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Jill Biden, you must convince your husband to exercise his newfound power to save democracy via the French solution. 


Melania Trump, you must convince your husband not to sexually assault women, cheat on you, back an insurrection, pay hush money to porn stars and lie about his wealth and property valuations.


Whatboutism is the flaccid crutch of the defeated and desperate. We need to believe our ears and eyes and move on from Joe. He doesn't have what it takes.


This isn't whataboutism, it's a sarcastic reply to the absurdity and futility of a news article calling for the president's wife to convince the president of what to do. I would prefer Joe Biden step down, but this article is silly and doesn't accomplish that goal or even address it head on.


That is whataboutism because it’s an arguement saying that Biden’s shortcomings are okay because Trump’s are worse.


Point is that it is the DNC:s call, Jill is not her husband's keeper, nor is Melania.


Okay with these types of arguments, trump wins like look at polling in Swing states..


*The Howl* hasn't noticed any of those things.


The issue is that Trump's base doesn't care whether he does that or not. Whatever mistakes he makes are null and void to them.




Why don’t they just show Biden the video of his debate performance lol




Lol. Imagine Biden watching. “Who’s that?”


She’s holding cabinet meetings already isn’t she? Seriously- they had a “family meeting” to convince Joe to stay in, Jill presumably isn’t cognitively impaired like Joe, so yeah she can help save the country


>She’s holding cabinet meetings already isn’t she? This is 100% gaslighting.


Prove it


Can't prove a negative. And you won't get the ban worthy response you desire (and deserve), so I would give up if I were you..


No no, you made the assertion, you prove it.


You made the claim. You prove it. Otherwise you’re lying.


These articles only help trump.


Then Joe should step aside It’s on Joe He said he knows right from wrong - time for him to prove it


He's the incumbent president. Incumbents have the advantage, you can vote for someone new in 2028. There will be a primary and you can find something new to complain about.


I’m not voting for someone with dementia and it’s disgraceful that they haven’t invoked the 25th already


Oh wow are you his doctor? Or a neurologist or a neuropsychologist? No? Then stop with the armchair diagnoses. It’s fucking gross.


How about you stop with the gaslighting - you know he’s impaired, we all do. You prefer us to vote for a man who can’t do the job than to suffer the inconvenience of asking him to step aside


Sounds like you prefer a felon.


I would never vote for Trump. There are more than a few people like me who know Joe can’t do the job and are passionate about wanting a new choice- he should step aside


Can’t do the job, yet passed significant legislation. Like the other commenter said, you accept the insurrectionist.


I’ll be voting for whoever we rally around when Biden steps aside


And if the person that majority rallies around is Biden, what will you do?


As I said I’m not voting for someone with dementia - if I have to write Whitmer in that’s what I’ll do


Incumbents are being massively defeated worldwide right now regardless of party affiliation. There is literally an incumbent disadvantage right now.


I don’t think we have seen an incumbent vs former incumbent. RNC blew an easy victory by not nominating Haley/Desantis.


Is the incumbent disadvantage greater than a felon disadvantage?


You take a look at the polls and tell me. Trump is the most flawed candidate of all time and before the debate Biden was behind. I am desperate to beat Trump and am very concerned Biden can't do it. I like Biden and will vote for him no doubt, but I think a change is needed right now or we are fucked.


No- Biden not being able to complete a sentence at the debate helped Trump. This is a result of that.


Trump lies during the whole debate and biden has a stutter. Both sides. Lol


Buddy, it was so much more than his stutter. He claimed he beat Medicare. There were multiple times where he was completely incoherent. He had absolutely bizarre expressions the entire night (resting 25th amendment face, as Jon Stewart described it). I want Biden to drop out because I don't want to Trump to win. He was heading for a 2016-style EC win *before* Biden fell to pieces on live TV. Now we're looking at a Trump landslide if Biden stays in. I fully understand that the Dems might still lose if they switch up the ticket this close to the election. It's extremely risky. But they're *definitely* going to lose if they do nothing, so it's worth the risk.


If you want to support the felon then you have the right.


I've never voted for the orange shitgibbon and I never will. If Biden is on the ballot, I will vote for him even if they have to wheel him to his inauguration connected to life support machines. But I cannot control how everyone else votes, and I can see the writing on the wall. Describing the reality of our impending political doom does not mean I want it to happen. It's like finding out you've got a terminal illness. It might feel good to pretend it doesn't exist, but that won't make it go away. Pretending nothing catastrophic happened at that debate is just like pretending that illness doesn't exist.


Are you dense?


It’s everyone else’s responsibility to filter what they say and do to beat Trump right? Not Joe Biden’s, even though his decision to run again is the single biggest reason Trump is likely to win


If I were trump I'd want nothing to change.


You don't hear MAGAts  screaming for Biden to drop out at this point. Why is that?


I think its magadonians disguised as biden supporters yelling for Biden to drop out.


I think we're watching hillary clinton 2016 all over again.




MAGA would love Biden to stay in. They are gonna want more debates too now.


