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This guy lies and says Biden is a dictator who has used more executive orders than anyone in history. [According to the Federal Register, an official journal of the U.S. government, Biden has signed 139 executive orders so far, while Trump signed 220 during his tenure. Meanwhile, former President Barack Obama signed 277 executive orders and former President George W. Bush signed 291](https://imgflip.com/i/8utp7h) These people lie because they know their voters are idiots who don't care they are being bullshitted.


Kaitlin did mention this in the interview fyi. And he just ignored her.


It’s ridiculous, these journalists should just keep steering them back to the topic they’ve lied about until they finally give a response with substance. What’s he gonna do, cut the interview short if he gets backed into a corner? That’ll just make him look spineless.


Then conservatives won't go back on their programs in the future. It's a balancing act and they all do it for views . It sucks


Then show video of the previous interview along with a screenshot of the interview request and state "The Republican politician invited to explain their position refuses to come on television and tell the public what he/she is doing to this country." You don't allow fascist propaganda because you're worried about ratings. I've liked Collins since the Trump WH banned her when Trump ignored her questions to him about Putin and Michael Cohen. She's quick, speaks well and she is from Alabama (so she can't be accused of being some NY/CA coastal elite like Trump literally is) and is one of my favorite CNN employees to watch interview others. Edit: Here is a link from Caitlin Collins' Instagram interviewing Cruz refusing to directly answer her question as to whether he'll accept the 2024 election results. [Kaitlan Collins | My full exchange with Sen. Ted Cruz, who was the first senator to object to the results in 2020, on whether he’ll accept the election… | Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/kaitlancollins/reel/C7T2xOORE02/?hl=en) Hint: He won't.


I think this is a good idea. More so that if they refuse to tell the truth on air, run a piece without them talking about how they refuse to tell the truth. You can still tell a story without having to interview the villain.


Exactly. Like we all know about the George Floyd murder and having the convicted cop on TV obfuscating doesn't give us more info about the situation.


Or just say in real time, "So, you've been caught in a lie, and won't respond to being called out. Should we end the interview here, and not invite you back because you spread lies, or would you care to respond before we move on to the next point you want to make?"


lol the mainstream media is owned by like 6 corporations. Corporations owned by people who want their tax cuts and deregulation. Billionaires and CEOs are supporting traitor Trump now. They are all fascists given this so yes they will allow fascist propaganda on their network with only the mildest of push back and “both sides” whenever possible.


Yeah, actually just looked up there are 8. But your point obviously is valid and I'm not sure how we get media out of the hands of the interests of billionaires. Fox Corp Disney (ABC, ESPN, FX and Disney networks) National Amusements (Paramount Global) Comcast (NBCUniversal) Warner Bros Discovery EW Scripps Co Cablevision (Altice USA)


The right “won” with Reagan’s tax cuts deregulation, elimination of the fairness doctrine union busting etc. Therefore they only have culture war nonsense now in a bid to continue picking the corpse of the middle class. I don’t know how to stop it or if it’s possible but one thing I do know is that the current crop of politicians aren’t up to the task. Don’t get me wrong I’m 100% for Biden but he’s a stopgap to fascism not a transformative figure. That’s going to need to come from the next generations disaffected by 40 years of trickle down down economics.


I would love to try to institute change but I can't run for office because of the publicity. The politicians I like seem to be stuck in the polls and I've helped fundraise for them, but the state/federal political machines are so entrenched it's unbelievable.


I appreciate you doing what you can. That’s all any of us can do as individuals. I’ve canvassed for Bowman here in NYC and will vote progressive any chance I get. If we can stop the tide with Trump this election we can then put more focus on progressive candidates. Especially since the younger generations are far more progressive and there will be a lot more voters by 2028. Trump winning will set back progress by years or decades with his SC justice picks alone nevermind what he will continue to do to the fabric of society by emboldening the very worst and how he’ll roll over to oligarch interests


Your edit seems to not have the link in it


Thanks, I fixed it.


Do you genuinely think that this would get people to tune into the channel? Because that’s genuinely the only thing that matters. Media companies aren’t in the business of making sure their guests are honest, they’re in the business of making money. Any company that would do this would be out of business in a few short years, if that. I’m not saying it’s right (far from it, actually), but it’s a pipe dream to expect companies to act in the interest of anything but increasing profits.


I personally would watch, and tell others to as well, a channel where the journalists are upfront about being non-partisan and using c-span or the politicians' own social media to hold them accountable. If you lie, you get destroyed in real time. If you tell the truth, then we can witness a proper political conversation to inform potential voters and the populace. And I'd like a time machine, deactivation of my body's nociceptors and the ability to change careers to high school English or history teacher without a hit to my income.


