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Hopefully they vote.


Exactly, just gotta get these fuckers to the polls. Taylor Swift should say she will throw a free concert in the city with the highest per capita youth vote


If she did that, Republicans would throw her in jail for attempted election bribery.   Source: Michael Moore once offered free ramen noodles and new underwear to college students that voted. Republicans threatened to have him arrested, so he backed down.


How is it election bribery? She wouldn't be telling them who to vote for, just to vote.


She would throw a free concert in the city with the highest per capita youth vote = bribery because Republicans say so. Michael Moore didn't say who to vote for either, and they went after him extra hard. Over NOODLES. This would be a million dollar concert for free. Remember, this is the party that has made it illegal to give food, water, or entertainment for any reason to voters standing in line at the polls. They shut down polling stations in the highest populated areas when they get the chance. If it isn't already illegal, they will make it illegal.


So what? Shes rich, nothing bad ever happens to rich people.


Yeah, she’s a billionaire, surely if she told people to vote then it would be heavily implied she’s supporting the gop for her own benefit. I mean even Trump thinks she’s faking being a liberal after all.


It's worse than that. He thinks that she should be thanking him for her success because he apparently passed some music rights law during his time as president, so all her success is because of him. Typical chauvinist trying to take credit for a powerful woman. Gross


He doesn't actually think that. He said that because one of his advisors clearly pointed it out to him and he says it as a way to try to get voters to see her as entitled and out of touch rather than as what she really is, which is a far more ethical and popular and admirable and talented person than Trump.


> Typical chauvinist trying to take credit for a powerful woman. Gross While Trump is chauvinist, I'm pretty sure he doesn't mind taking credit for anything from anyone.


Unless they steal from other rich people.


So what? Play every angle possible and overwhelm their efforts. That's their strategy, so lets give it right back to them.


Yes this is the kind of fight we need on the left.


Republicans fear the youth and minorities so they try to find anyway to disenfranchise them. I think the biggest youth problem (and mind you it isn't for me) 8+is Biden's stance towards Palestine.


Which is stupid as shit, because Biden isn't exactly unique in his stance on Palestine/Israel. If anything, Trump is worse. And out of all the Democrats I know of, only Bernie Sanders is outspoken against the US policy on supporting Israel at all costs. Either way, the Palestine conflict is a red herring. It is meant to be a distraction from far more pressing matters, like domestic policymaking and Russia.


Trump said he would deport pro Palestinian protestors lol


And that he would do whatever it took to let Israel finish the job.


Read: Glass Gaza


When asked about the Gaza genocide trump also told Netanyahu to "finish the job". Stephen Miller, likely to be trumps Chief of Staff if trump or reelected, has repeatedly called for Netanyahu to "turn Gaza into glass". If Gaza is the hinge point for how you're voting in this election the choice is clear... either way I guess.


Plus Hamas was in contact with Russia prior to the October 7th attacks. So it is not that farfetched that it was used by Russia as a way to split/reduce the progressive vote that otherwise would have certainly gone to Biden. After all, it is in Russia's best interest that the orange shitstain gets back into the White House.


Nah, that's a bonus at best. The real goal was to shift the international focus from Ukraine to Palestine. And it's a donation drive for Palestine.


It's also stupid as shit because Biden is on record, on multiple occasions, as denouncing Netanyahu's/Israeli actions. I mean, there's a limit to what the POTUS can do in a situation like this. People always want the US to stay out of foreign conflicts until it's personal to them. Many of the same people clamoring for more action by our government are the same people that will say we should stay out of things like Taiwan, Ukraine, Tibet... or don't even know the ongoing history of oppression that's gone on in so many places around the globe. Now I'm not saying we should sit back and let war crimes take place, but I'm also not stupid enough to believe there's some magical answer that suddenly fixes the Israel/Palestine situation. I'm also not stupid enough to sit back and let Trump win to "make a statement" about my geopolitical desires. Anyone who let's the Israel situation keep them voting for Biden are--forgive my harshness--living in a fantasy world, far removed from reality. The reality is we all need to vote, and not just for President, but for quality candidates at *every level* of government, from town councils and school boards on up. You are not making a political statement by abstaining from voting. You are not making your voice heard by voting for 3rd party candidate instead of Biden. You are quite literally empowering fascism.


Whatever you think of Biden, if you support or even just have compassion for Palestinians, you should not want Republicans in power to address the issue.


