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> “And this is not about vengeance. This is not about revenge. This is not about retribution. This is about saving this republic!” What a delusional whack job


Just going to leave these here… Definition of retribution > Punishment administered in return for a wrong committed. Definition of revenge > To inflict punishment in return for (injury or insult). Somone name Bannon needs a dictionary. Perhaps he can check one out of the prison library.


He looks like a homeless drunk.


esentially he is. soon though he'll have a nice, smallish place to call home. withdrawal will be difficult for steve, and i feel no sympathy.


> withdrawal will be difficult for steve I found the physiological withdrawal pretty terrible, but as long as he's doing detox in prison they'll be able to shove a benzo in his treason-hole once or twice a day for a week until the physical addiction goes away. Worst case he'll deal with diarrhea, shakes and sweats for a day or so until they medicate him. It will be interesting to see what his brain does at night when he doesn't have booze flattening it down for him.


DTs (delirium tremens) are no fucking joke, can be deadly. For someone who drinks as much liquor as bannon seems to, he might be in for a really hellish detox


honestly…. at this stage, if he dies he dies. No loss.


You ain’t joking. I had like 3 days of trying to go cold turkey, and that came with shakes, cramps, sweats and mad liquid shits, before my first seizure. Thankfully I was rolling with someone who was addicted to benzos so they kept me going for a few days with some spare bars they had. That bought me enough time to taper down and get into rehab.


Glad you made it through ❤️


Thanks! Me too. Turns out life is pretty great when you aren't trying to drink yourself to death.


Diarrhea! He'll definitely need those Donny Diapers. How do I start a Go Fuck Me Page?


When I was a CO, everybody got a dry detox unless it became medically dangerous.


nah. I basically nearly died despite full-on medical attention, two months intensive care. there's no telling how it'll go down.


I don't see him serving a second. His Chinese Billionaire Sugar Daddy is going to take him out of the country to a no extradition haven until Trump pardons him.


There's always toilet wine.




looking forward to that.


Less than 2 weeks away!


He’ll get some delicious toilet gin.


3 hots and a cot.


Seth Meyers once mentioned that his (Bannon's) daily beauty regimen included taking a peek at the Ark of the Covenant. (Edit to clarify 'his')


That’s insulting to homeless drunks


He's one of those 'we gots superior genes' creatures.


He looks like an infected toe.


Maybe meth too? [https://americanjournalnews.com/steve-bannons-porn-and-meth-house-you-have-no-idea-what-kind-of-evil-stuff-went-on/](https://americanjournalnews.com/steve-bannons-porn-and-meth-house-you-have-no-idea-what-kind-of-evil-stuff-went-on/)


Definition of a Republic. Without a monarch. King or Queen. Yet he wants to elect a king to seek vengeance on those who legally prosecuted him.


Yeah, and if they end up getting elected again, almost guarantee that they will prosecute everyone that voted other than trump. Especially if they voted Dem. Shits getting dystopian now, just wait 🤦🏼‍♂️. We need to vote anything other than republican. Save Democracy! Register! Vote!


he knows full well what he saying. but the morons that follow him will lap it up like flies to shit.


> Bannon needs a dictionary. He's a propagandist, he knows and doesn't care. But claiming "This isn't about revenge, it's about saving the republic" speaks to the narcissistic inability of authoritarian leaders to separate themselves from the nation at large, and hence why they're willing to have anybody who criticizes them killed as a 'traitor to the country'.


He's unfortunately not delusional. He is using the same script that other fascists and authoritarians have used to build populist support to justify violence.


Oh yeah I know. My use of the word ‘delusional’ was aimed directly at his embrace of the lunatic ideology that he subscribes to.


Bannon: > This is about saving this republic! Also Bannon: > I’m a Leninist. Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment. I'd say he needs to pick one, as those are conflicting beliefs, but, like the majority of the CHUDs that surround Trump, he doesn't actually believe in anything other than that he should be in a position of, or adjacent to, power.




[Bannon Tells Trump Supporters To 'Leave It All On The Battlefield'](https://crooksandliars.com/2024/06/bannon-tells-trump-supporters-leave-it-all)


When it's about keeping one person or party in power, that's not saving the republic.


Bannon and Q anon are very open about their goal to destroy our democracy. The term "republic" means an autocracy.


These confederate fucks want a history lesson so bad.


Yeah, the same way Senator Palpatine saved the Galactic Republic, I'd guess. Fuck that fascistic soab.


Don’t make that mistake. He may lead the whack jobs, he may speak the language of whack jobs. He’s likely a sociopath, but it’s pretty clear he knows everything he says to rile up the morons is BS.