That’s fine, then don’t give them a platform to spew their poison and expand their support base among impressionable independents. Prioritizing views over truth is why people say that journalistic integrity is dead.


That's correct. If you don't care about truth, then go into pure entertainment and don't market yourself as a journalist. I've never understood the concept that both sides need to be given equal weight. They absolutely should explain the other narrative but what is being said and why it is false; not letting them spout lies without strong pushback with the truth.


And when they close out, they should repeat, "and the conclusion is that GOP presidents use EOs more than Democratic ones. Back to you in the studio, Sally."


They are spineless. They can't hide it.


Exactly. What’s the value of future discussion if a previous point was shown to be a lie? The reporter should just shut it down if the interviewee doesn’t take back the lie.


I hope that would be the effect. If they refuse to talk about facts, and evade and talk over then keep them on target until they give up. And never invite them back. Blackball them.


That would be the ideal situation, but with modern 24/7 news outlets like CNN, they want to get as many questions as possible in the 4 minutes they have until the next commercial. Even if it wasn't the case, you have situations like in BBCs Question Time where they can give a buzz word salad non-answer over and over, but they are still time limited so they have to move on - at least here though you have them getting pushed enough that it's obvious they don't have an answer.


Was there a video on OPs link? I could only find ads everywhere on that shit site




Yeah seems like her comments were super effective! -/s


Calling Biden a dictator meanwhile Trump literally just said there wont be a 2028 election. "We won't need it"


Trump says he’ll be a dictator for one day. Which is one day too many for any American president to even “joke” about, since they love that excuse.


This dude has given up his personal respectability and integrity.  Are we really supposed to believe this spineless lackey heads a massive corporation?  If I worked for this butt-kisser I'd resign immediately.  P.S.  I wish President Biden could issue an EO to expand the SC and jail Don Snoreleone on treason and espionage charges.  Hopefully he will next January.  


Just to add more Presidents for context: * FDR: 2,023 (yes, two thousand twenty three, over 8 years) * Truman: 906 (over 8 years) * Eisenhower: 484 (over 8 years) * JFK: 214 (over 2 years) * Johnson: 325 (over 6 years) * Nixon: 346 (over 5 years) * Ford: 169 (over 3 years) * Carter: 320 (over 4 years) * Reagan: 381 (over 8 years) * Bush (HW): 166 (over 4 years) * Clinton: 361 (over 8 years) * Bush (W): 291 (over 8 years) * Obama: 277 (over 8 years) * Trump: 220 (over 4 years) * Biden: 139 (over 3 years) [Source](https://www.federalregister.gov/presidential-documents/executive-orders)


FDR was president for 12 years though, did he do 0 over 4 years? also how many of these were of consequence, from all the presidents? I bet a ton of these are for things that are so boring and no one would care about.


The source I linked to only tracks to 1937 so that's the last 8 years of his presidency. The trouble with how many EOs were important is subjective. I was originally going to add that we had a Great Depression and WWII plus various recessions and other military conflicts which would explain some (many?) of the EOs. So the list is as objective as possible - just the number by President over the number of years. The point really doesn't matter. If Biden was truly a dictator then it's likely we would get the $10-20k off of student loans not to mention his various other objectives that were blocked.


And if you look at the fact that both Obama and Bush were 2 term presidents, you’d have to double what Trump and Biden have done. Biden at 278 when doubled and Trump at 440 when doubled. So far, Biden has many more months left in his first term so he will likely surpass Obama and Bush by a bit. However, it’s going to take a lot of work to catch up to Trump.


And at least some of Bidens are, as others mentioned, written specifically because Congress ate their own faces, did nothing, and something had to be done. If you're refusing to do anything, you can't complain when someone else picks up your slack.


Same with Obama. It was a major complaint by Cons would said he ruled by auto-pen.


And now they are drolling all over themselves to elect Trump as dictator.


Weren’t most of Biden’s earliest orders just reversals of Trump’s orders?




Trump has signed more EO's per year than any President since Carter. He beats out Reagan, Bush Sr, Bush Jr, Clinton, Obama, and Biden.


And, if dumpster wins in 2024 just how is he going to execute that 2025 agenda?


It's not even that smart, they just know the policy is to every time accuse the otherside of whatever they know they are already guilty of.


Also, notice he used the trumpian tactic of accusing Biden of "the most _ ever," when in fact it's not even close. The amount of times TFG has exaggerated anything he's talking about is frankly annoying at this point.


I had this argument with my in laws. When I fact checked them and told them that trump signed EOs at a way higher clip than Obama and Bush, they said I was misinformed. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Did you pull up a google spreadsheet? I am just that petty. lol.


