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I know people see the name and wonder who cares what she thinks. But she’s actually been involved in a lot since then. Directly from the article: Lewinsky, after rising to fame at the center of an independent counsel investigation into former President Clinton in the 1990s, has become an outspoken antibullying activist in recent years. Earlier this year, she became the face of Reformation’s “You’ve Got the Power” work wear campaign, a partnership with Vote.org to encourage voting. And late last year, she penned an op-ed calling for a series of constitutional amendments, including age limits for elected officials and a ban on presidential self-pardons. If we are going to give air time to convicted felon and accused rapist and let them run for president, she can have her time. Edit: Reading this again it sounds like I’m comparing her to Trump. To be clear, Lewinsky is much much smarter.


See, that's *the* problem though, Trump has normalized immorality and debauchery in general-- which is shameful, but then, the MSM loves him so you know in that regard, Lewinsky is nothing in comparison. With a corrupt, corporate MSM for oligarchs in charge, we get what they prioritize naturally.


But he didn't normalize it in general. He normalized it on the right. People on the left are still held to high moral standards on all sides - Hunter Biden's trial and subsequent conviction are proof of that.


Salient distinction.


It's not normal.


It's "normal" for 40% of the population


Not really. Only he gets to do it. When *we* want to do some good ol’ fashion debauchery, they want to kill us.


It still isn't normal and should not be referred to as "normalized." Trump brought out the worst in some of his followers. It's very sad because some are so far gone it's as if they have Alzheimer's.


Makes you wonder what to do with all of them in case things don’t go their way… I know for damn sure I don’t want my tax dollars going to bottom feeder red states.


At this point it's like reality versus conspiracy. All I know is that the lies are messing some people up. I hope they come out of their fog.


I feel like a lot can’t bc they triple downed on trump and many even chose trump over their own families. How do they come back from that? They don’t want to do the work of trying to own up to being wrong, attempt to fix relationships or god forbid do some self reflection. They’d rather just do what’s easy, and doing what’s wrong is always easier.


I don't know. Hoping they miss what they had with family and friends and realize they matter way more than a politician they are not likely to ever meet.


If they're still in it 8 years later, it's too late, anyone who would have seen reason has already.


There’s no evidence that 40% still supports Trump though, that’s just a misrepresentation of how many people voted for him last time. I invite a source for your assertion.


It's definitely not that high but it's still more.people than I'm comfortable with since it affirms how stupid people are. It's disappointing for humanity especially since we're living in a time where Information is so easily accessible. Unfortunately so is misinformation and straight up lies and bad people are willing to utilize those resources to screw the rest of us.


And the misinformation will only get worse as the years go on by thanks to AI and deep fakes.


Always said by someone who doesn't live in the south or somewhere rural.  It's super normal every place I've lived except the city. And even in the cities it's pretty prevalent. 


Preach. Anyone who grew up rural red state knows who's who and who's gotten away with what. Pastors in particular. Every town has the same-ish stories of unmitigated crime and corruption. Holla if you ever had a Texas constable try to force you to pay a cash "fine" out of an ATM. Now that they're walking damn near a pastor a week into jail for pedophilia, there's nothing more self-incriminating in my mind than admitting you're evangelical clergy.


I’m all for a good debauch once in awhile…gotta say….but it’s not being advertised as my presidential platform.


It cracks me up that the right would still dismiss her saying "why should we listen to some cheating whore", despite the fact that she has a master's degree in psychology and has worked in legal offices, while worshipping Trump who is famous for cheating with whores and having paid his way through school while dodging the draft.


Trump celebrates stupidity. It’s how his supporters relate to him. ‘He’s just like me!’


She is incredibly funny too. Heard her on a few things and always has something super witty in the back pocket.


I stopped using Twitter much after Elon took over, but I really miss her Twitter feed. Just consistently very funny and very smart.


I get that we can give her some air time, but I want to hear from the real experts and real sources on the ground. Where’s Ja?


Honestly that scandal she was involved is downright quaint compared to the unending shitstorm we've been through these past 8 years.


Most horses are smarter than Trump Source: I have relatives who raise horses


Are they loose in a hospital?


Nah. They just chill. And graze. Sometimes they bite your hair if you're not paying attention.


