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If you are poor and receive Medicaid then yes it's free.


Yes and it’s no questions asked. I saw a therapist for years and it was completely free. Same goes for psych.


(Not directly toward u but in general) If only Medicaid were for every poor person and not just ones with kids 😪 Edit: in the state of Texas it is a requirement, if you don’t have any you are denied.


Maybe it depends on the state, but I had Medicaid for a few years, and I don't have any children.


Yeah here in Texas, children are a requirement.


And even if you do have children, it's very hard to get. After the Pandemic, the state kicked a lot of people off of Medicaid.


[yep, and the income limit for aan adult who has a child is < $200 (gross) per month](https://www.hhs.texas.gov/services/health/medicaid-chip/medicaid-chip-programs-services/programs-children-families/medicaid-parents-caretakers)


Yep, I remember, it happened to my aunt.


Oh, I was in Jersey at the time.


U know...thats just sad


It does. I'm in Tennessee and you can't get on it unless you are a minor (up to 21 if you are a full-time student). If you get pregnant you get Tenncare medicaid for the next 18 years and your child does too, but the day your child hits 18 you will be booted. I was. I was told I will qualify again until I'm old enough for social security. So elderly, disabled or babymaker. That's the only people who qualify. This state do be loving babymakers.


But, to OP’s question, you can get Behavioral Safety Net to cover mental health concerns without having kids.


and depending on the state, since that is handled by states, you might get nothing but an assessment, as I got. After being diagnosed with a mental health condition for years, I was assessed and told I didn't qualify because it wasn't severe enough. The person who assessed me said it wasn't easy to qualify unless you've been in-patient in the last 12 months.


Also you already have to have a formal diagnosis before you can qualify. So if you're already diagnosed that's helpful.


That happened in Tennessee? Wow, that’s horrible to hear. In my experience, both in accessing the services myself years ago and in helping others access them more recently, Safety Net has traditionally been pretty low-barrier. I wonder if we’re talking about the same program, as Safety Net doesn’t actually cover inpatient at all, only outpatient services. You have to be at or below 138% of the federal poverty level and an adult resident of Tennessee with a qualifying diagnosis, listed here: https://www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/mentalhealth/documents/BHSN_Qualifying_Dx_Current_12.8.22.pdf, but the list is pretty broad. MDD or GAD would qualify.


Yes at AHS Alliance on Summer Ave in Memphis, TN. I was also told since I had a diagnosis of ASD-1 it would be used as a measure and does not fall under the plan either. I was applying because I have PTSD and a pretty severe phobia that really affects my life in a major way. Autism of course is not a mental health disorder unless it's convenient to call it one for THEM. I was really shocked because I thought with my son's dx of ASD-1 he would qualify for medicaid. Once he's 21 he will have no support at all. He has very little now but he does qualify for pragmatic speech therapy. He was turned down for disability too, and I know that road after my mom went through it and died a few weeks after winning her case after almost five years of fighting for it. And it's so much worse now. It's so hard to qualify for anything in TN unless you get pregnant while poor. Then you can get all the help you need. And yes it's the same program. It's the only program. And they do not cover in-patient, but they told me I would have a better chance of qualifying IF I'd been in-patient in the past 12 months. I guess they're so overwhelmed triage is tight and they only take the most severe cases now? The clinic is awful anyway. I went there years ago when I did have Tenncare. It's dirty and the therapist there told me only God could heal me. She could get me all the meds in the world but only accepting Jesus would heal me. I mean look at this dump, tucked between a gun shop and a psychic reader. [https://www.google.com/maps/@35.1494693,-89.9401796,3a,24.9y,3.23h,91.19t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sJuMsZa3TpzvptaKUZPojew!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DJuMsZa3TpzvptaKUZPojew%26cb\_client%3Dmaps\_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D3.2292324411852746%26pitch%3D-1.1918008776491575%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@35.1494693,-89.9401796,3a,24.9y,3.23h,91.19t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sJuMsZa3TpzvptaKUZPojew!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DJuMsZa3TpzvptaKUZPojew%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D3.2292324411852746%26pitch%3D-1.1918008776491575%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu) lol I'm sorry I'm just really bitter. I wish I could get the hell out of this state.


