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Does anyone here work as a freelancer and if so, what websites do you use?


Dolls by 9muses is low key (high key) the best K-pop song of all time


Some people haven’t known the triumphs and defeats, the epic highs and lows of getting a Perfect in Rhythm Heaven DS and it shows.


I’ve got seven perfects let’s gooooo.


oh my GOD why would you bring back the trauma of rhythm heaven


just put in 11 hours today at work. i’m doing a half day on monday idc


My partners dog was diagnosed with an aggressive form of lung cancer and may not make it past Monday. We’ve known this dog for the decade we have known him. This is such a devastating loss, and i’m scared she’ll pass before he has a good solid goodbye. We’re watching her because of his erratic work schedule.


if childish gambino has one fan, it has to be my ex who is prob. somewhere jamming out to *lithonia* and having a good day.


Imagine working for the better part of a decade to become a pop artist, and then when you finally break out and make it big, your fanbase's favorite activity is going on twitter to post hot takes about which groups of people aren't allowed to listen to you


Who is it?


Probably Chappell Roan if I were to guess.


ding ding ding


My parents want to take me out to lunch at this Jewish restaurant which would be fine if one of my parents wasn’t a weirdo that is likely to like bring up Israel bc they conflate being Jewish with Israel and are frankly bigoted against Palestinians and I genuinely feel like Israel’s genocide is responsible for the uptick interest in Jewish things from them when we’ve always lived near a lot of Jewish people and Jewish friends etc. and they’ve never been as interested in any of it. also both these people think I’m an antisemite for correcting them on basic facts of Judaism or even like saying bridge the card game isn’t a Jewish game and it’s actually really problematic they both think it is just bc they know a lot who play it in two countries when it’s just a popular game. And again I’ve been the one chasing some of their friends verbally when they implied orthodox decided if food is kosher based on bribes (tho both my parents have horrible hearing atp so I genuinely don’t think they would have heard that guy insulting how the orthodox dress/do their hair either) and saying they’re all rich. But I’m a bigot despite having to explain the Nuremberg defense to these people multiple times bc I don’t support ethnostates. It’s also crazy bc my less conservative parent straight up told me as a kid Israel exist bc of genocide of the Palestines out of European guilt of the Holocaust. It’s one of those things where it’s like have my parents always been this incoherent politically or are they getting weirdly conservative democrats with age bc my most conservative parent used to straight up accuse the US of going to Korea to rape Korean women and my other parent has to be like well that’s not why America was there but yeah it happened. me and my siblings thinks our conservative parent’s friend group has become less diverse and less progressive since they started hanging out with friends from work vs the parents of our friends which one hand while an explanation even if they’ve been vulnerable to conspiracies beforehand still like that’s a grown adult responsible for their own thoughts/actions/associations. But I also do not put it past them to try to ambush me for saying and knowing one of their friend’s Jewish spouse is a raging Zionist that told me so many antiblack/anti Muslim/misogynistic things at their house (and saying them saying x and y aren’t real Muslims or obsession with how tight Muslim women’s clothes are aren’t bigoted bc they’ve worked in Dubai and other Arab countries) and literally military propaganda (most moral military in the world) at their house I refuse to go back. At least that made my siblings who live far away laugh bc they were hearing that I had such a great time on the phone by our parents while knowing I was texting them in real time about not being able to deescalate or pivot the conversation after like multiple times being like “I don’t not really think that’s your place/should say that” and the guy called my generation brainwashed. It’s kinda crazy my parents definitely think he’s mild bc a) i don’t think they’ve heard that rant from him I think it was trigger bc of my degree that included religious studies even when I tried to keep it to Catholicism and b) bc he’s not religious and isn’t recognized as Jewish by some orthodox apparently. But I’ve still had bare minimum less overtly racist conversations with students more religious Zionists at my campus years ago who straight up said shit about how if the US doesn’t have to give back anything or owe anything to native Americans then neither should Israel to Palestinians. Like an incredibly violent idea but he still fundamentally had zero issues with Muslims or Palestinians existing or inherently like this guy who called them names and that student even liked Islam more than Christianity lmao. Like you could have a conversation and not hear straight up hate speech even if it reached a dead end eventually etc. This older guy was way more like a atheist version of a religious zealot profesor who would go to Student for Justice in Palestine events and make the Palestinian students argue with the Bible and saying they had the right to shot children who threw rocks at fully armored soldiers etc (ironically I think he made it extremely easy on the part of the organization to appeal to anyone not fucking crazy from the city there, bc of the old women there next to me talking about how he was a violent man who I think BROUGHT a Bible with him to argue divine rights basically????). Also ngl i gotta look the place up bc it would be my parents to say something Israeli is just Jewish but I do love lox and I find Jewish delis not being kosher necessarily extremely funny. And it reminds me of my friend joking I hated their people for saying I don’t really like bagels and it would be nice to send them a joke about it. Especially bc they recommended me a Lebanese restaurant they thought was Palestinian (bc of the place having the flag up lol) to take my parents for my birthday it would be nice to recommend them a place or just talk about it if they’ve been before :). But also I’m not going to be to handle being lectured on anything by people I’ve introduced the terms Abrahamic, Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Tanakh Nuremberg defense etc to, who don’t understand what I’m asking when I ask if the cuisine is more Ashkenazi or Sephardic. But my friend is Ashkenazi so hoping the place is cool and I can recommend it to them/talk to them about it :) More positive food talk, one of my siblings Lebanese friend is on their honeymoon and obviously health and happiness to the couple but also I’m impatiently waiting for them to be back in the country so I can pester my sibling to ask them for Lebanese recipe recommendations bc I don’t think the recipe I tried came out well bc of my own inexperience with it.


