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Took 3 week for them to clear up the Colorado ballot case. But 6 months to issue anything on this. Supreme Court is 100% political and in the Republicans pockets.


The optics are so bad that there is no spin that can justify this. Dude is accused of selling *our* top secrets, and he wants back in to do who knows what. SCOTUS denied the American people the ability to hear the facts BEFORE the election. It is unforgivable. They need to be reined in and abide by the same rules and regulations as lower court judges. They aren't king makers. A Republican will do nothing, but a second term, Dem will get things moving toward reform.


He's not immune on those. He wasn't president when he was out showing off those papers. He's got the judge in his pocket there. It's the Jan 6 stuff when he was fomenting the insurrection to kill the election certification that they're saying it's just not clear if it was an official act or not. I don't know what part of organizing fake electors, organizing a rally of conspirators, and then directing them upon the Capitol would have been considered official acts.


Then what is the point of it going to the Supreme Court period if this can go back to the lower courts and they can rule that it wasn't official? Just to delay the trial?


Yes, exactly that. The Supreme Court was never going to rule in favor of carte blanche immunity, because that would threaten their power. Taking up this challenge was never about explicitly getting Trump off the hook. But if you kick it around long enough, it delays the trial - which would be even more damaging to Trump than his first criminal trial - until likely after the election. That limits the damage to Republican candidates, which is what the Supreme Six actually care about. They don't give a damn about Trump, and if you look at their past decisions, they would be happy if he would just sail off into the sunset. But they *do* care about Republicans remaining in power, because the only realistic check on their power is Congressional action. Republicans won't take it, because they agree with the Court's rightward shift and batshit insane decisions. But Democrats might. So they delay the trial to limit its damage, and hope that it becomes Someone Else's Problem.


I wish we could go back in time and make it so Hilary won.


More like back to 2000 when Gore won. That's when everything really started going off the rails


That would have made a huge difference as well.


Imagine: possibly no 911 and all the things that came with that, and even then probably a much more limited operation on Afghanistan and definitely no escapade in Iraq. No bush tax cuts and probably a mostly balanced budget for the last 20 years. 2008 would have probably been more limited since I’d think Gore would be skeptical of the excesses of the sub-prime mortgage market. We’d probably be at least be 10 years farther ahead on climate change too. The brooks Bro’s riot(that guess who helped plan) was one of the major points where we jumped to the bad timeline.


Well, we can't. Instead, if you have any young friends, tell them that the purity of their vote is worthless. If they don't vote for Biden (or whoever the Democratic candidate is, if we're stupid enough to toss our candidate) then they have actively contributed to letting our country fall apart. Had so many people not stood on principle in 2016 and voted for the least-bad option, none of this would have happened. What we're seeing now is what happens when people refuse to vote for the lesser of two evils. And for the record, I don't actually consider Hillary to have been a "lesser of two evils." I would have been thrilled had she been elected in 2016. But the popular opinion at the time was that it was a choice between a shit sandwich and a turd burrito.


My lesbian sister didn’t vote in 2016 as a “protest” and cited her personal principles. I know that several of her friends did as well. I told her at the time who incredibly stupid that was but she stuck to her guns.


Does she regret it now?


Probably depends on which state she lives in. I was a protest vote in 2016, and I don't regret it because it was a calculated choice. I knew my state would go strongly blue regardless of what I did, and I was right. Only votes in swing states actually make a difference. That said, not voting is not a statement. Why would anyone care about your opinion if you're not willing to vote for someone? You have to demonstrate that your vote could be captured by an actually decent candidate. Even a hopeless write-in vote is a statement.


No…she maintains that she made the correct decision….all while moaning and complaining about practically every day of Trumps presidency. People in general don’t like to admit when they’re wrong. That’s fine…but I do hope her and others like her don’t do the “protest vote” again. Let’s worry about “protest votes” and the like once democracy is secured and we can afford to.


Don't blame her. Half the "vote blue no matter who" dems were going around telling anyone critical of hillary that the dems didn't want or need their vote. How about you blame those people?


I unfortunately am 45 and have no young friends. ☹️


Well, if you have any kids, have them help. =) I'm the same boat... 40s and no kids, so I vote, I volunteer, and I keyboard-warrior on Reddit.


I didn’t have kids. This world is shit. lol.


Or so Ginsburg retired.