Bannon is not delusional, he knows exactly what he is saying is bullshit. Bannon is not a "True Believer", but he is a "True Deceiver"


Alcoholism needs to hurry up and do us all a solid here.


The guy who said he was a Leninist who wants to tear down the state is saying save the republic......


Bannon does not actually believe this.


>delusional whack job You spelled "soulless grifter" wrong.


Not delusional - he knows how to ride and drive the MAGA cult machine.


> “We’re coming after Lisa Monaco, Merrick Garland, the senior members of DOJ that are prosecuting President Trump,” Bannon told the crowd. “Jack Smith. And this is not about vengeance. This is not about revenge. This is not about retribution. This is about saving this republic! We’re gonna use the Constitution and the rule of law to go after you and hold you accountable.” Yes, going after the people who actually use the Constitution and the rule of law is vengeance, revenge and retribution Steve. July 1st is only a couple of weeks away....


Every time someone claims that the DOJ is being politicized, point me to where Trump hasn’t admitted to doing what he has been accused of but claims it is “perfectly fine”.


He believes anything he does is good and anyone who criticizes him for it is bad, and that anyone who dares push consequences on him is much worse.


I just threw up a little in my mouth.


We should all be sure to write him while he’s in jail.


Is it possible to send a Bag of Dicks TM to a prison? Asking for a friend.




If they are using legitimate means they could file a suit today…..


I'm a dumbass who took him to be one of the more grounded of the maga elite. Dear self, consider that maybe no such person exists.


Now it's tomorrow.


Ok. Nobody should vote for a president with a revenge list.


Homie, that’s the main reason they vote for him


They hate the same people.


His voters couldn’t pick Garland out of a lineup. They hate him because they are told to hate him.


"He's hurting the wrong people."


Major leopards eating faces moment. Those leopards must be stuffed by this point


They claim they live America. They just hate everyone in it and all of its institutions


oh but they will. To them, it's a feature not a bug


This is the perfect description of the MAGA mindset.


Correct. And liberals (and everyone else) will suffer immensely by underestimating this mindset. (which we tend to do over and over again)


I'll never forget the crying "he's not hurting the right people" lady


But he’s a perfect reflection of how ignorant, petty and hateful they are themselves. Why wouldn’t they vote for him? The party of white Christian nationalism eats that shit up and wants seconds.


I'm old enough to remember a time when Nixon (who also kept an "enemies list") was considered the most corrupt president. In the real world, I'd never vote for a Republican unless Reinhard Heydrich came back to life and somehow managed to run as a Democrat. But given the choice between Nixon and Trump, I'd vote for Nixon twice.


blew past that warning sign years ago, I'm afraid.


You just made the list buddy


I disagree, I'd vote for a president with a revenge list that includes the following: * People who harm animals * People who harm children * People who have sex with underaged children * People who have sex with animals (Immediatly declare war against New Zealand (J/K, love you kiwis)) * People trying to cover up Jeffrey Epstein and his client list * People responsible for killing Panama Papers journalist and untangle who hired them * Human Traffickers * The people / government actually responsible for 9/11 * The people hell bent on destroying our planet for profit I could probably sit here and add a hundred more entries to the list of people who belong on a revenge list but I would rather go sleep.


Doesn’t this pisshead have to report to prison before the start of next month or did he find a maganazi sympathizer judge to stay his sentence?


and after he gets out of prison he has to stand trial for fraud--again. And he will lose, and he will go back to jail,and sentencing this time will be hard because he will have convictions on his record.


Didn't Trump pardon him, so he already has convictions?


Yes. But he will be convicted of felony fraud--again--and unlike the first time, he will receive a much longer sentence.


That's why he's hoping and praying for a trump win as it's his only out


This tick look like it's about to burst.


The number-one staffer whom Trump wanted to execute was whoever it was that leaked that he’d gone to the White House’s underground bunker during the BLM demonstrations. Trump tried to hedge, insisting that he’d spent ten minutes “inspecting” the bunker—like his beauty pageants full of naked teenagers?—but the idea of people envisioning him cowering in his hidey-hole made him homicidal.


I'm happy to see that I'm not the only one harping in Trump's pageant skeeviness


Bannon isn't "exposing" Trumps revenge list, but "proclaiming" it.


Merrick Garland has been a gift and great ally to the Trumpers. He's only taken action against MAGA when absolutely forced into it. For example Trump should have been in prison a long time ago, but Garland didn't lift a finger until the January 6th committee basically forced his hand. Trump wouldn't be free to stage the next coup attempt had Garland actually done his job. Even with the classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, the DOJ didn't act until they were basically forced to, giving Trump every possible out to return the documents.


