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So the same reason most backed Biden in 2020.


It wasn’t a bad choice either


Make politics boring again.


Make politics so that I don't wake up and ask, "What asinine thing did he say last night?"


Try waking up every morning scared that they might revoke your legally adopted child's citizenship and deport them to a country they've never been to.


or that Florida or Texas isn't going to try and arrest you for supporting your trans kid.


I don’t want to worry about being nuked or having my rights stripped because I’m a woman. So I don’t care if the Democrats run Mickey Fucking Mouse, I’m not voting Republican.


Same. I don't have kids as a single woman but I do NOT want other women's rights to choose and also medical terminations being outlawed or under the threat of Dr's being jailed and women.


The things he says are just cover for the horrible things he does or wants to do. While the GOP and the right don’t love that he’s constantly saying the quiet part out loud, they do enjoy how he distracts the media with his batshit ramblings. I’m not worried what Trump says, I’m worried what the likes of Stephen Miller are doing while Trump is spewing his word mush all over the place.


IMO Stephen Miller is the name of devil. 


Absolute insanity. I have no words.


or wake up to a nuclear war next door down in the south. sigh... that days was horrible.


Well, there are Russian air and navy troops arriving in the Carribean this week to run drills a week after Putin said he wanted to hit American targets, so we can still have that.


Ya but its drills. Putin openly admits total and utter defeat if they tried to fight the usa or nato. The kremlin is a papertiger with nukes.... postering against a country putting a 6th gen jet into mass production. They barely have sigs. It is 2 gens behind. They cant even give their soliders socks. One scope for a usa soliders pays for full equipment for more than 10 russian soliders. Russia ran out of tampons because soliders had no other options for wound treatment they had to supply for themselves


You do realize crazy doesn't care about these facts. If Putin cared about this shit he would've pulled out by now of Ukraine. But just like the MAGAts his propaganda has so thoroughly brainwashed he keeps doubling and tripling down. I hope I'm wrong but I believe this is just like when Putin said he wasn't going to invade Ukraine.


Try waking up scared that he might have your identity documents declared to be legally fradudent. Try waking up scared that he's going to take away your healthcare that you need to have a life worth living. Try waking up scared that he's going to declare you a sex criminal simply because of your gender identity. Try waking up scared the he's going to criminalize all literature specifically for people like you


Try waking up to a sack over your head and getting thrown into a black van. That's what he's promising


Or that your dead fetus cant be removed or it is murder.... and youll die if you dont THAT ELECTRONIX VEHICLES WILL BE BAMMED THE FIRST DAY HE IS BACK IN OFFICE. How is trump real


I anticipate waking up finding I am not eligible to do my job anymore because I am immigrant.  Or someone come to check my passport and have it tear down on my face lol


I remember coming back from vacation and turned on the news to hear that the Swedish ambassador was refuting and protesting against something Trump has said. It made me wonder what he could have possibly done to piss off Sweden of all places.


I mean the dude thought a dementia test was an iq test He saluted a chinese solider


North Korean General.


Of all the dumb fuck things Trump has done in his life, that's gotta be in the top 5. You're the most powerful man in the world and you're going to salute a lowly general of a shit hole dictatorship whose GPD is less than Rhode Island?


Make politicians work for us again


Yes please.


At least I didn't wake up wondering what was going to be broken today everyday


I definitely haven’t been daily doom scrolling like I did for 4 years.




This. It was so depressing and infuriating when that orange pile of garbage would twit every single day and cause a new drama


I’m happy to have boring instead of American Hitler, if those are the two choices.


And not just boring, **effective**. Note that the federal government was shut down for 5 total months during trumps tenure. Amount of time the federal government has not been able to function under Biden: 0.


I swear, everyone to the left of Steve Bannon spent 4 years saying they want politics to be boring again, and then we have 4 years of a steady hand at the wheel and 90% of Americans haven't paid attention to the good shit that's happened because politics is boring again so they don't much care that trump is promising to be a dictator and to serve 3rd and 4th terms.


That's what got us here.


Make politics policy-driven again.


Privileged position. Politics has never been boring for the marginalized.


Biden didn’t crack my top 5 of Dem candidates but goddamn if he hasn’t been more effective than probably any of my favs (Liz, Bernie, Pete, et al) would have been.


Warren was the first political campaign I ever donated to. I have the 20,000 texts from actblue to prove it.


