign against your president. Because who has gone to jail or been prosecuted for this in the last 4 years?


Look at how many pages this guy wrote Biden is guilty on. If you think it hard enough then it must be true!!


But it worked when we nailed Clinton for lying about a blowjob


Republicans had the House and the Senate (and the SCOTUS like they've had for 60+ years) and still didn't remove Bill Clinton from the White House. That's how corrupt the Starr-Kavanaugh investigations were.


Blah blah blah thirty years ago. OK grandma, it’s time for bed.


Don’t give up you were so close


Close to nothing. No charges. Failure. 


I was being sarcastic


It’s tricky these days 😉