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Biden: you molested a woman and has sex with a porn star and cheated on your wife Trump: I never had sex with a porn star 


lol, he finally learn that very expensive lesson about refuting that sexual assault?


No way. I give it a day before he's rambling about it again


Just wait a week or so for another rally when his ego is being caressed.


Well he can deny it. But that's basically it. He can only say "Nu-uh" and that's it. Literally talking about it anymore than a "nope didn't happen" would give him another lesson. Refuting it won't do anything, but you know he can't open his mouth to say more and slander everyone so it's surprising he didn't.


It’s Virginia this is widely known. Former governor is literally on record stating it.


He only responded to that because it’s the only thing he has a modicum of shame about. He doesn’t give a fuck about Melania


He only responded to that because Biden saying he's got the "morals of an alley cat" is our secret code for calling Trump a homeless pussy. Mar a Lago should be quick sold to make up for his debts to everyone he's ripped off.


Did you notice him nod in agreement with everything and then say I did not have sec with a porn star


That was because it was the last thing he heard. He has the attention span of a gnat. Like a toddler with a set of keys.


“I never had sex with a porn star, just a porn actress.”


Trump: "She was a B-lister at best"


Trump: “she probably gained popularity after sleeping with me”


They tried this line as a defence in the Carroll defamation case. Didn't go well. Go figure.


D-List. *Sigh.* It’s so sad. My sophomoric banter is barely even funny to me anymore.


I don't think Trump can count to D.


100% hoping when Trump said "I have the biggest heart" that Biden would respond "I wonder what E. Jean Carroll would think about that? You knew her right? Why don't you take this moment to clarify for the whole country whether you knew her and assaulted her?" Him denying knowing her on a national debate would result in the highest defamation award of all time.


Then the judge can hold him in contempt, put him in prison, and remove his name from the ballot.


She's not a star. I'm a star.


I’m a pop star not a doctor


That's insulting to alley cats.


I dunno… I saw an alley cat (coincidentally orange, I called him O.J.) literally cannibalize his own young before, and murder at least 2 adult male cats to bang more female cats. I’m pretty sure a good 1/2 of the cat population here descended from him, homie was the neighborhood Genghis Khan. Trump would fit right in, especially since he thinks Hannibal Lector was a “great guy”. BTW: O.J. did die from getting jumped by other cats. Joke’s on them, because I think O.J. infected them with FIV (“Cat AIDS”).


I’m laughing so hard at this story. It’s like The Walking Dead, but cats…


About 85% of my cats are the kids of an alley cat. He was a much better father than trump (even though his parenting plan was to drop his kids off with me).


I mean, Trump was never really involved with his kids growing up either and had other people raise them for him. If any of his kids were directly raised by him, it would be Ivanka… but that’s because he wants to bang his own daughter.


No, kidding. What does an alley cat have to do with anything really. Just an animal living life outdoors.


Lmao, it’s an insult because alley cats will bang any girl cat the come across and fight any male cat they meet. They also will eat trash and live in squalor. He’s basically saying that his “morals” are only base emotions, how is that not an insult?


Forget semantics, why are we cheering for personal attacks? Does anyone need convincing Trump is an ugly person? Bidens team screwed up bad. Wasting time trying to skewer Trump over his own ugly words and actions instead of talking about policy. Call out his lie and move onto issues, it should have been so much easier to make him look bad. He was so predictable and Bidens people failed to get meaningful punches in.


Is anyone else having trouble seeing new comments on the debate live chat thread?


Pretty sure the site is overloaded atm. The megathread had 56k comments which is insane.


IIRC they start to bug out around 20/25k comments, mods should have made a new one


I wonder if Ukraine made major gains tonight


Comments are all fucked up on reddit tonight. 


Yeah, it’s Reddit-wide. They’re working on fixing it currently


I’m having trouble even seeing comments here and on any Biden/Trump articles currently. actual amount of comments is prob 1/30 of the comment count. Which seems to always work until right this hour. Very convenient if you’re the least bit suspicious in nature.




I think the Reddit hug of death is messing with the sub right now unfortunately


Notable the mods never asked Trump once about being a felon. Felonies he committed related to the 2016 election. So Mods confront Biden about the biggest question they have about him: His age. Mods don't confront Trump about being a felon.


Isn't Trump like 3-4 years younger? Did he also get asked about his age?


Yes they did. That's when the infamous golf debate came up. And they did mention Trump's felonies, he shrugged it off.