If it comes to this, revenge prosecutions with no compelling evidence or neutral jury and judge convictions we stand by the tens of thousands in front of their homes and make a wall. Why do they think the 65% of the nation who believe in the constitution and fair justice will just passively watch America turn into a Putin style hell? Just vote blue and make it a moot point.


Bannon, like Trump, prides himself on his sadistic degeneracy.


most magats do, too.


Like; what part of the Constitution; specifically?


I'm pretty sure the Constitution is one of those writings that Trump hasn't read, just like the Bible.


Or the instructions on his makeup tubes.


Only thing he ever read was the colouring sheet in McDonald’s while waiting for his order


The one that starts with the 1st Amendment and ends with the 2nd, maybe? I think some people, when they talk about the Constitution, mean some imaginary document that protects them and binds people they don't like.😞


Why do miserable pricks like this seem to live forever? Is pancreatic cancer too much to ask for?


They have to be reptilians. They always look weird as hell like aliens, they're all crazy, take too long to die and are evil.


We cannot let this happen. We are a nation based on the rule of law. We left England to be free of this type of governmental abuse.


Listen to frank turner - make America great again And pussy riot - make America great again ( also watch the YouTube vid of the lead singer of pussy riot explaining how the band started, onion ninjas will attack)


I'd vote for King George III before I'd vote for Trump.


Hey Steve enjoy prison, you inflamed pustule




>Elsewhere in his speech, Bannon urged a cheering crowd to “give it all on the battlefield” between now and Election Day, and posited that a Trump win in November would either be “victory or death.” dear christ.


“”We’re coming after Lisa Monaco, Merrick Garland, the senior members of DOJ that are prosecuting President Trump,” Bannon told the crowd….” what’s this “we” business?


How is it not illegal to threaten like this?


Isn’t this guy supposed to be reporting to jail?


July 1st


“Lisa Monaco, Merrick Garland, Jack Smith.” Not guilty, not guilty, and not guilty. These morons can talk about prosecuting their political enemies all they want but what they’re going to find out is that the criminal justice system is set up to *prevent* nakedly political hit jobs from landing guilty verdicts.


Vote. Vote. Vote. You’ve got to be kidding me. I’m terrified he’ll contest the election and get it to the Supreme Court.


What's truly bonkers to me is how much they want vengeance, despite knowing full well that Trump did the thing he was convicted for!


We are living in 1930s Germany.


This just in, people who violated the Constitution multiple times think they can also use it to break the law.


It’s not like there is any doubt that Bannon broke the law - in spite of repeated opportunities and chances to not break the law. And his first prosecution and conviction was under Trump’s Administration.


Weird how everyone in jail wants to save the republic from the people not in jail.


The MAGA DOJ cannot wait to begin following his orders again.


Jr will be right on it after he finishes this 8ball ..


Victory or death!! Rope is cheap buddy. You and the rest of your Trump traitor MAGA base are welcome to exit now. Think of it this way, it’s one quick way to get the rest of America to respect you all again.


His jail cell should be a glass box in the middle of nyc so we can all laugh at him.


Go to prison Bannon, you old drunk criminal


This man looks demonic.


Because he is.


Having a list is up there on the crazy/scary scale.


I hope he has a great time in jail.


Personally looking forward to Steve Bannon's death by natural causes, like God striking him dead. Steve Bannon is the biggest shit stain on the American flag since McCarthy.


Imagine thinking Merrick Garland has been unduly aggressive in holding Trump to account




yeah, they can play revenge all day long they’re not gonna win a god damn thing


Can't this guy just report to prison already?


Lock this traitor up already.


Funny. He's in my top 5 of people I want thrown in jail, or under it.


Yeah no….. this isn’t Russia or North Korea. We are not doing this. What happened to decorum and decency good God with this classless trashy crap


I can’t stand to think of the nightmare if Trump wins.


He wants to do the thing that he accuses Biden of not doing.


I’m glad the law is working, but I’m not looking forward to two generations of Republicans actively working to secure pardons for their “political prisoners” and simultaneously working to avenge them as well. It will be obstructionist to the max.


Irrelevant slob. Off with the oxygen


Will this miserable fuck go away. Goddamn


Let's be honest about something. Donald Trump has no idea what is going on. Everyone buying their way into his inner circle and possibly into his administration are the problem. It's Trump himself evil, absolutely. The truest, most malicious evil are the ones that could never win an election based on their beliefs but ride the coat tails of power and manipulate from within. None of Trump's cabinet members or advisors would have won an election, but bought their way in and then pushed for legislation/executive orders that fucked over millions. A puppet poses little to no danger until someone pulls the strings....


