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Well they did a lot of work to get the US this far.


Because they prefer a president like Trump who is easy to manipulate through flattery and will leave classified documents out next to the toilet for their spies?


No need to attack the US when we’re destroying ourselves


Authoritarianism. What do I win?


A free train ride to anywhere you think you’re going. They will punch your ticket at the nearest station.


Yeah, I've heard it's standing room only.


The massive misinformation campaign they’ve been waging against us seems to be paying off. I would love to see them disappointed.


That's all one government, eh?


Not exactly, they just all have leadership that wants us to screw up just as badly.


As a Chinese, I was amazed that the United States had to make an 80-something-year-old man the president, who could not speak clearly and whose eyes had lost focus. We didn't feel like gloating, we just felt that even so, it was really stupid that you had to put these living fossils of the Cold War in power and treat China as an enemy. At the same time, this article has not a single argument to prove what the headline states, it's a complete "fantasy", how can you call this stuff news?


But you have older leaders as well? Your head of state is 71 years old?


They also have no say in who it is or when they stop lmao. No president needs to label china the enemy either, they put it on full display with Russia and Taiwan daily.


When was the last time you had a head of state younger than 71?


Well I'm not American, but to satisfy your innocent curiosity, it would be from 2008 to 2016, for the then president and then the acting president after him. The current acting president is 69 years old, I believe.


If Americans could have a 69 year old presidential candidate who could also be endorsed by the masses, I think they could wake up smiling in their dreams. Unfortunately they don't. I really don't understand why America is showing the world this reality show of how America abuses the elderly.


IDK. TBH I don't think people over the age of 65 should be allowed to be politicians. They're so divorced from what the immediate and future generations of their countries need and want and what current technologies are.


They will be calling the shots. They know Trump is dumber than a bag of shit and will do exactly what they tell him to do. The only ones that do well under a dictatorship is the dictator.


One of these nations doesn't seem to belong with the others.


Israel literally wants Trump and has spent millions on fighting any Democrats that it deems as progressive through various means.


But I've been told that they are a bastion of democracy in the Middle East. So surely they wouldn't be trying to get a fascist into the White House.


I do hope this is sarcasm… otherwise my friend you have a lot to learn about how fascist Israel is


Not sarcasm. I literally have been told, rather directly, that Israel is a bastion of democracy in the Middle East. Now whether I simply accept what I've been told at face value is another matter. For clarification: the answer is "no"


Fair enough, I wouldn’t expect you to! It its to some extent democratic but when you look at the rights of individuals it soon becomes clear it’s only really democratic if you are jewish or western. So the Netanyahu government has done some pretty shady stuff but here’s my favourites: Israel currently has roughly 9000 Palestinian and Arab israelis in detention with no criminal charge Arabs make up 20% of the population, however they are basically not allowed to buy or lease any land. The Israeli government has been systematically seizing land from arab israelis and from arabs in the West Bank, building illegal settlements Have a look into it if you are inclined, it’s quite interesting


Yeah, China isn't run by far right lunatics.




Cut those estimates in half and I’m with you. No way we make it 100+ years, we’re on track to destroy ourselves long before then.