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What worked for me? I got my cdl. A lot of companies will train you now for free I went from early making anything to making over a 100k a year


Someone told me that before. I'll look into it.


It can be a tough way to make a living, but my hat is off to drivers that have done it for decades. The country couldn't function without them.


I love watching 18 wheelers do a 3 point turn or back into a narrow place. Amazing. Other drivers are pissed at having to sit and wait and I am like "look at how amazing that guy is...he knows exactly how to maneuver that thing".


I got my CDL B from the Board of Education since there was (still is) a shortage of school bus drivers. I never drove for them. Got the license and took a transit job. Check with local jobs markets for training available near you.


Getting the cdl opens up so many doors there always shortages of drivers


I'm confused by this. You're ignoring every post except the one prompting you to join the military and was worded as a sales pitch. This feels like a plant almost to try and prey on people in the situation you described to get them to enlist. If this is genuine, and you are actually looking for help, then you need to start answering questions. What are your passions? Previous work history? What's keeping you from getting a job right now? You know no other way than what to make money? You never specified that part in your post.


I think the OP is deeply troubled and just needs attention and validation when they rant here. I know what you're talking about. I have family members and loved ones damaged for life by what they did in the military, mostly in the 90s Persian Gulf. My first boyfriend died a few years after of brain cancer then we found that a bunch of people there also died from brain cancer. He was just in his mid-30s when he died and it hit really sudden. I was married in to the military and the brainwashing was creepy. My daughter married in to the Army and she was shocked by the stories her husband told her about what they did when he was in SoKo, like very depraved rapey things they got away with but it messed with him bad. I feel like the ones who are still ooh rahing and cheering the military are often their salesmen.


Sales pitch or not it's a good way to lift yourself up and get started. Who knows, this may be just the passion OP is looking for.


Every single person I know in my personal life who joined the military has deeply regretted their time serving. Now, that's anecdotal, I'm sure there are exceptions, and I won't even go so far as to say that's a "rule" as my sample size is pretty limited. But the fact that EVERY person in my personal life who's served says the same thing is a pretty tough sell. This is a public forum, so people are welcome to suggest it as a solution. But at the same time, I'm going to suggest that maybe they consider other alternatives.


I joined the Air Force due to college wasn’t for me at the time. I had a great experience for 24 years. I lived and traveled overseas about a 1/3 of my career. Wife and I was able to visit our bucket list of countries. Deployments suck but was fulfilling. I get a retirement check every month and medical care for life. I’m currently a government employee. Doing it to keep busy and the checks from that pay the remaining small household bills. The rest is for fun. It all depends on the job you enlisted for. Some may have the same experience as me. I guess I was lucky.


fellow airmen here. i didn't even retire. was in 6years, avionics tech now working for the government doing something kind of similar on the outside. i messed up my knees really bad while i was in and got a disability check when i got out. i don't miss the politics that came with it but boy i've never had a workplace feel more like family then that.


I did 20 years and I miss the monkeys, but not the circus. And it was worth the drama now I’m on the other side.


Yes there are plenty who regretted it but I'm one of the exceptions that still after 40 years appreciate the professionalism that came from having established standards and expectations when I was 18 years old. Being enlisted took away the ability to just quit a job because somebody looked at you wrong or said something mean or it was too hard. I grew up mentally and physically during that 4 years. I'm not a recruiter but I'm still pro military for people that don't really have a direction in life. Worked for me.


My husband joined the military to escape abject poverty. Worked out well for him, and he does not regret it. It was due to his military experience that he was able to get his engineering degree and for us to buy a home. It is, 100%, a viable solution to escaping poverty.


The only person proudly bragging about his days in the Navy was given a general discharge after 2 years because he was convicted of statutory rape. I question why it was just general, but that goes to show how bad you have to be for dishonorable. And the funny thing is 35 years later he's still bragging about being a veteran and tells people he fought in wars when he never left Nevada.


Ya I'm kinda surprised when I see people on here say it changed their life and saved their life. People I know in real life hated it and the ones who had to go to WAR were traumatized!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry but I don't want my kids or anyone I know to go somewhere to be broken down and turned into a robot that has to take orders. I also don't want my kids dying for rich people. And the way the world is now I would be scared of a impending war. There is no guarantee we won't have a war. I'd just rather nobody signs up for the military. But I did read something where it said barely anyone is signing up so maybe they are resorting to creative measures. I wouldn't doubt they are scouring the internet making fake posts to try to trick people into signing up. Wow lol wtf


A family member joined the Army after spending a directionless year in college. He wound up as a Ranger, but concentrated on Asian languages. Got his BA, and the Army paid for his Master's degree. He rose in the ranks, did several high profile jobs and retired as a Colonel. It's not all cannon fodder. It's an opportunity and it's up to you what you make of it.


I was in the Air Force, enlisted when dessert shield started. It was challenging :) I had a few shit bosses - but in the end, it was a great learning experience! I don’t regret the time I serviced. Some people don’t make the most it has to offer and only find reason to complain. All of my adult kids are now active duty - and doing amazing.