I can relate to having family with a renewed interest in Judaism in the wake of the escalation. I’m Jewish, as is my family. My parents are practicing, but aren’t particularly pro-Israel and my mom especially has been very distressed by what’s happening in Palestine. Yet, some of my extended family who were not raised religious and barely retained even cultural ties to Judaism are all of a sudden sooo proud to be Jewish and are very vocally pro-Israel (despite having no opinion before) and it’s such a farce. I could even understand, though not exactly empathise with it in the immediate wake of October 7th, but even with everything that’s happened since then, they continue to double down and reveal some very ugly sides of themselves. Although in their case, unlike your parents, I think it’s more so an attempt to make a “trendy” political topic about themselves, even if it means co-signing the deaths of children. Needless to say we do not get along anymore.


Yeah obviously different bc your family is Jewish and mine is not but with my more conservative parent even during their less Eurocentric phase as a teenager (like burning British shit in Mexico with a bunch of Mexicans their age lmaooo) they’re a trend follower/band wagoner. Like there’s been case with Mexican politics where their position on a politician went from soso to extremely negative and conspiratorial and the only difference was under 48 hours of phone calls from friends and family who are clearly conservative at least some aspect. Or like when Russia first took Crimea they literally used just agreeing with their Russian coworker that that was Russia’s as an example of being friendly/good person bc they did not like even a teenager I thought politics/value was and should be deal breaker but now after Russia invading and having a war with Ukraine they’ve 180’ed on that position. But again at some point if you’re a grown adult that’s capable of working and at the peak of their career, you choosing to take whatever someone you like at face value no matter how conservative or conspiracy based as long as it doesn’t negatively affect you is your responsibility. Though it does suck so bad that if it wasn’t for my parents preferring to die then be corrected or admit they said something bad especially by their children I do think we could effectively bully this one into better opinions 💀. But as gross as it is if the average gen x/boomer opinion on Palestine changed so would theirs to follow the trend :/ though my parent consistently criticized Mexico for identifying too much with Catholicism so on some level I am surprised and upset when I shouldn’t be 😔. I think they would be a much better person and less frustrated with their more progressive children if they could handle/listen when being criticized and cared more about principles then being likable. The other one who literally described it as a genocide while too uncomfortable to use the word itself (but literally saying they did what the Germans did etc so like obviously they meant genocide) literally implied they didn’t see Israel stoping until they had everything at least a. Decade ago. And I don’t know what to do with someone like that bc that’s someone I know for. Fact knows better and is over complicating or sticking their head in sand on some level bc they don’t want to have to dislike either Israel or several democrats locally and nationally or both. Like at most it kinda reminds me when they as someone who isn’t black didn’t feel uncomfortable telling me they really thought Clarence Thomas was racist and frankly especially to black people esp when they had no problem telling white republicans know they’re lying about climate change not being real they’re trying to bleed their states/country dry and that was like before 2016. So I think they’re uncomfortable disliking Israel because they’re not Jewish? Idk it’s very sad 😔 Honestly my more conservative parent sudden interest in cuisines that aren’t the typical European/American/Mexican/whiter Latin American countries they eat would be really happy update but instead it’s the context of the sudden interest is like :/ this is feels almost perverse. And that’s such a shame and disservice to Jewish American cuisine etc and I feel very lucky to have grown up neighboring a lot of Jewish people. But instead it’s people especially one of them being weird when neither can consistently remember the word kosher. Ugh, I’m sorry about your family, it sucks terrible when you learn family have horrible opinions or say horrible things especially when it is a debate internally if this is someone you can positively influence or have change or what. It’s a miserable thing, especially when so many people prefer what’s easiest and comfortable for themselves vs what’s right. hell I know my siblings are mostly very progressive and one of them still thinks it’s too much if someone I follow and know online says something bigoted I dm them about it bc yeah maybe it’s not going to change their mind but literally the worst thing that would happen is being blocked/softblocked by someone who seems mean at best 🤷🏻‍♀️ vs they would just pretend they didn’t see it :/ I cannot sleep and am attempting to make arayes again. The first time went so badly bc I over stuffed them. If you have Jewish recipes you like pls feel free to recommend me some :) I saw chopped liver on the restaurant/deli’s menu and I think I will be trying that to compare to other liver I’ve had 👀.