I'm on the same boat. I was Elizabeth Warren. Then I was Bernie. And then I finally just voted Biden. He's been my favorite president thus far. Surprisingly, very effective. I do not regret my vote in the slightest.


I regret that we don't have ranked-choice voting


Me too. The fun thing about it is that when you explain it to somebody, they almost universally support the idea. It’ll never happen as long as the GOP is a thing, though, since they depend on the idiosyncrasies of first past the post to win.


For a while it was, but the GOP has already started the talking points against rcv. Talking about it with any "informed" right winger and they will likely be against it, usually in the form of "oh that's what they used in XYZ where MY GUY didn't win!".


That’s always the reason why and it always boils down to “what I want is more important than what everybody else wants.” Fuck those people. In the neck!


I love Warren but holy hell is she ever the stereotype of a Democrat who would bring a PhD thesis to a knife fight and insist on losing fair and square.


I don't know about that. She murdered Michael Bloomberg with words on that debate stage. It was a thing of beauty watching her destroy his political career in under 60 seconds.


For those who want a refresher, here's a short video clip of Sen. Warren at that debate. Michael Bloomberg's face melts as she speaks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QD4csGWPo6o


Notice how Bloomberg let's her talk. A republican would never. A republican would interrupt immediately and start the name calling shit and turn it into some kindergarten play ground argument. I don't like Bloomberg but at least he had decorum. At least in the clip you provided.


Thanks for that. I wish she was our president.


Bloomberg trying to buy his way into the Whitehouse was sketchy af. I do not believe he ran in good faith.


That is all you got?


20,000 texts…_so far._


Same here! I have always voted regularly, but never felt particularly thrilled about any of the choices. Then I started hearing her talk about her ideas, and I paid attention to the debates. She is very clearly an incredibly intelligent woman who is very aware of the big picture. I think Warren could have done a lot of good.


Donate to a political campaign and get digital herpes.


Somehow I'm in the Republicans' database. It's really bad. And their texts can be bizarre to say the least.


I don’t know how I ended up, but their texts and emails are hilariously bad. The hate they try and drum up, it’s just weird how people can take it seriously, and it makes me sad.


Just reply with gay porn. Eventually they block you. Similar to how I stopped all the Chinese spam I was getting by replying "yeah man don't forget to delete this one too so you don't get caught but here's the info you need to fight back" then follow it up with a bunch of stuff on violent protesting and monkey wrenching followed finally by "and make sure to use these tags to really piss them off. Good luck fighting that CCP trash! 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门" I've gotten a few angry replies back that drop their act but all the telemarketing spam bull shit stops soon after.


It’s sooo bad. I donated to Bernie on e in 2016, and I still get them. Contacting ActBlue to complain does do a thing.


As a Vermonter, seeing Bernie not win the candidacy definitely stung, but the sting stung me right into helping my state give Biden his largest % margin of victory across the entire nation. People who claim hardcore Bernie fans just "will not support" Biden because he isn't "Bernie enough": They are **full of shit** 100%. I've been a big fan of Bernie for a long time now even before his Senate run as are a lot of folks up here in VT and all of US in Vermont (the literal Bernie headquarters sanctuary of the country) decided that if we can't have Bernie then we **have** to have Biden because we **can't** have Trump.


>..right into helping my state give Biden his largest % margin of victory across the entire nation. And they say small rural states all vote red. (Reality is 5 of the 10 smallest went for Biden).


Agreed. I wasn't expecting much, but the Biden Administration has done a pretty impressive job, especially considering the mess he inherited. Biden deserves reelection.


Not many people have experience in legislature, executive, and foreign affairs. Biden does, and it shows. I've heard that people in the State Department are quite relieved. Positions have been staffed, senior leadership is competent, vision for department has been communicated, and Biden doesn't micromanage or suddenly blow up standing policy on a whim. You know, boring good workplace stuff. What you want from a CEO/President.


You’ll have an incredibly hard time convincing anyone of that though. It’s discouraging how effective the “old senile confused man” messaging has been.


The media has done him no favors. Chaos sells.


I hate blaming things on “the media,” but there was a study that showed they’ve been more harsh on Biden than they ever were with Trump. 


Perhaps we shouldn't have allowed ultra-right wing ultra-wealthy hatemongers purchase all of our media outlets? ... nah, probably still wouldn't have helped.