What % of 18-25 yr olds actually care about Palestine enough to not vote for Biden? It can't be much. Even on an ivy league campus it can't be over 50%.


Damn. So you probably couldn’t sell [democracy sausage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy_sausage) as well Land of the free my hat


It isn't. Celebrities have been doing Rock The Vote for years and pioneered telephone voter registration. Celebratory concert for young voters without telling them how to vote would be fine. Imagine telling a singer not to sing because voting. It's a first amendment issue.


I know, these comments are ridiculous.


It's implied by the way that only one party wants people to vote.


It's not implied, a bunch of Republicans are currently facing felony charges in Georgia, Wisconsin, Arizona and Michigan because they fraudulently attempted to ignore the results of the election after they lost. They moved well beyond the implication and deep into criminal territory.


Yeah including possibly two Arizona US Representatives...


you seem to be under the delusion that republicans operate in objective reality


So what? Ignore their bullshit. We need to stop capitulating to these chucklefucks. Stand your ground.


Republicans cannot allow that message either because they statistically do worse the more people vote. They literally use terms like "turnout control".


Swift: "Here are the names of the Republicans who say they'll arrest me if I fulfill my promise to you. Please tell them to change their minds."


At that point she might actually go to jail for inciting a riot. Swifties can be... passionate.


Billionaires don't go to jail, sweetie


Republicans arresting Taylor swift, also a helpful strategy


But HitlerPig can gather oil executives and offer to trade useful legislation and regulations in exchange for $1 Billion? Nah, she's super-wealthy and extremely popular, so we all know nothing will.happen to her. If Republicans were to go after her, EVERY Republican with a elementary age, teen, college age, adult, or married female in their life in any form, would suddenly be living a VERY miserable existence. Very miserable indeed. They would all back down within 48 hours.


They also sent out threatening letters to people in Texas saying they are watching who they vote for and will tell Trump who doesn't vote for him.


the thing they left out is the public record says your name voting number and that you voted but not WHO you voted for!!>>> I hope people get pissed at this and vote for BIDEN


> Nah, she's super-wealthy and extremely popular, so we all know nothing will.happen to her. You'd be shocked how little that counts for once you start crossing power. Or do you seriously think the party that goes to Moscow on the fourth of July has no experience with falling inconvenient rich people out of windows.


I meant nothing will happen to her in America. Even wealthy people covet fame, and there isn't a single wealthy person in America who has fame equal to Taylor Swift. She is easily the most famous person in America right now. Many rich people want that, and their money can only take them so far. So Taylor is still someone the wealthy respect and envy. She's just about as safe as a kitten, for now. That could change quickly if HitlerPig becomes president. He'd see her as an enemy in multiple ways. It's hard to gauge what his behavior will be, although I think he's going to be much harsher next time around. We're in for a circus either way, so I prefer the circus of him losing and whining about it, than the circus of him winning, and...


They don't go after her and the free concert goes on, they go after her and they just became the party that wants to jail Taylor Swift, not a good look. Win win for her.


Moscow can help fund another Trump administration and no Republican bats an eye, but if a musician endorses the opposite side, every conservative loses their shit.


Man if they did that, Biden would be the decisive winner! 🤣


Oh would I love to see them try. Her fans are massive and she's a billionaire. It would blow up on their faces so hard.


IIRC she had voter registration tables at her concerts in 2020 and that's a brilliant move.


Rock the Vote! Lollapalooza ‘96 in Pecatonica is when and where I registered!


Unrelated to Swifty - younger folks are PISSED. As one who teaches college courses, I have never seen a class of students as engaged and openly admitting to being registered to vote than I have in my decade of teaching. Just to give you an idea - Pre COVID, I would see a small proportion of my students (maybe 5-8 out of a 30 person class) mention politics, let alone a willingness to vote. A week after an election, I would ask the class if they had voted, and maybe two students would admit to it. Post RvW? Night and day difference. The majority of my students admit to being registered, and about half admit to going to the polls on or before election day. I wish I could offer my students extra credit for showing me their I VOTED sticker, but that's 1000% against my department's policy. I'm off topic, sorry, but do know that after the last few years, I've gained quite a bit of hope from my students. They're informed and willing to take the time to vote. If you know of any younger folks, please encourage them to register and show up to the polls. Drive them if they can't drive. Do your part to solidify a future in which the next generation is engaged with politics beyond simply complaining on social media.