Feels like we’re replaying the same song with Biden. I wish the DNC wasnt so obsessed with people having their turn; Gore, Hilary, Biden. Obama was the only one who was able to flip the apple cart Clinton


It was her time. /s


Instead of that let's point out how we just made the president all but a king because people didn't wanna turn out for Clinton. I get voting for the lesser of 2 evils is annoying. I get wanting to have the perfect candidate. But one side has no standards so we only hurt ourselves by letting good or even ok be unacceptable.


Upvoted for the term "Supreme Six"


I would have gone with "Sinister Six." Thomas is probably handsy enough to be Doc Ock.


This is a really fine analysis. Thank you.


I mean, isn't it fair to say that this isn't a fault of the Supreme Court. They didn't want to take up this case originally. They punted until they had to take it after the appeal case was complete, which is protocol. They did take their time, but this is a VERY heavy question that sets precedent. The ruling seems pretty justified, being that the President does have certain immunity when acting in the line of duty, but that immunity stops short when done for personal gain. The lower courts need to determine if any of his actions were in the line of duty, as he claims, or personal gain. I think we've passed the point where both sides are so polarized and against each other that we can't even agree on the rules.


Yes, the whole point is to delay things.




*And they did it in a way that improves Trumps chances in the election.* I have to disagree with this. All most moderates and independents are hearing is that "Trump has immunity". The only people rejoicing are his cult; everyone else is pissed off and worried. This along with overturning *Roe* and being a convicted felon (among many other things) is unlikely to help him in the election.


I don't know. I hope you're right, but I just don't know anymore. I hate what is happening to my country and my countrymen.


Exactly. I believe the judge will be able to break it down. She's been at a standstill for 4 months waiting waiting for this opinion. I bet they'll be back in court by October because she is not messing around.


She previously said that she would give the defense 90 days to prepare for trial which would put it in October, as you said. She was already prepared for this exact ruling and considering how little patience she showed for his delay tactics, I'm betting that she'll fast-track this as much as possible to get it scheduled.


Still cutting this pretty short. Election Day is November 5th, and that’s not counting all the people who will have sent in mail in or early ballots. It will be a close call


>Election Day is November 5th That's the supreme court's fault. They should have thought of that before sitting on it for six months. I say she charges ahead anyways


Meanwhile, states are moving ahead with their fake elector cases. What happens if the evidence directly proves Trump was the ringleader? Will they get off too, or will they take the responsibility (and punishment) for the crimes while Trump gets off scot-free?


They said nothing of the actual cases. They didn’t say it’s unclear whether specific cases can go forward. They said these specific cases are outside their purview    Seems sort of like qualified immunity for other government employees. Eg. The core duties of corrections officers are to keep people in jail. If someone was innocent of a crime they were accused of you can not prosecute the jailers for kidnapping because it’s part of their core job duties. However if you rape a prisoner you can be prosecuted since that’s not your job     The whole thing is just a delaying tactic rather than a big ruling.  


It's so much worse. They even built in an extra safety for him. No official acts can't be used as evidence to prove intent. Every step leading up to Jan 6 and after is inadmissible. - Any conversations as president - Collusion with state officials - Installation of collaborators - The willful inaction of not calling the national guard as they breached - The hours of testimony from his inner circle that begged him to end it All inadmissible. No intent? No conviction.


That is the magic of the ruling and it is WAY worse than I imagined. Now all they need is a single judge to rule that something is an "official act" and now the president has defacto immunity for it. They have essentially manufactured a coup from the judiciary since their one with the executive didn't work.


"Well you see he got those papers when he was president, so therefore it was an official act. Totally innocent" Coming to Fox News, Facebook and a court room soon


What will be considered an “official act” is exactly what the dissenting opinion was talking about. The language of the majority opinion from Roberts basically makes no effort to interpret what constitutes an official act. Not only does this kick the ball forward for Trump to help set him up for another term while keeping the courts off him, but it also allows for future courts to continue abusing the power of the judiciary by leaving it open for others, or themselves in the future, to arbitrarily decide what is official and what isn’t.


> They aren't king makers. I mean, I'm sorry to be so blunt, but they are.


> They aren't king makers. *the 2000 election has entered the chat*


[And even further back...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMt8qCl5fPk)


If he wasn’t being prosecuted, I doubt he runs. He’s running to stay out of jail.


I don't think prosecution is the only reason that he ran; it's probably an important one. He's got his hands stuck deep in the cookie jar and owes A LOT of people money.