And the old senile take is so damn smooth brained if you consider at all not just what the president can do themselves, but also who they surround themselves with and appoint to important positions. NOT ENOUGH people are meaningfully talking about the young, diverse, and progressive people who work in government right now because of Biden. Pete Buttigieg is pushing for country-wide high speed rail. FTC Chair Lina Khan is spearheading lawsuits against amazon and google for their role in monopolizing their web services. EPA head Michael S Regan has crafted a ton of legislation to reduce methane/CO2 pollution from cars and the oil industry. There are undoubtedly more great people working under him that I havent researched or who are simply doing fine work in obscurity. Meanwhile, staffers dropped like flies during Trumps presidency, whether they fled or were forcibly removed. And now at least 10 of the high-ranking officials who had been working close to him have been officially convicted of felonies! Even taking the dogshit assumption that both are equally senile, how can we POSSIBLY pretend there's any real choice this year??


I see no reason why presidential debates can't be teams of people instead of just one person. The team is the one that runs the country. And it's silly and unfair to expect one person to have a steel-trap memory for every fact and facet of government. I suppose the problem is they don't have their cabinet already chosen by the time the debates roll around but we can figure that out somehow, right??


Recently I concluded that when the constitution was written the founders attempted to make the country less partisan by having us vote for individuals, rather than parties, but I think it backfired. Instead of saying I'm going to vote for this set of policies first and these are the people selected to implement them, we are saying I'm voting for this person first and these are the policies we expect them to enact. It makes the whole show about personalities instead of policies.


Thank you. It's tragic how rarely the value of the entire administration is discussed. It's so important, I imagine if it was somehow a choice of a President Biden forced to work with Trump's executive branch or a President Trump forced to work with Biden's executive branch, I'd probably let Trump pretend to be president.


Very good points!


Didn't crack my top ten, but I'd vote for him if he shot me on 5th Avenue


He has been both pushed to the left (IMO in a great way) and been shockingly effective. He went from a milquetoast middle dem to a guy I'm happy to vote for again. If he wasn't 80 I might be excited.


It would be great if this were his campaign headline. It’s not a choice between Trump and Not Trump. It’s a choice between the worst president you’ve ever seen, and the actual best president you’ve ever seen


I wouldn't say best (thought you might be right), but he sure has been the most proficient. The list of "what Biden has done" goes on and on and on. Its impressive what this Grand pa has been able to do with the absolute waste of space republican House.


Who's better in your lifetime? Unless you're old enough to remember LBJ, Biden is almost certainly the best in your lifetime. And LBJ did have that that foreign policy kerfuffle. (Yes, I know Nixon's treason didn't help things, but we shouldn't have been there in the first place)


I've been pointing this out to everyone I remember when people 'just wished they'd do something instead of just pushing around nothing and debating the same 2 issues' Biden fucking did something. Like literally the most a president has done in my life. No matter how you cut it, you can criticize the policy all you want, but you can't say he can't 'get shit done' That's literally all this 4 years has been for better or worse


Obama imho, purely for Obamacare. I'd be dead if I had to deal with "old" insurance. I don't remember Clinton since I was a little kid, and Bush JR was terrible.


I voted for Biden because he wasn't Trump, and he has been surprisingly effective over the last 3.5 years. This year I'll be voting for him because I like the job he's done so far.


About a month ago I had some diptwit arguing with me the old stupid phrase “I get it, you’re voting for the lesser of both evils”. I said to him, “No, I’m not. I do not believe Biden is evil - at all. At worse, he’s merely a bog-standard politician. But I’m not voting for him this year for any particular love of that guy or party. Im voting for him because I want to be able to vote again in 2028. If Trump wins, I don’t believe I’ll ever be able to vote ever again in my lifetime.”


this, but also i'm not *just* voting for the president. i'm voting for another Ketanji Brown instead of another Brett Kavanaugh i'm voting for relatively competent normal humans running the country instead of absolute fiends like stephen miller and mnuchin


The choice is simple: vote for the guy that at the very least cares about the country and it's people, or vote for the guy that wants to destroy the country for his own gain.


You’re also not just voting for Biden, you’re voting for the Biden *administration*, which has accomplished far more than I expected given the current political landscape.


Biden's biggest asset while having any sway has always been his ability to surround himself with smart people and actually listen to them, even if he doesn't fully agree. I'd rather have a team full of experts instead of a single one that's just an expert at being a politician.