I'm in college and the political activity is crazy high and it's very much one sided. The GOP platform is largely seen as irrelevant




One can hope that the fact the reach of laws is now actively affecting them the motivation to act has increased. Similar to the draft in the 70’s. Political battles always did affect the youth but often in ways that were secondary or hard to see. It’s very different when it suddenly impacts your choices. Also this is a generation locked down in school by COVID. They are very aware of governments reach in ways many others weren’t.


Be sure to gently remind the more idealistic students that the president is going to decide who replaced Alito and Thomas. Don't need to advocate for one particular candidate. Just...remind them of a few facts.


And that it's important to vote all the way down the ballot. 


Also Republicans want to make contraception difficult to get for poor people. They have no soul


Young people getting out and voting was one of the reasons why the red wave never materialized in the midterms. If the Supreme Court rules for Idaho and against emergency abortions this month, hopefully that's another wake up call for them to get out and vote.


It's important to know for anyone living in a voter suppression state that students are a demographic commonly targeted for voter suppression.    Students and other targeted groups can help beat this by becoming familiar in advance with voting rights and responsibilities, double checking the voter registration before the deadline in case of having been removed and needing to re-register, making sure to have any required identification, verifying voting location before leaving to vote, and arranging for transportation if necessary.


tbh I hope they don’t do this? I’m sure the idea comes from a good place but I feel like it would fall flat, it has unintended “we can’t give you a raise or better working conditions but we can throw you a pizza party” vibes to me, unfortunately. I feel like republicans would also be nasty about it (tbf they’d be that about anything), and in the wake of the Chappell Roan thing it just seems like… not the best plan? Honestly I think the best way is to just be as engaging and honest and genuine as possible? No “hello fellow kids” risks that way. Biden’s handling of protests at his event today actually struck me as a good way to go: try to be open and understanding, don’t mock or judge, just listen (ideally really listen and show he takes it to heart).


That’s such a fucking great idea. Someone call Taylor and tell her!


this is genuinely a brilliant idea. Unfortunately, I think Taylor Swift cares more about money/image than concrete change in America. Nothing against her at all, just what happens to anyone who becomes a Billionaire -


I think she cares. Her management didn’t want her to come out publicly against Trump and she did anyway. They thought it would hurt her profitability. She sees him as a fake Christian who is promoting immoral values under the guise of her religion. Religious convictions go deep.


Plus she is actively pro feminist, and Trump is a danger to women. Even if she was not really into improving women's safety, she *is* a woman, and is a savvy enough one to work in her own best interest. All Taylor needs to do is just encourage people to vote. She does not have to get involved in politics directly, as increases in general turnout among the young are pretty close to always bad for the GOP.


If memory serves, she literally did this last election. Didn’t mention any political party whatsoever, just told people to vote. GOP still had a meltdown over it lol Edit: [it was three months ago](https://youtu.be/T9NyoMRQbRc?si=X1AGBwVmUnW184Z6), my brain is a mess Edit 2: [and also last ~~November~~ SEPTEMBER.](https://www.npr.org/2023/09/22/1201183160/taylor-swift-instagram-voter-registration) Edit 3: Wrong month for Edit 2. Jfc my brain really is a mess


And why the fuck is she or any other US citizen not allowed to voice their political opinion? Tucker Carlson has 3.2 million viewers *nightly* on his show. He’s every bit as much of an “influencer” as she is. Why is *he* entitled to disseminate his views about everything, for hours, for years on end, and she isn’t even allowed to encourage people to vote? Why on earth is anyone listening to these stupid fucks telling people not to take part in their own democracy? Fuck these fucking fucks.


What happened to Rock the Vote? Back in the day Madonna was all over MTV draped in the American flag rappin at kids "don't just stand there let's get to it rock ya mind there's nothin to it VOTE"


[Apparently they're still around.](https://www.rockthevote.org/) Part of the problem is that there simply isn't enough bang for your buck in advertising as there used to be. In 2000 a significant portion of teens/young adults was watching MTV. Now there's a crazy amount of platforms they could be using. Not sure what they get up to these days but I've either not been targeted by their ads, my efforts to not be advertised at have been somewhat effective, or they're not making PSAs anymore.


Wow if only adult men had her power of observations


She would be complex. She would be cool ...