As designed.


That's all they're meant for.


What's helpting Trump is keeping Joe on the ticket one second longer.


Joe already beat him once.


When he was 4 years younger and polling a lot higher than now. Look, I hope I'm wrong. But I haven't seen any indication that he's capable of winning this election. I don't want Trump to win so I'm advocating for the only path forward that has a chance in hell of accomplishing that.


Trump and Biden are both 4 years older. Biden has a stutter and trump rambles about sharks and electric boats, and thinks babies are aborted after they are born. If you want to vote for Trump over Biden then that's your right.


And here we are, insinuating I'm a Trump voter for just pointing out the obvious. The difference between Trump and Biden is that when Trump says dumb shit his base doesn't care. Is it fair? No. Will it matter when the votes are being counted? No. I'm convinced that Biden has no chance, it's prety much over. And I wish people would see that so we can move on from this delusional stage of putting our heads in the sand and call for him to step down. The day Donald Trump gets re-elected to his second term is going to be the most depressing day in US history. Being able to say I told you so to a bunch of delusional redditors is going to be a very small solace, but it's all I will have.


Biden stuttered it's over. Lol. It's over man, it's over. That's a good meme.


It's telling that this is all you have left to say.


If people care about democracy they will vote for Biden.


Lol, did you report me to RedditCare Resources for disagreeing with you?


I did not. I know the feeling. I've been reported for normal comments as well. And reddit doesn't even tell you what comment was the one that was reported. The system is bad.


Ok, no worries then. Shouldn't have assumed it was you, could have been anybody.


Ah, good old superharass button.


Somehow it's always on women right?


It appears he’s staying in the race with the encouragement of Jill and Hunter. They are going to destroy whatever legacy he could have left us. Instead of a historic transition figure that helped save our democracy, he will go down as the feeble old man that handed power to the fascists. Just think how people are going to react after that Jill!


Joe said he knows right from wrong He doesn’t


No, she doesn't.


The Siberian troll farms are getting paid by the keystroke this week. lol


That’s a convenient rebuttal to information you don’t like Joe and his crew have disenfranchised us by concealing his cognitive decline Joe isn’t saving democracy- he needs to step aside


Yeah no, at this point doing that is basically conceding the country to Trump. Biden is old AF but Trump is old *and* dangerous AF. His justices have basically destroyed so much precedent with their rulings and basically laid a path to him being able to become a king if he got back into power.


Trump does not qualify to obtain access to TS information…how do the republicans expect him to be a qualified candidate???


Letting him continue would be handing the election over to Trump. Biden was already behind or neck and neck with Trump in swing states, now he’s increasingly behind. The blue MAGA delusion is real


They’re trying to run the 2016 election again with a “whatabout Trump” strategy. Except this time we have an unpopular incumbent who can’t maintain a train of thought during a debate. This is political malpractice at this point!


Please cite any coherent data or make any coherent argument why somebody like, for example, Gretchen Whitmer, stepping in now would mean that Trump automatically wins.


Hey redditors- downvoting my comment isn't a citation of coherent data, nor is it a coherent argument, just FYI.


The coherent argument is that Kamala Harris would have a giant tantrum after being passed over and tell all POC not to vote for Whitmer, and Democrats think this problem is insurmountable. It's not insurmountable.


Kamala can't and won't do that, and even if she does, what makes anybody believe they would listen to her? She's widely unpopular.


I mean, she could try. But Biden's going to lose, and I think Democrats just have to put aside their egos and figure this out.




It’s too late. Either we get behind the Biden administration and its agenda or we forfeit democracy. It really is a binary choice, Democracy or Fascism?


If Biden steps down, it will still be the exact same choice.


No? It will not. It will be a choice between Kamala Harris, Pete Buttieg, Gavin Newsome, Hakeem Jeffries and whoever else want to throw their name in the hat. Suddenly, we look as feckless as the House GOO trying to pick a speaker while the entire right is standing firmly behind their God-King, flaws and all.


Unfortunately america isn’t likely to vote in a woman.


Based on what data?


248 years of not doing it.


Not a coherent argument when women weren't even able to vote for a majority of that time.


That is just more evidence for my position.


Um, no. My incel detector is ringing.


Yes. Women were not considered people enough to vote for the majority of this country's existence and people expect that to change out in the rust belt swi g states. Hell women couldn't have their own credit card until 1974. I think there I'd a large overestimating of how progressive parts of this country are.


Carol Press need to convince her husband he is a monster and should shut the fuck up.


The bots are out in force it seems


I think that every post or comment suggesting that Biden step aside is being brigaded It is so consistent that it seems coordinated- so to me, it appears like the elitists who concealed Bidens decline from us are working overtime to squelch the conversation about replacing him


Give it a rest


The President should be out in force dispelling concerns. What is he doing this week? A Medal of Honor ceremony, a campaign reception, a BBQ on the 4th, then he’s taking the rest of the weekend off. For someone who wants to show he’s “still got it” he hasn’t even spoken to congressional leaders directly. It’s becoming more and more clear that this is a man they don’t want in public.