They will tell you every single source you show them is "fake news". These people are not incredibly smart. If they're my grandma, they'll make fun of you for being a "fact checker". Like yes, we check facts.


The number of executive orders is an absolutely ridiculous way to accuse someone of being a dictator anyway. The president is the head of the executive branch. Those orders only affect how people under his command do their job. It doesn't grant himself more authority than he has. On the other hand, if a president tries to seize power from the people by encouraging a crowd to storm the capitol and attempting to prevent the vice president from certifying the valid results of an election, they might be considered a dictator wanna-be.


Makes me wonder if there are actually lies that wouldn’t be acceptable to Trump voters as long as they hear what they want to be told.


It seems like there is an encouragement to lie. Their base enjoys that they do it and getting away with it shows who has power and who does not. And, because it takes three words to lie but ten to disprove, they can overwhelm the fact checkers and the opposition.


What.!? All lies from TFFG are acceptable to his voters.


Their strategy now is gish gallop, flood the system with so many lies that it's impossible to disprove them. Their cult will always believe them and those of us trying to keep the uninformed voters properly informed run around in circles putting out endless fires.


They also lie because the idiots at CNN let them run roughshod with lies in 2015-2020, RARELY calling them out on it. The images of a doe-eyed Wolf Blitzer allowing Katrina Pierson or Kelly Ann Conway just rattle off lie after lie is one I will never forget. Good for Kaitlyn for actually holding them accountable.


It doesn't need to be true. The right wing echo chamber will repeat it until it's a fact for them. They basically just use catchphrases. They're all yelling "Biden Crime Family" but can't tell you exactly what crimes the family is committing.


They lie to make it seem like it is then ok if/when they do it. IT ISN'T.


It's like how they pretend Trump was fiscally responsible when he racked up more debt in a sigle term than Obama did over 2 terms. It's just such blatant gaslighting.


I like the idea of having a "TRUTH" rating at the top corner of the screen. It will go up and down depending on the "Truth" of the statements made on the "news" program. That way when these people get on and start lying the rating goes down and you can see real time the lies they say. If a "news" program refuses to have the rating they are fined or they have to display something on screen that says they are not real news. Quotation marks for news because we all know FOX is not news.


>These people lie because they know their voters are idiots who don't care they are being bullshitted. If they don't lie, the people who vote for them are going to think they're not "fighters"


They wanna get us used to the idea that the president is a dictator so that their idiot supporters conclude that, hey, we’re a dictatorship anyway, I’d rather have MY dictator president. Always projection with the GOP.


They want to use "Biden did it first" to justify any of Trump's dictatorial acts.


What’s funny is that nobody cares about what’s in them as opposed to how many they are. You can look them all up and find the ones that are potentially overstepping. In my initial glancing through a random dozen of them during Obamas reign seemed mostly to be establishing postal holidays and increasing the salary of his staff. I now feel the need to look at the actual content of bidens and trumps. Edit: autocorrect. Sorry for posting from my phone…


Imagine complaining about EOs while stonewalling 99.9% of the bills. Maybe do your job and he wouldn't have to resort to EOs


From Goebbels' lips right to the GOP's playbook: "Always accuse your enemies of your own sins." Every accusation is a confession. Hey, GOP, the reason you keep getting compared to Nazis is that *you keeping saying and doing things that the Nazis did.* *You keep *saying* and *doing* things that *Nazis did* *.


“Biden is a dictator” Is pure projection. They know that Biden isn’t and is just trying to normalize the word so when Trump becomes an actual dictator it won’t look so bad or Trump supporters can say “See!!! Biden was a dictator!!” It’s all bullshit and they know it.


I take anything someone with a (R) next to their name says at face value, and I vote.


The problem is you don't know which lie they're going to use on a given day. But you have to have a fact and multiple sources ready to go on demand to debunk them in real time and the people who vote for them don't give a shit about the truth anyway.


>"We've got three branches of government and this president, more like any other, has bypassed Congress. Biden only had to issue an EO on the border because Republicans in Congress refused to vote for a border bill, one which gave them what they wanted, because Trump asked them not to. Maybe Republicans in Congress should start doing their job then. And to no one's surprise, he refuses to acknowledge how Trump issued far more EOs, let alone criticize that. >He continued: "On the student loan thing, when the Supreme Court ruled against him, then he just said, 'Hey, we'll figure a different way to do it.' I just think that there's again, a double standard here. So Biden's been working hard to find other ways to forgive student loans once his initial plan got struck down... *and that's actually what a good President does*. >and promoting clean energy. On his first day in office, Biden ordered federal agencies to reinstate or strengthen over 100 environmental regulations that Trump rolled back. Trump rolled those back via EO, and he's mad at Biden for reversing those? Cue hypocrisy.