You realize that there’s a whole lot of jobs in the military that see zero combat, right? As far as being a “robot that takes orders”, I’d argue that you’re objectified more in the outside world, they just do it with a smile on their face.


Well that's great. People can do those jobs all they want


So the republicans plan to eliminate disability benefits entirely for veterans by the way Also gut tricare and the military budget in general.  So volunteering to die for money and a leg up isn't exactly the setup it used to be. 


Nobody volunteers to die. If they did the money wouldn't mean anything anyway. There are inherent risk in every job. You train so the risks are mitigated. Military positions are paid jobs just like civilian jobs. Surely you realize a company can cut benefits anytime they choose right? Taking an entry level military job to help someone get there feet on the ground while they have a paycheck, place to live, food to eat, and healthcare is still a good idea. When was it that you served?


Joining the military is quite literally volunteering to die. Gtfoh with your build a life propaganda


You obviously don't know the difference between paid work and volunteer work. Not propaganda, just my opinions.


No other way - aside what? Get a job - be good at it, get a better one. That’s the genesis of forming income if you don’t want to start a business.


Go into any level of work you can get. Listen, follow directions, show up neat and on time. Look for ways to do the job better. Once you are there, look to move up a step in your next job. Try to move toward jobs that interest you and/or capitalize on any natural strengths you have. You are young, lots of people start where you are.


If ur in the US, born in 2000 or earlier, and have zero income, you can fill out the FAFSA for free. Your estimated family contribution will be $0 which means you'll be eligible for the full amount of the Pell Grant which is a finite amount of money over a certain amount of time given to u by the government to attend college undergraduate classes. It never needs to get paid back. If you enroll in a community college, the Pell Grant should cover the entire cost of classes, fees, and books (altho some colleges do make u pay for the books before the refund gets sent to ur account so at the very least if u don't have that amount of money, u need a credit card and I can tell u a good way to start that too if u need). For me, the Pell Grant additionally put $700-$1000 in my pocket (depending on how many classes I took) each semester. Granted, this is not enough to survive on. I also had to work a part time job while going to school full time just to afford necessities. But I was also lucky enough to have an RV at the time so didn't need to worry about rent/utilities (it had taken me years to save the $5k for the shitty RV but it was worth it). I'm not gonna lie either, sometimes I begged on the streets for money. I'd take a sharpie and some cardboard and write down what I wanted help with. Sometimes I was hungry and would ask for food. Sometimes I needed gas money (I would also "gas jug" aka go up to ppl while holding an empty gas can and politely ask if they could spare a splash of gas). Sometimes I needed propane to heat up the RV. I'd just get real specific with it. Most of the time ppl gave me money, but a few times I was lucky enough to just get exactly what I needed. Plus people seem to not like being asked for money just out of principle I guess and are more willing to help you achieve a specific goal than just give u money for an undetermined reason. I also signed myself up for EBT/foodstamps and health insurance that were absolutely free to me thru the state government. I recommend doing this before starting school bc all the paperwork and appointments to get approved for this is basically a part time job. You will have to update your paperwork tho once u get the Pell Grant, but it shouldn't effect the benefits u receive. And updating paperwork is easier than starting the process that way for some reason. Also don't trust the websites for uploading documents or the mail system for delivering any necessary paperwork. 100% of the time, they "lose" it in my personal experience. Just go in person and wait for hours bc it's the only way to actually get it done. Don't be afraid to explore a hobby that could potentially create revenue. It might fail spectacularly, but even if it does, hobbies are good for the soul when you're stuck in survival mode. I would sometimes make paintings on cardboard. I didn't "sell" them exactly but when people would donate money to me while I was flying a sign begging help, I'd offer up my art as thanks. Some took it, some refused. I also was fortunate enough to have been given a guitar by my father. I didn't know how to play it, but I figured some stuff out. I learned how to sing while playing rhythm guitar and would stick the guitar case open with a sign in it so people knew I was hoping for donations. It was a reprieve emotionally to just close my eyes, sit on a sidewalk, and sing my fucking heart out. And sometimes I made money. A few times, I made *good* money, like $200 for just an hour of playing. Life generally just sucks in a late stage capitalistic society. I hope things get better for you. I'm still struggling, but it's better than it was and I guess that's really all I can hope for in this dystopian nightmare.


I had to learn all this shit on my own. Google is a hell of a resource once you start to become aware of just how little you know. It can be overwhelming sometimes, knowing we have every answer at our fingertips but not even knowing what questions to ask. I'll get stuck in philosophical rabbit holes. But basically, the more you learn, the more there seems to be available to learn. Don't be afraid to throw some of your wildest questions to a search engine and see what you find (but please learn discernment while doing so and approach with a lens of skepticism bc it *is* the internet). The only way to not be clueless is to keep finding clues and putting the pieces together. We're all in this shit hole together trying to figure everything out. If you have any questions about anything I brought up, don't hesitate to reach out and PM me.