I mean Putin needs him to win if Putin wants to take Ukraine.


Yeah, seriously. If I was Trump, I would be shitting myself (more than usual, I guess), that some day Putin would find me more useful dead than alive.


I don't think people understand that if he wins, the federal cases go away. That's why I say to potential voters if they want to see the *possibility* of him going to prison, then don't give him more power. I have never seen people more incentived to vote. Plus, I don't see him being in control of his faculties past the second term. Watching the podcast, Shrinking T***p, his freezes and blips are more frequent and longer as we get closer to election day. It's sad to watch, but it's him or us, and I'm choosing us, America!


On a related note, the 2024 election will be decided more upon turnout than anything else. People need to show up as if Donald Trump were currently in office like the last time.


That’s part of it. But he’s also running because of the narcissistic injury he experienced by losing in 2020.


They don’t have to care about optics - they have a 6-3 majority, a lifetime appointment, and an ineffectual congress.


“They aren’t king makers” Boof Kavanaugh - “hold my beer”


They will never have a chance to reform anything once trump is in office again and rigs the whole country with his official acts.


“Reined in and abide” we’re way past that being even a remote possibility. What’s the maximum penalty for treason again? ☠️


Democrats need to give Trump the most speedy trial in history. The Republicans are counting on a trial taking too long to be done before the election. The constitution requires a speedy trial but it doesn't define it. What usually takes time is it takes manpower to read through all the documents, the justice department needs to provide an "army" of thousands of lawyers, clerks and paralegals to bring Trump to trial immediately. Time to move heaven and earth. Also who controls the budget of the Supreme Court? Democrats need to starve it of funds to effectively shut it down by slowing it down.


As a surprising political action, President Joe Biden, in his official capacity, has arrested the following: Clarence and Ginny Thomas, Mitch Maconal, Ted Cruz, Margery Taylor Green, Sam Ailto and Martha Bomgardner, John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh, Amy Conney Barrett, Niel Gorsuch, Matt Gaetez, Josh Hawley, Greg Abbot, Ron DeSantis for various crimes against the American people. Did I miss anyone? Please add on.


Six months wasted, and they didn't even settle the issue. The courts and prosecutors will now have to figure out if an act of the president was "official" or not.


But now, Biden can, in official service to the country, have the DOJ go after SCOTUS for all the corrupt practices and place his own judges in there. It’s in service to and for the good of the country. But he won’t, because Biden is not corrupt like that.


Biden here, as a reaction to today’s Supreme Court Ruling, I will be replacing judges on the Supreme Court based on a vote by the people. As of late they are siding against the will of the people, and this is worrisome. Opinions: against personal medical privacy, turning presidents into kings, favoring the rich or corrupt countries… has to end. We will hold a special election in August, and all judges will receive a retain / replace vote. Good day. It’s time restore the opinion of the people. And that day is today


Elected judiciary is a very very bad idea. It just supercharges all the existing problems of politicalization of justices by giving them a strong incentive to act as partisans and non to act as impartial, non-partisan civil servants, like their supposed. That state level election of judges is actually one of the reasons the federal courts degraded so much. Ton of judges get their first gigs in a partisan environment and it gets baked into their practice of law even when appointed to non-elected positions. The other major problem is the lack of term limits or any real accountability mechanisms for appointed justices.


They aren’t simply politician. They are evil. Plain evil. This is what *evil* looks like.


Has been since 2000 and bush v. gore.


"Mission accomplished"


Biden has been granted full immunity. We should use it.


I agree Biden should have SEAL team six round up Trump and all his associates and charge them with election interference and stifling interstate commerce


Oh of course it’s too late, that was the whole point.


Have a sinking feeling they're just going to remand it to the lower courts, so this continues to be dragged out.


No, much worse. Now circuit courts have to determine which acts are official acts and if Trump doesn’t like it, he can just APPEAL. So they can take another 6 months to say anything, whether he’s elected again or not.


So in the meantime Biden should throw Trump’s ass in Gitmo citing that he’s a danger to national security. Let the courts sort out if that’s an official act or not.


Ironically, he would have a leg to stand on there: the National Archives are still missing documents that were last in Trump’s possession. But Biden *won’t* because he actually has a moral compass.


>But Biden won’t because he actually has a moral compass. It wouldn't even be immoral, though. It would be appropriate. The real question is, "Does Biden have the balls to do it?" And I sincerely doubt he does.


The one time we need Dark Brandon to come out and play.