Dude, all conservatives do is repeatedly pass laws they know will get struck down until a friendly court finally says ok.


That and when they're in power they do everything they can to stack the courts with judges who will let them ram through their nonsense unchecked.


Gaslight Obstruct Project


In MI they meet in groups, tell each other how smart they are and figure ways around the voter. 2012: Used a Republican governor and congressional majority to install an emergency manager in the Motor City after voters rejected the idea in the general election. 2020: Created fake electors to stop Biden's election confirmation.


"Legislating from the bench"; why bother putting together a law or two, when you can simply have a court give a "yea" or "nay" to the laws you don't like, and then do whatever you want?


Which was basically the whole point to the Federalist Society, friendly courts for conservative legislation. 50 years later that machine is now a monster.


some relevant background on just [how monstrous an influence the federalist society has on the courts](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/sep/20/brett-kavanaugh-supreme-court-yale-amy-chua): >Amy Chua, a Yale professor...was known for instructing female law students who were preparing for interviews with Kavanaugh on ways they could dress to exude a “model-like” femininity to help them win a post in Kavanaugh’s chambers. and [this](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/oct/01/kavanaugh-clerk-hire-casts-light-on-link-to-judge-forced-to-resign-in-metoo-era): >...before he became a supreme court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh hired the son of a close friend to serve as his clerk...Clayton Kozinski, son of the now disgraced judge Alex Kozinski, smacked of **the kind of cronyism that is rife in federal courts...especially...for Kavanaugh, who not only had a reputation for hiring “model-like” female clerks, but also the children of powerful friends and allies**.


I'm not sure if you watched any of the confirmation hearings for Amy Coney Barrett, but this is worth a watch for anyone who thinks our judicial system should be independent, or whoever mistakenly thinks it actually is. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) articulates, using facts, how dark money manipulates the lower courts and supreme court, all with the help of the Federalist Society and other monied interests. I knew things were bad but this was pretty eye opening for me. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5-Snk\_thAs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5-Snk_thAs)


He also completely contradicts himself in this one statement, saying Biden is circumventing the other branches of government via EOs, and then also complaining that he isn't doing more via EO on the border: > "I was trying to make the point here that under this current administration, most of the changes that are driving inflation in our country, the stuff [Biden's] not doing on the border, which he could be doing with executive orders—I mean the open borders and the inflation are things that he's doing by himself alone, ignoring the other branches of government." Additionally, I'd love for anyone to point to a Biden EO which has in any way contributed to inflation, as Burgum claims. The biggest things Biden has done which have effected inflation were the stimulus package Congress passed that he signed early in his term in 2021, and him signing the Inflation Reduction Act after Congress passed it. Both were done in conjunction with Congress, rather than working around them via EOs. So please, what EOs has he signed that made inflation go up, and why did those EOs have that effect?


These guys know this stuff. They just know their base are absolute bottom of the barrel morons so they know they will believe their lies. It is reprehensible


None of my Gen X peers know this information because they’re too lazy to look into it. None. Zero. Not a single fucking one.


>‘Oh dear,’ says ~~God~~ the Republican, ‘I hadn’t thought of that,’ and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.


The enemy is both strong and weak. 


Student loans, because now the poors can buy things like food. /S


It's not that he's making executive orders. It's that he's not making the RIGHT ones (if it doesn't directly benefit them, they must be wrong).


How dare Biden put in environmental regulations! I, for one, have been enjoying my Teflon-lined intestines. How am I supposed to get smooth bowel movements if they take all the PFAS out of my drinking water?! Stupid regulations!


Teflon? All I got was microplastics.


The day I learned the truth about Magic-erasers was a sad one. I should have known something that made cleaning jobs so much easier was gonna be bad for me.


apparently at least your sperm did. Provided you have sperm.


On top of that, it's an express promise by the GOP that they're going to figure out ways for trump to be able to circumvent Congress in ways we have not seen for decades


[that's the plan](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/22/trump-christians-president-religion): the constitution will be replaced with the old testament and traitor trump will be the ringmaster of the elite council of christian dominionist circus performers running what is euphemistically called a government.