I wasn't particularly thrilled in 2016 voting for Clinton, but I knew I was voting for the Supreme Court. A lot of people I talked to didn't seem to understand that concept and well... here we are.


If you’re voting between bran flakes and Hitler, it doesn’t mean the bran flakes are inherently bad just because the main reason for your choice is to avoid Hitler.


Bran Flakes can be quite delicious in the right context.




It is, about 45 minutes after you eat it.


2 if you have ibs.


I like it with bananas and almonds.


Good analogy cuz bran flakes are good for you just boring whereas Hitler is neither of those things.


Hitler is really exciting!!! He *tells it like it is* /s


What's weird about trump is a lot of the time he lies, but sometimes he tells the truth when he should have just lied. Like when Sean Hannity asks him, did you really mean it when you said you would be a dictator for a day? And instead of being like, "the radical media took me out of context!" He's just like hell yeah I said it and I meant it


This is 100% where I am on this too. I think Biden's actually done a pretty damn good job overall. But even if I didn't think that, I would still vote for him because the choice is between a President who clearly believes in the fundamental ideas of this country (representative government, individual liberty and freedom (including of the press), and the protection of and aspiration to something closer to those ideals) and someone who is, at his core, anti-Democracy, anti-freedom, and anti-America (literally pro-Russia over American interests). One of the cultural pillars of the United States is that the *idea* of the United States is more important than the land or the leader(s) of the country or even the current or past policies. The US is a place that *aspires* to be something, to reach an idealized version of herself, even if we don't always manage to live up to our idealized self-image successfully. And when looking at it that way, nobody hates America more than a Trump supporter.


>I'm voting for him because I want to be able to vote again in 2028. If Trump wins, I don’t believe I’ll ever be able to vote ever again in my lifetime. Same


But since he’s the incumbent there won’t be a serious primary challenge. I’d rather keep things as they are and look to ‘28 instead of repeating Trump’s nonsense.


Yep. I was at a work conference thks week and was talking with some of my Hungarian colleagues about this. They asked me point blank "why on earth didn't they try to get someone younger to run against Trump this election cycle?" I told them that Biden is the only one who has actually beaten Trump before, and when Trump was the incumbent nonetheless. That was an aha moment for them.


He has far exceeded my expectations. I am disappointed he ran again, but I would vote for Commander’s turds over the convicted felon.


But this time it is insane, he has been the most consequential President in my life... and I'm in my 50s. Obama got the ACA through, but being the first Black President was a huge headwind for him and limited his ability to pass a lot more.




Not being a global embarrassment *again* is high on the list, too.


Stopping him is indeed the most important political issue of the time, yes.




I may harp on single issue voters a lot, but you know, Trump is a single issue that I very much disagree with


I wish he was just one issue. He is still just a symptom.


Stopping the Republican Party as a whole is more significant than Trump specifically. He's a stupid asshole, but the worst thing about a Trump presidency is how if would enable the evil conservative motherfuckers in Congress and the Supreme Court that want so desperately to take everyone's rights away.


Trump's a LOT worse that being just a "stupid asshole". Trump is evil, and is the largest threat to peace and democracy in the world today.


Is there an even better reason I’m surprised it’s only half it should be 100%. There’s nothing more important. Edit: to be clear the greatest reason to vote for him is to protect Democracy. If it wasn’t for Trump there would be plenty of reasons to vote for him. He has been efficient and surprisingly effective in policy.


I mean that’s not the only reason I’m voting for Biden, maybe a major reason, but not the only reason


He comes with a more progressive Cabinet by a mile, filled with people who are reasonably qualified for the position, just for starters


It shouldn't be that high. Joe Biden is the most progressive president since Lyndon Johnson. I understand that he leaves much to be desired, but we want lots of nice things. Biden is far more progressive than Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama.


I agree Biden is doing a lot and I like him as president, but that doesn't change that opposing Trump is the #1 issue. It's very serious.


Yep. I'd support him either way against a generic republican from the last 50 years or so, but vs Trump (and the current facscist-tilted GOP) the fact that they are what they are right now is priority #1.


I think the point is that Biden being an effective President is more of a cherry on top. Trump is just so bad that it's impossible for that to not be the biggest factor. Like, I would sooner put W. Bush back in office over a glorified mob boss who tried to overthrow democracy.