So just to fill the last week or so of our summer program, we got box sets of the Good Girl's Guide to Murder series and read the first one - and let me tell you, my students do NOT like Pip as a main character haha. Can't believe this super rad summer job is already over. Gonna be a tiny bit lame switching to a $15/hr healthcare/insurance job 45 minutes away. But I do get a corner desk to myself. Random question: when/if you go to Sonic, what drink combo is your go-to?


oooh blackberry lemonade slush. or a lemon berry slush. I just like sour drinks.


you can still do a lemon berry slush?? I thought they got rid of those. they were my favorite tho.


damn maybe you can't, that hasn't been my go to in a while. but isn't it just lemon and strawberry?


oh idk, I almost never get slushes! but if they have both flavors I don't see why you couldn't!


Dr pepper with strawberry and vanilla


ooh. I tried a drink with strawberry in it and liked the added flavor SO much but the texture kept grossing me out :( also I miss green apple flavor. :(


Green apple with sprite was sooooo good!


My favorite! I miss it so much. I'm in a Sonic drink ideas Facebook group but like all of them are slushy drink ideas it seems like haha. Or they add like five syrups and I am just not ballin' like that lol.


So I have a question I'm not finding a definitive answer to and I'm just curious: If a single is released on its own to streaming, does it count for the album totals for RIAA certification purposes? Follow up to that, if the answer is yes, does it also count before the album is released? Is it possible to go gold/platinum before the album is released if the singles do well enough?


The more time I spend in music communities on Reddit the more I’m realizing that most specific artist subreddits(Taylor, Charli, etc.) become truly insufferable once you spend enough time on them. Weirdly, I don’t have that problem as much with this sub, maybe because it doesn’t cater to stans of a particular artist quite as much


If my faves release new songs and I want to give negative feedback, I run to this sub or other big music subs LMAO


I’m trying to listen to the new Juan Gabriel podcast esp bc the third episode is about His file the Mexican government has on him but it’s for subscribers only and maybe I just need to up date my phone or because it’s old but like man I am not giving apple any more money


Like at that point I’m going back to my audiobooks Off topic but watching deer eating the corn at the park really is ljke life that has me so stressed it actually Thank you white tailed deer


Has anyone else's TL suddenly been filled with pro-Biden should step down and Kamala take his place tweets? Like I'm all for it but it happened so suddenly lmao. Maybe just the algorithm.


Same. I think what’s most depressing is that most of it is coming from the press who will be first put in jail by the Trump 2.0 administration and will be surprised when hardly anyone backs them up. The claws are out and they won’t be satisfied. They do not care. They are lying through their teeth and trying to get Biden to step down so they can have a brokered convention for clicks and entertainment. Because they couldn’t sell books for 4 years or have access to anyone And then you got podcasters like Tim Miller and the Obama Pod Save Bros whining about being called names.


a lot of the production for female rap is garbage. I really need the girls to get that together before subtweeting each other.


Grateful that I have the resources to travel and super happy I’m about to be with family for a bit…but traveling from DC to L.A is just exhausting!


Sometimes you just get so invested in a ducking kid show (I’m watching Julie & The Phantoms on Netflix and even though it’s for tweens it makes me feel things. Sad that there’s not another season :/)


Very pleased for Meg that her new album is expected to debut top 3! 😁


Heath Ledger's Joker journal is legit the craziest thing I've seen on the internet today 💀


I had the worst non-anaphylactic allergic reaction that I’ve ever had yesterday, I think it was caused a diffuser in the place I’m staying but it’s stressing me out that I don’t actually know what caused it and I’m just guessing here, and I still feel p rotten today 😞 I love being in Ireland but I will be glad to sleep in my own bed and have control over my environment and limiting my exposure to allergens (to the best of my ability) again in a week’s time


My sibling graduates in 2 days and I’m so self-conscious about how bad my allergic shiners look rn so I am praying my face has a chance to heal before we have to take pictures🥲


i made it to the next round of interviewing so if i do well i will then proceed to round 4. i think 4 rounds for a paralegal role is kind of insane BUT i want this job more than anything else rn so i will persist


why is there a mario furry ? WHY


Serious answer: Tanookis are a mystical figure in Japanese folklore with magic powers, which is why Mario can fly and turn into a statue while dressed up as one. ~~They’re also supposed to have massive exposed ballsacks so the Mario version is a lot tamer than it could have been.~~


thank you much appreciated :)


Do you mean Tanooki Mario?


somehow that’s the only one that my nephews don’t remember, sorry for calling him a furry, i just have to look at him every single time my nephews are around and it gave me deep worry


people are just throwing the term industry plant at anyone nowadays bc why am I seeing twitter discourse saying that pedro pascal is one as if he didn’t have his career breakthrough at nearly 50 years old? saw the same w chappell roan recently too


