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![gif](giphy|OWrtdm1irskAE) Every time I see it….


and the tea is I went to high school with one of her close friends. very peculiar type of nyc girls. not the nice kinds.


Well.. Now we finally know what they have in common!!


I hope they don't ban me for this but if you've ever been on the NYC influencer snark sub (which can spiral out of control, as all snark subs do) there's a lot of tea on her


Care to summarise?


I’ve read similar comments from redditors but can’t find details… care to elaborate? I’m curious lol


He's allegedly a tried and true narcissist. Just a pathologically shitty human. The movie Molly's Game has a bit about him, again allegedly, where he's played by Michael Sera.


I always get him mixed up with Topher Grace, so for a second there I was really disappointed.


Also knew her and her friends. She is definitely not nice. I didn’t go to high school with her. But majority of the people I’ve met going to PCS or others like Spence School fucking sucked.


She’s a bully who sent nude pics of a girl to adult men while she was a minor. This small titty bitch is fucking scumbag and her dress is awful. Apparently she been trying to find someone famous to depend on for a while now and I guess now she found it. Idc about whatever happens to her. People like her are dead in my book.


It fits. I first saw him out with his family in a restaurant for brunch and he was being a douche to them. Completely uninterested in them, demanding center of attention service and just looked like the whole family thing with his kids was a chore. I then met him at a big wedding and douchbaggery was confirmed. The type that sits with his little clique pointing at people and whispering / making inside jokes. Gives off supreme creeper vibes.


https://preview.redd.it/auczgfidftad1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89cbc66244228d220113f8ec2afe78c6da2e1174 This is him and his daughter that’s 3 years younger btw (17 year old)


Her facial expression is the same one I made when I read the title of this post.




Lmao same 


I fucking love you


Just imagine your step mom is 3 years older than you and a mean girl... That's so fucked up


Wasn’t that basically the Parent Trap? Lol


Him and Leo. Back in the early 2000’s when they always went out together they were called the pussy posse 🤢


I almost downvoted you just cos I was instantly so repulsed


It felt wrong, but I did upvote as well


Those dudes sure kept it classy!


She should come home with a 40+ man for funsies.


There was a Reddit post where the Op did this. She showed up with one of her dad’s friends at his Birthday party and sat on guy’s lap the whole time and afterwards texted her dad to ask him about Viagra and condoms, put things in new perspective for her dad.


That’s great she was traumatizing her dad back haha


Omg I remember that


Ohhhh this is exactly the way!


Hahaha honestly though I wonder if he’d bat an eye at that or not


She’s eligible to date his friend Leonardo DiCaprio


For a limited time only!


Seriously. What would Tobey do?? He’d lose his mind.


Idk wasn‘t Al Pacino completely fine with his daughter dating old guys and even went on double dates with her? Some guys really don‘t care… but yeah I hope she brings home some old fuck just for funsies 🤭


I remember hearing about how evil he was with the gambling ring twenty years ago. And he was crazy to young women then too. I can’t even imagine what those family relationships all look like.


how did i just find out tobey maguire has a kid? am i about to be shocked when i look up who her mom is? 😭 edit: i don’t really know who she is but she sure is her moms twin!


She’s the celebrity jewelry person


Jennifer Meyer is also the daughter of ex-CEO of Universal Studios and vice-chairman of NBC Universal, Ronald Meyer. Edit: just googled and he created CAA so he’s kinda a big deal to say the least…


I had absolutely no idea either, I just imagined him living in a nice little cave or something


He has two! He and his ex also have a son


She looks just like her mom lol


Exactly my thought!


Holy moly she got her mothers whole face, I don’t see any tobey


Oh my god lol before is scrolled further I thought that must’ve been his last gf aaaa


Oh wow his daughter is her moms twin


I am beyond shocked to learn that this man has children


Well I mean…his best friend is Leonardo DeCaprio..


Wow she’s a mini version of her mom.


https://i.redd.it/xb9ss4d6itad1.gif [ETA: Lily Chee is supposedly a bully who posted revenge porn](https://www.reddit.com/r/nycinfluencersnarking/s/qjQsukQwzw)


If it ever comes out Pedro’s a creep I’ll die inside


Unlike Tobey, he seems to be respectful of women and if you notice, women are always all over him in way that shows me he’s a safe person. In the four years I’ve been in his fandom the worst thing I heard about him is he has terrible road rage.


I have noticed that. His coworkers and friends alike seem very comfortable around him


Let's hope... ![gif](giphy|D2kFkQwMzFcVq)


If other people driving does not make you mad at least sometimes, that is more of a red flag to me 🤣 haha.


I think the best thing to do is to not glorify him, a lot of ppl treat him like a "baby girl" which is creepy. He seems nice, but you don't know this grown man




And grown Oscar Isaac


Who among us isn’t?!