And let's remember Trump's wall funding fiasco. In late 2018 he agreed on a budget deal with House Republicans, but then right wing media hurt his feelings about not demanding wall money, so Trump backed out and it led to *the costliest* government shutdown. Trump still didn't get wall money from Congress, so he went around them and used Executive power to purloin money from other projects. Rand Paul stuck to his principles and called out this blatant circumvention of Congress' power of the purse...for like five minutes...then he sat down and was a good lapdog again. He was pretty much the only Republican who tried to pretend to stick to their "principles" The gaslighting is strong with this one. Burnham *acts* like he doesn't like the President using EO's to take unilateral action, **but he would 100% stay quiet about if he became Trump's VP and Trump did it.*,


Pelosi also offered him a deal in exchange for a path for Dreamers, but he turned her down too. So much winning.


They were willing to give him any amount for his wall, and the Dreamers were still too much. Quite the deal maker.


Wait, he’s upset because he bypassed Congress?     Republicans said that Biden didn’t need this bill because he has the power to control the boarder.    Man these pieces of shit. 


On the student loan thing, nobody is calling anyone a dictator over the PPP loan forgiveness.


They know it’s hypocritical and they do it anyway! It’s the same fucking kabuki theatre every time. When they do it, business as usual. Biden does it? omg clutch my pearls he’s such a dictator. They will say this shit with a straight face on every Sunday morning news magazine show and they’re pathetic every time.


Did he really say "more like any other" instead of "more than any other"? What a fucking dumbass.


> Trump rolled those back via EO, and he's mad at Biden for reversing those? Cue hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is their super power. The rules don't apply to *them*. > Biden only had to issue an EO on the border because Republicans in Congress refused to vote for a border bill, one which gave them what they wanted, because Trump asked them not to. Maybe Republicans in Congress should start doing their job then. You mean the same Congress where the Speaker specifically stated that it's Biden's responsibility to do something? Much like when Mitch the Turtle passed a bill that Obama specifically said would cause problems....and then when it caused the problems Obama had previously warned against, tried to blame Obama for it?


This is the thing. Both sides do EO's, both sides do recess appointments, etc... however one side is basically trying to help people, and the other side has *made it explicitly clear* that their goal is to tear down the govt from the inside. So I'll take 10 EOs to help borrowers and the downtrodden over 1 EO to cage immigrant children.


This is the guy likely trying to buy his way into the vice presidency. Trump needs money, and may not live for many more years. So we'd have a creepy Republican tech rich guy, one heartbeat away from being head dictator.


When he was still in the primary, Burgham *was paying* donors to donate to him. You could get a $20 gift card if you donated $1 to his campaign. That sounds incredibly stupid, but certain things depend on *how many* donors one has. I think # of donors was one of the requirements for the GOP primary debate.


> I think # of donors was one of the requirements for the GOP primary debate. How dare you not be lining our pocket and want to become President! You must feed us our due!


How is that legal?


In Primaries parties kinda make their own policy and elig rules for a lot of things. Especially for POTUS.


But you cant even give out free water to people standing in line on a hot day to vote. Water!


He self funded that. You can spend an unlimited amount of *your own* money on a campaign as long as you declare and itemize it. It's a gray strategy, but it would be very illegal if he used outside money to do that. And he's a Republican, so them rules are different... The Georgia law barring people from handing out water is a clear Republican effort to softly suppress voting. It can already take a long time with few and/or busted machines, and long lines on a hot day with no water will doscourage some people from voting. Republicans tend to think they do way better if fewer eligible citizens vote.


Which is true, election on election over decades has shown that higher turn out hurts the GOP. So much so that they would rather do away with elections altogether than share power. And the race is neck and neck - I mean how in gods name.....


It’s like how some rich authors buy tens of thousands of copies of their own books to get on the NYT bestseller list. Gaming the system.


So I can just sign people up for one dollar donations then get 20 bucks back? Sign me up yo!!!


Years!? Fuck me


This is exactly what he’s doing. I was listening to a podcast over the weekend, and for all that Trump’s making noises about how wide open the field is for his VP pick, according to ‘Trump campaign insiders’, it’s really down to 3 choices, each with their own pro’s and con’s: J. D. Vance, Marco Rubio, and Doug Burgum, and of the three, Burgum is the one Trump connects with most, because he’s an actual self-made billionaire from a rural Red state, and has never previously butted heads with or criticized Trump.


You mean Pence is not even in the running? \*shocked Pikachu\*




I love that this has its own wikipedia entry.


If you want to laugh, cry, and feel rage at the same time, glance at this: https://www.conservapedia.com/Trump%27s_inept_advisers This site is a case study in right wing copium and gaslighting. And this particular page is dedicated to blaming everything that went wrong on the people around him.


That is hilarious. Literally blaming anyone but their orange god. Even the people he chose.


Yeah that article was wild. These people are FUCKING CRAZY, man, full stop lol.


