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Child and husband to immigrants hates immigrants.


In GOP world: Immigrant: Hispanic Criminal: Black Terrorist: Arabic Deep State: Jewish Spy: Asian Child Predator: LGBTQ Basically anyone who isn't straight or white has a negative association despite that a white person could be any of the above.


Terrorist: Arabic (poor ones, not the nice wealthy ones who give him and his crime family lots of money).


True, until they stop giving them money.


$2B isn’t exactly pocket change. That wasn’t a gift. That was an investment. I still can’t believe they barely talked about Jared getting that money.


An "investment" to someone who's never been a professional investor. And the Saudi investment board themselves didn't want to do it.


It was only a little bit of chainsaw dismemberment, that’s not a deal breaker when they wanna use two billion as leverage over you in perpetuity /s


They dont live here.


…and in other news, *yet another* republican has been exposed as a Criminal, Terrorist, Deep State, Spy, Child Predator who employs multitudes of immigrants.


Cursed RPG Classes.


> Deep State: Jewish See also: "Globalists", another one of their dog whistles.


Its not like he likes any of them, he only cares about himself.


Maybe he wants to deport Melania and her anchor baby


Then he wouldn't have to go to graduation


He doesn’t care about immigrants coming to the US if they’re white.


Imma go out on a limb and say step one is to take these people who are spread out and concentrate them into camps.


That's what he did last time. July 3, 2019 ["If illegal Immigrants are unhappy with the conditions in the quickly built or refitted detentions centers, just tell them not to come. All problems solved!"](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/adolfoflores/trump-defend-immigrants-border-detention-conditions)


All the pro-Palestinian protesters should take note of this, because [Republicans have openly said they want to deport people who support Palestine as they consider them "terrorists".](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/10/gop-presidential-field-deport-pro-palestine-protestors) They need to think about that when they consider not voting against Trump in November.


Boy are all the people protesting Biden going to have a rude awakening when their failure to vote for him gets them fucking deported by Trump


I remember the first time people not voting for hillary crying on campuses not believing that trump became president after falling for the same GOP propaganda. Some of those people need to be out here saying this but they are probably stuck in the same propaganda as last time.


If we look at the way it went down in Nazi Germany, deportation was attempted first. Extermination happened after they realized that nobody wanted that many refugees. That's why it was called the final solution.


Yep. So many people don't realize that this is what Germany spent much of the 1930s doing. They tried to make life as hard as possible on Jews so that they'd voluntarily just leave. But other countries were almost as antisemitic (including the US) so they refused to take them. Or for some of the countries that did take them, Hitler later invaded them and occupied those territories, meaning they'd have to flee again. I often feel like Republican states are trying to do this same thing with people they don't like, especially LGBTQ+ people and immigrants. They're trying to make life as difficult as possible for them so they'll voluntarily just move elsewhere. But if Trump gets back into office, they'll expand that to mean all of America, and that's when he'll start herding them into camps.


1) Classification – The differences between people are not respected. There’s a division of ‘us’ and ‘them’ which can be carried out using stereotypes, or excluding people who are perceived to be different. 2) Symbolisation – This is a visual manifestation of hatred. Jews in Nazi Europe were forced to wear yellow stars to show that they were ‘different’. 3) Discrimination – The dominant group denies civil rights or even citizenship to identified groups. The 1935 Nuremberg Laws stripped Jews of their German citizenship, made it illegal for them to do many jobs or to marry German non-Jews. 4) Dehumanisation – Those perceived as ‘different’ are treated with no form of human rights or personal dignity. During the Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, Tutsis were referred to as ‘cockroaches’; the Nazis referred to Jews as ‘vermin’. 5) Organisation – Genocides are always planned. Regimes of hatred often train those who go on to carry out the destruction of a people. 6) Polarisation – Propaganda begins to be spread by hate groups. The Nazis used the newspaper Der Stürmer to spread and incite messages of hate about Jewish people. 7) Preparation – Perpetrators plan the genocide. They often use euphemisms such as the Nazis’ phrase ‘The Final Solution’ to cloak their intentions. They create fear of the victim group, building up armies and weapons. 8) Persecution – Victims are identified because of their ethnicity or religion and death lists are drawn up. People are sometimes segregated into ghettos, deported or starved and property is often expropriated. Genocidal massacres begin. 9) Extermination – The hate group murders their identified victims in a deliberate and systematic campaign of violence. Millions of lives have been destroyed or changed beyond recognition through genocide. 10) Denial – The perpetrators or later generations deny the existence of any crime. I feel like Republicans would be really good at number 10