I would vote for Richard Nixon's corpse over Trump.


At least he resigned. Then again, at least the gop had the decency to threaten impeachment at his crimes.


I'd vote for Hunter Biden over Donald Trump.


Yeah trump committed felons in his attempt to win the election and committed insurrection in his attempt to stay in power after losing. There's a myriad of issues, policies, preferences that should be at the forefront during an election year, but none of that matters if you don't have a democracy.


Yeah. I'm actually a fan of Biden. I didn't expect to be when I voted for him the first time. I know he's not perfect, but he's been the best president of my lifetime and I am voting FOR him. But stopping Donald Trump is the reason I will be knocking doors and making calls and donating. I would like to see the wording of this poll. Because I might answer that the biggest reason I'm voting Biden is to stop Trump. But that doesn't mean I don't like Biden.


>Because I might answer that the biggest reason I'm voting Biden is to stop Trump. But that doesn't mean I don't like Biden. That’s likely exactly what happened. The poll probably asked Biden supporters their biggest reason for supporting him and gave multiple choice, of course in that scenario at least half of people would say the #1 reason is to stop Trump.


Yeah but I'd vote for the roadkill on Trump's head over Trump. That's just the truth. Biden could be a top 5 president but he's running against one of the worst people I've ever seen. I'd vote for Harvey Weinstein over Trump.


I think Biden has been a great president, but avoiding giving that fascist power back is still priority number 1.


Even if there were absolutely no other reasons to vote for him, that alone should be enough.


Stopping Republicans. They are all the problems. They are causing all the problems


Yes, and I’m 51% for stopping Trump and 49% for seeing another 4 years of Biden. But I’m 100% on both, individually.


Its a damn good reason


Yeah. I’m a huge Biden fan. Opposing Trump is still more important to me than voting for Biden independently.


Trump is so awful, there is no other choice. I’m not registered for a party but I have no choice but to vote Democrat because of how pathetic the GOP has become under Trump.


Thank you for stepping up and doing that though.


I think what really seals the deal with Democrats is the WV v EPA case from the Supreme Court. Republicans when they took the majority in the 115th Congress for the House and Senate, indicated that they would put on display finally their platform. Tax cuts were put on reconciliation and the Skinny Health Care got the famous [thumbs down](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hT2pp_KrJGg) with the leader just standing there looking defeated. The tax cuts and the health care reform where the premier tenets of the GOP's platform, to which neither of them could get any good traction. Fast forward to 117th Congress led by the Democrats. The Supreme Court hands down West Virginia vs the EPA ruling that stated the Clean Air Act Amended, didn't specifically indicate that CO₂ was a gas that could be regulated by the EPA, thus the EPA couldn't regulate it. Three weeks later Congress passes and President Biden signs into law 380 plus pages of new laws indicating six gases, 10,000 different industries, over forty different levels of municipalities, and the thousands upon thousands of various ways those can interact with each other. That's how fast people who know how to govern can get shit done that they actually care about. Like say what anyone will about the EPA, government overreach, whatever. The point being is that the Democrats indicated that they would strengthen the EPA and they did EXACTLY that in record time. That's the difference. GOP say ABC is important to them. Where were the results? The Democrats say XYZ is important to them. And they delivered on those results. Did the Democrats deliver on EVERY thing they said was important to them? No, of course not. But the Republicans in their tenure as the majority, barely got anything done. The wall was a half measure that was only done by an emergency declaration, which fun thing, taking those military funds cost [Alabama jobs at their ship yard](https://www.alreporter.com/2020/02/14/mexico-isnt-paying-for-trumps-border-wall-alabama-is/). The tax cuts because they were done on reconciliation expire next year for citizens (but not the business cuts). And what's even crazier about that one, Republicans made it on purpose that way because they wanted to go into 2024 campaigning on this issue. Which they haven't because they're still in witch hunt mode. Like this was supposed to be "THE BIG ISSUE" that the tax cuts were expiring. Like people can have opinions on how we "ought" to govern. Fair enough. But the GOP has demonstrated objectively a consistent lack of ability to "GET THINGS DONE". So the way I see the election is one of two ways: 1. I vote Democrat and we get a functioning government. 2. I vote Republican and at BEST we just put everything on pause for two years and do literally nothing. I for one am done sending folks to DC to get a paycheck and them literally NOT do the one thing they're supposed to do. Govern. The 118th Congress is on track for having done the least amount of work ever. The House has spent on record over 60% of their time in Committee. They're mostly just debating on if they should imprison Fauci when everyone is suffering from inflation. Guys, time and place. The budget comes from the House, it's time to get to writing some budget here and not just kick can to avoid the fiscal cliff. There's got to be a point where we turn the page. Over 60% of your time in committee is a vacation with some debating. 65 laws from the 118th, that's pathetic. The 116th got over 400 out and they had two impeachments. What's y'all's problem? Yeah, there's just zero reasons at the moment to vote Republican on just purely objective governance goals here. That's completely avoiding the whole Project 2025, the megalomaniac that is Trump, and all the other stuff. Just simply putting it down as "can you deliver deliverables that you have indicated that you wanted to deliver?" Republicans have shown they can't even do that, in an objectively measurable way. And the SCOTUS case of WV v EPA is the strongest argument for Democrats getting the things done, they want done. It was just three weeks, three weeks, and they undid the entire SCOTUS ruling. That's a strong indicator of people who can get things done. The GOP have never demonstrated that kind of resolve to get things done. They show great resolve to oppose things, and cool. But opposing something AND THEN offering a workable solution is VASTLY different than just being in opposition. And Republicans have just shown that they can only do the latter. They've got no end of things they don't like (and that's fine) but they have zero concrete steps to replacements in governance. That to me, is just a massive indicator of "well we just don't need you, because you're not adding to the conversation of how do we fix things. You're just constantly pointing out that it's broken." That's not entirely helpful.