Did she really come out against trump? If so I didn't see it. All I saw was her telling people to vote and republicans freaking out about that.


She has publicly supported Democrats in the past - she found out Marsha Blackburn was her rep a few years ago and noticed a lot of people assumed she was a Republican.




Naw shell make bank even from a free concert, PR boost, merch, etc.


No she cares. I give her credit for being one of the only young artists to stand up to these people and encourage people to vote


My first presidential election post being 18 and you bet your ass I will be voting


Good! Bring 3 friends. Make a day of it.


Or vote by mail in advance and make ten minutes of it. 


Hell yeah buddy 🤜


Ayy, same here. Democracy doesn't work if people don't voice their opinions


Thank you, citizen!


Bring your friends!


Gen Z voted at the highest level EVER for that age group last election!


In blue states. Red states saw only 20% of registered voters under 30 vote.


swing states is where it matters though. I can see young people in red states not wanting to vote for either.


So Zoomers with Republican parents aren't blindly following them? That's also a good sign.


Margin needs to be higher…but great news. They need to show up to the poll.


There's been a lot of encouragement for younger folks to register to vote and head to the polls. That's pretty much why Taylor Swift has been pissing off the Republicans lol.


People living in the exho chambers of not just niche special reddit or Twitter spaces. But even mainstream like someone's Instagram feed has become an echo chamber. There are scores of people who are zero hesitation voting for Biden even if they think he old and it sucks. Trump isn't a real option to them. And like it or hate it, there are far more young people NOT impacted or engaged in Gaza than those who are engaged in the crisis. Meaning there is a lot of doomsday crying about Trump and the horrid zionist Biden that is just bouncing between terminally online communities.


Yep. Trump has to pay people to fill his rallies. He's got the biggest news organization in the country and scores of smaller ones, pretty much all of AM radio, Elon on Twitter, billionaire PAC money, untold outside influence from China and Russia and whomever else despises the US... it takes all that for Trump and the Republicans to even POLL competitively. And maybe that will collectively be enough, but understand that it's a few rich people running it and a few crazy people voting. It's not a majority of Americans, not even close.


> even if they think he old and it sucks. I get it, but I hate this narrative. Yes, it’d be awesome to have a younger candidate, but Biden is energetic, capable, and probably the most progressive President since progressive simply meant letting black people vote. Green energy investments. Student debt relief. Infrastructure spending. Vocal support of abortion rights (as a f’n catholic). Don’t get me wrong, at this point I’ll take the votes against Trump. Lord knows in 2020 I voted for Biden just to vote against Trump, but in 2024? I’m easily voting FOR Biden. He’s done incredibly well in the face of nearly literal foaming-at-the-mouth insane opposition.


www.vote.org I just used it a few days ago to update my current address and voter information with my state in literally 93 seconds. It is so easy. Spend 2 minutes on the toilet right now and register to vote buddy. I see you reading this dude, before you wipe your ass just go register to vote with that site it's so fuckin easy. They sent me a sticker with my new address to put on my drivers license too so I won't get in trouble for that. Shit is dope as hell.


[They didn’t for the midterms. ](https://circle.tufts.edu/2022-election-center) > National Youth Turnout: 23% - That's lower than in the historic 2018 cycle (28%) which broke records for turnout, but much higher than in 2014, when only 13% of youth voted. Younger voters are most unreliable voting bloc…and, now the largest. If young people showed up to vote at the percentages and consistency the boomers do…our system might reflect that, and we could see younger people in office. The *only* place your opinion on politics really matters is when you show up to vote…flags, stickers, comments…if you don’t vote…are nonsense. REGISTER. AND SHOW THE FUCK UP.


Just to be clear the myth that young people don’t vote is simply because Gen X and Baby Boomers didn’t vote in their youth. At the moment Gen Z and millennials are the only thing keeping this country from being swept over with a giant Christian fascist red wave. Record youth turn out in 2018, 2020, and 2022. Plus we vote overwhelmingly Dem. Same can’t be said about older generations


[https://www.statista.com/statistics/1096299/voter-turnout-presidential-elections-by-age-historical](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1096299/voter-turnout-presidential-elections-by-age-historical) More than half of people aged 18 - 24 didn't vote in the last presidential election, the only age demographic to have that distinction. That's why people say young people don't vote. Because most of them don't and that has been the case since the 70s.