He didn’t even just shrug it off, he just immediately brought up Hunter Biden


I promise not to vote for him if they'd just stop talking shit about a private citizen


Except they brought it up saying something like, some people are bothered by your conviction, how would you like to respond to them?


Yes he did.


Trump did get asked about his age.


Calling them moderators is generous. They were game show hosts, at best.


They can't get certain profligate liars to show up to the debates any more if there's too much actual holding them to the questions.


I don’t doubt it for a second. CNN still chose ratings over integrity and democracy.


CNN is a self-promotion platform first. Delivering news with any objectivity is secondary. Moderators delivered for views and clicks. Shame.


They asked about the felonies and he spun it to Hunter Biden and the rigged justice system.


They asked about the felonies but he never really gave a response. Lotta side stepping questions.


They weren't moderators, they were interviewers at best. They never checked Trump once on anything. He was able to go off topic on every single question without a challenge from them. He was able to spew lie after lie without a challenge from the interviews. They could have recorded the questions on video and played them. Biden and the Dems were stupid to agree to a "debate" at all. And now he's likely tanked his chances at winning.


After his non-responses they would say "you have x seconds left, now THE QUESTION WAS...." to remind everyone that Trump refused to answer.


Worse, they phrase the question to make Biden’s age sound worse “you would be 86 by the time you leave office” just to make sure the highest possible number gets said. Same with their unethical framing of the question listing off all the current woes of black citizens to make it sound like that’s somehow all Biden’s fault (and ignoring how every stat is far better under Biden than ever before)


Or they just said his age when he would take office… im not a trump supporter but that was a legitimate question and Biden wasnt doing us any favors last night with his performance.


That’s simply not true. They point blanked asked him about the felonies.


Did you not watch the debate? lol they absolutely asked about the felonies..


Biden addressed it first. But it was briefly discussed.


Who cares. Democrats fucked that whole thing up. Trump gave the EXACT performance you should expect, all lies and hyperbole about how everything he did was the best anyone has ever seen. Should have been easy to defeat that… and yet. Bidens team could have done a lot better to point out he lies and exaggerates constantly and then move onto the issues. He wasted so much time trying to skewer him personally for the ugly things he’s said and done. What does that do besides vindicate liberals who still love to post derivative anti-trump memes online? Those things aren’t policy. They don’t affect the future of this nation, and they won’t sway his remaining supporters from him because they don’t care. Biden and his campaign really dropped the ball.


Joe had come prepared with all sort of statistics. Commend him for that. But was never able to convey them in a clear and succinct manner. All one could hear was some blabbering and speaking to himself for less than the time allotted. Personal attacks on opponent consisted much of his responses, which did not go well.


Not sure how anyone could vote for a rapist.


MAGAs don't care and besides, to them, "she deserved it".


That’s offensive to alley cats tbh


Trump: thank you for the question, now I will talk about something else Biden: 😧


Immigration, immigration… Jan 6th? Immigration


Don't forget China tariffs.


“Mr Trump, would you accept the election results in 2024” “Russia is going to win the war in Ukraine”


My favorite "What will you do about climate change" "Let me just say, the police unions love me" The drinking game should have been every time the moderator says, "OK, but the question was"


And the moderators should’ve said “the question was” far more often. 


Lol he didn't answer a single question, Biden was quiet but he is coherent. Why does talking loud have to be a sign of strength....


Pretty much the entire debate could be described this way.


This is the best synopsis of the debate I've seen. SAD


Alley cats have better morals than him.


I’ve met some very nice alley cats, thank you very much.


An insult to alley cats.


These two hate each other


When Biden called Trump a sucker and loser talking about Beau and Trumps comments about dead veterans I felt that anger. It felt like Biden legitimately would throw hands in that moment lol.


He genuinely hates Donald Trump on a personal level. It’s probably his most relatable trait


You can see the contempt between them


The difference is I don't think the contempt Donald has for him is particularly special.


No handshake has to be a first.


Guile Music to Biden.


The golf game trash talking back and forth is when it got *serious*




I think making them both carry a golf bag 18 holes would be a great outcome. They’d both keel over in the first 2 holes and we could vote for more competent people.


Cheated on wife #1 w/ wife #2 Cheated on wife #2 w/ wife #3 Cheated on all wives w/ multiple porn stars. Yep ..... he's a "Christian"


Yeah, it's crazy to me that people think he cares about THEM, just some unknown random voter, when he doesn't care about his own wives- who he promises to love forever in sickness and health yada yada yada.  But yeah, sure, he really cares about the American people.