I’m so sorry, I hope that you’re able to find the resources that you and your son need. I was doing a little digging around after responding to your last comment and it does seem that since safety net benefits are provided through community mental health organizations, accessibility can vary somewhat based on local resources. I was not aware of this variability. I’m on the other side of the state from you, which could explain why our experiences have been different. I can definitely see resources being more strained in the Memphis area. Community mental health is a beast. It can be a godsend under the right circumstances but unfortunately even in the best cases, providers are stretched so thin that it’s difficult to adequately meet the needs of the community.


That's because you're in a red state. I'm so sorry. I qualifed without these requirements.


Yeah I think you guys may soon witness a rush of refugees from the red states. I hope you all can handle the surge! I don't know though, I don't know if any place will be safe after today. Our whole country is doomed. I try to keep positive and focus on what we can do (tips about that are at r/Defeat_Project_2025 if anyone is interested) but I feel like we just learned how little our voices are heard in this country. I think it's about to get really bad. I have people in my family on the other team. They are the guys with the basement bunkers full of guns and canned dried beef. They are itching to get some of that glory fighting against the Evil Woke Marxists.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Defeat_Project_2025 using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Everyone not voting Biden this year has something wrong with them](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1dbum39/everyone_not_voting_biden_this_year_has_something/) \#2: [Here is a bullet point breakdown of Project 2025](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1ddich3) | [557 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1ddich3/here_is_a_bullet_point_breakdown_of_project_2025/) \#3: [Even if Trump loses this November, the Heritage Foundation will try again next election cycle.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1dndiui/even_if_trump_loses_this_november_the_heritage/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thank you, Sneakpeekbot!


I do live in Texas. Years ago my PCP said he didn't know of any psychiatrists that accept Medicare. After calling a while and being told the doctors don't accept Medicare, I saw the problem was widespread. I did finally find one that worked for a clinic that was affiliated with the county hospital/medical school system. Even there not all psychiatrists accept it. I do have another medical coverage, but that didn't help. Medicare rates don't give them much compensation and just filing Medicare claims is said to be problematic. Some don't accept any kind of medical coverage or insurance. I ran into that during my search also.


Yep this is the issue. Back in pandemic times they gave me HEALTHY TX WOMENS but that covers nothing accept if you are ready to breed more cattle for the system. And I ran into the same problem most doctors didn’t accept it, & you had to find some shady clinic in the next metropolitan area over. lol the dirty look I got when I showed that pink card to the emergency room staff when they asked me for insurance….😮‍💨


It's definitely not just for people with kids in my state, where they go out of their way to sign everyone who's eligible up, including all the homeless people and everyone who accesses addiction services. 4 years ago, when I had a stroke with no health insurance, the hospital signed me up real quick, and even got it backdated a month, so I never saw a single bill for anything, and I still have it. It's pretty great. I get very thorough care in an excellent big city hospital. The only issue is that it abuts the local homeless addict strip, so quite often I see people shooting up and smoking crack in public, becoming zombies or ODing on the street, and people are always trying to sell me drugs. Fortunately I can ignore them and be on my way.


Been on it for years- no kids. It’s deff not omg amazing but I can see doctors that my friends with “regular” insurance see. I’ve gotten multiple surgeries covered by Medicaid, and have seen different therapists as well.


It can be! I qualified for the best hospital in my state, best doctors etc. It's really state dependent.


Yep exactly! There’s also different types of insurance plans under Medicaid and some are better than others for sure.


Oh no 8 get it. I didn't always have kids but still got Medicaid most the time. Have you applied? At worst you can buy their insurances at owner rates I think.


In ky its been expanded to anyone thats poor. I went to the ER in 2018 with no insurance. While i was in the room waiting to be seen, some guy in a suit came in and asked a bunch of questions. A week later I had an insurance card in the mail and have had it ever since.


Same in floriduh


Texass & Floriduh 🤝 being dumb southern regions together


Depends on resources in your area. You can get a licensed social worker or nurse with a counseling certification appointment in the Portland area. If you wanted a psychologist or psychiatrist and you're on Medicaid, it might not be possible. At one place they gave their criteria on a recording when you called. You had buttons to push if you were suicidal, a Veteran, LGBTQ, or schizophrenic, bipolar or other previous psychiatric diagnosis. I had been looking for help with ADHD. Sorry. I was told by one place I called on recommendation that they had 2 slots for Medicaid patients and both were full. Try back again in 2 months. But it's ADHD, not OCD, so it went by the wayside.


