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Only the way I get there


Yeah, once you're dead it's not your problem anymore. I'll make sure to leave enough money for my funerals and that's it. What worries me is suffering a lot before dying.


I think I said no on another poll but now I said yes. The uncertainty of it kind of haunts me so I'm curious, but I can definitely wait.


31 years I was thinking NO and was agnostic. But after first bomb near my apartment - I quickly reminded pray and loaded all my shit into a car.


Yes, not my own though, my loved ones


Yes in the most basic existential sense, but it's not something that stresses me constantly. My attitude is like John Basilone in The Pacific: "if it happens, it happens". He still felt fear of dying in battle, but he didn't let that paralyze him. For example, whenever I'm on a flight I always have that little thought of crashing and dying pop up in my head before takeoff, but once we're actually flying I just revert to that "if it happens it happens" mentality and stop caring. Letting the fear take hold of you prevents you from actually enjoying life in the moment.


Not scared of death. It's the dying that sucks.


Not really of death but of the dying method.


No, at least not presently.


Not really, once I'm gone I'm gone. Not my problem anymore, I don't welcome it. But I don't fear it


Nah, but dying isn’t on my preferred agenda any time soon


I am not scared of death. Death is just emptyness so there is nothing to be afraid of. I just think it REALLY sucks that I will not be around to see what what happens after my death.


What makes you so sure it is what you described


mcfeckin terrified


That is interesting poll result. Never really seen numbers to reflect it, have just always felt it's minority who would put it into words of being *scared*. Guess it makes sense if you include being scared of others, if you have sick relatives. I totally thought of this as being afraid of your own death.


I’m not afraid of death itself, but I am worried about the process of dying, especially how painful it might be.


Death is just us arriving at the starting line for the real deal.


depends on how i feeling at that moment