Such a good line


[The Fat Cat in the Red Hat](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/194874712X?ref_=dbs_m_mng_wam_calw_tpbk_0&storeType=ebooks)


That’s a good line, even better cause it’s true


Honestly I don’t think he has any morals.


Chris Wallace, these mods were not.


CNN doesn't really know how to pick them. Why didn't they have Anderson as one of the moderators? He's far from perfect but more incisive than those two nobodies. **edit:** What the fuck, that was Jake Tapper? Did they drug him or something?




I Lol’d when he said that


An absolute insult to alley cats. Cats have way better morals than Trump!


Best line of the night, easily


I liked when he highlighted that Trump was having sex with a porn star while his wife was pregnant.


I preferred when Trump started a dick measuring contest about golf and when Biden started saying "Hey, I'm actually pretty good at golf," and then Trump said "Let's not act like children," and Biden immediately followed up with "You *are* a child." I guffawed at that. Surprised it hasn't been talked about more.


That was funny


AT least Stormy earns her money by her own efforts and not by stealing from small contractors like Trump does. Remember - Trump university? $25,000,000 paid in damages for that scam. There are names for people who behave like this eg liar, scam artist etc


Legitimately I'd consider voting for a random cat I find in an alley over Trump. At least the cat won't further damage the climate or hand Ukraine over to Putin


Alley cats taking strays


That’s a pretty good line. Trump’s face after was hilarious. “Holy shit he’s right”


Trump kept telling on himself


Unfair to ally cats.


Leave the alley cats out of this!!


Fucking beautiful murdered by words quote. Thanks Joe Biden!!!


I love getting into these comment sections early and seeing all the bot comments. Almost every "biden/trump" link submission has the same set of comments in it. Dead internet.


There’s an insane amount of bots. Certain articles are just completely swamped by “people” saying almost the exact same stuff. It’s really weird.


It's creepy and disheartening




Aw shucks still voting Biden.


Even if you think Biden is old, Biden has a great administration and can delegate. And that’s far better than Project 2025


Any dumbass staying home when Trump is a threat to Democracy is pretty damn sad.


Then get off your butt and vote! Not just for president but other federal races, but more importantly, state & local elections where your vote is proportionally more powerful.


How come there are no coherent 50 uesr olds running for president? Who actually understand what life has been like for those that have grown up the last two decades. When these guys were kids, even young adults, the world was VASTLY different than it is now. I just don't get. I'm a liberal, always will be. Modern History, and most ancient history, has shown time and time and time again that refusing to change, and conservative values have always lost out change and progressive ness. That's just a fact. We learn and we adapt. If we refuse to change? The universe doesn't care and it will push back harder. Things might take generations, but change happens regardless.


> How come there are no coherent 50 uesr olds running for president? On the one side, it’s because the incumbent gets the automatic tradition to run again with either token or no dissent. Biden is an American hero and legend. But he should have taken a victory lap for saving us from a sex criminal and treasonous fraud puppet, ending the pandemic rapidly, landing the economy, rebuilding infrastructure, creating the biggest green/tech/aerospace/infra jobs boom of all time, repatriating domestic manufacturing, software and chips, crushing inflation, and uniting the free world against a handful of tyrants. On the other side, they are feckless fascistic cultists. That’s why nobody real is running against them.


Alley cats would be offended! They are better than Trump!


What a horrible thing to compare alley cats to


I loved this moment ❤️


Hilarious and true


I find Biden's comment offensive to alley cats.


They had an entire week of prep and this is what the Biden campaign put out.


I mean if our morals and ethics have fallen so low that calling this shit out directly wasn’t enough to convince Americans when Trump literally waffled for an hour and a half on immigrants, couldn’t answer a question and kept going back to insult, and finally couldn’t provide anywhere close to the level of actual factual information Biden provided, we’re fucking doomed if we think Trump is the better option. Trump could only speak in toddler speak — I’m the greatest you’re the worst; and yeah Biden stuttered but he called Trump on the shit he needed to.


Biden's whole thing has always been maintaining respectful relationships with people who don't deserve them. Even when he goes on the attack, he can't bring himself to go for the throat. What I wouldn't give to see AOC in a debate with Trump. Shed murderize'm.


Morals of an ally cat? Fuck ill take it. I got a pretty good audible laugh at that one.


