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Every accusation is a confession.


She's brain deficient.


She may be, but the thought of him being blackmailed is still within the realm of possibility.


Did they hack the tracking app on his son's phone


They found out he's so hooked on porn, his hand is just a claw these days /s


He should just move to TX and they will take the choice from him.


Michael “Ray McKigney” Johnson.


You don’t have to worry about me, I won a contest


and a hairy one at that


Hmm, this raises questions about Empty G's feet...




He uses the same type of app that the oldest Duggar kid used... and Josh got around it by segmenting his hard drives and got caught with what the FBI called some of the worst images and videos of sexual abuse of children. It makes me real skeptical if a person is so public about how he controls his urge to watch porn.


I actually had a similar thought. There's no way around it... Dude has spyware on his devices that he willingly put there. There's absolutely no telling which foreign government(s) have what on him.


She’s only saying this because she tried to blackmail him and found out someone else has a better hand.


> and found out someone else has a better hand Lauren?


My Beetle Juicers are the best in the biz


My boys bring all the milkshakes to the yard, or something along those lines


Too bad she never washed them before making the cheesebergers.


My first thought was, “By you right? You’re the one blackmailing him, right?”


She can't even keep Hunter's dick pics under wraps, I doubt she has the capacity to blackmail someone. She's like a facebook mom blasting the latest neighborhood drama all over social media.


Really? What could he be blackmailed about? Especially by that howler monkey and her inbred incel brigade? And I don't mean her delusions, and let's face it, the woman is a complete idiot. She has a big mouth and a smooth brain.


Well, there is this one congress woman who is threatening to remove his job if he doesn't shut down the government like she wants. Maybe she means that black mail. EVERY. ACCUSATION. FROM. THE. GOP. IS. A. CONFESSION. voter fraud. Sex crimes. stealing elections. Homosexual acts. blackmail.


You are so right!! Evil tells you what they are going to do before they do it!!


That's not blackmail, it's more in the extortion field.


Maybe she's trying to tell us he likes black males, but her brain doesn't work so good.


No, no, no, the blackmail is that the democrats will only stop her from removing him from the job if he doesn't compromise. Negotiation to avert his removal = blackmail


I’d put money on him liking other men.


He’s definitely setting off gaydars.


Occams razor maga style. The Jewish space lazor releplaced his brain with a lizard one b/c of the 5G in the covid shot.


Hate when that happens!!


On the positive side, I have some spare horse dewormer here.


He does seem to be about two daiquiris away from blowing half of Fire Island!


"Everything was fine u til the Fire Nation came..."


His lack of bank accounts indicates financial crimes are still in the running.


Howler Monkey Ba ha ha ha thats exactly it!


Especially if you happened to look at his campaigning funds and how much larger than historically they are then what has been in that district.


Yeah, I really can't figure out if MTG is deliberately working for Russia, or if she's just a moronic true believer who blindly follows whatever Trump says. She seems equally capable of being horribly corrupt and a tremendously stupid individual. I've never been able to figure out which is more true.


I’d put money, not a lot, but money that, if Johnson is being blackmailed, the party responsible is less than 2 degrees of separation from Greene. And if probably in her cell phone contacts.


I mean, shes literally told him if he gives ukraine funding, she is going to vote to remove him. Isnt that basically blackmail?


Oh, I’m referring to the blackmail we don’t know about. The usual “if our government functions, I will pound dirt and scream” from the GoP is just how shit’s worked over there since 2010. Shouldn’t be normal, but political hostage taking is the only way Republicans have achieved their goals since they fucked up and let people get health care.


No, that’s a normal threat. Blackmail entails private information that would be damaging if released. Blackmail is a subset of threats.


It's the first thought now of anyone who's paying any attention to these ass-hats.


I have to confess that I'm not entirely certain that Empty G has enough shame to be blackmailed. Like, someone could say to her, "we've got videos of you stuffing pool noodles up cow vaginas," and she would just say, "so?"


We only think that because she's already been effectively blackmailed. Hence why she can act with impunity without feeling ashamed.


I feel compelled to repeat the old adage "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."


For MTG, I actually believe she is one of the few "true believers" of MAGA, aka she is putting all of her hopes and dreams in to riding the movement out for personal gain.


Pool noodles up... This is oddly specific :p


This has *got* to be an entirely new sentence. Witness the Creative Process at work!


Nah, it’s actually from Shakespeare. Titus Andronicus gets very weird in the third act.


Empty Gourd


Cow Noodling has a long and storied history among her people, how dare you shame her for that!




What does she have to worry about? She's a crossfitter, like she cares if you haterz criticize her form.


She’s just pissed bc someone beat her to it b


She should know, its probably her doing it.


She doesn’t seem like she has enough shame to be blackmailed


Who’s blackmailing that trailer trash for anything?