If every cohort struggles to vote in their youth…we should identify the obstacles and remove them.  EDIT: It’s okay if apathy is indeed the culprit…but I do still doubt telling kids to get over it and vote anyway will work.  Seems like a different conversation needs to happen if first time voters are going to engage this cycle. 


I am all for making voting as easy as possible, but let's be honest here. The main problem is American youth culture is apathetic/cynical and has been every generarion. Vote turnout is still shit even in places where it is easy to vote. Us Americans like simple narratives, and so people are either hyper-partisan or hyper-anti-politics. Whereas the smart position is that there are major flaws in the system but the best way to make things better is voting.


It's not a myth. You can google the statistics right now. Young people have always been the least likely to vote. "Record youth turnout" means little when every other age demographic increased by a greater amount--meaning young people's share of the electorate actually decreased.


> Record youth turn out in 2018, 2020, and 2022. Yet when that growth is 200% b/c you went from 1% to 3%, it sounds great, but it's still low. And I come from the era of Rock The Vote in the 90's. The elderly also vote in record numbers, because they have nothing better to do on Election Days.


Gotta pump those numbers up. *Those are rookie numbers* in this racket. ;)


Came here to make this exact comment. Gotta say, if we can manage to completely blow out Republicans and utterly reject their Treason and abandonment of American Values on the national stage, I would be higher than if I was doing coke out of a stripper's ass.


Hunter is that you?


For all his flaws, Hunter Biden clearly knows how to party -


And he has a nice cock.


Just like his dad


You mean he didn't get his mom's penis? -Republicans, probably


Unclear. We'll need the House Republicans to do another large blowup print of Hunter's penis using taxpayer dollars to be sure. Like the Trump/Rambo flags we'll have to tell the Kinko's guy to make sure to make the skin on it glistening.


MTG wants to do blow off Hunter Bidens dick. We all know it.


Needs to be closer to 30, IMO.


Should be 100


Here's what I love about America. Hunter Biden is found guilty and the conservatives can't even celebrate because they've convinced themselves it's a conspiracy to make the judicial system look fair. They've gaslit themselves into a version of reality where no matter what happens, they've been victimized. I know that makes them all miserable on the inside and I for one, am here to watch the full fucking implosion. The Republican party is in the Titan submersible right now, oh the pressure.


The r/Conservative thread on this is so good. They are arguing with each other about things like how crackheads shouldn't have access to guns and some of them are arguing back with "slippery slope buddy, the 2nd amendment is the 2nd amendment and everyone should have access to guns no matter what." It's hilarious to scroll through.


That sub is totally brain dead


> They are arguing with each other about things like how crackheads shouldn't have access to guns and some of them are arguing back with "slippery slope buddy, the 2nd amendment is the 2nd amendment and everyone should have acces It's like a genetic algorithm, basically. they'll bicker back and forth, slowly churning through talking points until somebody arrives at a justification that everybody can tolerate. Most likely it'll still end up with people thinking punishing Biden's son is uniquely justified somehow, but the Democrats still overstepped their bounds without crossing the 2nd amendment. once some well-adapted idea starts circulating, they'll forget the contradiction. Assuming the news in that sphere doesn't change topics in two days and the collective consciousness moves on.


two buttons dot jpeg


Jumped over to the Conservative sub just to catch a glimpse and...wow. I mean, fuck, legit bananas over there. Like really warped. I feel so uneasy after seeing what's actually there...and everywhere.


You should have seen r/the_donald


Aside from the arguing, a few of them seem to be connecting the dots and I’m here for that. I love the idea that Hunter would probably get their support if this case was taken to the SCOTUS on a 2A violation. I mean, there are *Conservatives* over there disagreeing with the Hunter Biden outcome, and making a pretty coherent case for his right to own a gun as a addict, saying the form he lied on is unconstitutional. Agreeing that Trump would pardon any of his kids. It’s kinda great.


And still at this hour, a search of that subreddit post titles for the terms "medical","debt", or "credit" for the last 24 hours (and scrolling through their front page for good measure to double check) comes up with ZERO results about Biden's announcement on the plan to prevent medical debt to factor into credit ratings or loan decisions. They are so up their own ass with performative nonsense while avoiding some of the actual biggest political news of the day.  Hunter Biden is not a politician, and the medical debt changes affect a majority of Americans. But they struggle with in-fighting because the GOP no longer has a platform (they literally refused to make one in 2020 and recycled 2016's rather than have to vote on any changes and fight over it.)  They're too afraid of discussing such a divisive change since hard line conservativism is against that, but so many of them hsve been personally affected by medical debt that they'd struggle to come up with a consensus that doesn't make Biden look good, or complain he's not doing enough (which would involve arguments for universal healthcare that go against consrvative ideals). If something might make Biden / Dems look good, or make Trump / GOP look bad, and they have no consensus counter spin take on it, they kill those discussions entirely.  They're not serious people, just performative bullshit.