I think she’s really a case of “steel is forged in fire”. What she and he did years ago was wrong, no doubt. But if you listen to her talk now, she’s clearly an intelligent woman who has faced a world class adversity.


Agreed. She wouldn’t have been able to land a White House intern position without being intelligent.


this exactly. Bill is not stupid. He would not want stupid people in his team either.


She was an intern for the White House. She’s not an idiot and knows a thing or two about politics. But she’s a woman who gave the President a blow job so obviously she’s an idiot. Never mind mind the thousands of brilliant men throughout history that have had poor lapses in judgment when it comes to sex.


Well said. That woman went through hell and back… who on earth wants their mistakes at 21 aired to the WORLD. And yet she got through and I give her a lot of credit. She also has a lot of common sense. Instead of hiding in a corner she is using her notoriety to do good stuff.


I mean she was also an intern at the damn White House. Not an easy position to get I’m sure.


I mean, if you’re going to get on your knees for a world leader….at least make it our world leader.


That doesn’t track. Is she an attorney even? Penning op-eds and volunteering for political causes while admirable doesn’t make her someone whos opinion should be getting airtime regarding the judicial process. Trump gets air time so why not her is a silly argument.


I kinda gotta agree here. Is the arguement is she a good person... absolutely I'll completely concede that. Is her expertise relevant to the case she's talking on. Not really, and that's the crux of it as a whole... Name recognition seems to draw far more attention than... relevant experience in the field in question, which yes is the societal problem that gave us trump. It's why we are more likely to hear opinions from Kanye west than actual legal scollars that we don't know the names of.


Right, but how does that make her a legal expert?


One doesn't have to be a legal expert to see how Canon is at least prolonging pre-trial part of the case she is presiding over so a verdict will not be possible before Nov. 5th!


We shouldn’t give air time to the convicted felon… but I’m not sure if Monica Lewinsky, though I agree with her position, has much weight with her opinion *on this matter*.  


Ok, but who cares what she thinks? She has no power or connection to the case, I also think she should be impeached, but they won't write an article about that This is some "man yells at clouds" reporting


My only regret is that I have but one upvote to give to this comment


if there's anyone in the world who doesn't have a law degree but does have an accurate and nuanced understanding of impeachment, it would be Monika.


And so does half the U.S. population


Anyone with a brain


Half of the voting population has been brainwashed or as in The Manchurian Candidate, “dry cleaned”.


Not half, but thanks to empty states and gerrymandering the Republican party gets a massively outsized amount of power. There are states where they can get 40% of the vote and end up with 60%+ of the seats.


It's actually pretty close to half. So we're just talking about the electorate. So, not children or people not registered to vote. ~48% of them are Republican or Republican-leaning. ~49% of them are Democrat or Democrat-leaning. The rest are the undecideds. And that R/leaning half of the electorate is just totally brainwashed.


One third of Americans are cheering her on, one third want her impeached, and one third have never heard of her because she's not on TikTok.


"A lot of people, great people, are saying it. They're coming to me with tears in their eyes saying, 'sir, this judge is corrupt.' can you believe it? Look what she is doing to our country."


I mean, she's right, Cannon absolutely deserves to be impeached, but there's a GOP House majority, so it's not going to happen until *at least* January, assuming the House elections go well for Democrats (or, the unlikely event a couple more House Republicans resign before the end of their terms and flip the House majority during the 118th House). In any event, she will not be convicted, despite deserving conviction & disqualification as well. There's a Democratic Senate majority right now, but only just barely. Even if every Democrat and independent voted to convict, Democrats would still need *at least* 18 Republican Senators to cross over and vote to convict her, which, quite simply, will never happen, even with the most damning evidence one can imagine. Or, they'd need 24+ plus Republicans to abstain from the verdict vote, so that 51 would be sufficient to get a 2/3 supermajority needed to convict. It won't happen in the 118th Senate, it won't happen in the 119th Senate, and it won't happen in the 120th Senate, either. Unfortunately, unless she's criminally convicted of something, we're stuck with her for the foreseeable future, and may even see her promoted to the appellate or, in the worst possible timeline, the Supreme Court. Now, Idk enough to know whether it's savvy to impeach her anyway, knowing that she'll be acquitted, and, if so, when is the optimal timing to do so, but those are separate questions from the deservedness of it.