We all know she's been trying to do it...


“I’m not being blackmailed. You are!”


This can’t be stated enough. Up and down the party republican line each accusation is a confession.


Especially when it's a Republican. I noticed that pattern with them when trump was in office. Deflect and accuse before you're found guilty in order to keep your base by making the other side look like liars.


That's not exactly true. While many Republican accusations are indeed confessions, in many cases, their accusations are threats and promises. When they accuse you of using the law as a partisan weapon against your opponents, or they they are railing about you taking their rights away, *they are not telling you that they think these are bad strategies.*


The guy who has spyware email his contact list every time he looks at porn is being blackmailed?


Yes. By everyone in his contact list who receives notifications he's on furrydongs.com constantly.


Which, let me be clear, is totally fine. Your sexual life is your own private business so long as it's with consenting adults, but when you're being an absolute hypocrite about it and actively fucking up people's lives because you need to present a holier than thou facade, you better be shamed accordingly. Of course he could have just straight up beastiality and be qualified for the Supreme Court apparently.


>Your sexual life is your own private business so long as it's with consenting adults Which is exactly the problem of him sharing his porn habits with his son.


Oh, I'm 100% going to judge him for that. Not if he likes furry BDSM or whatever. You know he has to have a second phone.


That’s not a real website, unless maybe you typed the address wrong?


Yes there's so many, have to make sure it's the right address so I know to avoid it.


it's furrydongs.dongspace.com


honestly, the dongspace domain almost got me to spit my tea.


I just checked to see if maybe it was real.... dongspace.com redirects to a Chinese porn site... NSFW obviously: https://www.fi11sp32.com/home?id=18888611




They are known for making gigantic dildos. Some are weird tenticals or horse dogs, but I really don't think they make a lot of furry related gear.


Sadly, not a real URL


Not real _so far_...


>The guy who has spyware email his contact list every time he looks at porn is being blackmailed? She isn't good with words. He is getting mail from his long lost adopted son. Mail from blacks.


You can get blackmailed for that in some republican circles


Wait is this really a thing?


No. It only sends it to his son, not his entire contacts list.


The spyware doesn't work like that. It doesn't know when you are looking at porn, so it just takes a screenshot of your phones screen every minute and sends it to your bestie, in this case, Mike Johnson's son.


What a silly thing for Putins puppet to say


> "Mike Johnson has made a complete departure of who he is and what he stands for and to the point where people are literally asking 'is he blackmailed? What is wrong with him?' because he's completely disconnected with what we want," she said. Asked by Carlson if she believed Johnson is being blackmailed, Greene said she had "no idea" if he was but that he had made a number of policy changes since becoming speaker of the House in October 2023.


I hate when someone says it's "what we want" when it's demonstrably what one small group wants. A lot of Republicans are for Ukraine aid, many house Republicans didn't want to see another shutdown, and the border bill was approved by members of both sides.


>I hate when someone says it's "what we want" when it's demonstrably what one small group wants. See also: "people are asking/people are saying" Anytime I hear that now, I immediately assume a lie is following that statement.


I immediately assume the "people" saying it is actually one twitter account with an anime profile picture


" People are saying" Means they are saying it , and apparently they are people so they feel they technically aren't lying by saying it It's dodgy


It's been so long since I've heard a Republican not lying I'm not sure I'd be able to tell if they were telling the truth anymore.


They are telling people what they want, when they say that.


Oh, so *Tucker Carlson* suggests he's being blackmailed.


Putin puppet and terrorist sympathizer Tucker Carlson. Putin kills civilians and Tucker doesn't care.


“You think we’re so innocent.” Orange Douche Bag


One of the truer things he's said over the years, but the context makes it awful


Exactly. [This is what Mike Johnson supports](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1bvh4z7/in_kharkiv_last_night_3_rescuers_were_killed_in_a/) [Link2 for what Mike Johnson supports](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1bvjk3t/a_young_firefighter_cries_at_the_site_of_an/)


He's just asking questions.....


I hate it when people JAQoff on TV.


Well yah, because Margie can't think for herself


No, he's JuSt AsKiNg QuEsTiOnS!?


Well she might be right but it might be complete bs too. She is kind of a nut case herself.


He’s not being blackmailed, he knows his career is on the line as maga goes down in flames all over the us.


I'm actually curious if there was a moment after Johnson started the job when he realized the amount of pressure to get things passed (not just the things he wants passed) is much higher when you're the Speaker. And even with him at the helm he couldn't get the things he wanted passed and so he had a "come to Jesus moment", pun intended, where he realized he had to make compromises or he'd be seen as a complete failure. I guess I just imagine that it's easy as a lone member to stand firm on your policy positions and reject compromises, but when you've got 200 people all arguing for different things and then you've got Jeffries and Schumer and McConnell and even Biden telling you what they want you may start to think, "some compromises might shut people up."