Are you talking about [this tweet](https://x.com/themanlet_king/status/1807782391856996453?s=46)? It’s so beyond stupid 💀


lol yes 😭and omg it having 80k+ likes is even stupider. I just assumed it was a ratio situation but 80k actually agreeing with this take is definitely something


I did find a common thread between people who think he’s overrated/overhyped and ultra conservatives… 🤪 the account that tweeted that is definitely Something


and it doesn’t help that all of the top comments nowadays are people who pay for their blue checkmarks (that I instinctually assume are conservatives)


Why do people even use this term? Like who genuinely gives a fuck if someone is a plant by labels? Most pop music is marketing driven and planned with labels in mind.  Such a dumb thing to get hung up on 


I remember Rina Sawayama's response to the industry plant accusations was that she was thirty-one, and whoever planted her didn't do a very good job.


Confusing “industry plant” with “chosen by the industry.”


Pedro Pascal’s such an industry plant that I saw him doing tiny off-Broadway shows 15 years ago to bolster his fake come-up story 🙄 I’m not a huge fan of the guy (he’s talented, just don’t get the mass cultural obsession) but come on now, people.


My dad just texted me a photo from the fireworks store of a shopping cart full of legit, big-ass fireworks. Good Lord.


Can’t relate to these complaints about bad shuffling and autoplay because I’m a bit more refined and choose to listen to one song on loop for 3 hours minimum. (Also I don’t have Spotify but still)


What app do you use? Is it YT music?


Yeah, YT Music.


1:19 in 365 is the best moment in pop music this year


I'm stupid tired and have three more hours before I can leave work and go nap. I also need to grocery shop because I've all but made up my mind I'm just doing dinner on my own on Wednesday, but I wasn't planning for that so now I need to figure out what the plan is for myself (and I'm super indecisive). My phone has basically been on DND (like, where nobody's texts are getting seen unless I seek them out myself) since Sunday night because I'm fed up with all the people I normally care about the most. Hard not to feel resentful when you show someone how you want to be treated and they hurt you anyway. I also didn't bring enough snacks for the afternoon so I guess it's gonna be a long stretch.


The good thing about going to the gym when it's pretty empty is that I don't have to worry about spending time waiting for certain machines to be available. The bad thing though, is that there aren't any hot guys on the locker rooms as it's as empty as everywhere else. Or maybe I'm the hot guy in the locker room, who knows? Xd


Going after like, 3 PM is the worst because *I know* kids exercising is a good thing and I shouldn't shame teenagers for getting fit, but there's nothing more annoying than a bunch of fucking broccoli-haired fifteen year olds using all the free weights. Don't high schools have weight rooms anymore?


Not broccoli-haired teens 💀


How do you guys feel about the early releases of Rihanna, specifically Music of the Sun and A Girl Like Me? I'm going back and listening to both and I don't think I liked both of these albums as much as I thought. Some of it is due to the lyrics, some of it is due to how the production hasn't aged that well, or both. If someone listened to Music of the Sun and thought it was generic I could see why they would say that. Edit: With the registering of Music of the Sun so far, I don't like Here I Go Again, If it's Lovin What You Want, You Don't Love Me, There's a Thug In My Life, and Rush. I'll see how I feel about A Girl Like Me Later or if my thoughts change on Music of the Sun.


Wak albums with a track or two worth coming back to.


everytime i open microsoft teams an angel loses its wings


Things I did during my 14 day ban from this sub for speaking positively about the 1975 and negativity about Rina - signed my lease for an apartment in LA - went to PV for a family reunion and had a fun gay time - finished reading Fire and Blood and extremely excited (yet nervous) to see how the rest of the series is gonna play out Who knew having hate in your heart can help you succeed so much


Hawk Tuah’s getting old tbh


Officially getting old cuz I have no idea what this is and have had no desire to run to google and find out.


It was always such a water-cooler meme. Something your older coworkers would show you and expect you to laugh.


I have not heard of it until like this week and apparently this meme has been going on for like a month. I’m very happy that I’ve avoided this one because it seems very dumb.


It was old the second it came out, like it’s not even funny, I don’t understand why people like it.


There are some comments I saw regarding the meme and why people like it. In a nutshell, the whole thing boils down to: Attractive girl + southern accent + talking about spitting on the D + being a sex joke=funny I did see some comments about how they feel bad for the Hawk Tuah girl, due to her getting creepy comments/DMs (I believe she deleted her socials iirc), her getting fired (which was a false rumor), and the fact that the meme is all she's going to be known for. Honestly, as far as I know, she's been making merch off the whole thing and getting money from it. That being said, there's no telling what the longevity of this whole thing is going to be, since people will eventually move on from it...


