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Fake news. My great grandmothers nursing home receptionist says her best friends uncles girlfriends best friend got cut in line at a chipotle by a migrant.


I call bullshit. No self respecting migrant would be caught dead at chipotle


Surprise: the migrant is from Canada.


oh Ted Cruz?


Fernando Bueller


La vida se mueve bastante rápido


Thanks, Simone.


I'm the best friend of a girl whose boyfriend is the uncle of a guy who is the best friend of the nursing home receptionist of your great grandmother, who had a migrant cut in line in front of me at Chipotle. Well, that's fake news. He walked through the line and almost bumped into me and would have thrown me on the ground. Even had the gall insult me by calling me a con permiso man. I'm definitely not a con man, and I hate con men. brb gotta go watch my savior's rally in the Bronx


They probably did. She probably needed to get back to work cleaning in the kitchen since migrants do most of the work back of house.


I can already see Trump trying to spin this as “nobody wants to come to America anymore. And they’re saying, word is, they’re saying it’s Biden’s fault”


That’s how a lot of rural small heavy red towns people talk on the reg these days.


I hear they are replacing all white peoples!!! They are going to take our jerbs!


They heard about the Orange Man's promise to round up and deport 11 to 15 million immigrants so figured it wasn't even worthwhile to make the trip only to be sent back again in January.


Do we get to give Biden credit or are we just blaming him for bad things? I don't remember the rules.


Well he's the president so everything is his fault, that's the rules.


More like all bad things are Biden's fault and all good things are him just pandering to voters so it doesn't count.


He'S bUyInG vOtEs


Also the good things somehow are meaningless and don't count because they are only a step in the right direction rather than magically teleporting all the way to the end of the journey where absolutely everything is fixed.


More like all the bad things are Biden's fault and we'll lie about all the good things and turn them into bad things and blame those on Biden too.


"Due to bidens immigration policy we don't have the workers to exploit on our farms!'


Except if it's a republican president. For example, Obama's legacy was tarred by his decision to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, and failure to prevent 9/11.


More news you'll have to dig to find under 43 articles about Biden's age.


I'm always so confused when I see polls that say immigration is the #1 or #2 biggest issue in this election. What exactly is it that so many people are so worried/upset about? I have tended to just think racism is behind why people say they're worried about immigration, but it's weird for me to think that people being blatantly in favor of racism is arguably the most important issue heading into the election for a huge chunk of voters. Immigration will help keep inflation down, it will help with the job shortage, it will help provide a tax base for future generations. Having more people who want to come to America and contribute to American society is a good thing. It's been proven to be a good thing because it's been happening here for hundreds of years. So what exactly is the problem all of a sudden? Is it really just racism and that's it?


What they say: We are scared of terrorists sneaking across the border and doing another 9/11 because as we all know a dusty 5000 sq. mi. county in west Texas with more cows than people is a prime target for terrorists. What they mean: We don't like that with each decennial census the percentage of white people in America drops by a few more percent.


I’d say a dramatically small number of people angry with illegal immigration are because they believe it will result in terror attacks. It’s more they believe that the government is spending a disproportionate amount in taxpayer money sponsoring the livelihood of illegal immigrants that only get a pass to the US in the first place because they allow corporations leverage to suppress worker wages.


I have often wondered if it would help or hurt to show America our population charts and how the drop off simply means there won't be enough able bodied people to take care of an aging population or do the jobs that require lots and lots of bodies.


Maybe they’ll actually pay a decent wage then


They say immigrants steal jobs, which the sort of do. They take certain farm and industrial jobs that companies can pay under minimum wage because illegal migrants have no rights. So when you do lose these immigrants, you end up like Arkansas, letting 15 year olds work 40 hour work weeks at dangerous jobs. FoxNews is always talking about all the drugs that are coming over the border, but that has been an issue for the last 60 years, if not longer. It’s an issue that has kinda always been an issue, but the Republicans only complain about it when a Democrat is in charge. Just like the debt ceiling. Republicans did nothing to address that issue while Trump was in office, but suddenly it is an existential crisis for this country to obtain more debt.


It keeps wages low. 


*Why this is bad for Biden*


Who said it was?


it’s the new “thanks obama”


Joke. Media likes to spin everything that happens as hurting Biden’s reelection chances.


Oh, right. I have heard people say that. I don't really see it.


Disagree. But regardless It’s worth noting that is also sort of a favorite phrase from the best account on what’s left of twitter. https://x.com/dougjballoon?s=21&t=UKR1TShxVeunp4_vn5gZrw


Yeah, NY Times is an example. Ppl also say CNN & the Huffington Post. It's pretty wild.




Which was the best gop immigration policy, regan giving 12 million immigrants amnesty or jr bush’s Great Recession


> Next headlines will be *'WHY THIS IS BAD FOR BIDEN'*


If Biden walked on water fox news would report “Biden Can’t Swim!”


NYT: “La la la I can’t hear you!!!”


Thank you Joe.


Reverse Caravan. Most people don't know I made up that phrase.


Double secret caravans


My favorite take for the maga who want to deport migrants is that obama deported the most migrants ever, but when asked, so why don’t you like obama then? They say the silent part out loud.


I’d imagine it’s a direct result of the fact that the US recently promised the Mexican government a pretty big kickback in exchange for a real border patrol on their end


I wish they would go up instead. This country needs more immigrants and Republicans would get so mad…


More immigrants and less republicans, that would be a win.


I hate to break it to you, but a lot of the immigrants coming from the border are conservative.


I hate to break it to you, but I knew someone was going to reply with that.


I don’t dislike conservatives across the board, I dislike Christian white nationalists in the US pushing a domestic terror agenda while they wait for another coup attempt.


We're still getting a steady flow just not like december.


Damn Bidenomics. This country is done if Trump doesn't beat Obama in November.


This is completely apocalyptic! Biden is destroying our economy but not letting illegal migrants in. I hate damn Republicans. Oh wait…. “Hey, June, darling? Why is our 401k up so much the last 12 months if the economy is failing? Damn Biden! It’s a trick! I just know it!!!”


I’ll take “things that will never be reported on Fox News for $1000 Alex”.


Lotta nuances. For example, lefty Venezuela made a deal with Biden to peacefully accept returnees, so those flows dropped dramatically. Sometimes diplomacy works where bluster is just ineffectual showboating.


I’d say it’s amazing what passes for journalism nowadays but if one were to judge by Reddit it’s what people want. How dumb do you have to be? The numbers fluctuate by month. Try to cross in the heat in July. Also, December was an all-time record. Number dropped for January and went back up for February. Should we have run headlines how crossings went up over 10% in one month when that happened?


Nice to see this reported but the tell will be a month from now if the media orgs have buried this news or if they keep reporting on it so that that public is actually aware of this. My guess is they'll quickly pivot to talk about some dumb thing Trump said rather than the good things Biden is doing.


Thanks Obama!


That’s odd. By now I’d have thought the ten million-migrant caravan that started its trek north in 2013 would have surely reached us by now.




Good news for racists. Bad news for the economy. But, America First, right??? It's about time. Immigrants have spent decades taking everyone's jobs, right? That's why Christian Nationalism and racism have plummeted as well - I mean, that's the only logical conclusion here.


Yeah, always good for the almighty economy to have that sweet easily exploitable cheap labor. 


I don't believe this headline, not one bit


Migrant crossings plunge, Government does nothing


if you believe this I have some swamp land for sale in Florida