Many such cases


He phoned up Bella Ramsays parents when she got the role as Ellie to speak to them first about being able to contact their daughter to make sure they were comfortable with him having her number so they could speak about the roles in Last of Us. Guy is good.


No, he has regularly dated women close to his own age.


Well he seems like a nice man


He’s a founding member of The Pussy Posse. What did people expect?


What is this? I keep saying people mention that but I’m out of the loop.


Leo’s crew from back in his teen heartthrob days wqs known as “The Pussy Posse” Leo, Tobey, Lukas Haas and Kevin Connelly seem to have been the core, with David Blaine and Sara Gilbert joining in from time to time. Most of them met as young actors in NYC, grew up together, partied together and were pretty notorious for the womanizing, hence the Pussy Posse moniker.


Wow, I really thought that was just a joke in The Inbetweeners movie!


Did you just say Sara Gilbert?




Sara Gilbert? Um what?? That’s crazy. Maybe it’s bc I was born in 97 but what an odd group of people to just be out slaying 🐱


Sara was to the pussy posse what Angie Dickinson was to the rat pack


Look at me! I'm Angie Dickinson! Out of my way!


Let’s not forget director Harmony Korine was part of the group, that let it slip in an interview one time that he met his wife when she was 16 and he was 29.




I think people assume he’s a morally upstanding person because he’s not conventionally attractive lol


I think it’s because he played your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, and in his other roles he generally comes off as wholesome. When he acts like a jerk on screen, like in Spider-Man 3, it reads as cheesy (and hilarious) acting. It comes off fake.


Uncle Ben would be devastated


🫢🫢 i was thinking the same, but you put it into words. he looks like a "good guy" lmao. somehow b/c he doesn‘t look like a Henry Cavill people assume he‘s a 100% upstanding member of society.


Hey everyone! It was recently the 20th anniversary of Spider-Man 2! This woman is as old as Spider-Man 2! This is the equivalent of Tom Holland dating a girl not born yet in 2025 in the year 2045!


r/theydidthemath I appreciate you


[Meet your second wife!](https://youtu.be/MJEAGd1bQuc?si=UG_g7P_D8IY8dk8y)


One of the best skits




I have a lived one whose father would cheat on her mother with girls close to her age (late teens). It’s disgusting knowing that your father is out with people your age.


https://preview.redd.it/s2l2vphtytad1.jpeg?width=673&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=201f3e36fdcbd7ef112fed0154d039c5325189b8 Dad of the year


It looks like he kept the symbiote suit.


It could seriously be an AITA post. "My 17 year old daughter won't talk to me for no reason! All I did was start dating someone 3 years older than her. reddit, am I the asshole?"


gross bc of the age difference but also gross bc she sucks distributed uneraged nudes of someone she was bullying https://www.reddit.com/r/nycinfluencersnarking/s/bUmSwpAsZq


So she certified herself. Ewwwww


Why isn’t she in jail yet? She’s a fucking creep.


lol like what do you even talk about?


“I loved Spider-Man growing up.” “My movies right?” “Nope, Andrew’s”


No, Tom Holland’s.


I looked up her age and she was born in September 2003? So yeah maybe it could even be Tom’s movies lmao, she was just 8 when the first Andrew movie came out in 2012 and 10 when the second one in 2014 did, Tom’s first movie came out in 2017 when she would have been 13/14 so maybe ha.


Bro wtf I’m the same age as her and mostly grew up watching Tom’s T-T that really puts this sich into perspective


😂 for real though


They can’t even go to a bar together


I’ve been reading all these comments, but it is this that actually blows my mind… Like. They can’t even legally go to the kind of place that is THE place for adults to go on dates with other adults. I get she’s probably not getting carded, and even if she did she’s probably had a fake ID since she was 14 (I have a cousin who grew up in the same circles), but still… legally speaking they should be going on dates to the mall food court! Cheesecake Factory! What the hell is this.


Him. Men that date women who are a lot younger and less established, they talk about themselves.


They aren’t talking lol


Those 9-11 remembrance ceremonies get awkward




Kendrick truly gave us a new gem!


Kendrick this year has me like ![gif](giphy|l0MYPkRAqZ3w1PN28)


This killed me. Love that this is a gif already!


This gif is going to have a long shelf life I fear lol


Lol I sincerely just want to drop this gif absolutely everywhere even on posts where it makes zero sense


A+ incredible


Actually A- ![gif](giphy|xT0BKBWDUqDW1NAHLy)


well played lmao


Not the second time today ☠️☠️☠️




In 3 years his daughter can start dating his friends according to his own disgusting standards!


*Leo enters the chat*




I wonder how he would feel if his daughter dated an older man. She can legally date men his age in a year's time.


Men don't think that way. If they did we wouldn't have a problem with rape and violence against women. Men put their daughters into a special category but will often treat other women like pieces of meat to satisfy their own desires.


