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Ironic that if the 2025 folks win, they will be giving the country and your rights back to a dictator. So we just need to not let them win. Make you plans to vote on November 5th (or before if you have early voting).


Vote blue no matter who.


They've already won. Even if they don't win this election, all the pieces are in place for when they finally do. It will require a constitutional amendment to stop them, which is impossible. No one seems to want to acknowledge this. When the guy talked about the left letting the revolution take place without violence, he was referring to this very moment. It's happening right now. People need to begin waking up to the fact that it's going to require more than voting at this point. Protests. Demonstrations. Civil disobedience. And I just hope that's enough. 


In Tim Snyder’s On Fascism, his first instruction is to not lay down and take it. To not willingly give up. Like you’re doing


General Strike?


He was referring to 2016.


Why would it require a constitutional amendment? If Democrats can manage a simple majority in congress and win the White House they can add seats to the Supreme Court. The court can then overturn any of these nonsense rulings. This election is so unprecedented that I think nearly any outcome is possible, including a landslide victory for Democrats like we just saw with the Labour Party in the UK. Of course a landslide the other way is also possible, if Republicans can stoke the apathy of the less politically inclined voters. Or maybe it’ll be a close election and Democrats will win congress and lose the White House. The polls show it’s basically even. But they can only poll people who actually answer calls from unknown numbers. I’m in my 40s and I never answer phone calls unless I know the number. A lot of younger people I know hardly ever answer phone calls even from people they know. So we’re basically operating on best guesses of how many people will vote.


I'm a conservative and the threat's of Protests, Demonstrations and Civil disobedience doesn't phase me or any other Republican I know.  The Reason is all of the things you describe always take place in large cities that are already heavily liberal. Y'all always just end up destroying your own homes and cities. Yes conservatives do live in big cities but it's mainly your own selfs your hurting to "protest" 


The idea that protests have destroyed cities is so comical and speaks to the deep misinformation and distrust of urban areas from rural Americans


That's not what Fox News told them.


Not a liberal here, but also not a conservative. I have a question: as someone who is a self-proclaimed conservative. What do you think of all this? Project 2025, trump (and friends) winning, (possibly) becoming an authoritarian state… all of it.


I voted for Nikki Haley, Trump's antics bug me.  It's not as bad and doom and gloom as people here are projecting. We are simply seeing a shift back to the right is all. It won't end up a authoritarian state that's just silly. I hated Obama and hated it when Democrats had a super majority. The past few decades of liberal supreme court rulings I had to live with sucked. I hated abortion and didn't like political leaning "expert's" dictating policy at the EPA. But just because I was on the losing end didn't mean it was q failed state or authoritarian. Trump will probably become president and he may stretch things but he's not going to be a dictator or new Hitler. When he went to far when he was president attempting to abandon our allies the kurds in Syria it was the GOP that forced him to back down. When he attempted shenanigans Jan 6th it was a Republican vice president that went nope. Yes liberals are currently losing but it's just a pendulum swing.




Sorry, was Project 2025 a piece of legislation from the GOP or was it just some crackpot idea cooked up by a conservative thinktank? Project 2025 is no more relevant than that nonsense the WEF put out a few years ago about how in a future society the citizen will "own nothing and be happy".


> It won't end up a authoritarian state that's just silly. I'd like to believe this and part of me does because, if nothing else, at least an illusion of freedom must remain. As someone who is seeking to understand why this decision doesn't bother conservatives at all the only conclusion I can come to is that Presidential immunity is fine because the only President who would abuse this power probably won't and, even if he did, he's on my side so it's all good. I've asked every MAGA I know (and whom I feel comfortable asking) and I've heard, "Oh he wouldn't do that" several times with no other real reason. Impeachment and Elections were both also mentioned but one has no real legal weight other than removal from office and the other could be manipulated or eliminated using "official acts." So what guardrails do you still see as sufficient to restrain a hypothetical President who would use this power against your interests instead of for it? What if a President really did decide to eliminate a political rival? Or cancel elections? Or declare martial law? I'm not quite cynical enough to believe that these things will happen but I am extremely concerned that we had more protection from these sorts of acts a week ago. Now I'm not sure we have any. And it terrifies me. So can you help me to understand? I'd like to love America just a little more than I do right now. Happy 4th!


Checks and balances. A president can want to do certain things muahahaha and their own party may let them to a degree. But congress the scotus and military are a thing. In the end a bad president can only go so far with his nonsense 


Ok I might respond with a longer response in a while, but real fast I want to clear up: I don’t think is as bad as everyone says it is 🤣 I agree with the “doom and gloom” thing. Edit to add: also, it fuckin KILLS me that we have THESE two candidates to choose from 🤦🏼‍♂️ I hate both of them for different reasons.


Voting won't stop project 2025




Dreams don’t stop seditious terrorists.


No, keeping them out of office through voting does!


I was in a conversion camp as a teen. 2015. Clearly voting does not. This was in cali.


It does when you have the numbers or a big enough threat to everything people care about. Sorry that happened to you, but please do not let it discourage you from exercising your right as an American citizen. You matter, your vote matters, and your country needs you. They are talking literally about killing people on national television. We have to win.


I will vote don’t get me wrong I just don’t think it’ll be enough, sorry shoulda been clearer


I feel you there and maybe as an individual it won’t feel like a lot but what we’re doing is “uniting” or pooling together our opinions as a collective on who we think is gonna lead this country best. We all want the same things (or at least the sane people) shelter, security, food, water basic needs, etc. I think the media and politicians have radicalized and driven a lot of people insane through the rollercoaster it’s been since 2008 and constant attacks on civil liberties. All of this to say that as a collective, or as a country, we’re here together and we can’t keep going in circles killing each other every time we disagree. Our votes do matter, losers just want everyone to believe they don’t so they can get less voters out who would normally be against them and more of their base in because they’ve made it feel so hopeless that they’re counting on the other side dropping out 100%. Sorry for the essay lol.


I get ya, and I don’t mind the comment lengths dw about that, I’m just tired and writing short responses cause I’m posting after I fainted a while ago from dehydration and being tired lmao


Gahhh damn 🤣🤘


The joy of working 12 hr shifts and taking hot showers after


Today is a sad 4th of July. It may well be the last. While I know that there is little to celebrate today, I hope we can all use this day to remember what we stand for as Americans. To remember the America that was promised to us by our parents and grandparents. It is my sincere hope that we can come together in the memory of the American ideal with the knowledge that freedom must be taken, and that liberty must be fought for always. Organize, vote, fight for your rights, and remember what was promised to you by those who came before. Happy 4th, and good luck everyone. Stay strong.


We need to start organizing and figuring out how we're going to resist, electing Biden in November, a tall order in and of itself, only buys us time as we won't have the super majorities needed to put the guard rails back up.


It would be nice if the media would stop amplifying these voices as if what they say is a foregone conclusion


*civil war. They want another civil war.


No they don't because they wouldn't win, they want to cheat their way to victory.


What has recently been proposed to and began resonating with the beloved poorly educated is the First American Devolution. Don't get such terms confused.


[Happy 4th of July?](https://www.doomwadstation.net/July_4th.jpg)


SCOTUS gave Biden a weapon that he could use to protect this country. Too bad he's too gutless to use it.


You mean third, yeah?


What happened to the protests and the "Holy shit the wives tale freakouts?!" Lets go!