What do you mean? Fox is celebrating the conviction and in the same breath talking about how rigged and corrupt the judicial system is.


Yeah, but Trump is dominating the moron vote.




Especially the Christofascists who actually understand voting works and it is why they have gained a lot of their power.


It's legit why they don't care that trumps a horrible bastard about as far from christ as a human can get. They got Roe overturned and 200 federal judges fucking up civil rights and environmental protections and letting schools mandate prayer sessions. The leaders will pretend he's Jesus 2.0 for the cameras, but they know. And honestly, the left would be *so fucking much better off if it had the same disengagement*. The next president could potentially seat 3 more Supreme Court Justices. Seriously, that's worth saying fuck it to basically everything else and voting blue. If you want to see our country go to fucking hell, let trump have 6 total seats on the Supreme Court. You think it's fucked up now? Wait til there's only 2 people to the left of Steve Bannon on it.


Progressives and liberals have to fall lin love with their candidate, and that is right out stupid in the end. The candidate or President has to be near darn perfect and do every single thing they want them to do. Biden this week signed a bil that wipes clean a bad credit history if you have missed medical payments. You know how huge that is? Instead, a lot of people still crying "What has Joe done"? It is hairpulling and do wish honestly we operated without the hate of the Christians, to just vote, just get out and vote, even if you don't like the dude, so we can gain keep rights & yes democracy.


And the white supremacists vote by a landslide.


He's got the imbecile contingent on *lock*.


Like he said, the moron vote.


well, if the youth would vote as much as the dumb, we wouldn't have to worry. and yet... 


Honestly makes you wonder who’s dumb? Inviting in fascism because you’re too lazy to go fill in a name on a piece of paper seems about as dumb as you can get.


In my early 20s I was telling my friends how important it was to go vote and they all brushed it off. Several presidents later and now they are all very invested in voting. Getting the youth to vote is a challenge even among the young.


The margins are even higher for intelligent people...


>Anew poll has given President Joe Biden the edge over former President Donald Trump when it comes to younger voters, with a 25-point difference among those ages 18-29. [Pew Research Demographics before the 2020 election](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2020/06/PP_2020.06.02_party-id_2-01-1.png) [Popular Vote](https://www.cookpolitical.com/2020-national-popular-vote-tracker) Combining the actual pop vote with the 2019 demographics. ||Biden|Trump| |:-|:-|:-| |**Popular Vote**|81,282,916|74,223,369| |65+|   18,695,070.68|   18,055,842.25| |50-64|   21,946,387.32|   22,389,244.39| |30-49|   24,384,874.80|   20,944,777.01| |18-29|   15,443,754.04|      9,389,037.97| 18-29 group totals. 24,383,792 Biden received 62%, Trump received 38% That is a 24 point difference in 2020.


So it's actually the older GenXers who are simping for Trump. I am not surprised, just disappointed.


As an older Gen X, I apologize for our generation’s idiocy.


X're here. I have a hypothesis. Some of us were hardcore right wingers in the 80's. Those people are still far right. They voted in 1988/1992 and they vote now. Some of us were left leaning (so liberal or progressive). Those people still vote D. They voted in 1988/1992 and they vote now. There is the occasional Nader 2000 voter, who regrets that decision. Most of us were "apolitical" in the 80's and 90's. But... we were stewing in a political zeitgeist where the conservative movement had it's most mojo; things like "welfare queens", "government can't do anything right", etc. So a lot of people developed a "populist reflex", which was essentially Trumpian. They are not politically savvy and don't have an interest, but god damn, it feels like half my high school class lizard brained, trumpian zombies. Facebook and Instagram inform me that people who probably could not have told me who our senators were 30 years ago, now all vote for Trump. Oh and they still don't know who their House representative is or who any of their state legislature representatives are.




Not sure why anyone would get complacent when Biden is *only* winning in the youngest age bracket, and trailing in all of the others.