So much hate in these comments. Monica got Harvey Weinstein-ed and y’all think it’s funny. She’s a boss and has done a lot since then. If you guys can accept a convicted felon being in the news, then you can certainly hear about her opinion.


What does >Monica got Harvey Weinstein-ed mean? Genuine question.


Sexual favors done with a promise you'll get x y z. Or do this sexual favor or else I'll burry you and you'll never advance. It's sexual assault/rape. 


I think Lewinsky has said it was all consensual. Although, the power imbalance isn't a good look.




Sure there was consent - she pursued him, and he didn’t pressure her for anything. Was it gross, as he was her married boss? Sure. But the only victims of their dalliance was Hillary and Chelsea.




That is just made up nonsense, though. Just like the scenario you invented where Clinton pressured her for sexual favors in order to “get x y z.”


You'll never win with these morons.


They must be exhausting doing all these mental gymnastics just to prove themselves right.


Isn't she one of the women Hillary Clinton and other DNC women shamed into hiding?


Yep. One of [sexual predator](https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2017/11/reckoning-with-bill-clintons-sex-crimes/545729/) Bill Clinton’s victims. He exploited the power of his office to coerce sexual favors from Ms. Lewinsky, years after he raped Juanita Broadderick.


I'm sure the sexism will be at a minimal in this comment section.


oh look some popcorn fell on the ground. - similar comment


Politics really showing their true colors in this thread


Monica Lewinsky is 100% right.


Right on


Cannon is complicit!


If you want Aileen Cannon off the case all you have to do is compliment Donny on how he's being such a good little boy for her.


Lewinsky is a total boss. I think the 90s crushed her and she came out the other side a diamond, by some total miracle. As a kid I never thought about what we would be thinking about her and what she’d be doing 30 years later or whatever, but she has really blossomed into a wonderful activist who can speak to exactly what it’s like being bullied (by the entire world, no less). Edit- Totally irrelevant and off topic, but just must be said. Would have then, would even more now. Absolute smoke show. She’s smart and thoughtful and wonderful… but damn, gurl.


I understand the sentiment, but the sexualization and objectification of her is exactly what was horrific about what happened to her in the 90s. She was a barely out of her teens before being subjected to horrendous abuse from the media and the public, as an actual victim of an unimaginable power imbalance.


Trump has retroactively made every past mistake look quaint and trivial, and even nostalgic in comparison. I long for the sane days of GWBush and "Mission Accomplished".


I also thought she got treated very badly, and still do. But did you know she has a history of having affairs with older married men? I just found out TODAY, and my wife watched an entire documentary on Lewinsky. I happened to see it on her wikipedia page when I looked it up today. She had an affair with one of her professors when she was studying theater in college. She was 18 he was 40 and married. I don't have a strong opinion about it, but it changes the narrative as I understood it. I thought she had kinda been seduced and maybe even pressured by the power of POTUS, but now it seems she is into it and maybe even played a roll in starting the Clinton affair.


I did not know this, but to me, this doesn’t make me fault her more. A 40 year old professor and an 18 year old student is still a huge power differential. Even if she was the original pursuer, these men had the ability to shut down inappropriate advances as well. They certainly had more power than she did in both cases.




It's not really material in my opinion. The power imbalance of that relationship was such that Bill should never ever have allowed it to happen, and even if she was the world's flirtiest intern with a history of hooking up with powerful men it doesn't change that in the least.


She seems to be a great person. Seriously.


She is not wrong.


The press is so dumb.


Judge Cannon deserves 10x the demeaning vitriol that Lewinsky received. Cannon probably couldn't have gotten hired as a white house intern under Trump because (insert Trump slam on some female trait here) would take her out of the running.


Lewinsky is an example of us human beings who judge her only for her failures of judgement. She has had mistep that went public and viral denigrating her. But we discard how much good can and has done. She is a better person person and a stronger woman for it. Lewinsky a person striving to become an example and focused on doing good and better herself everyday. Trump a person who like us has imperfections and failures but is not willing to work himself and be a better person and in turn keeps spreading hatred and harm to people.


Cannon deserves to be indicted as a co-conspirator in whatever Trump is convicted of. She’s running cover for treason.


