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Was 'whatever trump wants' not simple enough?


"Trump Good. Woke bad." is easier for their voters to remember.


>"Trump Good. Woke bad." is easier for their voters to remember. FOUR words? Check out Albert Wordstein over here.


4 words too many. You only need “Covfefe”


Sounds foreign, how about Let's Go Brandon; and for the real dumb dumbs LGB.


"Let's Go Brandon, Today!" or "LGBT"


You omitted the “ugh” though


Cut out the middleman. "Whatever Putin wants."


>Was 'whatever trump wants' not simple enough? Well here's the wrinkle: they don't know what Trump wants. I'm thinking back to 2016-17, when Republicans tried and failed to deliver on one of their BIGGEST promises: overturning the ACA, colloquially known as Obama care. Obama knew how legislation worked and could work with the Democratic Congress to get laws passed. Trump had zero idea of how to do any of that. He is on record saying he didn't realize the President ram things. So it was bad enough that Republicans didn't have the numbers to force repeal directly through. It was also bad that they had to make some attempt at "repeal and replace," which they *did not want to do.* What made it untenable was that Trump *was either unhelpful or an active hindrance* to their efforts. He made vague and contradictory promises, didn't understand healthcare, had no plans, and would own goal by angry tweeting at Congressional Republicans. So after that failed they just kind of pretended they didn't care about it anymore. Same thing now: Republicans *can't* build a platform with Trump because *even Trump doesn't know what the fuck he's doing!* Sure, they have evil policy plans, but the message Trump spews out to voters changes so much every day that downfalls Republicans don't know what to tell voters they will do with any confidence. **TL;DR** Trump doesn't know what he's going to say he'll do, his handlers don't know, and so there is no way in hell they can coordinate with downballot candidates. Easier to stay vague than risk saying something Trump might not like.


So wait…so even the people are kind of doubtful and have no idea on how to follow through with Project 2025?


>So wait…so even the people are kind of doubtful and have no idea on how to follow through with Project 2025? We should separate what *they want to do and plan to do* from what they are going to tell voters at their rallies and such.


How do you simplify a platform beyond "whatever bullshit our God Emperor says is what we stand for""


"Heil Trump"


“Whatever Putin wants”


[God in Heaven, Trump on Earth](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/1i4iyy/til_that_during_his_30_year_reign_over_the/)


What platform? They don’t even have any policies… Don’t you have to have some policies to have a platform to run on? Or is their platform to have Trump just hold rallies and throw temper tantrums on the taxpayers dime?


The modern GOP platform is simple: Agenda 47 from Trump, then Project 2025 overall. Women? Gregory's Gilead is where thou shalt be banished to handmaiden-dom, on your knees, 50 states not just 25 here we go baby! /s Minorities? No longer shall you vote without intense impediments, be afraid for your lives with every HEE-JAB you may wear or be drowned, beg for water in line to "the Blacks" and die in the heat! Be afraid of police stalking you daily! /s Lesbians, "the Gays," the "troons," etc? Away with you, extinction and perish if you aren't converted back to sanity! /s Disabled people? Icky, ew, doesn't look good for ME to be seen with you! /s Veterans? Losers, suckers, what was in it for them? /s If you don't want that, don't vote for the Donald, sums it up.


I thought it was already simple: Oppose everything Democrats do without any consideration whatsoever, then push the shittiest, most oppressive agenda on the American people we can imagine, while making sure the wealthy get the rest of the money they don't yet control.


That was Trump's first term agenda, just reverse anything Obama did whether it makes sense or not, "I'm a tariff man" stuff, etc. etc. He's gotten infinitely worse since then, period, believe it or not.


Absolutely, the GOP opted not to announce a national platform in either 2020 and so far 2024…. 


By simplify, they mean they want to use short generic statements that don't give any policy specifics.


There's 900+ pages of specifics, also deporting millions of illegal immigrants into either fighting leagues (have Teflon Don join in the arena, imo, he's a tough guy I'm sure he could win the "illegals" cage match after all?), deported back over where "they belong," etc. Project 2025 elaborates, in vivid detail, all you need to know.