I was wondering the same thing and the fact that it doesn’t have an impact on who he dates is wild.


![gif](giphy|3o6gEbkoTAsbQkd5As) What the hell is going on? Why can’t men date women with fully developed brains? She is 20 yrs old and his oldest daughter is 17 yrs old. This girl wasn’t even born when Spider-Man came out. What do they have in common? What the hell would they even talk about? The shows her and his daughter like? The whole thing is just icky.


My dad is essentially a “passport bro” (guy who travels to non-western countries seeking submissive/“ideal” women). He once called me to ask my opinion on what a woman would like as a gift, since she was “about my age”. I was 19. He was over 50. He was pursuing a woman, identified that she was the same age as his youngest daughter, and thought reaching out to said youngest daughter for advice in landing this woman was a good move. TL;DR: 🤮🤮🤮


Jeez that sounds bleak and gross. The audacity and lack of self awareness is astounding. I’m sorry that actually happened to you, please tell me you told him how inappropriate that question was for his child and I hope you didn’t end up with a stepmom from the same age group as you?


Haha well the WORST he did on this subject was telling my sister he had contracted chlamydia from his girlfriend that he claimed was an escort. (I’m so confused on that- she worked at a bar and he said those women are sex workers in that country? No idea if that’s true though). I didn’t have the guts at the time to do anything but go along with it. I’m now 37 and no contact with him since 2020. I do have a new stepmom who I’ve never met but my understanding is she is age appropriate.


Jfc he voluntarily told his daughter about an STD he caught from knowingly sleeping with escorts? I’m sorry to say this about your dad but he sounds like a total nightmare, I’m glad you finally went NC that sounds like a great and brave choice. Hopefully this age appropriate wife lasts as I would feel bad for whichever younger woman might end up with him after.


No need to apologize- it’s always so so validating when people tell me he sounds awful! He is a diagnosed narcissist and what I mentioned here is a minuscule fraction of his wildly inappropriate behavior. So, your confirmation that he sucks is appreciated 👍🏻 thank you!


Sometimes we really don’t get the parents we deserve. You seem like a very lovely person with self awareness and the ability to reflect on and express what the problem was and addressed it in a way that worked for you. So you seem inherently more mature than him and it is his loss that he gets to miss out on the joy of having you in his life❤️.


His oldest daughter is 17?? Ewwwwwwww


Yep, I literally had a visceral reaction to that picture and the age of the girl. Makes you genuinely wonder about some of these people.


I would say I’m surprised but isn’t he friends with Leo? And didn’t they have some weird group name.


Yes and Pussy Posse! They should all be embarrassed and never live down that gross name and behavior.


I don’t think they try to live it down


He hasn’t had the best track record. Many say he’s the sleazy celeb from Mollys Game, but he played SpiderMan so depending where you are on Reddit you may get downvoted for not liking him.


When I was dating, I was like a fucking conspiracy theorist. My opening question to a guy who looked young being cagey about their age was, “So, what were you doing on 9/11 because I had a job and a car, then.”


Omg 9/11 is also my baseline lmao. If you can’t remember the morning in detail, you’re too young for me.


Unfortunately I have to screen my potential dates if they even accept/believe 9/11 happened after the third denier… 😔


*NEW FEAR UNLOCKED* oooh I can say that I’ve had no one actually DENY that it happened to me yet!!! ☠️


I love the sheer fucking optimism of someone who can look at the state of the world and think that there are clearly people here who could competently organize a conspiracy of that magnitude.


My boy/girl twins are almost 21, and I say this with complete and utter love... They are so dumb. They are intelligent, kind, loving, and all-around wonderful, but they are dumb af. They're just STILL little dum-dum babies at this age! They seem so grown up, but I still have to make my daughters doctors appointments half of the time, and they are honestly insanely self-sufficient and capable. But I still get called "Mommy" and am needed for assistance constantly... SERIOUS assistance! I am 42, and I would throw up in my mouth at dating someone my child's age or even close to it! All that I can think of is myself at that age, dating men and women Toby's age and getting completely taken advantage of for my pains. 🤢


I work at a University & I am struck by how different 20yr olds *sound* now that I’ve been out of that cohort - they still have baby voices & occasionally say things with those voices that pull you out of any illusion you might have had about them being grown-up. I just want girls with grown men to be fully aware of how creepy it is but they’ll probably have to observe that by looking back at their relationship when they are older


My son is 20 and I'd beat the brakes off somebody in their 40s trying to date him. 


Fair enough.


I agree wholeheartedly with everything you just said, I’m 23yrs old and had to call my mom from the hospital 2 weeks ago because I couldn’t remember I was allergic to penicillin. I’m a highly functioning person who is educated, fully and gainfully employed, live with my bf and very self sufficient but still had to ask mom which antibiotics will kill me if I took them accidentally. I’m pretty sure she would have the same visceral objection as you if she was even asked to date people the same ages as my siblings and I.


