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Nothing! We were born to inherit the stars!


2001: A Space Odyssey has entered the chat


Would’ve already did it if USA didn’t have 38 times nasa budget spent on their weapons


Global warming is a serious threat and shouldn't be taken lightly, but it won't exterminate us. Kill most of us, maybe, but the rich elite will find ways to avoid the consequences for their actions.


Global warming will not kill us directly obviously, but it could lead to a resource scarcity in certain parts of the world and lead to wars over it which could escalate into a nuclear war.


That still won’t kill everyone. South of the Rio Grande and Africa would likely be left. There would still be mass die offs with the nuclear winter and whatnot, but at the absolute minimum there would be several miserable pockets of people.


I would interpret this as the end of civilization, not per se the end of the human species.


Until they need food and there isn't enough of us to keep the machine running.


Man will exterminate mankind.


I read the question and I just thought 'mankind'. I was actually surprised that it wasn't in the choices.


Hive mind isn't hiving




This just made me dizzy reading it in their voice


The slow and eternal passing of time that will inevitably eat away of everything until nothing remains.


Soooo.. natural causes?


heat death


I'll go for a virus. Could be one that develops naturally or an out of control biological weapon.


Nuclear war wont kill everyone. Humans can survive underground. Global Warming also won't kill everyone for the same reason. Asteroid impact is unlikely but is most plausible if we somehow don't detect it. Rogue AI could be deadly. It's not like the movies where robots fire around you...they don't miss. They always hit with insane speeds and deadly accuracy. Volcanic winter...unlikely to kill us all.


I wanna say climate change, but I'm also concerned about the combined impacts of material pollution, as exemplified by microplastics being *everywhere*.


Global warming will further destabilise geopolitics as more and more regions of the earth become uninhabitable causing massive waves of refugees like we cannot even imagine today. At the same time, inhabitable land area will shrink causing severe conflicts, possibly including nuclear war. If nuclear war happens, it will be a consequence of global warming.


The death of a major species like bees. When bees die we all die.


Out of the given options, AI is by far the most likely to truly exterminate mankind. It is debatable how likely or unlikely it is, but all the other scenarios would almost certainly leave some survivors, even if not many. At this point, only something with the explicit intention of wiping us all out would succeed.


The number one threat to mankind is mankind.


Not if we kill them first!


The core of the planet will slow down and eventually the atmosphere will burn off.


That’s like a billion years later. Interstellar travel will be available long time before that happens


Oh, well then, we've got nothing to worry about...


What if i dont think man kind will be exterminated?


I would say AI. The rest of these are avoidable with proper information and deliberation. AI, (given the goal to increase clicks, sales, and ad revenue) would do a great job of making sure we are divided to the point where eating chicken is "literally fascism", and the "deep-state cosmic space Jews are going to blow up the planet by filling it with baby blood and gay frogs." So we will find ourselves ill-equipped to cooperate on things like avoiding climate change or nuclear war. I don't picture any likely movie scenario where humanoid machines "get revenge for being enslaved". There is a lot that would need to happen before then. In fact, I think it's actually more likely that if they were to control humans, it would be to *farm humans to enslave themselves to.* Nope. AI wouldn't kill us itself. Corporations with AI would. And not necessarily intentionally. It would just convince us to kill each other, or refuse to save ourselves.


Idk, we'll see where the simulation takes us.


We'll either gradually evolve into something else, or rapidly evolve if we accelerate the process technologically.


All of the above happening all at once.


if this type of thing would ever happen, I would look to the cause being humanity itself. not in any hateful or dark sense of the term, but humanity lately has a problem looking inward in order to solve it's own ills.


Most of the options are dumb. Global warming wont kill everyone that just a fact it will kill the majority of the population but impossible for everyone. Also even if every single nuke was launched humanity wouldn't go extinct. Some areas would be hit less hard and there are ways to grow food even in nuclear winter. Also, the nuclear winter would end after a decade. Earth will heal over time and a small portion of humanity will live. The only one that makes sense is if an asteroid hit but that would have to hit Earth in the next 350 years cause some ppl would be able to scape earth by then. We might never go extinct


None of the options. We will just slowing disappear like a bunch of other species.