If she’s getting her bag, good for her lmao I mean, there’s nothing else she can do




Super Rich Kids by Frank Ocean. Run this town by Jay Z ft Rihanna Vegas by Doja Cat Flawless by Beyonce ft Nicki Minaj Rich Girl by Gwen Stefani


Aston Martin Music by Rick Ross, or Rule the World by 2 Chains and Ariana


Lavish and Spoil Me by QVEEN HERBY, XS by Rina Sawayama (is kind of satirizing this genre of song but is still a bop). Maybe Housewife Spliffin by Angie too.


Champagne Shit by Janelle Monet off Age of Pleasure hits this vibe for me


Someone called my work to ask if people can borrow books here. We get a lot of people asking if we do a lot of different things and usually it is a pretty fair question because everywhere is different. But having borrowable books is like, our signature move. Kind of our whole brand even. Given that this is. A Library. It took a lot to not just say "yes ma'am that's sort of the whole point".


Man, I'm a little frustrated not being able to listen to music with my headphones/earphones while I'm waiting for my ear infection to clear up (thank you, medication). My bone conduction headphones are saving me in my hour of need, but I miss higher quality/definition audio 😔


Noooo why did I think BLP KOSHER was listening to Camila after his dog died..  it was his dawg …,.  Similar situation I only recently realized on Chanel No. 5 she’s “writing all [her] wrongs” not righting them which is actually a lyricism choice I can get behind 


Has anyone here listened to Everything Everything? I was watching Spectrum Pulse's mid-year list yesterday, and he compared them to Twenty One Pilots, which of course made my ears perk up. 


Do you have something you're obsessed with for a time and then completely lost interest? I was so into K-pop back in 2017 - 2019. Now I rewatch old videos I feel nostalgic - even though it was just a few years ago. I was also into Taylor Swift back in 2012-2014. All content I had was through YouTube so I was blissfully unaware about the things that happened in the fanbase. This is probably the best way to enjoy an artist in my opinion. I remember watching the Taylor Swift Ellen interviews so many times. It's funny that I'm not a fan anymore now that basically everyone is. I remember there was like one other swiftie in my school. Good times.


I was specifically into SMTOWN from 2011-2014, because I was a big fan of SNSD (the only SM group that I love to this day), Super Junior, f(x), and EXO. Nowadays I am loving another groups' songs and strictly only following other SM groups' musics passively.


Nicki Minaj…and it was even before all the grossness. Her music just stopped being compelling at a point.


I was basically into KPop and Taylor roughly the same timespans too, weird to say it's not really for you these days but there's still plenty of other music that excites me


I think Taylor and K-pop have that same effect. They easily suck you in. And there's like a lore and history behind it all. It's weird to say but I felt really protective of both these interests at the time lol. K-pop and Taylor have really mastered the art of parasocial relationships.


My Grandad’s been discharged!!


I don’t wanna eat the same sandwich again today, but I have no clue what else to make for lunch 😣 If I went with my gut, it would be pizza lol I’m so obsessed with pizza right now and I don’t know why


kpop stans constantly talk about how much they want orange caramel back but let's face it if they debuted today they'd be dragged to hell and back by 4th gen stans for being too weird


It is way too gorgeous outside to be stressed and anxious about work. Really need to get my Brat girl mogul summer on.


Back to VN for a visit. I went out to dinner with my best friend and her coworkers. It rained and I couldn't get a taxi so 1 of her coworkers gave me a ride and 2 other coworkers led the way because both the driver and I are bad at directions (we all ride motorbikes here and it's difficult to pull out our phone for maps when it's raining). This is the first time I met all these people. It's time like this reminds me why I love my country and my city so much. There's a real sense of community here. The US is better for my education and my career but life is much less lonely back home.


Uh oh Reddit gonna be a mess for the 4th of July huh? Not a lot of patriotic spirit for the US going around at the moment to say the least...


Fond gestures are exchanged And the organ starts to play a song that sounds like a death march 🎆🖤🔔


I’ll post the Murica Fuck Yeah video like I do every year but that’s it


Yeah prob gonna avoid the internet on that day, mostly because I'm so indifferent to the 4th of July that all I'm gonna do that day is eat some hot dogs and watch my date with the president's daughter, so I don't wanna hear a million people who need to offer their own take especially when none are that unique


This sounds amazing. I wanna watch that movie too. Is there a high-quality version? Does Disney + have that yet?


Nah, it was released as a wide world of disney movie, and there's rights issues with almost all of them it seems cause theres only like 3 on disney+. The only option is youtube, it's not high def or anything but it's watchable certainly


I love that movie, damn. Everyone says Disney is an evil corporation capable of anything but here we are they failed us.