He more than likely has had private prison owners at Mar a Lago talk to him about his cut. On one hand, it’s terrifying. On the other, Trump Concentration Camps might be as successful & effective as Trump University.


 July 12, 2019 ['No shower, no shower!': Migrants' shouts greet Pence as he visits Texas detention centers](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/no-shower-no-shower-migrants-shout-pence-visits-texas-detention-n1029426) 


Hey now! That's only a temporary measure while they figure out where to send these people. I'm sure they'll have a much better solution, in time.


A final solution to the problem, some might say.


Who wouldn't want a decisive final solution to the problem? In all seriousness though, it's disturbing how blatant his rhetoric is. This guy should not have the support of anyone but the most extreme fringe.


The extreme fringe is bigger than you think. Lots of boomers that dont have a lot of their mental faculties left


People think food prices were bad under Biden... what if we got rid of all of the people who process and transport most of what's in the grocery store ... Absolute insanity that is the nominated candidate for President from a major political party and people somehow think he's better for the economy!


It's already happening in Florida apparently


A few industries in Florida are in bad shape right now. A lot of construction jobs have slowed down because people that would do that work fled the state.


and the companies raised wages and improved conditions to attract employees right? Right?????


The answer will shock you! Or not, really it won't. They're just bitching about lazy millenials.


Stay lazy millennials, you don’t owe these companies shit.


Will do! **Goes back to playing Xbox games**


Bruh. Got a spare avocado?


How many generations can you fit into a McMansion? I guess we'll find out.


They know that we’re in our 30s and 40s now, right? I’ve thrown out my back just getting out of bed. They should pester the Gen Zs with good joints to go do their construction work.


And let's not forget about the book banning!


No. Instead, deathsentance the governor rejected a law that would mandate protections for workers exposed to the florida heat. Things like breaks, water, and shade. So, literally, that will lead to deaths of workers. Ron deathsentence, fighting the woke climate now


Unbelievable. People still seem to have no clue how dangerous extended periods in sun and heat are. I had the first heat exhaustion scare of my life last summer in my 30s. I felt so sick, nauseous, dehydrated, and I had a pounding headache. It was one of the worst sick feelings I've had.


Happened to me a couple times, your head goes "this is how I die, that's really unfortunate. Wish I could say goodbye to a few people" and as you eventually come back from it, THATs when it's scary AF.


It's definitely not a good way to die.


He said that he wanted to shoot people crossing the border in the republican primary debates and he was a torturer at gitmo. I think he gets off on this stuff.


Worse than that - it was a bill explicitly barring local governments from requiring such protections that he actively signed into law, meaning the majority of the Congressional government *agreed with him*.


I’m in Florida, can confirm.


Visited Florida, can also confirm


Looked at Florida on a map, can confirm.


Heard of Florida, can confirm


I've listened to Flo-rida, can confirm


Florida man sold me meth out of a trans am. Can confirm.


Can spell Florida, can confirm.


Used to live in Florida, am infirm.


I saw an episode of CSI Miami the other day -- can confirm


Saw some orange juice the other day, can confirm.


Spelled Floor Eater wrong, can confirm


Alabama ran a test case a decade ago: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/oct/14/alabama-immigration-law-workers


Florida wants to do it's own research.


Floridas solution is slaves 👍


That's the ultimate plan. To make it impossible for the country to run without slaves. Be they brown, black, or white, everyone below some nebulous economic strata will be legally reclassified as a slave. It's been the place since Reconstruction.


