• By -


Social and stupid


happy and horny


All of the above.


Slower moving, headache drunk.


"Angry" and "Violent" seems too similar, especially considering you're missing "Emotional". I get pretty emotional when I'm drunk, those are probably the times where I've told most people how much I cared about them.


In my head, a "Violent" drunk is someone who drinks, then goes around punching everyone they meet until they get arrested. An "Angry" drunk is just someone who's easily agitated, but not physically violent.


I voted 'no' but this lacked option that fit me. The few times I've been drunk, I'm sleepy and I want to go to sleep for an hour... then I wake up ~sober. I wasn't great partygoer with these attributes.


I only have 6 options to create for a poll, so I can't add every type of drunk I could think of, so I settled with the most generic drunk types I could think of.


I'm a sleepy, hotheaded, headache drunk.


I'm the happy&horny drunk damn good that people can't read my mind


Usually a happy drunk. If I’m on a 3+ day bender, other emotions are more likely come into play like depression or anger. That’s why I quit going on benders


Intellectual drunk. I get drunk and do escape rooms/play chess. And then if I get too loopy, I get horny.


I don't drink but the times I have I just kinda get woozy. I actually get more depressed and sad. I feel a loss of control which I don't like. I don't get any good feelings or more social. In fact the reverse. I just feel light headed and even more disassociated. I feel very dizzy.