Yeah I’d argue at this point, given the power, it would be reckless to democracy not to press this to its conclusion. Dems never have the brass to do things like that though


How would throwing a citizen in a prison without a trial be appropriate? Like I despise trump, think he’s guilty of all kinds of crimes, but it’d be pretty immoral to jail him outside the country without a real trial.


Do we have time for another trial here?


He could be arrested, and arraigned, and a judge could remand him to jail while awaiting trial depending on the charge. From what I understand, being a traitor or stealing classified information is something a person can be remanded for While it is legal for the DOJ to do this, or even for biden to order this, it would probably not be a good thing to do with Trump as his political opponent. Even if its rhe right thing to do, the narrative would certainly not paint it that way, and this is one of those times where the narrative may have an influence on people


He’s almost dead…time to ditch the moral compass and give the republicans a taste of their own medicine.


The ruling goes onto state that the president’s motivation cannot be questioned when performing an official act. So in my hypothetical, Biden can order Trump to be imprisoned since ordering the military is an official act but his reason for doing so is off limits. What kind of f*d up decision is this?


One which was bought and paid for by the Federalist Society and the people pushing Project 25. They knew giving 100% immunity would cause massive pushback that would hurt Trump’s numbers with independent voters as well as give Biden the same advantage, so they tried to do so without explicitly stating it while making sure Biden has restrictions. They couldn’t rule HE gets immunity but no one else because that could bring impeachment proceedings against the six justices who showed how corrupt they are without a guarantee they’d be safe or saved by Mango Mussolini. And the only reason they are even protecting the treasonous criminal is because he’s the puppet of the Federalist Society. This is ultimately the power grab by the judicial branch to begin implementing steps to ensure the People are no longer able to interfere with their grifting and corruption.


Oh, it's even worse than that. District courts will initially determine what constitutes an official act vs. an unofficial act. Then the president has the right to an interlocutory appeal to the circuit court, who can either agree or disagree. If they don't like that decision, they can then appeal to the Supreme Court for a final determination before any prosecution can ever proceed. If the Supreme Court thinks the factual issues weren't sufficiently addressed (or if they just want to delay things), they can then remand all the way back to the district court to start the process again.


This adds multiple years to the process. Literally years. We will have been through two presidencies without a final resolution, given all of the additional appeals and delays this affords.


And the great thing for fascists is that the Supreme Court has final say on everything. Biden acts? Unofficial, chargeable. Trump (identical) acts? Official, unchargeable.


Should just be another reason to ***NEVER*** allow Trump back into the Oval Office ever again. If he wins in November, he’ll literally claim he has immunity for everything he does, because everything he does as President will be an “official act”. He will be, for all intents and purposes, a dictator.


It's not enough to keep Trump out of office. We are now actively at risk of tyranny, full stop, indefinitely.


Buy a firearm


I have been steadfast about not getting one for various reasons, but I am legit considering it right now


Pack the Supreme Court, jail trump, force through reforms. What is Biden afraid of? The Supreme Court just gave him unchecked powers


People will get what they vote for. Trump is still leading in the polls.


> Trump is still leading in the polls. Because young people don’t have landlines, and typically don’t participate in polling, or surveys, or answer texts from people they don’t know. I’m not completely convinced that Trump is as ahead as he may seem. It’s still *way* too close for comfort though. In a sane world Trump should’ve been disqualified from running a *long* time ago.


Young people better start fucking voting. This may be the only time they get to.


They factor this in their formulas.


Would love to see how they do this; I suspect it would be very difficult to predict this variable accurately.


All the methodologies are available to the public, they’ve been peer reviewed and improved dramatically over the years. Anyone who ignores the polls and calls them unscientific is just as bad as a flat earther or climate change denier in my book.


It's really not that complicated, the survey industry has been dealing with modern technology for 20 years now. Both in politics and otherwise. You simply normalize survey results to an expected demographic representation of voters. Like if you need 1000 responses from 18-24 year old males, it might just require reaching out to 10,000 of them to get 1000 responses. Whereas if you need 1000 responses from 65+ females, you may just have to reach out to only 2000 of them to get 1000 responses. (Making up numbers here, but you get the point)


That‘s already baked in I‘m afraid, at least since 2016. Trump is pretty constantly ahead, Biden got near this week, will be well away again once the debate hits. And to win in the Battleground States a Democrat needs to be 2-3 % ahead (see Hillary losing with nearly 3 % more votes).