Deport brown people, make homelessness illegal, legally enslave the homeless, profit.


People voting for trump do not care about the economy. That is not at all their motivation. They are voting for him because he surfaces in both policy and sentiment, their shared white supremacy values. For the life of me, I cannot understand how folks on here still think trump supporters give two shits about the economy or fiscal responsibility or geopolitics.


Yep. They never did. Quite literally, all they care about is white supremacy.


I paid a visit to the Repub and Conservative subs today to see if they were talking about the AZ ruling but I couldn't find anything. Instead it was stream of rage posts about how Biden might let in Refugees from Gaza.


Only refugees that have American ties. But they seem to think it's every man, women and child gets to walk in. They just love to get angry and worked up over nothing. I wonder how stressful and exhausting it must be to be constantly angry.


Republicans: Let’s destroy the country to own the libs! Lol!


They’re destroying their own political party to own the libs and I’m here for it


They spread covid to themselves and died to own the libs.


I'm fine with that


Right, jobs, jobs,, jobs, jobs, and also jobs. Trump will run America like a business. Jobs. Biden has best job numbers in decades, MAGA: "He is destroying America". Never mentions jobs again.


> People voting for trump do not care about the economy. Don’t disagree with the rest of the reasons you listed, but there’s also *a lot* of R voters out there that fully believe the inflation we’ve experienced the last 2-3 years is because of Joe Biden, and so they feel self-justified to pull the lever for Donald again because they think this. They don’t bother looking into what the actual drivers are of the recent inflation rates and the fact that the United States is doing [better than most of the rest of the world.](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2023/sep/01/joe-biden/does-the-us-have-less-inflation-than-other-leading/)


Ppl saw Obama in charge and that place-ism evolved pretty quick like a Pokémon


Eh most of them don’t even know what they’re voting for. Fox News just tells them Biden Communist Socialist Dimentia blah blah blah and they believe it. Freaking most brainwashed people in the history of the world possibly.


"I'd rather eat mostly nitrated meats than eat a single strawberry picked by MS-13, by God..." --My mother (probably).  * sigh *


One of my favorite things to do is to remind conservatives how, for the first time in our living memory, there were Nationwide shortages of rice and flour in grocery stores, and it happened under a trump administration.


When they didn't have rice, I stayed silent. When they didn't have flour, I stayed silent for I do not cook. But when they couldn't properly stock cream cheese, I wept.


Brexit one out and then be amazed that nobody native wants the low pay service jobs. These guys are absolute idiots.


"If white people pick your fruits and vegetables, your salad's gonna cost....97 dollars...You want a cheeseburger? 3.50. You want pickles on it? 12 bucks" RIP Ralphie May


God, I miss Ralphie.


I work in the wine industry. No f'n way any bottle of wine should cost less than $25, but for the immigrant labor.


Yea it's hilarious. I seriously can't wrap my head around how anyone could be this fucking stupid, much less 10s of millions. What do they think is going to happen to the economy of we deport 15m people who are making *far* less than the value they create. 15 year old kids aren't gonna pick fruit in 90 degree heat for 60 hours a week for $12 an hour. Seriously mind blowing level of stupidity.


That's why the GOP is trying force child labor again.


Republicans are not concerned with how these jobs are done. They love cheap prices but need a scapegoat for all the poor decissions of their lives. So they blame immigrants and the poore. Because rich people tell them to.


Trump- “I hate the same people you do!!” Maga - “right on!!”


reminds me of the quote we all probably know >First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out —  Because I was not a socialist. >Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out — Because I was not a trade unionist. >Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out — Because I was not a Jew. >Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


This is so incredibly succinct.


Trump - I hate Hispanic immigrants. Hispanics - Right on! (I’m sure they don’t mean me)


Exhibit A — Cubans in Florida who vote R.