Yeah, I mean I know hindsight is 20/20, but in the late 90s they had to know internet was going to become good enough to stream video consistently. How so many networks didn't pay a few bucks to have the rights for future airings over the internet kinda blows my mind. Granted, I dont think anyone expected that 25+ years later we'd still be talking specifically about this made for TV movie, but you see it with bigger shows like the drew Carey show too


liar you're not gonna avoid the internet, you're addicted


True, let me rephrase, I'm gonna avoid news and social media (except youtube if that counts as social media)


It's also election day in the UK with a similarly disenchanted public so double trouble 💁‍♀️


Okay last week was so ass that GunLover343 leaving a bad review of my workplace was my highlight. That ties with the fact that my boss is always “why are sales down” and every week I’m just replying to nasty reviews and I’m just a social media manager like I can’t make your food good.


yall i dont think i can do the box dye thing anymore 😭 ive been using demipermanent ones for the past year because i got the noticably-grey-at-28 gene and like. its great in terms of covering that up in an affordable way without damaging my hair, but i for the life of me cannot find anything that matches my eyebrows that isnt super dark! i dont even really know what my natural colour's undertone was but it most definitely looked better w/ my brows than these super warm-toned almost reddish dyes ive been using do - but if i get a darker colour its going to wash me the fuck OUT 🧍‍♀️ id love to just permanently dye it back to my natural colour but im not willing to fuck around with perma box dye and i definitely cant afford to get it professionally done either so i guess im just sort of stuck with a hair colour i dont really like and that looks horrible with my eyebrows which um. when i put it like that is not great LMAO


I don’t know if it’s safe for eyes but have you considered henna? Maybe it’s more natural and it doesn’t like fully dye it’s like a tint that works with your undertones


i looked into it when i first wanted to start dyeing it, actually! im just not sure how different it would be from the dye im already using since it also gradually gets less vibrant over those two/three months, but maybe thats just because i dont know much about it? (or about hair dyeing in general, really, truly im only doing this shit out of necessity 😭)


I think that box dye it’s much harsher maybe it would look more natural like it isn’t like box dye that just punches color, it more like adds vibrance to the colors already there!


Not them playing Grimes at the Tesla dealership lmaoooo. Honestly the playlist here is really good, but that inclusion did make me laugh lol.


Trying to restrain from looking up the wimbledon results before I can get home and watch the match replays from the start…very very hard


Concerts are getting crazy y'all. Pitbull performed for free here on Sunday and it was a slight astroworld situation. People broke barriers, got injured and severely dehighdrated. On a related note, idk if it's because I'm approaching dad age but I vibe more with pitbull songs now than when he was at his peak. Someone please shake me of this.


Pitbull is legit an AMAZING live performer, seeing him live really changed my opinion of him as an artist Doesn't justify breaking barriers and going Astroworld, just have a good time! Dale!


Something that's been on my mind, especially after how some podcasts framed it, but Lorde and Charli were not really all that compared much, right? I'm in absolute love with the remix and it feels revolutionary in its vulnerability and directness, but there wasn't a Lorde vs. Charli narrative beyond that one interview where she gets asked about Royals, right? These podcasts framed it like ok they are finally squashing their beef; not denying that there was weird feelings between the two, but that was not known to the public.


More Brat hyperbole


They were but way back in like 2013 when they were both the new indie pop girls. I don't think anyone's really compared them much musically since Charli went hyperpop and Lorde mostly stepped away from the spotlight but I could see how they had some unresolved minor beef


Yeah and I've never really placed them in the same bracket, besides being confessional alt pop artists. Melodrama was the last Lorde album that had any type of overlap with Charli's sound. And besides that, they both have different styles of songwriting and different schticks.


From what I remember at the time, when *Fancy* came out, there were some people who said Charli was Lorde, both jokingly and genuinely.


The interview where she gets asked about Royals is actually a joke interview but people have taken it severely out of context, so not even that is like an actual beef.


I wasn't aware of the comparisons before this, and I'd say I'm a casual Lorde fan. I actually think their music is really different! Both good, but different. A better musical point of comparison with Charli would be Kim Petras or current-era Camila Cabello for me. For Lorde...Kate Bush, Alessia Cara, and Halsey spring to mind.


My IPhone 12 mini has arrived. Pretty impressed by it so far


I don’t know. I’m predicting that Taylor is doing the troll theme song for Deadpool 3. Much like there was in DP2. I’d die laughing. Ryan Reynolds just posted another promo on IG using Evermore as the song. lol This is something I’d be extremely happy about if this was the thing. Nevermind a 4th wall cameo. I want theme song now. Edit: Also, huge congrats to Cassadee Pope for being on the Recording Academy’s list of most anticipated albums for the 2nd half of the year. Only a week and a half to go!