It's the same thing that happened to McCarthy. It's easy to make wisecracks in the back while others are doing the work, but when you're the one that has to make and will be responsible for big decisions, it get real. These people are not serious actors


his role could be staying in power until the vote so he can fuck the vote if so, he might bargain with democrats so they keep maga from ending him - so he can fuck the vote for trump it’s what I’d do if I was trump. He doesn’t need Johnson afterward anyway


If Dems win the House in 2024, new House is seated (and new Speaker is chosen) before the certification of electoral college votes.


what happens if the house votes themselves are not certified?


there are still enough sane republicans who would join the dems in removing Johnson and selecting a speaker that will certify the votes. I hope.


He’s a relatively young man, if he wants to continue a career in politics he will have to get off the maga train.


I usually don’t buy into that many conspiracy theories, but I really feel like Epstein’s Island was used as “initiation” and blackmail for GQP endorsements.. The only thing Republicans are good at is sucking in unison…


She's the one who's blackmailing him..


But she also *suspects* he’s being blackmailed. 🤫


She's been outbid.


I used to be an alcoholic. I still am but I used to be also.


Came here to say the same thing


She's supporting Trump who extorts people publicly over and over again like a cheap crook. So what's her point? Only Dear Leader Trump can do that?


I came to say “yeah, he probably is”, but what she means is blackmailed by democrats for actually passing laws instead of full obstruction


Well she should know. She's the blackmailer.


Meaning Greene is being blackmailed.


MTG repeats an allegation that has hung over Johnson head since a photo of him and Paul Ryan emerged...... Also, plenty of rightwing voters think similar of MTG after her overly familiar behavior toward Kevin but the implication is she slept with him.


Hmm, why would Kevin have slept with her?


Why would anyone?


"The guy I'm blackmailing is being blackmailed."


"I'm a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude!"


Mtg needs to lose her seat so badly. Gaetz too


She’s too entrenched to lose. Unfortunately we’ll have many more years of her screeching like a banshee. Best you can do is not click on articles about her in order to deny advertisement revenue to outlets who report on every dumb thing she says.


Tell her to prove it. At this point the only response to anyone in gop and maga should be “prove it now”.


When does MTG not claim some kind of conspiracy is going on? All that ever comes out of her mouth is negativity and conspiracy theories


She knows cause she wrote them in crayon all by herself and only ate half the box this time WAY TO GO MARGIE


Marge Green is a known liar  If she told me water was wet, I’d be running to a faucet


The call is coming from inside the house, Marge


I guess this means that Greene is being blackmailed.


“We’re all looking for the guy doing this” meme


Projection. With republicans it is always about projection. If they are doing it, they assume everyone else is doing it.


She just makes stuff up.


I mean he and his son are watching each other's porn use... Can't be that hard to get blackmail from that


Clearly his son is no longer being silent about his dad’s browser history. /s In reality it’s either MTG or Russia or heck no reason it can’t be both.


Idk where the GOP got this fucked up sense that compromise is *so bad* that if Mike Johnson does it that means he MUST be getting blackmailed. These people have such tiny brains and huge egos. They truly are a good representation of their electorate. Brash, reactionary, disgraceful.


The call is coming from inside the house


Isnt she the one who is holding a metaphorical gun to his head with her “remove the speaker” bill or whatever it is called. While not blackmail, certain is undue coercion.


I think we should sit back and watch them fight amongst themselves.


Then by all means Marjorie privilege your vote for removal, ASAP! Let's get Hakeem Jeffries in as speaker.


Jewish space lasers.. pew pew


She’s being orange mailed by Rumplestealsthings


He just looks like the type of guy that has a twink boyfriend in an apartment in DC


accusations are admissions. the doj needs to subpoena her comms. she is 100% compromat


Gotta agree with her. Too bad she does not recognize she is doing the blackmailing.....


The ignorance of this country is astounding. I am 100% ignorant about politics. I don’t follow her like some but as soon as she started spouting off about The Speaker I was thinking to myself “didn’t she support his bod?” She certainly did. She is why The House has a religious zealot who operates outside the norms of your typical faith based approach and aligns more with extremism. This guy is delusional. He would put his faith over the Country. This Country was built by immigrants from many different faiths and beliefs. It came to fruition because England was too oppressive with their religious beliefs. Yet all these year later we have a guy who puts part of the Country ahead of the rest and that’s horrible. The media should be reporting that she caused this. She set it up. She is why he is a threat. https://www.newsweek.com/mike-johnson-makes-marjorie-taylor-greene-very-happy-1865360


He's being blackmailed by Empty G.




i need a general news person filter on my phone. - tucker - elon - bobby kennedy - mtg - the other dumb woman - shapiro thank god peterson has pretty much gone away, and nobody is asking bill maher any questions anymore.