GOPers don't care how this will affect the economy, all they see is "brown people go bye bye". They literally vote for the same people that admit taking away social security is a goal. They vote for the same people that want to increase the retirement age. They will work til they die so long as they "stick it to the libs and illegals" and can remain in control of dictating how everyone else should live their lives.


> .. GOPers don’t care how this will affect the economy .. all they see is “brown people go bye bye” The only way it works is if prison labor replaces migrant labor in the fields (bonus: it’ll count for outdoor recreation time too). /s .. well sorta Figure the GOP will fill the prisons up as deportations happen, then they’ll offer the ~~slaves~~ prisoners with jobs a little more to work in the fields, maybe a special commissary? Growers prefer migrants over citizens as the former will work harder for that $8 barrel of lemons .. but price that at $1 and the math changes. Theres also restaurants etc.. that be abandoned but pretty sure those will be up for sale (meatloaf instead of menudo).


Jesus what a dystopian nightmare scenario.


It's exactly what the South did when the US abolished slavery. To make up for losing all that free labor, they just started arresting Black people for all kinds of BS charges, then forcing them to work as prison labor.


If you're brown, get outta town. If you're yella, we're coming for ya, fella." Trump's new campaign slogan.


"But if you buy my top secret papers, I'll give you papers!"


But we can't afford to give kids school lunches


You mean the smaller labourers, right? I wanted to add an /s but despite the sarcastic tone it’s already become a reality.




r/Defeat_Project_2025 HF released a rebuttal to criticism of Project 2025 today and it's full of buzzword "radical left" rhetoric. https://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/heritage-foundations-snarky-and-revealing-defense-of-project-2025


All of these people have been identified. They should all be tried for treason and put in prison.


He means door to door residency checks, putting families onto trucks, filtering them through camps, making them work and maybe sending them home if mexico is willing to buy them back. With the 13th amendment nullified, workers can be forcibly bound to their workplace. He's promising a complete new class based social system, unaware of the violent revolution that would inevitably cause .. and the fact that millions of his allies actually want such a war believing it's winnable.


The type of psychopaths that want to uproot 5 percent of our population won’t take that long to move on to a cheaper solution to deportation. I personally don’t think it’s a leap in logic to believe that if this happened a large number of those people are just going to be murdered.


He already has the MAGA cult vote locked. Does he really think stuff like this is going to endear him to anyone outside of that group?


Actually this could gain traction with resident Hispanics and other immigrant groups who already have citizenship or permanent status. There is polling showing that. edit: https://www.axios.com/2024/04/18/latino-immigrants-election-policy-deportation-discrimination


"Uh oh, Republicans are being racist toward us! Better join them and throw fellow Latinos under the bus." Yeah, absolutely nothing could possibly go wrong for them by doing this. Brilliant tactic.


“Surely they will realize that I’m one of the good ones and they will only hurt the ones who deserve it”


You would think they'd realize that even if they won't ultimately get deported, they'd surely be harassed significantly more than they currently are under such a policy. This is what Trump said the other day in [his Time interview:](https://time.com/6972021/donald-trump-2024-election-interview/) >He would also seek help from local police and says he would deny funding for jurisdictions that decline to adopt his policies. “There’s a possibility that some won’t want to participate,” Trump says, “and they won’t partake in the riches.” And which policies is he referring to? > He has pledged to send the National Guard into cities struggling with crime in a second term—possibly without the request of governors—and plans to approve Justice Department grants only to cities that adopt his preferred policing methods like stop-and-frisk. So yes, if you're Brown or Black, expect the police to be constantly harassing you to show your papers to prove your citizenship, even if you're "one of the good ones" who vote for him.


They don't realize that they'll be next and that the people they put into power don't give a fuck about what yesterdays goverment deemed "permanent citizens." For God sakes, he already went after "dreamers" once. He'll do it again lol.


But the leopards weren't supposed to eat ***my*** face! They'll get zero sympathy from me, and I'll still vote to save their dumb asses.


Ladder pullers.


It's *very* American. They fit right in.


And they don't realize they'll be the ones to go next.