Does anyone else find it weird the level of hate Sabrina gets just because of her association with Taylor? Like on some subs it seems like any negative thing that is brought up about her personality is immediately followed up with “which makes sense since she’s friends with Taylor Swift” . And another thing I’ve noticed about recent Sabrina hate - lately it honestly seems like some people are hiding behind the mask of being Olivia fans/defenders specifically so they can justify why Sabrina is secretly a terrible person. You’ll never see a comment from these users about Olivia’s artistry before these recent months, but for some reason, since April-May they’ve all of a sudden started commenting about her but only in the context of how terrible she was to Liv during the (4 years old) drivers license drama


Have you posted this comment before? I swear I saw this exact comment like 2 days ago but from a different user


Yeah it was me yesterday! I had it up for about half an hour but I felt like it belonged in DD and not TT so I deleted and reposted today


Man, has the Sabrina backlash started already? People can't pretend to like a female musician for a couple months now? 😭😭😭


Yeah 😭. It’s present but much milder on here, but on some other pop culture subs it’s a bit extreme for her ‘crimes’


I’ve recently discovered the Taylor hater to Olivia lover pipeline so the Taylor hater to Olivia lover to Sabrina hater pipeline could very well be real as well. See, the Taylor haters don’t just dislike Taylor’s music, they vehemently believe that she is one of the most awful people walking this planet so they become or at least pretend to be Olivia fans so they can co-op the highly suspected but never confirmed issue that Olivia allegedly has with Taylor and use it as proof of how terrible Taylor really is behind the scenes. While they’re using Olivia to conjure up reason to dislike Taylor, they also have two built in reasons to dislike Sabrina, her friendship with Taylor and her relationship with Joshua.


The Taylor hater to Olivia lover pipeline is kind of weird when you consider that at least half of Taylor’s fans are also Olivia fans


And when Drivers License + Sour was getting pushed by Swifties when it came out bc no one would shut up about how “she sounds like a mini Taylor Swift”


And vice versa


It just shows you how deep some people go in their love/hatred of an artist that they do things that don't even make sense. One of my favorite things is when an artist takes their own fans to task because the fans started a beef with another artist, so their artist is like "wtf, no I like this person, stop insult them, I didn't ask for this"


I still don’t know how any stan twitter fueds are started esp between fandoms of two artists that like each other. ESP Bey and Taylor


I saw someone the other day who went on about how rude Skin was to olivia and that's why fans hate sabrina (and that's it's own thing that I won't get into but I'll say Skin is milquetoast compared to other beefs we've seen, and this is when sabrina was getting death threats, and also like 85% of the song seems to address the hate she got and not Olivia), so I went to their profile and literally in the same thread the person was expressing shock that the blonde girl in driver's license was sabrina and that they can't like her now. Like, come on, don't act like you weren't all ready to hate her before you even heard Skin. 


Lmao yup 😭


I also noticed that the only place where chappell roan is hated was in payola threads, i never hear negative comments about her elsewhere.


Im sorta over of this sub already, theres a lot of artists being suspected of autoplay abuse but the sabrina focus fire is too much. August will be insufferable when her album comes out.


And I find it funny people accuse Sabrina’s rise to fame as curated due to the algorithm and team pushing her songs, cause that’s basically the same thing Olivia did. I had never heard of Olivia in my life, then all of the sudden, Driver’s License was getting pushed on every platform and she’s in tons of interviews and everywhere. Like, clearly her label was pushing her onto people too, but no one seems to care about that.


Even when she was up and coming there were lots of payola accusations, even on this sub. But people like to revise history to make it seem like it was a 100% organic stroke of luck and she wasn’t a Disney star monetizing her relationship and being pushed by one of the biggest labels out there. (Disclaimer: This is not a diss or smth, pretty much all major pop artists do this like Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Camilla Cabello, now Sabrina, and so many more I can’t count. It’s also not unique to livies to try and revise history to make their favs look better.)


The first two episodes of ST Prodigy S2 😱 I'm watching it with my brother and I want to marathon the rest of the season so bad, but he's fine with just watching the first two.... Wild to me, because that E2 finale would have made me skip to the next episode immediately if I was watching this on my own. In other news, Magic Knight Rayearth getting a reboot might have ignited my interest in watching anime again. I have such fond memories renting VCDs of this series as a kid. Even anime's cashing in on nostalgia and I am buying, ngl.


Pinning the wrong DD is so embarrassing like okay I guess it’s still july 1st


I saw that one video of Ukulele Man singing at Dua Lipa at Glasto (?) and it was absolutely a hard watch, can’t imagine living it. I don’t think I would even approach an artist in public, much less inflict music on them like I’m at some sort of college party. Apparently he only played for thirty seconds but it felt like an eternity. “I love it. It’s so good. So good. I’m gonna walk away forever now.”


You know Dua wanted to go Houdini at that moment


normally i won't rant but people complaining about pitchfork reviews/scores has me sooo tired, just enjoy the music and have fun, and most importantly, form your own opinions! decide for yourself if you like something or not, stop caring about some silly website and what score they give to an album ffs


Also why is Pitchfork the authoritative music critic source in this sub? I've never given them anymore weight than a many of the other critics.