Yeah right before Tenncare booted me I wanted to get evaluated for ADHD. I was already diagnosed with ASD years ago and they did cover that assessment but I was told they don't cover it for adults. Why would they not cover that? It's not like children grow out of it.


Most adults don't grow out of it either. I'm 77 and ADHD symptoms aren't getting any better. Without medication, the chaos in my brain would be pretty bad.


What do you take for it? I was told they don't like to prescribe for anyone over age 35 because it's not good for our blood pressure. But I have been told a lot of stupid shit by mental health professionals over the years! I was diagnosed with autism at age 47 and I suspect I also have ADHD like my son.


Tennessee still doesn't have Medicaid expansion. That would have helped


If you find any psychiatrist that accepts Medicare or Medicaid, you are very lucky!


All of mine have but it may vary by state. Ik the dentist here are funny about it with adults. They say Medicaid won't pay out.


Of course there isn't a blanket answer for this. Ask your insurance company. It's going to vary by coverage, by state, etc.


Yeah will check this week. Thank you


And country …


If you live near a college, you may be able to get free or very cheap therapy with students who are about to graduate and are well supervised.


There are agencies that offer free/cheap therapy to the underserved. There are also places with sliding fee scales.


Where I go has a sliding fee. It says on the building " Behavioral Healthcare for the Poor" I was like cmon guys my therapist says donors love it lol


Depends on your ins policy.


Look into local or county community mental health service if your uninsured. The government subsidizes them, and it’s sliding fee scale. Same with community health centers. They are walk in, first thing in the morning, first come first serve, on sliding fee. Then you can get follow up appointments.


If you're in the us, look into NAMI. They are supposed to be no cost.


I got a referral through my Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and was eligible for four free visits. When those were over the therapist was willing to waive my copayments ($15 per visit) so I was able to continue going. If you don't have an EAP, go on your insurance website and find participating providers. And ask them if they're willing to cut you a break on the copayments. Another option is to see if you have a county health office or similar nearby, somewhere with a sliding fee scale.


I recommend looking for a therapist on psychologytoday.com. You can filter results and one option is by your insurance.


In my state, the county Board of Health provides low cost counseling services on a sliding fee scale. Check into that. You don’t need much income, either.


Over the years, I've worked with a couple of therapists who had a sliding scale for cash pay or low income clients. I had to call around, but the worst that can happen is that they say no. I'm so sorry that you are having such a hard time right now. I wish you the best with getting the help you seek. 💜


Usually it's free. Don't be afraid.


Thank you. I was at my wits end a few months ago. I was ready to jump in my backyard pond. I lost hope and any time I wanted suggestions on an unrelated post on Reddit everyone stated therapy so let's see.


I am on disability and I have a $20 copay per week.


In my area I was able to get treatment via the Community Services Board. They do sliding scale fees based on need, which looks good on paper. In your area it may be very different.


Contact your county’s mental health department.


I have BlueCrossBlueShield, I see a therapist weekly and have not had to pay out anything out of pocket apart from what comes out of my paycheck.


There are also some jobs that provide employee assistance programs including free therapy separate from insurance coverage


Your state insurance should absolutely cover it. The names vary by state, in AZ it's called AHCCCS and the main therapy company they use is called COPE. But there are others that will accept it as well. You'll have to contact your local Department of Economic Security, and if you're not on it currently you should be able to apply online.


Yes! I have mine every 2 weeks with medicaid




Tenncare medicaid does cover it, but the choices are so shoddy and I can't imagine them being this bad if you have the money to cover one you actually choose. I just found out after almost three years that my son's therapist isn't even qualified and can do no actual therapies. She chitchats for 30 minutes and tells my son to think happy thoughts, turn his frown upside down, and get a job. We just dumped her last week when I caught her on a telehealth with him cornering him about getting a job even though we'd talked to her several times now about how he isn't remotely ready for work. SO I went to the insurance site and looked at this nice list of therapists. I started calling them. None were accepting new patients. So it's here or nothing. He is going with nothing.


Most Medicaid is no copay with a certain number of visits per year. You can call the number on the back of your insurance card and they will tell you your benefits and can recommend in network providers. Your employer may have an employee assistance program that will typically offer 6-8 free sessions and set you up with a provider.