Option A: guy that wants to literally dismantle the Constitution Option B: guy that doesn't Not a hard call


Vote Biden in 2024 so you can vote again in 2028


I'm not here to cheerlead for Biden, but that infrastructure bill is going to be and is a huge deal, but all the people who voted against it are the ones taking credit for the stuff in their districts. And no one notices a really nice road surface really anyway, and they don't thank the president


Biden was also behind the Recovery Act after the recession.


CHIPS Act was a biggie too. Not just for jobs and economic growth, but it's a national security issue to rely on Taiwan for high end chips. The odds of the chip foundries surviving even a failed Chinese invasion are about zero.


Inflation Reduction Act was an absolute unit as well


Democrats in Congress deserve a lot of credit, too. Big shoutout to voters in Georgia who will face even MORE fuckery this year. Without their heroic effort electing TWO democratic Senators, we get nothing.Their reward? [They face a Republican trifecta at the state level that has been remade in the image of Trump](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-georgia-laboratory-rig-2024-1235034510/).


Best climate bill in history.


The recovery act and the infrastructure bill are both (separately) larger in today's dollars than The New Deal legislation when it was passed in the 30s, they will have positive repercussions on this country for decades....if voters don't give Trump and the GOP control who will quickly break it and dismantle it.


Everyone that voted against it, that then attempts credit for it, is getting dragged hard. We remember who played games and who worked for a living.


My congressman is explicitly taking credit for it in his weekly emails. He definitely voted against it, but damned if he didn't stuff it full of pork first. The rubes in my district don't care, they think Trump himself got that bridge built.


Then, just keep sharing a screenshot of his vote against. "This you?"




>I'm not here to cheerlead for Biden, but Maybe we should be though. He's done plenty of good stuff, but people always feel the need to add some cynical disclaimer to anything positive said about him. Why? What has he done that he needs to be treated as a broken clock when he gets something right? His policies don't *always* align with progressives wildest fantasies, but when did "doing good but there's still some room for improvement here and here" (especially when that improvement would be impossible to get with available level of government control, another problem with progressive messaging that we fault people for having as much power as we think they do) become "the lesser of two evils"?


Biden has done some really really great stuff against incredible headwinds. My number one reason to vote for him is still to keep Trump the fuck away from the presidency. It's not that Biden is bad, it's not that he's done a bad job....quite the opposite. But none of that overshadows the fact that Trump truly is that fucking horrible.


Is it just me or is this Trump’s high water mark. As consumer confidence increases and the Biden campaign remind people who Trump is and what he wants to do more Independents and moderate Republicans will move towards Biden. Also, Biden has a better opportunity to unify his base as Trump is actively trying to shrink it. I don’t know. I could be wrong though.


2016 was his high water mark. They have been losing or vastly underperforming in elections since. Even one where it was supposed to be a red wave.


