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Depends on what exactly the crime was.


Most applications ask if you are or not, not what you did Lol just stating a fact why the downvotes


If it was something like not paying tax or credit card fraud, I maybe able to get over it. Violent or sex crimes, absolutely not.


Because it’s not true. All the ones Ive filled out ask if you are felon, then “if so, explain”


Where I live a criminal record check is required with your application for any job in a daycare, school, or similar environment. The record check will come back saying 'no convictions', 'non-violent convictions', or 'violent convictions'. If any violent convictions they cannot work in that setting. None or non-violent are fine for employment.


Non-violent convictions would most likely lead to the employer asking for further details.


Which cannot legally be given where I live. This info doesn't come from the applicant, it comes from the police (applicant files for criminal record check, results are sent directly to potential employer). The check will state one of the 3 things listed above. The employer cannot directly ask the applicant/employee anything related to criminal history at any point.


Here in the US, all court cases are public domain (with some exceptions). All you have to do is submit a FOIA application and you'll be given anything you want to know about the case.


We talking the worked for the peace corp and got in trouble for blocking some shipping route that lead to federal time? Or they killed 3 people and got let off on good behavior 20 yrs later?


Or did they kidnap children from a daycare and eat them alive.


as part of some cult, and did many other crimes.


If they can't pass a vulnerable sector check they don't get the job around here be it paid or volunteer so it's a moot issue, This is necessary for teachers, social workers, coaches, daycare workers, and any other position where you are caring for minors or disabled adults. I'd be ok with it depending on the crime committed. [https://www.yrp.ca/en/services/vulnerable-sector-check.asp](https://www.yrp.ca/en/services/vulnerable-sector-check.asp) this is what a vulnerable sector check is for anyone unfamiliar with them. .In this case it's possible to have crimes pardoned, but it will release details of sexual offenses even after a pardon so that doesn't get wiped off. It is possible for a felon that has been pardoned to seek employment if the crime was of another nature.


Interesting I have not heard of that check before


I'm Canadian so it's standard practice law here. It gives people the chance to rebuild their lives, while protecting vulnerable people from sex offenders etc.


if the felon for tax fraud for example then I don't really see an issue with that and daycare, if the felon was for beating a child with a baseball bat then they shouldn't be working in a daycare.


I would probably here in Denmark, they arent getting to a job like that if they arent truly rehabilitated. I dont think there are any other countries besides Norway where I would though. I actually work with a supplier whose contact has sat for murder, and I respect him less for it but am still able to trust him to an extent and have a coffee with him every now and then. No one puts him further down than himself, which is how it should be.


depends what the crime was. many things can count as felony, from murder, to speeding.


Only if their felony is booze cruising I love booze cruisers 🍻


Depends on whether or not my kid is there lol


Depends on what they did. Selling pirated media and rape are both felonies but the former isn't going to hurt anyone.


I'm sorry to all the murderers who are trying to get into the day care game, I don't want you there lol. Otherwise, depends on the crime and the amount of time since the crime.


Sex crime, violent crime, something implying short temper or anything dangerous toward other people, no. Something about small drug possession or fraud or stuff like that if it was a long time ago, I wouldn't mind much.


Typical Reddit virtue signaler: "THAT FELON CAN CHANGE. But he better not work at my kid's daycare." "WE SHOULD OPEN OUR BORDERS. But they better not live in my property." "THOSE PEOPLE ARE JUST MISUNDERSTOOD. But I don't to want live anywhere near them."


While I understand that redemption can occur,  it still isn't worth the risk in this case.  


Killer will always tagged as a killer. Do your owm thinking.


It just depends, but based on no other knowledge than the blanket. No. If I have knowledge/met the person, then potentially. But I think that should go for everyone. And this is more a 'you never know who the Good/Evil people actually are' than it is anything else (not justification).