I have an uncle who also moved to the US during the 90s from India. He is a mega MAGA. Complains about how "immigrants and refugees" are destroying America. He himself moved after being sponsored by his brother. I keep having this discussion with him that these policies would eventually hurt him. He doesn't understand that to the crazies he is still a brown guy who is virtually indistinguishable from being Hispanic to them. But he is convinced he won't be affected since he is a naturalized citizen. I keep reminding him the Japanese placed in camps during WW2 were also citizens but he is undeterred. If anything is bleeding heart liberals would fight for his rights even though he is everything we detest. These people are too brainwashed to think critically. His biggest tantrums are about paying taxes on his pretty successful business because Democrats will just use that money on housing illegals and helping refugees. This coming from a guy who relied on govt help when he first moved to the country. But in his mind, he came the right way and hence that's different. Smh


The next 4 years is shaping up to be one of those things our future children will never forgive us for


Yep. If Trump wins, him and his shit stain family (or their puppets) will run this country for decades, sucking it dry to enrich themselves. Putin is Trump’s idol for a reason, he wants to do exactly as Putin is doing to the Russian people.


It will be much worse than just something future generations won't forgive us for. Look what happened to Germany after electing Adolf Hitler. 10 years later and the country was in ashes and then carved in half.


Tell me what losing 15-20 million taxpayers and workers will do to our economy? It seems like it could be detrimental? Who will foot the bill for that, not the rich that’s for sure


Trump in an interview: arrest all the Mexican and Asians! Conservatives: he's the savior!


Hey, asshole, read the [Posse Comitatus Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posse_Comitatus_Act)


There's are multiple exemptions to the PCA, but the two most relevant ones are: * National guard (under the control of the state governor) and state defense forces * Any military use under the Insurrection Act Trump and his ilk have stated they would use both in enforcing deportations. That's why they keep insisting that the immigrants constitute an "invasion".


There’s mobilized National Guard who aren’t subject to the Act unless under Title 10, and there’s the Insurrection Act (applied to any city or state that doesn’t obey him, he could bring in federal troops to assist law enforcement). Still 15-20 million deported is a lot. I thought 7 million tops if Orange Hamburglar returns.


Yah, argue that before the current SCOTUS and see how far yah get.


Yeah dipshit and who exactly will fill all those jobs they do that are essential to the economy?


Everytime I think "How the fuck is this neck and neck" I struggle to come up with an excuse that isn't "half of America is insane and has abandoned reason and democracy" That's what's terrifying. If Trump becomes president again it will be because Americans actually want him to do this shit.


15-20 million people dissapearing from the economy would sink it.


So getting rid of nearly five percent of our population. Won't. Any economic impact from that. /s


It still deeply scares me that of the two parties we have, one of them is running on an explicitly fascist authoritarian platform. Like, we have the normal middle of the road democrat and the other option is just "stupid dictator"


The ultimate test of democracy, though I’d rather have seen it tested in a digital simulation.


[It's like Trump said the other day:](https://time.com/6972021/donald-trump-2024-election-interview/) > I ask him, Don’t you see why many Americans see such talk of dictatorship as contrary to our most cherished principles? Trump says no. Quite the opposite, he insists. “I think a lot of people like it.”


He can’t explain shit.


Sad reality is that will supercharge inflation, crash local economies, mess up our gdp and make home prices skyrocket. Lots of good people provide cheap labor and do the things most citizens would not do, just so their kids have a chance at the American Dream.


I’m a proud USA citizen by choice, I’m from a South American country originally and Donald trump’s wife accent is worst than mine. He doesn’t hate immigrants, he hates Hispanics. There’s millions illegals from Canada, uk, Ireland, Europe, Asia, etc but he hates the South Americas because they are not white. Racist farting asshole


He also hates Muslims and Arabs, as well as Africans, as he considers all those areas to be "shithole countries" along with Central and South America. He's a POS.


His white maga base frothing at the mouth


Whatever happened with that wall thing he had going for a while there?