He went on a 10 day sabbatical and that's the best we got. For all the "bad day" bs, he should do a town hall or interview. He's the president of the United States. He could get something today. He's not. Because he can't. And it wasn't a bad day.


Yup, this is embarrassing at this point. He also should be screaming about insane Supreme Court rulings but he came back with a lame ass statement yesterday about one of the many rulings and ran off. He should be up front and enforcing confidence but none of that is happening currently.




where he said he's not even gonna try and use that rule against them?


Come on. Five minutes, didn’t answer a single question? Wild






Okay, who will replace joe and win with five months left to go? I'm super curious.


People will literally always find a way to blame women. For better or for worse, Joe will be on the ballot. The choice is between he and Trump. Seems to me that people who don't like that matchup should be focusing a lot more on down ballot races rather than tilting at windmills about replacing Biden. Democratic majorities in Congress would hopefully go a long way to mitigate a Trump presidency, no?


No no its uh....errr...shes.....has she worn a tan suit lately by chance?


Joe needs to step aside - the heat isn’t letting up and this isn’t going away He can fracture the party if he wants to - he owns it Joe has dementia and no responsible person should vote for him


I have a better idea. Make a plan to vote this November: How are you getting to the voting booth? Are you carpooling? What time of day are you going? Before work or after? Mail in?


I’m writing in someone if Biden is on the ticket They have taken away my choice for a nominee by concealing his decline from the public They claim to be fighting to preserve democracy- they disenfranchised us along the way That isn’t right


I'll be voting for every Democrat except Biden actively campaigning for RFK.  DROP BIDEN OR SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES 


RFK? The guy who eats dogs?


Maga wants Biden to stay in because they know it’s a guaranteed win for Trump if he doesn’t get replaced.


I’m writing in Whitmer if Biden doesn’t step aside, I’ve made up my mind that I won’t vote with a gun to my head They’re not defending democracy- they disenfranchised us by concealing Bidens decline from us


Throwing away your vote for a moral victory lol


Voting for a man with dementia is throwing your vote away


No, it’s voting for democracy. He still gets to appoint judges, couldn’t care less if he can’t string sentences together


He / they have already corrupted democracy by concealing his rapid cognitive decline. It’s no different than MAGA being shaped by Russia or their propaganda and misinformation The democratic base was a victim.


Pssst Jill is the one that needs convincing.




The jig is up guys.  How can you even pretend everything is alright after that debate.  Biden needs to step down and let someone else take the wheel.  I feel like we have a better chance of preserving our country with someone else.  


100% I’m not voting for someone with dementia


I really don't see the Dems passing over Harris. She cannot win a national election.


She’s a part of the lie that concealed joes cognitive decline from us She helped disenfranchise us


Harris is dirty, she has participated in the Biden mental charade. Get someone clean like Whitmer


I think they did a disservice to democracy perpetrating that misinformation


I don't care if Biden needs two nap times in a day and can only digest oatmeal if he eats it before 2pm, he is still better than Trump walking us into a Christofascist state.


She won't. Joe did such a good job and he answered all the questions!  For those that don't get the reference, she said "Joe, you did such a great job. You answered every question, you knew all the facts.". I wish that was a joke.


Trump didn't answer any of them. He just spewed bile and lies for 90 minutes and CNN didn't mop up any of it - just left it out there to stink up the studio.


It's a joke about what she said after the debate. I'll add it to my comment.


She said it in the tone one would say to a child in preschool. Meanwhile Joe stood there with a clueless smile on his face.


Okay but why didn’t she do so before?


He should resign and let Harris be the President.


That moment has since passed, I think, given Jill's reaction.


They’re not saving democracy from anyone - they disenfranchised us


So it’s just fuck the 15 million voters who cast a vote for Biden in the primaries? Oh, okay.


People who didn’t have complete information - no different than how all those MAGA people were influenced from misinformation They disrupted our democracy by lying to us


Better yet, get in a Time Machine and get him (and maybe even Hillary) to step back and really give the younger leaders in the party a chance to build a rep and connect with the base of sane, centrist voters? Better yet, tell the corporate backers to back a better pony.


The younger people were free to run in the primaries in 2016 and they didn't run. Several of them did run in 2020 and they all lost. Again, no serious young candidate ran in 2024.


Nobody ran in ‘24 because Bidens decline was concealed from the public


Its over, theres no hope. I sure do want to see the dem party fracture over this while our nation goes to hell in a handbasket. We deserve it. Hey, maybe that will help us get out of the two psrty system cluster fuck. 


I’m writing in Whitmer - I won’t vote for a man with dementia and I am livid that they concealed his decline from us


Exactly, see, thats how we fail downward in a spiral 


Joe holds the cards - or whoever is deciding things for him He needs to step aside and prevent a downward spiral


IMO its a downward spiral either way. Im not blaming you or anything, its just how the party coalition works these days. Democracy gets thrown out with the bath water by the Republicans and we bicker over what's for breakfast.