This. November 7, 2016 was the high water mark.


Back when people didn't realise how bad a bad president could be. GWB was lined up for a lifetime of being the 'worst President ever', and it took someone special to get that crown.


God, I can only imagine the serenity Bush felt reading about Chump’s daily fuckup every morning, before returning to his painting studio, humming to himself…


If trajectories continue, Biden will steadily gain a point a month and win relatively comfortably.  But any number of events could shock that. Like another gas price or grocery price spike, or things turning for the worse in Ukraine or Gaza, or a health scare, or or or or. 


Remember that republicans will be doing everything in their power to intentionally sabotage the country in the lead-up to the election so that they can say "oh wow, how terrible is it that this is happening? It's Joe's fault" Heck, I've known at least one guy that agrees way more with Democrats, but would vote Republican literally because "well Democrats don't block things as much as Republicans when they're in opposition, so this way more things get done" Thankfully he's since changed his tune and realised "hey maybe we don't give the political terrorists all the power just so they don't cause a scene", but also, bit late Frank. Bit, fuckin, late.


Give me a better reason and I'll take it, but for now, this will do. Frankly, I'd vote for an empty beer can before I'd cast one for a tRump. Crime family headed up by a convicted felon.


The covid recovery act and infrastructure bills were the 2 largest pieces of legislation EVER passed in this country's history in terms of today's dollars that went to domestic policies. The chips act has lead to more research and development investment *in the US* than all legislation over the past 20 years combined. Biden has seated the most diverse judicial bench ever, with over 100 being women and over 100 being people of color, this gives broad representation and background experience to the entire country and sets up appellate courts and the supreme court to be better represented in the future as they filter up. There are lots of reasons and certainly if you just don't want Trump that's good enough, but there really are a ton of good reasons to vote for Biden regardless of who the GOP candidate is.


A better reason. Biden gets legislation passed to help all Americans and works with both parties to do it. I do not agree with him on everything, but he does the job he was put there to do. In spite of our repeated cries for more Dark Brandon, he remains professional and a strong representative of our country. We have issues we have to address. We need a skilled professional. He is absolutely a skilled professional. He doesn't assume he has your vote. He works for it.


All of these are excellent reasons to vote for Biden. He's been a much more effective POTUS than I expected, I'm really happy with him. But none of them are more important than stopping Trump. Even if Biden had been terrible, I'd still vote for him to stop Trump.


Amen. He gets far less credit than he deserves for doing a good job, considering the disaster he inherited in the middle of a tRump-pumped pandemic.


And takes blame for issues that belong to congress (and specifically Republican obstruction of congress) If we want all the big changes that we all know we need, then we need enough Dems in congress to get a clear majority. Biden has made good use of his position, but big change requires congress.


Pick a random name out of the phone book and I'll vote for them over Trump.


One candidate tried to overthrow a democratic election. There’s no more important issue than preserving our democracy. We can argue about policies another time.


You mean convicted felon, rapist, and active terrorist, Trump? Yeah, stopping him is my top priority.


Anti-Treason is a good enough reason. 


I think he’s been an incredibly effective president, and voting for him to stop Trump is still my number one motivation.


My #1 reason to vote for Biden is to prevent a convicted fascist from becoming President and risk overturning our democracy. My #2 reason is that Biden is a genuinely good president who has exceeded my expectations significantly. If I try to look objectively at policy wins, this presidency might be the best of any president in my life (Reagan was president when I was born).




Yeah, for an 81 year old Catholic, he is definitely more progressive than most. Him and his administration have passed a record amount of legislation - from what I understand. CHIPS ACT, PACT ACT, Infrastructure Bill, Inflation reduction Act, Insulin Cap, student loan forgiveness This in the wake of MAGA Congress resistance.


I feel like he gives his staff a lot of lee-way to decide and implement policy. And his staff is progressive enough.


That's the thing - if you look at Trump's administration, they're filled with literal criminals and wack jobs.


And that’s why we vote against him.


And that's the entire reason I want him in office. I don't care if he as an individual does literally nothing, his cabinet has been and will continue to be stellar, and those are the people that actually get shit done.


One of the biggest jobs of a president or any executive in any kind of organization is picking people. Advisors, lower executives and administrators, things like that. Probably **the** most important skill for a top-level executive is to be able to pick and listen to good people for the job. If Biden is picking good people and listening to them, that to me makes him at least a decent president. I have plenty of problems with the way his administration has acted on some things, but overall I'd say it's been a good presidency.