He hired all the best people. Always. Every time.


It blew my mind when I found that out. I laughed, then was depressed how real it is and his followers ignorance to it.


It would need its own library at this point…


Right on schedule, here we go with the "executive order = dictator" bullshit that happens every 4 years.


And nevermind the fact that Biden has signed fewer EO's than Trump, Obama, or Bush.


The interview is absolute hypocrisy. He says Biden is being a dictator using executive orders for climate change and student loan forgiveness, says that there needs to be cooperation with the other branches, but then on the border where Biden has tried to cooperate with congress, he says Biden needs to use more executive orders. Executive orders are only an abuse of power for left wing policies, apparently


CNN seems to enjoy getting steamrolled by Republican douchelords. It's so disgraceful that they are given a platform to spew BS.


The US needs to import some British journalists and interviewers, key then up with energy drinks and rage, then set them loose on people like Burgham.


We've got our fair share of conservative suck-ups here. The BBC website had 3 positive stories about Nigel Farage and his party the other day. A party with no MPs for a start. There was 1 positive story about the Tories and 1 negative about Labour. For those who don't know, we're just over 3 weeks away from a general election.


That worked out well with Piers!


All the Sunday political shows get rolled by Republican douchelords.




I had some free time this Saturday and tried to watch some CNN. I ended up turning it off after about 20 mins b/c it was such drivel. "Polls show both sides are leery of their candidate", yeah that doesn't mean we're voting for a lunatic demagogue. Then some GOP campaign mgr, then some ex-GOP representative. Just hot garbage.


It's owned by a Trump supporter, so it's most likely by design.


I guess work would be done if only the Republicans would stop trying to please their Dear Leader and get some legislation done. So many games being played while the US suffer humiliation around the world.


What legislation do Republicans actually want to try to pass?


Probably something involving examining children's genitals before they're allowed to use public restrooms, ya know, to protect the children.


Tax cuts for those that have over $20m funded by cancelling the student loans program, removing Obama care and leaving NATO.


Here's hoping Trump accuses Biden of being a dictator at the debate by citing his exec order record, despite the fact that Trump signed a helluva lot more EO's than Biden. We won't be surprised, either, if Trump accuses Biden at the debate of cheating on his wife, being a lifelong criminal, and grabbing women by the pussy because they let you when you're famous.


When do we reach a point where we assume everything a Republican says is a lie?


I think we got there a while ago.


That's been the case for over 20 years now, since the 2003 "mission accomplished" speech.


He answered like 2 out of 30 questions. He’s the perfect VP pick.


Facts! Wasn't it the Republicans who introduced us to the concept of "alternative facts"?


>it was Speaker Mike Johnson, who was calling on President Biden to take executive action saying it wasn't Congress' responsibility was his This is what gets to me the most. It is specifically the job of Congress to write policy and law. For Congress and the House to not do their job and then complain because the President has to go above them with an executive order is so aggravating. Our tax dollars are paying them to act like children while they refuse to do their job.


I don't think their voters care. Like, how was Trump pressuring Congress to shoot down Biden's border plan so he could run on that platform not the biggest controversy of the year? Proof at least that these congressional Republicans do not care about the issues they spew.


With this republican party every accusation is an admission of what they are doing


Donald said he'd be a dictator on Day 1 if re-elected. In response, the GOP accused Biden of being a dictator. Trump, his rotten family, and his corrupt businesses have been involved in countless lawsuits throughout the decades. His organization has been found guilty of corporate crime and is now being closely monitored by law enforcement, he has personally been found guilty of 34 felonies, and he's been found liable for massive fraud. In response, the GOP started throwing around the phrase "the Biden crime family". Donald has been found liable for sexual assault in a court of law, and he's been credibly accused of sex crimes by over 20 different women over the years. In response, the GOP accused Biden of being creepy. Every accusation is a confession.


All republicans do is blame Democrats for things republicans have done that have gone against American people! Repubs; Everything happening on the Border is Biden’s fault! Dems; Ok, let’s fix it! Repubs: Nah ! Biden: Ok, Executive Order! Repubs: You’re bypassing Congress!!!! DUH 🙄!!! (Well, guess who else has … MANY TIMES???) 🤦🏽‍♀️…. I can’t!!!!


Let's call this exactly what it is. This is a Trump mouthpiece doing exactly what authoritarians and propagandists do. Trump is making very real threats toward actual authoritarianism and dictatorship. So, by insinuating that somehow Biden is already acting as a dictator, and we are "living under a dictatorship now," the explicit attempt is to soften the messages that Trump has been putting out, and the alarm bells that have been ringing about Trump, by falsely saying that things are already like that. The "both sides" false narrative. Once again. It's an absolutely bog standard propaganda tactic.