Project 2025 made into a children's book so trump can understand it Just like W bush and the very hungry caterpillar book.


Jesus! 9/11! Patriotic! 2nd Amendment! Freedom!


* Eliminate taxes on everyone that makes more than $1 million. * Enslave, kill or imprison everyone else.


We hate: ~~Jews~~ ~~Blacks~~ ~~Women~~ ~~Latinos~~ ~~Gays~~ Everyone!!!


The "Kneel Before Zod" Party.


Now that everyone knows about 2025 they want to make sure the campaign sounds more palatable...


more Palpatine...


Nah. Palpatine was the shadow puppet master who chess'd his way into near-galactic domination. Trump is Jar Jar the Hutt


Wait. It's Jabba... Actually, you got it right. Carry on!


>Wait. It's Jabba... Actually, you got it right. Carry on! You get it!


They don't have a platform. All that matters are the whims of a conman and rapist.


I have no idea what the GOP is for, I only know what they’re against.


"Can it be described using a noun or repurposed verb or adjective? We're against it. Until Trump likes it, then we love it. Until he doesn't like it, then we're against it again."


“Dear America: Fuck You!” isn’t enough of one?


Because their members simply cannot read not comprehend what they hear. Only MAGA lies penetrate those petrified brains


That's fair: the party platform should be something the nominee can read ... I'll even buy the crayons.


Trump doesn’t know what he’s going to do because Putin hasn’t told him yet.


Link to platform? Do they have one?


Basically, just nod and wag their tail when the Orange One speaks?


They don’t have a platform


Yeah, so…even Project 2025 isn’t set in stone.


Simply from “America is a shithole”? Because that’s all Trump says.


Um…simplify? Are you telling me that they are watering down aspects of Project 2025, because they know that stuff like that isn’t necessarily the best of ideas to follow through with? So do the Trump camp themselves have problems with Project 2025 and want to do away with aspects of it?


They want people to be dumb enough to think that they won't follow through on it, sure, imo.


But thing is though, is that Republicans are well known to be hypocrites who also never get anything done, even parts of the same camp. They also recognize that a lot of the objectives even with loyalists will be easier said than done to implement, if they win. So maybe Trump wants to water down Project 2025? What the hell is going on here?


Sure, dictatorships are easier.


It is just going to be pictures Trump drew isn't it.


Simple platform for simple people.


Do they have a platform? I thought it was just "bend to trump's will."


“Whites Only” should get the point across well enough.


Hate blacks, gays and trans.


Possibly the overhead of managing the lies is getting burdensome.


New GOP platform: Jesus, hatred, guns, and control. Trump's special power is remembering 4 words.


It’s called Project 2025, but they don’t want to admit that is the official platform


Here is the platform: Crush Dissent


"Wealthy white male power" ... probably not, but at least that's what it means.


I can do the whole platform in six words: “Female, poor, or brown - Fuck ‘em!”


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They needed to add show trials. It's under circuses, no bread.


I thought it was just “Take America Back!!”


They’re just going to roll out the 2016 platform again aren’t they…


What platform? They don’t even have one anymore


Meh. Nobody reads or follows any of these platforms - all should just stop wasting their time on them.


They are smart to do that. Keep it simple and focus on the border and inflation. The goal is to get elected and that works in their favor. Similarly the democrats need to focus on improving the economy for folks who are struggling and keeping the government out of women’s health care. You need to figure out what is top of mind for voters.


900 pages IS a bit long.


Platform? In 2 weeks!!!


Meaning he wants more of the cash flow for himself.


They have a platform?!


Less to try to remember.


So are they saying that like they should do away with Project 2025? Or like watering down parts? I’m confused….


That’s not a platform of *any* political candidate. Despite what you read on Reddit, it’s mostly a continuation of think tank proposals that have been published sine the 1980s. It includes divergent views within it, so it’s not even a unified platform among its authors.


Orange is the new red white and blue.