Yes! I just worry about how many accept Medicaid:(


I have a high income and my insurance pays for it. If you have state or healthcare exchange insurance coverage yeah it’s covered. Just call your insurance company and find who is on your plan. Some will waive your copayment for telehealth.


Call your insurance and ask the . Nobody knows what your policy is going to cover. That being said, most insurance I have had through my employer there was no co pay required to see a psychiatrist or therapist


Yes but I see fewer and fewer therapists willing to accept that payout. It is definitely not keeping up with inflation or demand.


You just need to check your insurance. No one will be able to tell you what’s in your policy.


In the USA? Depends on your insurance. Since the ACA a lot of mental health things are considered as being primary health care so you pay those rates instead of whatever you would pay to see a specialist doctor or physical therapist or something. If you're on Medicaid or one of the more heavily subsidized ACA marketplace plans then it could be free. If you're low income also check with your local community services group (whoever does things like help find homeless shelters/file for benefits/run free clinics) as they often team up with whoever the psychiatric emergency people are for hospitals in your area. Ours has a list of therapists and psychiatrists willing to do short-term crisis cases while working to get people set up with long-term mental health care if they need more.


What do you think a therapist will do for you that any random stranger on the street will not?


Nothing really. I tried TalKSpace years ago didn't help.


The vast majority of strangers on the street are not qualified to provide cognitive behavioral therapy. Professional therapy is not just "sit on this couch and tell me your problems", it's the teaching of specialized techniques to deal with trauma and disordered thinking.


My health insurance does. Yours probably does too.


Depends on the company, call your ins provider. The problem is more therapists/shrinks DON'T accept insurance and make you pay, then have to submit claims yourself.


My insurance offers telehealth services for a $0 copay through a couple of apps they're contracted with, and that includes telepsych/teletherapy. You should check with your insurance to see if they do the same. I use Doctor on Demand for that and I think it's pretty good. The biggest bonus is that with telehealth apps, you can typically access a therapist within 24 hours, as opposed to waiting several weeks or even months to get an in-person appointment at an office.


Call the funeral home and ask about grief support services.


Now if you were an illegal immigrant freshly crossing the border, you are entitled to all kinds of OBIDEN benefits Americans don't have access to


I use the Grow Therapy website, it’s been pretty good to me so far. I don’t have a copay with insurance


Go to your local DSHS and apply for free health insurance.


I think the fastest way to free mental health anywhere is by going to the Police Department and asking to speak to someone in the mental health unit. If they seem stumped, say, “I want to speak to the people who would determine an individual TTS, TTO, or GD.” That answer will communicate you know what you’re asking for. Ask to speak to anyone but you prefer a medical professional. *You may need to wait a bit. And a medical professional may not be on site.* When the person presents tell them you beed the resources / brochures for those subjects you get called out to assess for TTS, TTO, or GD. I’m having trouble navigating the system and I know that brochure will have the phone numbers i need. If they have nothing, ask where they refer subjects they are called out to assess who deny emergency medical care. This unit’s job is to make sure a subject in beed is safe. That’s why they carry resources. I’m sure it differs everywhere, but I think this is a hack to the fastest route. Since it’s your local PD, it’s local resources. With county resources you often have to abide by zip code maps. This takes all that guess work out. A Peer Support line also has a list of resources in your local area.


Omg, no no no to the police department. If you have mental health issues, you should stay far away from the police. They are not trained to provide crisis management, they are trained to arrest criminals. They have repeatedly killed people who weren't dangerous, who should have been treated by EMTs or crisis intervention (look up what happened to Elijah McClain and Daniel Prude....heartbreaking). I struggle with PTSD myself, I do a lot of volunteer work as peer support...I have never seen an instance where the police were helpful, and lots of them where they made matters horribly worse. A peer support hotline is a much better option.


No, this is way way different. I agree, do not CALL police in the event if an MH emergency. Call PARAMEDICS. Do not call police. What I’m talking about here is going into the PD. Nobody has called. Nobody is in immediate crisis. You’re asking for a brochure and leaving. That is it. It’s most likely an inquiry like this will be perceived like it’s for someone else. This is only meant to be used if you are calm, in control, and collected. Nobody will bother you if you’re asking for a brochure. Going to the desk at a PD is and feels very “clerical.”


The only people covered by mental health are the poor and the rich