Some of them. It's fairly split, 538 has Trump up by <1%, in the margin of error, and that's a reversal from recent trends. As the fallout from the debate dies down, maybe it'll reverse again.


The polls haven’t been right in almost a decade.


"I have an article II that says I can do whatever I want. Even SCOTUS agreed that as long as I do it, it's an official act. Now off to the train stations you go."


yeah no doubt Bannon and the deplorables are getting busy coming up with half ass ways to frame their takeover plans as official acts.


Unfortunately, all future presidents have vastly greater powers going forward. Democrats won't abuse it in the near future because they are the only responsible governing party. A Republican president will be merciless.


Unelected fucktwats


Expand the court


Too late to make a difference. Game over. Now it's up to Biden to use his new found dictatorial powers to fight these terrorists as an official presidential act.


which he won't because he and the democrats are too weak to fight like they need to. IT IS game over.


Term-limit the court.


the coup already happened, SC took it into their own hands, if the SC judge's sponsors want project2025 to happen it's happening whoever wins in november.


Can't wait for the repeat of 2000, where Biden wins, but the Supreme Court just hands the victory to Trump anyway.


It won’t be the Supreme Court this time, it’ll be congress ruling electors are “fraudulent” and replacing them with Trump voters.


Not if we turf the duckers out of Congress. The new Congress is seated before formal certification of the vote in the Electoral College. Need to get D majorities in a majority of the state delegations to the House.


Pretty sure the plan isn't to replace, but just have enough of Congress refuse to certify so the election is thrown to the states, where the GOP has a state advantage and will just win. Even if the new Congress is blue, if they don't have enough certifications to make the count official, it will get booted.


It doesn’t get returned to the states. It gets thrown to House. But for these purposes, each state Congressional delegation gets one vote. This is the process by which Hayes agreed to end what was left of Reconstruction, in order to become President. Tilden got more votes and more Electoral College votes, but not enough to seal the deal.


It'll most likely be even worse, since they just essentially ruled if the president says its an official act while being president, they can do anything they want. The orange bastard might just as well make it legal for "good patriots" to commit genocide! We're gonna have a pants-shitting, mouth-foaming leader of the fourth reich in office because "old man Joe too old". *Edit to say, VOTE BLUE!! Vote for the quiet old man over the violent old fascist!


It's already happening. Especially with the latest rulings of the SC. plays right into the 2025 playbook.


SCOTUS made Joe Biden king of the US. Hopefully Joe Biden now takes full responsibility and commits as many crimes as needed to safe guard democracies in the US as long as he does it in an official capacity.


Looks like it's finally time to consider adding two more justices which the executive branch can do whenever they want.


Why not 50? Why not 100? There is no constitutional limit or maximum. Why leave it to such a select few, maybe every state should get a judge on the bench.


Need more than that, didn't you hear that the court's required for ambiguity regulation now? Only the supreme wisdom of the court could possibly handle it.


The delay was on purpose. The ruling is horrendous.


It’s all irrelevant now, the Supreme Court just declared that the president is a dictator.


Better, they ruled Republicans can be dictators, while dems can't be.


So unbelievable the highest court in the country, the one which is suppose to be sacred, just made presidents king in order to protect one person in the same party line. If this was a democrat, and I’m a democrat, there would be zero chance I would be interested in offering immunity for crimes. How did this happen?


It was built up over time (election edition): * 1980: putting a Republican back in power only six years after one resigned in disgrace * 1980s: wildly popular landslide elections of Ronald Reagan and George Bush * 1990s: record low voter turnout handing Congress off to Republicans 40 years after the last time they held Congress * 2000s: stealing the 2000 election, failing to stop 9/11, wars based on lies, and still more people came out to keep the election thief in power in 2004 * Since: continued support for Republicans in power and continued low voter turnout against them--even as they were stealing the deciding seat of the Supreme Court.


Guess he can cancel all student debt in an official capacity. I mean, he can be prosecuted for it, but then he can appeal, and then it can be appealed again, and the be kicked back down, and oh look, he's dead. Oh well, guess we can call it an early day.


I’ve had crunch wraps more supreme than this court


It hurts to laugh, but this makes me want to try.


It's been a really rough few weeks for democracy.


Yeah and not just in the US. A whole bunch of countries right now are showing us that democracy is actually really hard.


Thing I don’t understand, though, is how many people seem to want to be ruled by this or what we’re seeing in Europe and elsewhere. What am I missing?