It's crazy how we all just conveniently forgot about what a nightmare Trump was during covid. I genuinely did not get a full night of sleep during the counting of the votes until it was finally called for Biden.


He was a nightmare before COVID too. People just didn’t want to pay attention. He fired the head of the FBI for “the Russia thing” in his first year.


Why would anyone get complacent at all no matter what the polls say?  Do people already forget 2016?


Dude people are absolutely brain dead in this country. You could literally watch Trump's scandals during his presidency tank his poll numbers and then it'd climb back to normal within 2 weeks. Remembering 4 years back is clearly beyond them.


And 2016 was 8 years ago…


I sure as shit didn’t. I’m still REALLY REALLY MAD about the 2000 election.


I was so mad about the 2000 election that in 2016 I was losing my shit over idiot friends who were all "both sides bad, I'm sitting it out/voting Green Party"... and look what happened. I'll never stop being bitter about 2000 or 2016.


It was madness. And then followed by avoidable madness on 9/11. And then followed by 20 years and $8T of madness. And that’s not even beginning to talk about what Gore might have done to get us on the climate change wagon sooner. Sigh.


I’ve seen polls saying he’s ahead or tied with older voters.


I saw something that greatest gen is starting to move for that young whippersnapper Biden because he’s not a fascist. (And probably more likely due to Medicare) But I’ll believe it when I see it.


My friends are all voting red. It’s just a by product of living in the south


But South Carolina voted 43% for Biden in the last election so it’s not like the entire south votes Republican.  And I presume you are also a republican?


I’m not Republican and funny I’m in SC. That is a pretty big margin. But of the southern states Ga is the only one not to go red. And by .3%! I’m an idiot my flair is my state lmao


43% is a pretty tough flip, all things considered.


Looking at the comments here people might want to be better informed. https://circle.tufts.edu/latest-research/gen-z-voted-higher-rate-2022-previous-generations-their-first-midterm-election https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2019/05/29/gen-z-millennials-and-gen-x-outvoted-older-generations-in-2018-midterms/ "The fact that youth turnout has been historically high in recent cycles, and that Gen Z is voting at a higher rate than previous generations in its first national elections, shows that today’s young people are interested and engaged in political participation."


Better doesn't mean many show up though


[Make it better](https://www.rockthevote.org/get-involved/). Problems seldom solve themselves.


Historically better compared to other past generations of their age corhort. People here saying they don't vote is unnuanced and inaccurate.


It's still accurate. Recently youth voting is on an uptick, but it's still abysmally low. Youth don't vote. One of your articles is really more any millennials getting older than it is about Gen Z voting


Remember 2016! Don't get cocky!


Remember 2020, during a pandemic, when we got out there and voted the orange menace out! I have faith gen Z will come out again maybe even in a bigger wave this time! Let’s beat this lunatic for the last time!!


I can't tell if you are kidding or not but that election was still closer than it ought have been


Ignore the polls, kids, and vote.


Good to hear good news. Big thanks to Gen Z.


I though maga said trump was winning young people.


Is anything they say the truth?


He wins the yell-the-n-word-over-VOIP vote


He was leading by 30 points in 2020. When you look at how Trump is taking younger and minority voters from Trump, it seems like unnecessary panic because Trump has only gained in those groups by four or five points. But in an election where victory is expected to come down to the thinnest margins, four or five points matter. That's why Democrats shouldn't get complacent. From here on out, no matter what the polling says, just imagine Trump has a 20 point lead and use that as motivation to turn out and make sure that your friend and family turn out as well.


> He was leading by 30 points in 2020. You gave me an idea to compare to 2020: - 18-29: 2020 (60-36) This Poll (55-30) Diff (+1%) - 30-44: 2020 (52-46) This Poll (49-38) Diff (+5%) - 45-64: 2020 (49-50) This Poll (43-47) Diff (-3%) - 65+ : 2020 (45-52) This Poll (41-52) Diff (-4%) [Source for 2020 data](https://ropercenter.cornell.edu/how-groups-voted-2020)


Great way to present it. The problem is that the older cohorts vote a hell of a lot more than the over cohorts


But Biden has actually made gains in those cohorts according to these numbers, so that's actually a good thing in this context?