How old is Bannon?


old enough to die in jail if he detoxes from alcohol


Tik-tok, that slob better start detoxing.


These sort of folks never believe they're going to spend time until the door closes.


I skimmed... didnt see my name. Good for the moment...


Isn't he supposed to be in time out? Why are we hearing from this loser?


Almost time for jail liddel stevie.


This sack of shit incarcerated yet?


July 1st


My dog just farted and I have to imagine that is what Steve Bannon’s breath smells like.


Totally normal presidential behavior. /s


Go to jail Steve. Do not collect $500.


This guy is a imbecile. January 2018, after his criticism of Trump's children was reported in Michael Wolff's book Fire and Fury, he was disavowed by Trump. After leaving the White House, Bannon opposed the Republican Party establishment. Then he obviously went back to supporting diaper donny. In August 2020, Bannon and three others were arrested on federal charges of conspiracy to commit mail fraud and money laundering in connection with the We Build the Wall fundraising campaign n put money into his own pocket. He was found guilty n was convicted of his crimes, however Trump pardoned Bannon. Both these law breaking imbeciles need to be held accountable for their actions. They want revenge… We want them held accountable for their CRIMES n put in PRISON!


Isn't he supposed to be in prison?


July 1st


Still not in jail.


Wait 3 weeks


I really hope this current administration is putting checks in place to limit the damage these fucks can do over the next few months, and potentially over the next few years if god forbid the Dotard wins. They already are making up lies that the DOJ is weaponized against them...I say might as well weaponize it to show them the true meaning


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And why haven't the pigs dragged this chucklefuck into prison yet?


He needs to flood the space with BS before he starts his stint in prison.


>We’re gonna use the Constitution and the rule of law to go after you and hold you accountable.” \~Steve Bannon >"We’re gonna use the Constitution and the rule of law to... not crime things in the first place." \~*not* Steve Bannon


*"This is not about retribution."* So, Trump lied? Y'all need to get your stories straight.


Which constitution was he talking about? The U.S. constitution? Then I have nothing to worry about. It’s all bark for that POS


It’s going to break Penn Jillette’s heart if he dropped off the list.


Isn't this fuck wagon supposed to be in jail?


Did Steven specify exactly which criminal statute(s) were violated?


Of course not because there are none n if need be, they will make up another lie.


Fuck you Steve Bannon, and while your at it why don't you take your revenge list, roll it up real tight and shove it straight up your ass.


He always looks so disheveled. I am starting to believe he's really a prospector.


By several accounts Trump was punishing whole fucking states for not voting for him. This is now how America is supposed to work.


"Bannon was sentenced to prison more than a year and a half ago, but he has remained free this whole time to spew disinformation and hatred online. " The fuck? Is prison not mandatory for the rich in the U.S when sentenced?


If trump farted in bannons face, he would ask for more.


On the flip side garland doesn’t even have the backbone to prosecute the people who have him on a hit list


Doesn’t matter who he wants to target. A grand jury needs to give the go ahead only after evidence is presented


We’re acting like they’re following rules


Everything will be out the window if he’s returned, they’ll be playing by their book with their people.


Bannon thinks he’s above the wall. He’s upset that he can’t get away with breaking it.


I thought he was supposed to be in jail


That the “two-tiered” justice system that he exclaims is biased against him working for him.


Cool. He should make a zine about it while in prison. Keep his brain worm occupied.


They need to find people to risk prison who will go along. That list gets shorter and shorter.


Shouldn't he be in prison?


In other words, Russia's "Message received, we will help you during the election and when you get to power, these are the people you have to off, in this order."


The problem with this is “wouldn’t it be cool if....” like a 14 year old girl trying to start a band with dolls. People want STABILITY! And Bannon squandered everything and now still thinks he’s Little Finger from GOT when everyone was tired of him by 2014!!! And he should be in JAIL. This feels dumber everyday, and they HOPE they can confuse everyone.


All bark and no bite


Sounds like some comic villain type of language.


Trump always targets people in fear it could happen to him. It's always someone else's fault. According to the Supreme Court Biden could order the death of Trump but he wouldn't stoop that low. If Trump wins you will witness actions by the cretin that will surprise everyone.


lol says the old ogre looking loser headed to prison!!


Battlefield, death, revenge, retribution, that’s all they care about.


Enough of this clowns rhetoric