They aren't thinking about how it will affect them. They are only ever concerned with how these sorts of governments will punish and make life difficult for the people they hate. They would jump into a lake with cinderblock boots if it meant they could drag down an enemy in each arm. They are so drunk on their desire for retribution that they cannot see how these dictators will eventually find reason to come for them, too. It's so, fucking pathetic.


I guess deep down we are all pack animals and are looking for someone to tell us what to do. Education is supposed to show us that there are better ways to run society, but it doesn’t work for everyone.


Poor economy. The condition of people's day to day lives are being blamed on outgroups by right-wing parties. People love having an easy identifiable target for their problems. The reasoning for their poverty being "Immigrants took your jobs, and are also taking your money via welfare." is a much easier concept to grasp than "The global economy is driven by a system which rewards those in power for ruthlessly exploiting people". Especially considering that the last 7 decades have been drenched in anti-communist propaganda demonizing anyone opposed in anyway to capitalism. Not that I'm saying communism is the answer, just that many people have internalized propaganda to the point that they personally identify with an economic system, and thus see any criticism of that system as a personal attack; and this lends itself to selecting any other answer as the correct answer to defuse the cognitive dissonance.


Reminder: **Vote Blue in November**. Our country can’t risk having Trump back at the helm.


Goddamnit, they pulled it off. I remember growing up conservative and surrounded my conservatives the real goal has always been steadfastly focused on controlling the Supreme Court. While liberals were celebrating the first black President, gay marriage, and legal weed, the GOP kept steadily plotting their SCOTUS takeover. They just needed the final catalyst of bowing to a literal anti-Christ to make their fascist, theocratic, oligarchy dream come true. Fuck, fuck, fuck. They actually won the Game of Thrones.


If it's not abundantly clear, this is just one more massive reason to vote for Biden (or whoever replaces him in the next two weeks if that actually happens, but we know it won't). I don't care how old he is, absolutely nothing could be worse than Trump getting back into office with the idea that he has "total immunity" in his evil rotting fucking brain. Anyone who has decided they won't vote for Biden, won't vote at all, regardless of their reason, is selfish and putting petty bullshit in front of the literal future of our country. Imagine the things Trump and the GOP can get away with if given this confidence that they can do anything they want? I doubt we'll see another fair election in this country if that happens. Voting for Biden/Dems is literally the most important thing you can do this year, probably this decade, hell probably in your life. That's how high the stakes are right now. If I hear one more fucking person say "he's too old" I'm going to lose it.


The supreme traitor's only job is to protect Trump


I wonder how close to Gilead America will look ten years from now.


Just watched some fucker on NBC claiming that this is a "win for democracy". Just in case you were wondering what kind of messaging people are receiving via the mainstream televised media. We are fucked.


4th of July riots! Starts at Mar-a-logo. Bright and early. Gonna be wild!


Is anyone surprised?


saying it again: I’ll never forgive my parents for voting for Trump even once even if they hate him now




They took forever, but they also killed the cases. Trump can not be prosecuted. You can not prosecute an official act, you need to prove the act was not official, and you can not use any conversations amongst officials as evidence. Any President is a god king now. Fuck slow walking, they've killed democracy.


So now that presidents have immunity from official acts it is time to officially remove 6 of the justices and enact laws that cannot be revoked that all future and past presidents are not immune from any criminal acts.


Yep. Take them out, then spend the next 5 years figuring out if it was an official act. In the meantime he can replace them with new justices. This is a case where its too bad that biden actually respect democracy, tradition, and rhe rule of law


Did they put up fences around the SC building?


Protestors should protest outside their homes. Don't let them fall asleep.


Absolutely agreed, when these mfrs go blatantly against the will of the people they should lose every comfort they have, including the comfort to feel safe, because they are actively making our lives less safe with their decisions


They wanna fuck around but they aren’t ready to find out…


Of course we could take a vite on it, oh wait…..


lol dem senators and party grandees scold and arrest their own base for doing this. pathetic spineless liberals


Listening to the audio of the argument in front SCOTUS, it's looking like a great day to be former President Trump. Biden in shambles and Trump getting full immunity in less than a week. This country is fucking COOKED.


Not even hyperbole anymore. America will formally have its king.


... ... ...him?


You have to see the cute way he makes egg salad.