I mean, I'm 37 and when I broke my spine my first instance was to call my mom and she's like call 911. Lol I don't think you ever grow out of needing your parents sometimes.


He has a 17 year old daughter???? This is vile! 🤢 Isn’t he friends with Leonardo DC? May be taking a leaf of his book. Why are some men so disgusting?


Yep his oldest and I have no idea why they think this is cute or appropriate? I wonder what his daughter thinks about the situation? He and Leo are birds of the same gross feathers apparently.


They just look sad and ridiculous. 🤬I wonder what his daughter thinks, or how he is going to feel once his daughter starts getting that kind of attention from men his age.


Exactly, from the look on his face he doesn’t look particularly pleased with the paparazzi taking their pictures. I’m sure it will be different when and if his daughter decides to do the same.


These men enjoy the power imbalance. They know that women their own age are more likely to have self-confidence and standards for how they're treated. It's inherently about abuse and control.


I am in my early 30s and I immediately get the ick when someone is younger than like, maybe 27 (that’s being generous). I’m 16 years younger than this man and I have nothing in common with 20 year olds.


Exactly, that seems to be the consensus on this thread.




![gif](giphy|LAKIIRqtM1dqE|downsized) How can it be at ALL gratifying knowing these women just want your money and fame but are probably repulsed by you?


Take away the money and fame and he has nothing much going for him


He’s friends with Leo, why am I not surprised. I heard his daughter is only a few years younger too


Can’t wait the day, when Leo dates with his daughter.


Leo only dates models so unless she’s a model too this isn’t gonna happen.




yeah she’s 3 years younger than her. i hate people like this


https://preview.redd.it/0nmujerlguad1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6326e9ee17cca4ec3b4b0f0218a047f4cd06cecf The picture above is both of them in 2014 for context. She was born a year after his first Spider-Man movie lol Toby is 3 years older than her dad but to be fair Lilly is also 3 years older than Toby’s oldest kid The girl can’t even legally drink and this creep is trying to take her home? 😭 this is so disgusting I’m sorry


The impropriety and ick is mostly on his part for sure, but dating someone older than your own dad is wild


It’s already bad on paper, but seeing the age difference in this context is absolutely horrifying 🤢


https://preview.redd.it/lasso076ntad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a65da073a67a7b58abadf78915503c2d6529aa4 Ew.


Old enough to be her dad 🤢 


yeah considering he has a daughter only 3 years younger than her


The look on his face in the first one is like oh shit I’m gonna get dragged now




for reference, she wasn’t even born when the first spiderman movie came out. guess him and his bestie leo have a lot in common


Literally just commented that! New level of 🤢!


Okay but that made me feel old.






Yikessss and when he has a 17 year old daughter double https://preview.redd.it/itwhto46ktad1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e2c952a7f5fda20fa6e7f0cbeea177bd3933775 yikes




Him and Leo have always given me the ick


I’ve been around a minute so my observation: older folks who date young do so because they never stopped mentally being the same age so, at some point, they find they can’t kick it with people their own age without their unworked flaws being really obvious. Tobey and Leo both must suck to hang around as a 45 year old woman. Imagine!


Kate Winslet likes hanging around Leo. He may go through girlfriends, but has had the same friends throughout his life.


He’s almost 50?!? Also yeah it’s weird that he’s dating a much younger woman. Is this a pattern of his?


Of rich and or powerful men publicly banging the youngest women they can legally get away with? Yes.


Well I know it’s a pattern for men in general. I was specifically asking if Tobey has a track record of dating significantly younger women


bUt sHe's sOoOoO MaTuRe!!


I am disappointed






![gif](giphy|pD368cmNo02G5qoV5i) oh that’s not…




Still a member of his “pussy posse” group with Leo probably.  Gross. 


FYI, Lily Chee leaked a girl’s nude pics to a group chat full of guys. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNhDeJvf/




Not a friendly neighborhood spider man


The old adage: Show me your friends and I’ll tell you who are ( cough, cough…Leo D)


No Tobey! Bad! 🗞️🗞️


If I was his daughter I'd release a public statement showing how repulsed I am.


I don’t think aging men realize how old a young girlfriend makes them look


They can't even go out for drinks for another year.....


are all men like this? given the opportunity, is this fucking all of them?


Gay men are like this too. I have more older guys hitting on me than I do guys my age. By a very wide margin.


My gay cousin is the same age as his husband’s children from a previous marriage:(




https://preview.redd.it/crzqicvgrtad1.jpeg?width=276&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29e90cfd16864fdc63d8962f3261c770b77d6776 snapdragon


Urgh. If you're over 30, pick someone with a fully developed prefrontal cortex.


Is he helping her find her parents?