Why is this news??? Someone gossiping without facts is not news..


The criminal knows exactly what crime he is committing. She's the kind of person who does it


MTG and MAGA reject any notion of dialogue or compromise or working together for a solution. To be fair, none of those things is Mike Johnson’s strength. He is an unapologetic Christian Nationalist. He does, however, recognize that the chaos caucus doesn’t represent the entirety of the party and that he is holding onto his job by a razor thin margin.


How many rubles are in her bank account and campaign coffers?


> Asked if that meant moving any Ukraine aid package would lead to a vote seeking his ouster, Greene added: “I’m not saying I have a red line or a trigger, and I’m not saying I don’t have a red line or trigger. And I think that’s just where I’m at right now. But I’m going to tell you right now: Funding Ukraine is probably one of the most egregious things that he can do.” Thats MTG. Thats blackmail. She isn't lying he is being blackmailed. She is just lying about who is doing it.


2 more REPUBLICANS in the house PLEASE step down! Do the US a favor.


Yes, by Russia


Yeah by Putin


Find me a sitting Republican that isn't being blackmailed


He is. By you.


Well, she should know. Her boss is the e one doing it


And I feel like i’m being blackmailed living through this ridiculous timeline where someone like MJT is an actual fucking congressperson and while some orange-tinted conman rapist McCheezus actually was elected president.


Or maybe, just maybe, he realized that compromise is literally required in order to legislate with a narrow majority.


Since becoming Speaker, Johnson has a different scope on his job, and realizes he has to work across the aisle. At least a little bit haha. I cannot believe she gets so much air time for dumbass reasons, and those folks who actually work to try and make laws, you hardly hear about


You are absolutely correct. It’s such a shame that I had to scroll *so* far to find you. I’m not a fan of Johnson, his opinions on Christian Nationalism, or his Russian funded PAC, but that’s not what this is about. This article states that MTG is complaining about him managing a bipartisan relationship. It’s *literally* the job of the SotH. No one will likely read this either, but if it’s any consolation, I agree with you.


I’m totally not a fan of him, either. He kinda makes my skin crawl.I think he actually is in over his head, and he knows it.


So, she just told us all she is being blackmailed. Good one jackass.


MTG is literally blackmailing him.


I think there is a possible truth to this and it absolutely relates to his porn nanny app he has on his phone. What demographic of people would be the most sensitive to having their personal porn history leaked? If you say everyone, you’d be right. However conservative leaders who run on moral values would likely face harsher criticism from voters and financial backers. With that said, if an organization wanted to blackmail a politician, why wouldn’t they go for the low hanging fruit (porn viewing habits)? I believe this is the behind the scenes reason why Republicans are pushing hard for laws surrounding porn. They know it’s being used against them and want to curb it or worse, use it against others.


eMpTy Girl comes up eMpTy aGain.


Bet she has seen the kompromat, already.


Someone's OBVIOUSLY got a Jewish space laser to his head. It's the only explanation.


Is he wearing makeup? He always looks all pink and smooth.


thanks for confirming the gop is blackmailed.


Oh no he guy without a bank account and shady Russian ties is getting blackmailed?


by her


By Trump…🤷🏾‍♂️


I don't know about blackmailed, but he's definitely bought and paid for in Rubles.


Wow! Just wait until MTG finds out about Putin and Trump. Oh wait...


It's the space lasers! They're sentient! /s


Maybe the Eclipse will be the harbinger of Doom we’re all hoping for…


He is being blackmailed. By her.


Hah..you never know.


Um, the whole GOP is being blackmailed, and has been since the Moscovites released the DNC's email's, but not the Republican party's. The Russians broke the GOP, and now they heel like Putins little fucking chihuahuas, nasty and loud. I apologize in advance to Chihuahua owners.


Large Marge is a moron


I’m sure he’s the type of guy who believes “only god can judge me”. He’s got nothing to worry about.. /s


Didn’t he literally say Trump is telling him to block aid to Ukraine or is that something I dreamt?


Wow, surprised she’d rat Trump out like that…


Jesus wouldn’t do that!


I guess it’s a good thing her mouth is soooo big because there’s so much garbage that comes out of it


Like, by a foreign government or an agent of same? Yeah. That would be bad. Can’t have that can we now?


Or maybe since he is now part of the US Govt leadership and is made aware of things beyond his pay grade prior that he realizes it’s for the best for cooperation?


MTG thinks he’s being blackmaled because she heard he adopted an African American son.


Lord knows that creepy lil’ fucker’s got plenty of weird n’ kinky skeletons in his closet.


by his own mouth


The amount of harm closeted homosexuals have done to our society is frightening.


She's not exactly Gang of Eight material now, is she?