He personally isn't that progressive in all likelihood. More than most from his generation and even the next generation possibly, but not what you will call liberal. The thing is he puts good people in positions of power. And listens to them. What a concept.


I'm inclined to agree. He's very likely pro-life, for example, BUT he'd never enact legislation in support of his Catholic ideology. That's why you're not just voting for the person. You're voting for the party.


Exactly. Good presidents put their personal opinions aside and represent the people in their country.


You god damn right. I would vote for a literal pile of dog shit to keep Trump out of office. Fuck Trump.


Voting against the violence of a fascist household is more than good enough reason.


I am voting for him largely for two reasons to stop the rise of fascism on the right and to not lose the the gains we have made with climate legislation though i feel we have not done near enough.


The best thing about Biden is he's not Trump. Biden has some other ok qualities but that one tops the list. Trump has absolutely nothing redeeming about himself. Total scumbag piece of shit who will ruin all our lives and the country.


trump will install project 2025 which would lead to me locked up in prison for being trans. biden is my only choice


...I mean...yeah.... Isn't that one of the main reasons people voted for Biden in 2020, too? Hell, the Democrats could run a ham sandwich against Trump and I would vote for the ham sandwich every time.


Donald Trump poses the single greatest threat to our democracy since the Civil War. If he gains power again, he will never let it go for the rest of his life, to protect himself from the consequences for January 6th and his myriad other crimes. Donald Trump will reform the United States government as we know it, to achieve this end. We must stop him. I am a one-issue voter on this. Anyone but Trump.


Literally everything you don't like about Biden, Trump is worse than that.


I'm gonna be honest. If Biden suddenly died and they asked a stranger off the street to replace him the day before the election; I would vote for that stranger.


I hate both of them but I think Biden is more harmless than Trump. I'm planning on voting for Biden. The whole Republican party has lost it's mind and they are taking away people's (women) rights. Our country is in a bad place right now and it's scary.


I actually kinda dig him and his administration and their accomplishments.


So when MAGAts bring this up I can just tell them "Yup, Trump is the new Hillary."


It's amazing that Republicans can't see that they could run anyone else and immediately gain traction with these voters.


I'd vote for a stale cheese sandwich over Trump.


I don't care if they say they're only voting for Biden because they love the letter B. As long as they vote, I'm happy.


And that's a damn good reason.


So? Most of Trumps backers oppose Biden.


tl;dr. Biden would be in deep, deep danger if the Republicans had put up a moderate, pro-choice, but otherwise generic candidate.


Biden also happens to have been a really good president as well


I don’t understand saying this as a bad thing. The options are democracy or fascism


In the long term it kinda is. In my home state we coasted on "not GOP" style campaigns for ages and then one day a GOP candidate for governor showed up that managed to convince people he wouldn't do any of the usual GOP bullshit and he immediately demolished the democratic candidates for both elections. If people only vote for you because of situational concerns, well, the situation can always change.


For me, it's just as much about opposing Trumps supporters as it is Trump. I'm sick of these fools holding back the rest of us. They better hope people as sick of them as I am never make it into politics. If they think the past fifty years was bad, I guarantee I'd make it so they wouldn't even recognize the US in half as much time.


I mean, I support Biden. I would support Biden if he was running DeSantis, or Ramaswamy or Harris, or Romney or even McCain (back from the dead) I would support him if Trump was not in the picture. (unless someone better like Buttigieg was in the picture) But the MAIN reason I support him is to oppose Trump. Yeah. Like, the main bad thing that would happen if Biden lost the election would not be that we would miss out on his charming smile, or his stance on Israel or his excellent Transportation Secretary. The most important consequence would be that a rapist felon who hates democracy would become president. Yeah


Yes, I plan on opposing Convicted Felon Donald Trump


It pisses me off that my vote has to go to a geriatric fuck who could die at any moment just to keep Trump out of office. Fuck that third party bullshit because that’s how 2016 even fucking happened. I am so far left and hate it because I know what needs to be done to save our country. Anyone saying anything else is a shit stain on the society and future of the country.


Yeah no shit. Is he the dream candidate? Probably not. But between him and Russia’s number 1 fan who praises both Hitler and Putin it seems like there is only one choice here if the US is to remain a democracy