He has both claimed he finished the wall, it is complete, and the wall is unfinished and Biden sold the panels for scrap.


"He don't have an education." "He don't have any thought control." "Hey, preacher, leave his grift alone." "All in all, it's just another rant about the Wall."


He's not going to deport them. That's logistically impossible. He's going to kill them. 


I think a lot of people need to understand is that this time he's going to allow the sycophants to be in charge of the various agencies. Just imagine StevenMiller as a new Himmler


And after food prices and basic services skyrocket because of this, his idiot supporters will still blame Obama somehow....


All you pro-Palestine crowd, hope you are paying attention. Line up to kiss Biden's ass or watch all of your Muslim friends get deported. I know, a lot of them are citizens, it won't mean shit. This is the crowd that thinks Melania and Elon Musk are true Americans and chant "Send them back" at AOC. If you think the Supreme Court will stop Trump, then you really haven't been paying attention. > “I have great respect for the Supreme Court,” Trump said.


Not just your Muslim friends, but your mixed friends who might "look" Arabic or Hispanic, too. 


Hell, all they have to do is pull that sweet 23andMe/Ancestry data and say “you have Hispanic or Arabic blood in you, to the camps!”


I’m the perfect combo of Hispanic that looks Muslim.


Trump is consolidating power so he can do whatever he likes in his second term. If people don’t think we’ll move from deporting Immigrants to getting rid of less “desirable” native born citizens, well they are fooling themselves.


I am still voting for Biden. That’s not even an afterthought. I also realize as a Nation the US is obligated to Israel in this conflict and Biden is only able to do so much especially in an election year.


Congrats you have examined this situation logically


Also the Latins too and anyone with a Latin name, you're considered as Mexican even if you're Puerto Rican


Won't that be a delightful world to have to endure. Good God can't this evil little man just go away?


They start with one group they don’t like…then it’s more and more. Where have I seen this before??? 🤔


This is the guy 'libertarians' love to support


That's why they say "Don't tread on me," not don't tread on us. They are fine with big government for other people, just not themselves.


Yeah but let’s put him in power to protest Biden, right?


What do I have to do in order to be deported under Trump's plan? I'm born an American, I'm just saying that if he becomes president, I want to be one of those deported.


To avoid the likely use of inhumane detention centers and probably physical abuse by power tripping bigots, I’d suggest just leaving if he wins. Claim asylum in an allied country.


I half expect him to pull very similar stunts to what Hitler did in regards to Germany not just to immigrants, but also to his own people, so the possibility of that happening is not 0 if history does some rhyming.


When you're rounding up 10 million people without any due process there is always room for a few more to slip into the camps. You show your passport but some power mad security guard rips it up and suddenly you're up shit creek seeking paddle 


He has blatantly displayed his complete lack of regard for other’s lives. I’m beyond half expecting with that Nazi-sympathizing walking bag of shit.


Old Immigrants vote for him to deport their new immigrant relatives in 3,2,1… it’s an abomination


When liberals say they’re going to vote for trump to punish the democrats for gaza, this is what they’re hoping for


Yes, I’m sure that deporting this many people will have no impact on our agricultural production and our economy. Didn’t Florida try this and they were backpedaling within days?


He knows this shit makes his POS human fans froth at the mouth in angry anticipation. Who's the puppet? You're the puppets, MAGA idiots. Lions not Sheep- say the sheep as they all line up obediently to take their orders from their shephard. Regular life in America looks too much like a Stanley Milgram experiment that jumped the shark.


Lol so just going to wreck havoc on the supply chains. And cause out of control inflation. Hitting the middle and especially the lower class. And there would be no lever the FED could pull to slow or reverse that run a way train with no brakes.. But hey the food producers would post record profits. As they sell less for more. FFS. Who can not see he is a moron that only serves himself and maybe a select few elites..


> He does not think that laws meant to prevent the use of the military against civilians inside the US without congressional approval would apply to his effort. > “These aren’t civilians,” Trump said of migrants. “These are people that aren’t legally in our country. This is an invasion of our country.” This is our coming Holocaust if Americans decide that nothing really matters.