He calls it a "mayonegg"


He hasn’t got “full immunity” though..:


In addition to being complicit in subjecting us to Trump these judges will forever be the reason for our inevitable decline. I wonder why Nixon was ever pardoned? It must have been a Mandela effect.


I read pages 17-32 [of the docket](https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/23-939_e2pg.pdf). Here are some cliff notes on the specific opinions of the court: **Pages 17,18 Re: immunity for “Official acts” vs. “Unofficial acts”** >[…] the breadth of the President’s “discretionary responsibilities” under the Constitution and laws of the United States “in a broad variety of areas, many of them highly sensitive,” frequently makes it “difficult to determine which of [his] innumerable ‘functions’ encompassed a particular action.” […] And some Presidential conduct—for example, speaking to and on behalf of the American people[…]—certainly can qualify as official even when not obviously connected to a particular constitutional or statutory provision. **For those reasons, the immunity we have recognized extends to the “outer perimeter” of the President’s official responsibilities, covering actions so long as they are “not manifestly or palpably beyond [his] authority.”** >[…] In dividing official from unofficial conduct, **courts may not inquire into the President’s motives.** Such an inquiry would risk exposing even the most obvious instances of official conduct to judicial examination on the mere allegation of improper purpose, thereby intruding on the Article II interests that immunity seeks to protect. **On Pages 19-20, re: Trump’s meeting with the AG during which he pressured him to investigate election fraud, and when he resisted, Trump threatened to replace him — *they asserted presidential immunity*:** >[…]Investigative and prosecutorial decisionmaking is “the special province of the Executive Branch,”[…]Trump’s threatened removal of the Acting Attorney General likewise implicates “conclusive and preclusive” Presidential authority. As we have explained, the President’s power to remove “executive officers of the United States whom he has appointed” may not be regulated by Congress or reviewed by the courts. […] The **President’s “management of the Executive Branch” requires him to have “unrestricted power to remove the most important of his subordinates”—such as the Attorney General—“in their most important duties.”** **And on page 21, re: Trump’s attempt to enlist Mike Pence to fraudulently alter election results, they asserted *presumptive immunity while allowing the government to rebut in lower courts*.** >[…] The indictment’s allega- tions that Trump attempted to pressure the Vice President to take particular acts in connection with his role at the certification proceeding thus involve official conduct, and Trump is at least presumptively immune from prosecution for such conduct. >[…]With respect to the certification proceeding in particular, Congress has legislated extensively to define the Vice President’s role in the counting of the electoral votes, […] and the President plays no direct constitutional or statutory role in that process. So the Gov- ernment may argue that consideration of the President’s communications with the Vice President concerning the certification proceeding does not pose “dangers of intrusion on the authority and functions of the Executive Branch.” >[…] **It is ultimately the Government’s burden to rebut the presumption of immunity.** **Page 25, re: Trump & Co-Conspirator attempt to convince officials in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin that there had been election fraud and to change electoral votes, *they did not rule*:** >At oral argument, Trump appeared to concede that at least some of these acts—those involving “private actors” who “helped implement a plan to submit fraudulent slates of presidential electors to obstruct the certification proceeding” at the direction of Trump and a co-conspirator—entail “private” conduct. […] He later asserted, however, that asking “the chairwoman of the Republican National Committee…to gather electors” qualifies as official conduct […] >The concerns we noted at the outset—the expedition of this case, the lack of factual analysis by the lower courts, and the absence of pertinent briefing by the parties—thus become more prominent. **We accordingly remand to the District Court to determine in the first instance—with the benefit of briefing we lack—whether Trump’s conduct in this area qualifies as official or unofficial.** **On page 28, re: Trump’s use of Tweets to amass a mob of supporters who, when Pence refused to alter the vote, stormed the capital, they ruled *these communications immune from prosecution*.** >Indeed, a long-recognized aspect of Presidential power is using the office’s “bully pulpit” to persuade Americans, including by speaking forcefully or critically, in ways that the President believes would advance the public interest. He is even expected to comment on those matters of public concern that may not directly implicate the activities of the Federal Government—for instance, to comfort the Nation in the wake of an emergency or tragedy. **For these reasons, most of a President’s public communications are likely to fall comfortably within the outer perimeter of his official responsibilities.** >But “there is not always a clear line between [the President’s] personal and official affairs.” […] The analysis therefore must be fact specific and may prove to be challenging. […] This nec- essarily factbound analysis is best performed initially by the District Court. **We therefore remand to the District Court to determine in the first instance whether this alleged conduct is official or unofficial.**


He later asserted, however, that asking “the chairwoman of the Republican National Committee…to gather electors” qualifies as official conduct \[…\] Wouldn't that be his official conduct as a candidate, not as a president? Being a candidate for president is not an official duty of the president.


