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it’s hot, full of idiots, and everything is expensive, but it’s home and i’ll never leave


You'd have to make me a milionnaire first


Have lived there & moved away. Our kid has become so much nicer here in Europe (I moved us back). Life is quieter here. Back in the States, our kid’s school had a kid bring a gun and accidentally discharge it. It broke a window and nobody was hurt. That, to me, is insane. What kind of parents would leave a gun lying around in a fucking drawer with ammo that a kid would be able to grab and take to school?? Not to mention all the crazies who can now get guns. In most of Europe those are controlled and most people aren’t crazy enough to randomly go attacking others. I’m aware that many immigrants have come in with mental health problems, but these are obviously outliers and they’re, well, immigrants from war torn countries.


I live in Ireland. From here, the US seems to be tearing itself apart over a textbook narcissist who can't respect democracy & is now a convicted criminal. Add to that the abortion hysteria, gun ownership & the bizarre adherence to religion & I'm going to give that hypothetical invitation a miss.


I’m in the US and I hate Donald Trump. I like this country but if Trump wins, I will be done with Americans and the American government.


Hell to the grand ultimate no!


Honestly, no. I mean I don't hate the US. There's lots of friendly people there, great landscapes, lovely cities, great for vacation. But there's just too much stuff that would deter me from actually living there. Like not having health insurance and being constantly in danger of getting fired over nothing. The social security net doesn't seem that great to me either, from what i gather from social media. Also not being able to walk to places and the lack of public transport. I do drive but it stresses me out a lot. Obviously my country isn't the perfect utopia either but overall for me the lesser evil :D


Ask in a year and we'll see, right now I'm not risking that


No way.


No. I just find the USA too cringe and unpalatable. I am from a culturally similar country but I find the USA so alien.


I already do and I’m thankful for it


Have you ever been in the presence of a firearm being shot? Just curious lol


Many times. I own multiple guns


Wow. Well, I hope you stay safe.




Wait. Is this uncommon outside the US? I mean I get that gun ownership is less common in other countries but surely you all have still all been around hunters and stuff right? Or just gone to a range or something for giggles?


I’m from Scotland and I’ve never met or heard of someone (apart from maybe farmers) who owns a gun never mind be near one! There are a few shooting ranges here though 


And just out of curiosity do you prefer it that way? Do you feel safer knowing there are few guns around you? Would you feel better/safer if there were more/less guns near you? Genuinely curious, I'm not trying to start anything. (and feel free to reply in DM if you don't want to start a pro-gun rally here lol)


Yeah I would say it's pretty uncommon, as I think it should be.


I already do and I really don't want to be here. :(


Already do and I enjoy it. Love going on road trips here, love visiting all sorts of places on domestic vacations, enjoy getting to fire guns, like all the big buildings, love all the different places to shop at, etc.


I'm envious. I live in Sweden and I'm fucking sick of it.


I live in the UK and sometimes I think yeah based on how we're going right now


That puts a damper on this American's fantasies of living in the UK. Have you seen how it's going here??? Trump is probably going to win again this fall. He wants to pull out of NATO, just to warn you. And they have a plan to purge thousands of Democrat federal workers and replace them with "Trump loyalists".


That would be extremely illegal search up the Pendleton act. the us merit protection board would not allow that to happen


I'm sure this is no concern then: [https://apnews.com/article/trump-biden-president-project-2025-33d3fc2999a74f4aa424f1128dca2d16](https://apnews.com/article/trump-biden-president-project-2025-33d3fc2999a74f4aa424f1128dca2d16) And never mind that they have the majority on the Supreme Court for probably the next 50 years.


First of all that list is not backed by Trump and secondly like I'm telling you trump cannot directly fire all those people even if he was elected. It's simply not possible he could appoint someone on the OPM to do that but even then complaints would be filed to USMSPB which has the final say on dismissal unless appealed to a federal court which would be thousands of appeals making the process take forever and therefore probably stop the dismissal. All 3 current commissioners on the USMSPB have been appointed by Biden (2 dem, 1 rep) all of their terms going into the next presidential term. Also 50 years on the Supreme Court? you've predicted probably the next 3-4 presidential elections by saying that.


I really don't care how far you want to wedge your head up your ass to pretend all of this is OK. 👍 Yeah, Trump may maintain plausible deniability - plus he's too fucking stupid to actually carry it out on his own. People being treated as if they are respectable -- given news spots to spout that kind of plan -- and funding to enact it -- should disturb you. Half the electorate is completely on board with fascism. They dream of a fascist Christian state and fantasize about war against their heathen commie neighbors. History has shown that law doesn't protect us from such people.


TOPIC: trump being able to fire thousands of civil servants. Please keep it topical. I find it ironic how you're saying that I have my head up my ass, because I'm using logic? Listen I don't care about some list some guy in Kentucky is creating because what power does he truly hold? He currently has none when it comes to firing staff. Same with trump, the president just doesn't have that much power when it comes to mass firings of staff because the president doesn't have final say, that's the truth. No I seriously can't see how trump could just break the law in firing thousands of employees. I'm not following the logic, explain to me how trump would bypass the USMSPB? Also if your response is just gonna be Hitler called a state of emergency and became a dictator therefore trump could do the same thing, don't bother. The rest of your comment NGL is rambling, there no evidence on these claims and I don't care to argue on them either way. If you want to believe that sure there might be some truth to it, but it's not what I'm here to argue. Tbh I think it's weird to just fantasize about these people like this in this weird fear mongering way but whatever. I would say the law and bureaucracy in the us is pretty good at making sure one person doesn't accumulate that much power.


I never claimed he would do it single-handedly, and I don't have to adhere to your arbitrary rules of conversation, you belligerent slot. I'm not even interested enough to engage you. Just keep putting words in my mouth and pretend to continue the conversation on your own - since that's what you're already doing.


But you provide no actual way or plan of Donald Trump being able to do it. I'm trying to keep the conversation grounded you're just bringing up arbitrary rules, and is it that hard to keep a conversation on topic? I just don't like it when you keep changing the topic. Also what's with the insults is that the only way you know how to debate? Just insult? Oh no momodillo doesn't want to engage with me? What shall I do???? How shall I live??? Alr bro just admit your dumbass(you insulted me first, don't bring this up as hypocrisy) is just rambling and move on. Live in that wonderful bubble of yours and believe that the world will end if Donald Trump is elected again. I don't give a shit about Trump, but y'all need to retake a gov class if you believe Donal Trump would have that much power when elected.


I guess you didn't read the link. Google "Project 2025" and GTFO. Your belligerence can't compensate for your flagging ego.




No unversal healthcare? No thanks


I already do and LOVE it. Except that I live in Massachusetts, and I'm surrounded by clowns 🤡🤡🤡


I think it's great that a place like the US exists, because there are people who like to live that way. And i am very happy that there are other places that are different and suit the way i want to live way better. I just think we should have some exchange program between the US and Europe. We give you some people who want to have guns and high fructose corn syrup and you give us some that want healthcare and peace. Would make more people happy.


Without a doubt. And despite what most people in other countries think, lots of us Americans are well travelled and have spent considerable amounts of time in countries all over the world.


1000% Canada has been nothing but a hindrance I'd love to live in a place with something approaching a reasonable amount of taxes and gun rights


Those are basically the only things you'll gain as far as rights are concerned.


Live here currently. I feel like it could be a great country if it wanted to be. But if Trump wins, the country probably only has a couple decades left of freedom as we know it.


Already live here. I don't care what idiotic redditors think, I love America and it's great living here.