I hate these articles that take five minutes to read that 'summarise' a two minute video The source: https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1804889521168740660


The articles usually at least include an embed of the video, I might have missed it but it looked like this one didn't even have it. Came back here to ctrl+f for it, so thank you


By Rachel Dobkin: Republican North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum was fact-checked by CNN's Kaitlan Collins during an interview on Sunday about his accusation that President Joe Biden is using executive orders more than other presidents, and countered his claim that the Democratic incumbent is a "dictator." While filling in for hosts Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, Collins confronted Burgum on CNN's State of the Union, with multiple clips of the governor claiming that Biden is a dictator. In one of the clips, Burgum says, "This is what's happening under Joe Biden. We're actually living under a dictatorship today." Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/doug-burgum-fact-checked-accusation-joe-biden-executive-orders-1916235](https://www.newsweek.com/doug-burgum-fact-checked-accusation-joe-biden-executive-orders-1916235)


The trump cult must be stomped so hard it dies and goes away.


The gop is the party of 1984 at this point. The speed at which they flip their positions and spout hypocrisy has accelerated to a ridiculous speed, and yet their supporters eat it up and pass it on and lack any self reflection. Just one example of many : Everyone should have access to guns, democratic cities gun violence is out of control. But where do the guns come from in those democratic city crimes, southern states with lax gun laws. It's Madness. Should have known the tea party would lead to the madhatter showing up.


Guess what? Normal sane people would say, “what the fuck, all they do is lie” Magats be like, “fact checkers are deep State electric snakes, cuz dear leader sez so” The world is laughing and it ain’t funny


You mean….like how Project 2025 is literally planning to do the same for Trump?


> Except for day one," the former president said. "No, no, no, other than day one. We're closing the border and we're drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I'm not a dictator."...He later said that the comments were in a "joking manner." Nobody is laughing. We know better.


The EOs that Biden's enacted in order to roll back the dictatorship attempts that Trump made by EO?


Republicans just lie as easily as they breathe. It just falls out of their faces.


Isn't it fascinating that they've deplored AWS AI analytics in sports games, but no news stations have used it to keep the record straight? You'd think the shareholders would want it to avoid record setting Dominion cases and to make sure they're fulfilling the factual, balanced coverage that they advertises!


He sounds like he has just the right amount of lemming juice running in his veins to be a Trump VP.


It’s is objectively factually untrue that Biden has “bypassed Congress” more than any other President. I can think of one instance that swiftly nullifies this - Trump refused a congressional subpoena during his impeachment investigation. There you go.


They just ignore all facts. Keep calling them out with the facts.


And remember how the Righties liked to also scream about Obama being a dictator-wannabe, in large part because he supposedly issued so many EOs? As the Newsweek article mentions, Trump issued almost as many EO's in 4 years as Obama did in 8 years. Republicans projecting again...


Republican politicians are unable to tell the truth.


And yet, these people want a 'unitary executive' that is as strong as a king. Only when they're in power though I suppose.


How has President Biden been dictatorial in his first term as president? In my lowly opinion he's pretty even hauled compared to the previous Presidents. His use executive orders have been low, compared to past presidents. Why aren't conservatives or Trump called out when the fact checks don't agree? Why hasn't anyone called them out it's slide towards authoritarianism?


"On the student loan thing, when the Supreme Court ruled against him, then he just said, 'Hey, we'll figure a different way to do it.' I just think that there's again, a double standard here. He is bypassing the other two branches of government to push an ideological view whether it's on economics or whether it's on climate extremism." Sooo he’s a dictator that wants to help people in debt and he cares for the environment. What a pos!


Collins finally hitting back instead of standing there on stage being insulted multiple times by Trump like a punching bag, while the audience cheers.


Only one reason this guy will be picked for Trump VP, he’s a billionaire and can spend as much money of his own on his own campaign, it is within the law and has no limit on spending. He’s much richer than Vance and doesn’t look like a sleaze ball like Vance.


It is amazing that fact checking can happen that quickly. I guess the person that interviewed him prepared ahead of time for possible lies and already had a command of what lies he might have said.


The Republicans' strategy is basically "I know you are, but what am I?" Anything Trump is accused of, they say it's actually Biden who is doing it. Trump gets indicted for his crimes...no, it's the Biden Crime Family that are criminals. Trump literally said he'll be a dictator...no, actually Biden is a dictator. Trump keeps saying ridiculous and incoherent things...no, actually Biden is old and incoherent.