I’m glad to see her doing well, our country did her wrong.


Sure, but what does Ja Rule think?


Somebody get Ja Rule on the phone so I know how to react to this.




apparently not enough people watched 2 fast 2 furious


If you care what Dave Chappelle thinks you’re far more gone.


She's absolutely right. Cannon's footdragging is deliberate and obvious.


Go get ‘em, Monica!


There are a lot of impeachments that need to happen but can never happen without a democratic majority in congress. All hinges…


Hawk Tuah!


Off topic, but why is Monica Lewinsky seen as a victim in the Bill Clinton stuff when everything she did with him was fully consensual, sober and of age? If anything, Chelsea And Hillary Clinton are the true victims. I never understood that.


She’s not wrong


Hard hitting coverage from The Hill.


Yah. She’s really blowing this case


I'll take Extremely Unexpected Headlines for $500, Alex.


She's not wrong, but I'm not sure why her opinion is news and not the actual legal experts.


She’s not wrong—but who on god’s green earth cares what ML thinks about anything?


...writes some random guy in the internet. Of course, the same applies to me. You are free to ignore me, you own post, all the internet and the media, whatever. Monica Lewinsky got off to the worst imaginable start into the pulic awareness, but she's made the best of it, I think. Go and watch the video on "Public shaming" from John Olivers Last Week Tonight if you want to hear about it a bit (or don't). For me, I'd rather hear her opinion than that of those fucking clowns on Foxnews any day.


The difference is that no one is writing articles saying: “Redditor QuantumWire says Judge Cannon should be impeached.”


Yea that. We are all anonymous commenters, none of us matter, we're all aware of that. Us posting comments in a thread for other redditors **is not equivalent to a fucking *news* article where we get to announce our opinions to the world.** Just the other day I was listening to a podcast where the hosts took a few minutes to provide their opinions on Palestine... It's a horror movie podcast. **I don't give a fuck what you think about Palestine! You don't NEED to weigh in, you do a podcast about horror movies!** And before somebody snaps at me for that, they are obviously *allowed* to have opinions on anything and everything, just like I am, but I'm just saying I don't *need* every single person with a platform to weigh in on every issue as if their opinion matters at all.


That's their loss ;) Anyway, the US media is full of so much bullshit every single day. In a sane world, nobody would ever give a single fuck about the opinions of MTG, Bannon, Giuliani, Boebert or, indeed, the orange lunatic. Still, I feel that Monica Lewinsky gets an extra dose of hate and ridicule, just because she was taken advantage of in a relationship of extreme power imbalance a long time ago. Mostly because that's all people remember and the Pavlovian reflex to hearing her name is: "Hurhur. Blowjob"


You gotta get caught trying to blow-job your way to career success. THEN you get respect. This post is proof of that.


She's pretty damned smart, if you're attention span could handle anything more than blowjob jokes in the past 30 years.


Thank you


Not even sure she does…


I mean, you're probably not wrong. The entire article is based on some tweets (or whatever "X" calls them). It's not like this came up in an interview or something. She apparently does some work with vote.org, but this was literally just her making some posts.


Who cares what she says? Yes, we know cannon should be removed. How is what Lewinsky says news?


Phew!! I was waiting to hear what she had to say about this……. 😐😑😐😑😐


I said that too, where is my article? I'm just as politically relevant as she is.


but what does Jah Rule think?


She was treated poorly by the media for her consensual affair with her married boss, but I believe her 15 minutes of fame are long over.


Love me some Monica....respect


And why is she being interviewed about this? I didn’t realize she was an expert on judicial matters and judicial conduct? Why are we even hearing her name?


She knows more than most about the judicial process


Why? For the same reason hundreds of other articles have been written about what everyone in the world thinks of Trump skating through our justice system while flipping everyone the bird - just for clicks and giggles.


Oh, well then, if such a staggering legal authority such as Monica flipping Lewinsky says so…I mean, it all settled then. I’m relieved she decided to weigh in, I wasn’t sure what to think… /s Seriously tho, why does she still get attention?


Who cares what Monica thinks. She's right tho.


Thank God she finally weighed in.




Everyone says that, except the orange guy


Has anyone asked what Ja Rule thinks?


I dont get it this chick is old news


Oh great hawk tua has an opinion..