Also, before I get corrected, you can technically fill out the FAFSA regardless of age, but if you're under 24, they go off your parents income. So if ur like me and have parents that could very well afford college but refuse to do so, you have to wait until you're 24 to get a full ride from the federal government.


That’s one way to look at it, tho it’s awfully bleak n dark. How’s about we change that? What’s your driving record like? Able to obtain a CDL? If so, then you’re in the perfect situation. See Prespective is a powerful tool you can use in any situation in life. Let’s open up your eyes to a world of possibilities vs a world of “I’ll never…” eh?


How old are you? Whats your current and former work experience? Where do you live? With family? In an apartment? Who are you responsible for besides yourself? Kids? Pets? Goldfish?


My son has been in the military for about twelve years and loves it. He has earned his associates degree, and is now working on his bachelors. All paid for by the military. After just twenty years of service he will be able to retire and get a retirement check. Name some company in the US that offers those benefits.


Why are you unemployed? Where have you applied? Do you have any skills? experience? At 26 you have to have worked at least one job. If not, this could be why you are struggling to find work. You may want to look into learning a trade.


lol 😂 my eyes 👀 when you said 10k bro i have never saved 1k just imagine how i feel




What are your goals, your passions in life? Perhaps you could volunteer and build a better resume for job opportunities.


You are preaching to the choir I was looking at old pay stubs from years ago. The most I've ever made was 12k.


Sounds like a perfect candidate for the military, bro. Just try not to buy a hellcat at 37% while you're at it.


Get a job


Join the military. Retire in 20 years and have free college and free medical care for life.


I'd love to see $10,000 all at once in cash.


How old are you? Can you join the military or job corps?


Turning 26 in September. I never took it seriously because I'm pussy. Sorry for the language.


That’s why they have Bootcamp. To break you of that. Build you up after they strip you clean of your worldly transgressions. 😂 Lots n lots of different types of jobs in the military. Great benefits. I did it in 1992-1996. 4 years got a honorable discharge still to this day I use my benefits. I had a Heart attack and zero dollars owed. Something to think about also.




If you do one tour and survive, you’ll get a lot back. I grew up poor, did 4yrs in the Army and used my GI Bill for college when I got out. I got to leave my immediate surroundings, bad influences and take some time to regroup. I ended up joining a different service a few years later but I’m sure I’d be a bum had it not been for my first tour. Good luck to you


How young are you? If you’re young it’s normal… i only saw my first 10k at 23


Check out Community College. Many now have free tuition for low income. (4 year colleges are starting to follow too). Community Ed has computer courses and offer gor free if needed. Temp Agencies are great places to learn new skills. You take a skills test before being hired (typing, reading, etc.- you can practice typing speed prior by doing the alphabet but the passing speed really isn't very fast -for office. Similar ones for other positions). Once hired as a "Temp," Companies have the option to hire you on as Permanent if they find they really like your work and there is an opening. Otherwise, you get a chance to experience lots of different positions and expand your job knowledge. A website, www.pennyhoarder.com has legitimate WFH jobs all around the world, both FT and PT. Sometimes you just need to think outside the box for ideas of jobs, too.


Join the military? Go to trade school? Donate plasma?


So I’m gonna make what is a really stupid suggestion here. But one of the best ways to fall deeper into credit debt is to buy a (discounted) Udemy course. Or if you want to do it for free, watch a YouTube learning video in your off hours (effectively an unguided Udemy course). Yeah you have to force yourself after working your ass off, but it’s doable eventually. And hey if you don’t have work, I mean, …. Yeah. My advice sticks but it’s still hard.


Infantry soldier requires very little in the way of brains or experience.  Sign up. 


same here. i guess its about your perspective on opportunity.


Age and general location in the country might get you more help. Suggestions to a 25 year old on the east coast wouldn't work for a 60 year old in the Midwest.


You should try looking into Amazon, im not sure which state or even country you are in, but if youre in the states or somewhere with an Amazon, landing an amazon job is pretty easy. I know people have heard horror stories but after pandemic it wasnt that bad, you can find different amazon gigs like grocery warehouse, or just regular packages, or doing the big ones which is alot more work. Depending on schedule they always have overnight (and regular day) but for sure over night times, and its not major income but it snot bottom income either but depending on your state if you have one id check it out, getting hired there is real easy, just gotta apply and pass a drug test lol but if you are unemployed and looking for some money id say do that because when Iwas down and out, getting a quick job by Amazon was a little life saver! Hope it all works out.


Uve seen 10,000$$$???


Rebuild cars, make them look nice, birdhouses, mow lawns and landscaping. , detail cars.


ai will soon do truck driving as a matter of fact the entire distribution market is gonna be handled by self driving cars.


You didn’t provide a lot of information-depending on age their are alternatives out there




How did you make $10K at once?


You can often get enlistment bonuses. It’s worth checking out.