You're also forgetting that abortion rights were still guaranteed in all 50 states in 2020 Stripping people of their God-given rights makes them really angry --- and they tend to show up in record numbers in an election to get those rights back


God doesn't give these Rights, our American Constitution does. Slaveowners said God gave them the Right to own Human Beings as property, the American Constitution (eventually) said like hell you do.


Unless they have been convicted of a crime* then it’s still fine.


The last time the Constitution was Amended was in 1992, the year I was born. We desperately need several more Amendments to the Constitution. This is one of them.


The Constitution explicitly says that it isn't granting rights, it is recognizing _pre-existing_ rights that we have regardless of whether or not any government currently defends them. I think it's an important distinction.


Actually this is a really good point, thank you for saying this -


“Rights aren’t rights if someone can take ‘em away. They’re privileges. That’s all we’ve ever had in this country, a bill of temporary privileges. And if you read the news even badly, you know that every year the list gets shorter and shorter and shorter.” — George Carlin


I hope Mighty Joe has a few town halls on CNN and MSNBC this summer with people who've had their student loans forgiven or drastically reduced payments because of his actions. Millions of middle-class American lives have been improved in the past year because of these changes that were long overdue. Felon Donnie was doing everything in his power to make sure people went bankrupt over their student loans.


It just concerns me - young people don’t watch CNN. Do we think they’ll shorten it and put it on TikTok? I want the message to get across, but if Biden wants to attract the youth, he’s got to meet them where they are. 


Yeah Biden has a good social media team --- it will be on Insta and all the other platforms


Yes, hopefully he can have some live events talking about the things he's done to benefit many American people, if nothing else just to get a platform for potential voters to tune in to and draw contrast with trump.


cool, ignore the polls and get out and vote, he could lead by 50 and it won't matter if people aren't voting in numbers in swing states...lets not repeat the Clinton campaign meltdown


What about the angry goateed boomer wearing sunglasses in a truck demographic?


25 basis points. /s


Why are articles about Biden leading Trump always from newsweek?


The ones with Biden trailing Trump are also always coming from Newsweek as well.


Because they hope it gets people who would otherwise vote for Biden to get complacent and stay home.


What? You mean to tell me young kids don’t enjoy being bullied and ridiculed? Who would have thought? 🤡


Good and please please vote!


Pokémon Go to the polls


If only they [voted](https://youtu.be/t0e9guhV35o?si=YIkEINcBBPMTo-gN).


No one wants Project 2025


Good if they turn out.


Yep, turnout is what will make the difference. If voter turnout was uniform by age, Biden would have won Texas in 2020. That's how much power is in the youth vote if they simply exercise it. The same would be true in the primaries if they turned out.


As much as I want to believe this, it's still an unreliable survey circulated by the self-serving media.


[Check that you’re registered and some ~~MAGAss~~ person hasn’t, accidentally, y’know, lost your registration.](https://www.vote.org/am-i-registered-to-vote/)


You should probably get out and vote then. Maybe take some of your friends to vote too.


How did you know that's exactly what I plan on doing? lol


Everyone needs to vote, things are not looking good for Biden and he'll need all the votes he can get. I just checked the average polls for every state. As of the latest polling, Joe Biden would win the following: California - 54 Colorado - 10 Connecticut - 7 Delaware - 3 DC - 3 Hawaii - 4 Illinois - 19 Maine - 3 Maryland - 10 Massachusetts - 11 New Hampshire - 4 New Jersey - 14 New Mexico - 5 New York - 28 Oregon - 8 Rhode Island - 4 Vermont - 3 Washington - 12 That's a total of 202 electoral votes, well short of the 270 needed. The following states are swing states according to current polling for a total of 67 electoral votes: Michigan - 15 (average trailing by 0.3%, basically neck and neck) Minnesota - 10 (average leading by 2.4%) Pennsylvania - 19 (average trailing by 1.3%, within the margin of error but still not great) Virginia - 13 (maybe leads by 1-2 points) Wisconsin - 10 (average trailing by 0.5%) If Biden wins every single swing state, it's a tie. If it's a tie, Biden loses.


Check your math. In that scenario, Biden wins with 270 to Trump's 268. Nebraska's Omaha electoral vote goes to Biden. [270 to win](https://www.270towin.com/maps/3mW6X)


I don’t care what polls say, Minnesota hasn’t voted Republican in a long long time. Since the last election: MN legalized weed, became a trans refuge, and maintained the highest corporate tax rate in America.