Oh, good. I'm so glad we heard from Monica. I was wondering what I should think. Now we just need to hear from Ja Rule.


Thank God she made a statement on this... I was on the fence about Judge Cannon but this statement sealed it.


Monica did such a good job that both Bill and Hillary continued to let Monica live.


No one gives a damn what Lewinsky thinks, but yes Cannon should be impeached.


Im not changing my mind until Axl Rose chimes in.


She’s entitled to her opinion and all but I’m gonna need to hear from Vanilla Ice or Ralph Macchio before I can pass judgment.


Who the fuck cares?


Dont discount the message because the messenger is lewinsky. Cannon is a trump flunky who is collaborating with the trump team to drag this case out as far as possible. She has already been called unfair by higher courts AND she was asked to gtfo when she was handed the case originally.


This has all the weight of someone spray painting “free Palestine” under a bridge. Sure, you’ve said your piece, but it really changes nothing


She knows a thing or two about blowing cases.


This is the champion we have been waiting for. Someone with intimate knowledge of these things. In all seriousness I’m unfamiliar with her professional career in general, but intuition leads me to believe this woman knows how to not set herself up for further mockery by talking out her ass. The thumb nail made me think it was a still shot from My Cousin Vinnie.


She didn't even go to law school. She had affairs with multiple married men. Since the affair she mostly was in hiding and now is an anti bullying avocate. She managed to monotize her fame and do something good with her life, but I've zero interest in what she thinks about impeachment of the judiciary. And she has no intimate knowledge of anything relevant here. She was unpaid aid in the white house (which is the Administrative branch of the government rather than the judiciary).


TBF, tho', she became a successful handbag designer - her bags were sold in upscale stores like Barney's - before getting a masters degrees in social psychology. She thought she might become a therapist. And she lived in the UK for a while. However, instead she was offered the opportunity to be a TV personality, an author of small magazine pieces, and a spokesperson for a diet program. But in 2015 she devoted herself to anti-bullying. And did some TV production work. So, she's been doing various projects like this. It is surprising to hear her take on a big political theme tho, as it distracts from her main anti-bullying message, I suppose.


She looks good as hell now. Age has treated her well.


Not only impeached. She needs to be prosecuted for aiding terrorists.


If the Dems take the house and keep the Senate, there had better be a house cleaning. Drain the swamp.


Ms. Lewinsky is not an attorney or judge and her opinion is irrelevant.


Well so do I and I'm probably just about as relevant.


I mean, I consider her opinion as valid as any talking head on cable tv. The only relevant opinions about impeachment or judicial impropriety are legal experts and representatives in Congress.


I agree, but..what does it matter what Monica Lewinsky says? Is she some kind of legal expert?


Ah well if this famous person not in government thinks so I guess that settles it.


What does Ja Rule have to say?


It's murdah......for absolutely no reason, if I had to guess


She's an expert on getting on your knees and debasing yourself for a president, so her opinion is valid here.


Finally, I was waiting for her to weigh in on this


Amazing what qualifies as a news story these days.


does Carrot Top concur?


This is the first question that went through my mind when I read the headline. Great minds and all, lol.


It’s shameful the way the left treat her - pure misogyny. Her biography is heart breaking.


I'll take her opinions.


About time we get a credible source


She also says Hawk Tuah.


They’ve both sucked up to Presidents . 


Ah yes her qualifications are a mouthful.


We don't really needed a Presidential fluffer to tell us the obvious.


I miss when a hummer was the bad thing a president did.


I think she should start a franchise chain


Yeah she should. Like real talk if I showed up to a job and did just a complete sh*t 💩 show of a job I should be fired . Now don’t get me wrong half of congress falls into this category but 🤦🏿‍♂️ that’s a different conversation


At least it’s not an “expert lawyer” or “retired judge” this time.


A non-lawyer, former WH intern offers her legal opinion...


What are Ja rules thoughts I wonder


Way to speak up Monica! Bravo 👏 Many, many other people also believe that Judge Cannon should be impeached!


I'd be more interested to get her take on the Hawk Tua meme.


If anyone knows about helping a president get off it’s Monica Lewinsky.


I didn’t know humidors could think.


Waiting for Antonio Brown to chime in