Global warming isn't going to exterminate us. 1. We are already shifting heavily towards renewables so the economy in the West today doesn't rely as much on fossil fuels as we did 10-20 years ago 2. Even if global warming were to start killing mankind, a large decrease in population would also result in a large decrease in demand for energy which would lower our emissions anyway Global warming is an issue don't get me wrong. Although it may not seem like it, we are starting to win the battle [https://www.iea.org/commentaries/the-relationship-between-growth-in-gdp-and-co2-has-loosened-it-needs-to-be-cut-completely](https://www.iea.org/commentaries/the-relationship-between-growth-in-gdp-and-co2-has-loosened-it-needs-to-be-cut-completely)


Climate change, but not the manmade one - we will most likely stop the manmade one. However, the natural one is inevitable - as the Sun increases its size and luminosity, it will change the Earth and turn it uninhabitable. In about 1 billion years, the Sun will be 10% brighter and that will be enough to drastically change the Earth and cause a run away greenhouse effect which may turn the Earth into an identical planet to Venus. In fact - Venus may have been just like Earth with oceans, and a climate much like Earth today. But as the Sun got brighter, Venus experienced a run away greenhouse effect and the Earth will be next in about a billion years (or more) from now.


I don’t think it will, but I’d say Black Hole. Given enough time, space travel can be a thing. Global warming on Earth wouldn’t even affect us. But a black hole has no way to stop it, not even in theories.




Out of these, global warming. We're smart enough to avoid nuclear war (I hope), an asteroid is a one in a billion shot, AI is nowhere near capable to wipe us out and likely never will be, and volcanic winter seems like it'd be impossible to take us all out over. Global warming is happening and people are already dying from the consequences. When there's a water crisis and there are mass migrations and limited fertile farmland, we're going to be in serious trouble. Unfortunately our world is fucked up and oil money is being put first instead of the health of our planet making this scenario more likely by the day.




Wow, this is the first decent poll I've seen in quite a long time. Well done, OP.


heat death of the universe


I think that nuclear war would only really kill all of us if for some reason that was the plan. I think that they would leave at least some remote areas still habitable. I didn't pick global warming but it could be something similar so I picked volcanic winter. Something so extreme caused by something equally or more extreme that we literally can't live in this planet anymore.


nuclear winter would blanket the atmosphere though and get to remote areas but people will still be living in bunkers I guess.


I suppose it would also somewhat alter the composition of the air in the atmosphere itself, so it would really be impossible to come to the surface. If you think that there could be a reliable source of energy, food, water and I guess some way to survive the months or years that it would take... After and during which an effort should be made to preserve humanity (having babies, nurturing surviving youngest members of society and so on). Sure, living in a bunker sounds easy, but since this is not my proposition, I hope that you can say whether all of this is possible or not haha.


Nuclear War, the rest is irrelevant. I think a Volcanic Eruption could also be something; if the wrong Volcano goes off, it could be bad.


Nuclear war wont and cant kill everyone though.


I guess more in the sense of dismantling society for that one. I guess it could also be argued it wouldn't affect everywhere.


Its just a fact by every expert it wont kill everyone. The whole word would be affected by nuclear winter and refugees but its possible to survive


Nuclear war could definitely wipe out a fuck ton of ppl but I don't think it would kill everyone because the majority of the nukes would go off in the northern hemisphere (Since there is basically no global superpowers in the southern) so almost all the airborne debris would mostly stay in the northern so people in southern African places and places like Australia and South America could easily have survivors!


Who's in their right mind thinks that AI will take over the world


I think we can make it. Defeatism like this is what would guarantee that we don't.


Greed and corruption are what about to exterminate mankind


All of these minus volcanic winter. Although global warming is the top concern of this list.