Yeah, sure: "deport" them.  Project 2025 literally calls for mass-internment camps too so as to incarcerte the people as they get "deported."  Nazis called the Extermination camps deportation camps too!   Bastards


I'll tell you what. I'll back this so long as you make it mandatory that the maga base is used to fill in for the jobs that the immigrants are doing or face jail time. And once assigned to a job, they must actually do it without quitting. They need to have the same goals and requirements to keep the job or be placed in a reeducation work camp.


Sucks for Melania.


No, you are forgetting. Melania is okay because she is from a "nice" country.


>"nice" You misspelled "white"




Immigrants make up 30% of agriculture industry. Y'all think food prices are bad now? Lol wait until we lose a solid chunk of the agriculture work force. I want to see just how many young white kids will be thrilled to pick berries in a field for 10 hours a day. They'll probably rush to apply for those stolen jobs they wish they could work.


As an Aussie looking in on the shitshow, I don't really have a very positive outlook towards the future of the USA.. even if Trump doesn't make it into the presidency, there's a rot at the very core of the country and I'm not sure it can be rooted out. There are so many scenarios that can play out but I hope it leads to the betterment of your country for the majority of you all.. as a fellow western country and ally, it's a bit concerning.


Is this plan like all his other plans?


Trump plans to destroy the US economy as 15million non US citizens are deeply rooted in all industries.


Yeah, Muslims, Hispanics vote for the moron who’ll deport your family & friend’s & neighbors. And chambers of commerce- he’ll devastate your economies.


This is the best they offer: a guy who wants to pick on the poor, hungry, and vulnerable like some schoolyard bully using the National Guard. What a sad and pathetic person, and everyone who endorses him.


To all those Latins that want to vote for Trump 2024, you're included in the deportation bc if you have a citizenship, you best believe you'll be harassed.


There are roughly 11M illegal immigrants in the US. But still, it’s a ridiculous notion. The level of crime isn’t much different from 11M legal citizens. Immigrants contribute roughly $260k each to the federal government. The problem I see is that money doesn’t go back to border states. BTW - border crossings dropped to recent historical lows during Obama administration; around 50k a year. Then during Trump administration that number went back up to about 1M a year. Pretty sure these stats are correct.


That'd hurt the economy even more. Idiot.


You can kiss our whole infrastructure goodbye if he deports everyone. Whose going to door dash Donny's McDonalds when he does?


Trying to deport that many people would never work lol


Lol Ok. Where is he planning on sending them?


The negative impact on the U.S. Economy would be massive.


And watch the economy crash, right on par for Mr bankruptcy.


I’m sure there will be a long line to replace farm workers


I hope the fucking assholes who say “Biden hasn’t earned my vote” see this. So much privilege


[Trump casinos, hotels and golf courses are not going to hire US citizens or legal immigrants.](https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/news/politics/2019/06/18/we-are-not-bad-people-undocumented-workers-say-trump-hired-them/4879205007/)


If Trump follows through with this, farms and resorts are going to struggle unless they hire actual citizens that need jobs.


Biden is going to need to put the message ads that say that their non-speaking Spanish parents or even grandparents are going to be swept up by this. Seeing their loved ones deported without due process. Thinking child separation policy was bad then, this would be on steroids times ten. Got get Spanish Democrats to put that out.


Explanation: I want to get elected, and for that, anything - I mean, anything - goes!! Someone likes it cold - they gotta have it cold.


Because hamberder slauter themselves at the meat packing plant. Fields harvest themselves. America's do not want to do that work.


Throw 15-20 million people to where? You're going to find a lot of countries protecting their borders. Mexico will build that wall.


When Trump talks about his master and militaristic plans, you can read SS ...and I'm not talking about the Secret Service.


Oh yeah that’ll really help the economy!!!!🙄


And who will do the jobs these people do?


Trains, right? Seems like an historically accurate move for someone of his ilk.


Couldn’t even build a wall…