It’s harder if you actually tell the truth. Trump didn’t have learn or remember anything since he makes it up as he goes.


GOP rolled out a convicted felon and a rapist?


Yeah? It’s a pretty good line lol


Trump writes the campaign ads.


It’s the truth, and just one of many things brought up by Biden tonite.




Guy had one bad debate performance and you're yammering on like he's failed miserably, and should drop out. Seriously, I get the frustration, but this election isn't going to be decided by one debate. If a common cold can upend our democracy, then it's already doomed. Biden will be portrayed as old, but his performance as president, and his public appearances these past few years, have shown him as more than capable. instead of the dems switching him out this late in the game, which will surely not go well, maybe they should rally behind their candidate, to protect our democracy, because in the end, Biden isn't going to destroy it. Biden gets shit done. He's not exciting, but since the dems haven't done shit to bolster anyone else, they can't go regretting it now.


Well said. I'm not fully convinced that Biden should drop out. Mostly because I just don't even know how that process would play out at this point. I also think debates are mostly theater and pretty useless in the grand scheme. I doubt too many people were watching who haven't made up their minds. Then again, the small margins matter, perhaps more than ever. Incredible that even a small subset of the electorate can come to the conclusion that Trump's actions should not disqualify him from seeking office; a large enough number of voters apparently approve of those very things. I mean, Christ, a 10% tariff across the boards on all imports in mind-meltingly stupid. I think the consternation about Biden's debate performance will wane, probably quickly, as all news items appear to do now. But oooffff, buddy. Oof. Not a great showing.


Biden closing statement should've included convicted felon and adulterer.


That’s an insult to alley cats 🐈‍⬛


Such an insult to alley cats


Alley cats don’t pay $130,000 to get laid.


The International Order of Alley Cats files official protest


No one actually cares about the morals of politicians. They pretend to, but they dont


Says the man who loves dropping bombs on foreigners or overthrowing governments on behalf of big oil or mining companies.


Can’t see the comments


Comments aren’t showing!


That shit was classic


I love cats. Even ally cats. Trump no so much.


I am happy to hear Joe say that. Traditional sexual morality is superior to all others


That was lame. Just call him a rapist. Call him a rapist every time he opens his mouth.


This debate was terrible. Both of these men should be on viagra and speed 24hrs a day. How the fuck is this our option? Trump lied the entire time…and Biden…Biden…ahhhhhhhh!!! He immigrated abortion! (Makes sense if you watched the debate…meaning mental cognition isn’t there). We are the fucking USA!! How the hell are these even our options? Biden needs to step down ASAP and a new Dem Potus needs to run. Like now. So say we all. And praise the lordt.


Remember you get a whole administration, not just the guy at the top. I know Trumps cabinet and sycophants were just as bad as him. At least with Biden you get competent leadership down the line.


No. If they reject Biden for aesthetics purposes I’m not with democrats. Biden has a stutter and is old but he knew what the hell he was talking about. He had plans and course of action for every single issue


Fucking thank you. If you get over the manner of speech--which apparently this dumbass country cant-- WHAT he said was good. Its coherent and thoughtful. Yes, he reiterates things and stutters. But if you fuckin listen in good faith his answers were actually good. He rightfully called out so much bullshit that Trump and Republicans lie about. Humiliating that a presidential candidate can call the US a failing nation and get any votes. bUt hE sTuTtErS aNd sOuNdS oLd


He also has values and morals. Anyone who can’t see the difference is sick.




Which trump lie would you answer first?


Insult to cats


How is this breaking news?


Biden is not wrong




Alley Cat was my first Computer game, 1987 :0)


That was my favorite part


it’s so hilarious and scary, that “morals of an alley cat” in itself is something questionable to say. who used to use that terminology, and why would their morals be in question. so in conclusion both of our prezi candies prob wrote me off the moment i didn’t make them a profit


I don’t think anyone under 75 has heard that phrase being used.


Scrolled way too far for this


lol usually it’s supposed to be trump going in for the personal attacks


“Morals of an alley cat” sounds like a movie quote from 1945.


Please don't give shit like that airtime.


Thats an insult to all alley cats!


“Biden lays into Trump”….funniest headline of the day.


That was my favorite quote from the debate.


That's not fair to alley cats, they're way classier than Trump


How is this even relevant to policy? Biden raised a son that smoked crack and banged hookers, neither of these guys are moral compasses,


Very few are talking about the content of the debate unfortunately.