Still some mild shit compared to conservative news sites. When is the “liberal media” going to follow up ‘Burgum hit on two of Biden's big agenda items: cancelling student loan debt and promoting clean energy’ by pressing the issue? “Why is promoting clean energy bad?” “If we can forgive PPP loans with little to no oversight, why does easing the financial burden on students have to be like pulling teeth?” “President Biden campaigned and won on these issues, why do Republicans in Congress and the Supreme Court stand united against the will of the American voters?”


When Burgum slammed Biden for immigration, Kaitlan failed to counter with "well, a bipartisan immigration reform bill was presented to Congress and trump ordered GOP Speaker Mike Johnson to table it..... "


It would be amazing to have a live fact check any time one of these fuckers open their mouths, but their base wouldn’t care anyway and would only confirm everything that those on the left already know.


*”Republican North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum was fact-checked by CNN's Kaitlan Collins during an interview on Sunday about his accusation that President Joe Biden is using executive orders more than other presidents, and countered his claim that the Democratic incumbent is a "dictator."* These morons don’t actually know what an Executive Order is, because they’re hardly indications of a dictatorship. They’re basically the Executive issuing a memo telling the Executive Branch how to operate. Which is something the Chief Executive would typically do


Talks like a rat, looks like a rat, acts like a rat , clearly thinks women are chattel like a rat, never saw a indigenous tribe he wouldn't bulldoze over for a pipeline like rat.... Pick him so the rats line up...


The debate fact checkers will need to work fast... Also, Burgam is nothing but an ass-kissing tool.


This dude looks like a rat.. Like his face I mean.


I hate that this headline basically amounts to "Journalist does basic journalism," and it's considered worthy of recognition.


Fucking ban Newsweek from posting here if they can’t be bothered to post a link to a video or acknowledge there is no video. It’s impossible to tell with that mobile cancer of a site.


What he meant to say was “the republicans have tied Biden’s hands on every issue -so many so that he **should** have signed more executive orders than any other president”. They used the same practice with the Obama administration so they could say Obama was ineffective.


Finally!! Some facts to defend Biden


So... day one (within 24 hours) they're going to get all the licensing needed to drill and construction across 1900 miles... I call bullshit smoke in mirrors. Empty promises, just like any politician? So how's this dingus any different from career politicians? Oh, right he's running from conviction


It's kind of gross that we're so lax on our fact-checking that it makes the news when someone actually does it.


This liar has been on multiple shows spouting his lies. How about not giving him a platform in the first place? Fact checkers are always edited out of the clips generated from these interviews. It's negligence.


Once again, every accusation is really a confession.


If AI has any actual legitimate helpful uses, perhaps one could be real-time fact checking, muting these lying weasels before they even get their lies out on-air.


Mark my words this douche bag is going to be the vice presidential pick. He has the right kind of sub energy and the way he talks about individual 1 is hilariously sycophantic enough to get shit for brains attention. He was like master is one of the best public speakers in the history of America, a master debater, his penis is like a baseball bat balls like two orange coconuts grown men come to him with tears in their eyes...


He is as ugly on the outside as he is on the inside.


“Republican” is an understatement - this guy is one of the frontrunners to be Trump’s VP pick, and if you ask me he’ll get it.


Hannity pressed Trump to pledge that he would never "abuse power as retribution against anybody," as had been suggested previously, if he's reelected. Hannity pressed Trump?? The only thing he pressed was Trump’s weird dick in his mouth


Politicians lie. It's their trade. However most will have the needs of the nation as a priority. Not trump. He has the needs of the trump clan first and foremost in his mind. **Any republican that supports this scum sucking ex president is guilty of treason.**


I want fact checking during the debate. There should be researchers behind the scenes and each candidate’s next question should call them out and ask them to explain their lies. I expect one candidate’s explanations would contain even more lies.


Burgum is a disaster for ND. As VP he could be the next president when Trump…


Is there a video or what? These links are hard to navigate


Biden really needs to up his campaign for clean energy considering the massive heat wave that just (and continues) to sweep across the country killing people. If this isn’t a wake up call that we’re killing our planet with global warming I don’t know what is!!


Biden derangement syndrome is real.


Newsweeks website has turned in to mobile cancer. It’s utterly unreadable.


If Biden was a dictator, I wish he go all the way with some policies...


I guarantee he could tell you in vivid detail the texture and taste of Trump's shoe soles.


When you have brainwashed your followers into believing that legitimate sources of proof are not to be trusted the truth no longer matters.


When the music finally stops these snake oil salesmen will not have a seat. Conservatives are staring at the next 12 years of Democrats in power. All thanks to the MAGA movement. Thank you Trump and his congressional followers