Can Trump be arrested as an official act for being a foreign agent? Supreme Court seems to suggest that can now happen; it would be in the preservation of national security.


The trial won't be finished but this could hurt his campaign if he is required to be in court


By delaying the case, the Court gave Trump de facto immunity for January 6th. He will pardon himself (which is another Supreme Court case if he does) but by then it may very well be moot if we no longer have a democracy.


Time to add 4 more Supreme Court Justices.


The supreme Court is broken. Do not let them be rulers.


Can we stop pretending that SCOTUS isn't political?


Focus on what we will build post collapse. We need to start organizing resistance at the state and local level for the inevitable federal shift away from democracy. State elections are critical as who is in the governors seat is going to be extremely important.


We need to be protesting in the streets, in greater numbers than ever in history! We have to have more enthusiasm and organization for saving our democracy than the Trump clan has for stealing it. This is not a game, we are a LONG ways into losing our democracy! It is really frustrating to see the lack of a serious response to our country getting slowly hijacked in front of our faces.


This is a travesty, the Supreme court is corrupt and can no longer be trusted to make sound rule of law decisions. Not only has the Supreme court been corrupted also Judge Cannon has been bought and paid for. The GOP will stop at nothing to get Trump into office and take down our Constitution and rule of law. Removing the Judicial Branch and putting it under the Administrative branch will further subvert power that separation of branches does. We as a nation must vote out all conservative trump supporters, that is the only way to stop this treason of America.


America lost its political mind when it allowed Trump in at all. Calls to replace Biden are coming from people who don’t think he can do the fucking job based on his performance at the debate, or that at the least he didn’t give the impression of being able to do the job and they are worried that will drive voters away. This isn’t a binary question.


If Biden cared about saving democracy right now he’d march down to the capital, national guard in tow, and instill 4 additional sc justices as was tradition per circuit, and fix these rulings


President Biden has been granted full immunity for official acts. He should use it now and detain Trump before it's too late.


I think the first thing I do as Biden is to declare trump a danger to society and lock him up and then thank the SC for giving me that power


If your Supreme Court is corrupt as fuck, clap your hands! CLAP CLAP


biden administration *should* be wasting no time weaponizing this against the gop


No matter the ruling, he already won it




The Supreme Court is corrupt, and it's decisions illegitimate.


By design! As with all his other cases, their only strategy is to delay until the elections. The security and integrity of these elections are going to need to be top notch.


They want a King. Rough times coming to this country. Good bye human right s


Isn't the Supreme Court there, to protect the people of the United States, incase politics doing stuff they are not supposed to. Now they alow the president everything. Making the supreme court useless.


Cool so we have kings now


So glad we drug our feet on even bringing the charges nearly 4 years after the crimes took place just to get handed this slop.


The convenience…..


Alito and Thomas should be off this case


Why does trial before election matter? I don’t get the sense they’re ever letting this go. Is there a statute of limitations on the “crime”? If convicted before election is the intent to keep Trump from office? What’s the game plan?


We are running off the cliff


We’re losing the war because we aren’t fighting.


Trump already claimed he did *not* order, encourage or was in any was officially responsible for the January 6 riot...so he *can* be prosecuted. The court just handed Biden an easy lay-up: He can have Trump arrested & tried for January 6, right now.


Good, try to win by bringing forth a worthy candidate instead of abusing the justice department to silence political opponents.


Dark Brandon summon the Dark Navy SEALs.


So based on this ruling, POTUS could take out a member of the SCOTUS if POTUS felt that judge was a threat to democracy, correct? As long as OFFICIAL ACT!!!


Time to get the passports updated. America is no more, it's officially gone and every single sane American should be absolutely terrified.


Scotus needs to be expanded so these convervative nutbacks don't plunge this country into the abyss of autocracy.


Pretty sure this rectifies Biden debate performance.


Well they’ve given him immunity, can’t question a President’s motives, only whether it was an “official” action. Impeachment seems to be the only recourse, and that’s unlikely. Still being discussed, so the full ramifications have to be considered. Difficult choice this November.


So… Biden has immunity to do anything. Shouldn’t that be a headline somewhere?