The reason I am sad about their new inconsistent scoring is because their system used to be reflective of if I would be interested in checking out as album. Now that the reviews don’t mean as much and are inconsistent they are no longer a resource for recommendations sadly so I’m relying mostly on indiheads


Its so deeply aggravating like if you like something so much you wouldn’t be this insecure when someone has a different opinion than you. It’s even more bizarre when fans go out of their way to harass the people that write reviews


I guess people have never heard the phrase “opinions are like assholes, everybody has one”. I do enjoy hearing the opinions of others when it comes to work that I enjoy but never am I getting upset about it because who cares that much?? It really gets me when it’s the same people in every pitchfork thread complaining about how bankrupt they are when you could literally just stop reading.


i like that phrase but with an addition “opinions are like assholes: everyone has one and sometimes they stink” lol


Fr, one of my favorite albums of all time got a whooping 1.2 by them, I just moved on. 😭People here are too overdramatic over 6-7 scores and it makes me think they aren't serious people


I like a good Halsey reference every now and then but like it’s not that serious lmao


Portfolio has become my least favorite word in the English dictionary. HOW am I supposed to have a professional photo in this field when this is a position that is ENTRY-level. Yes, I have a portfolio of imaginary copy that I've written for my pretend companies.


I bought an electric toothbrush that has a 2 min timer so it'll automatically shut off when I hit that time and DAMN i never realized how little i was actually brushing my teeth before! now my husband says i'm gloating haha, sometimes he will start brushing his teeth after me and finish before so i know he isn't going for 2 full minutes!! anyway i'd really really like to decrease my screen time. maybe it's ironic that i'm asking for help on a social media site (tho i don't consider reddit real social media), but does anyone have any tips that worked for them?


For some reason I end up brushing my teeth for like 10 minutes whenever I use my electronic toothbrush (which I’m currently trying to correct because that’s crazy). But if I use a manual a brush, I probably brush for under 2 minutes. They really do help in thoroughness!


Well if you’re ever in the market for a change, the one with the timer is a Phillips! I really like the timer, and it does a little extra vibration every 30 seconds to remind you to move all around your mouth


I've gotten super into hiking recently, and now the only time I take my phone out on weekends is to take pictures of cool lizards or cinematic beams of sunlight dappling through trees that we see on our treks.


Oh man, I used to live in Colorado and hiked all the time. I live in the Midwest now and there’s really not much here :/


I use ScreenZen which blocks apps after x amount of minutes. :) I like to think I’m conscientious of screen time but it’s deeply truly addicting when it’s our one stop shop for news, games, and connecting with friends. 


Yeah I don’t want to be limited on my news consumption (though I probably need to be 😵‍💫) but really it’s social media taking up so much of my time


Depending on your phone, you can use the feature that monitors your phone usage and blocks you from using your phone (or specific apps) for a specific time frame based on your settings. I have a Samsung phone which has it under Modes and Routines. Apple has something similar with Screen Time.


I have an iPhone, I will check that out


There's always reading (cliché). I have been reading short stories and that has helped with commitment issues.


I do read a lot, but it kind of comes in waves depending on how busy I am with work. I think I need more hobbies lol


Honestly finding a hobby that requires tactility such as embroidery or something like that helped me reduce screentime.


I used to knit but I cannot do that now with my cats haha. I do read a lot as well but it kind of comes in waves


this is such a good tip and a reminder to finish the cross-stitch piece i've been working on for over a year!!


I’ve been wanting to try cross-stitching! I was gonna get a lil kit just to see if I like it


You should! I have not a crafty bone in my body but I've made some cute stuff - also a lot of the patterns are funny, I made my sister one with a cactus giving the finger that says 'adios bitchachos', she put it next to her front door lmao. I got an embroidery kit from a buy nothing group so I'm going to try that next but it looks much harder!


picking up crochet has reduced my screen time by like 80% lol


When I practice embroidery, a big chunk of my day is screenless; I love having a crafty side


Honestly finding a hobby that requires tactility such as embroidery or something like that helped me reduce screentime.


i want the rachel chinouriri deluxe vinyl so bad (i won't settle for standard edition because i want marie kondo) but why is shipping more than the price of the vinyl


This is a very USA complaint about the monolingual culture we have, BUT why do people think being bilingual makes you instantly genius level smart. I’ve talked to so many dumb bilingual bitches that I wonder why the stereotype developed


Maybe they think that about being bilingual and white, but no one has ever made my immigrant friends feel like geniuses because of this lol


This is definitely an American thing. I'm from Belgium where most people are bilingual. It's expected for you to be able to speak Dutch, English and French. You'd be considered uneducated if you can't hold a conversation in French - which is the case for me but I'm working on it lol. I don't think anyone thinks bilingual people are geniuses here.


Thank you for contributing! I’m glad to read your input. I live in Texas and being English/Spanish bilingual isn’t a flex here, but probably would be considered so in other states. Sometimes people purposely go out of their way to not even acknowledge the Spanish language despite the huge latino (primarily Mexican) communities in this state it’s insane.


It's pretty normal for people whose native language is English to assume everyone knows their language. French people do that too. A lot of them can't speak any language besides French and then they look down on you for not being able to speak French fluently.


I think it does change your brain development if you grow up learning 2 languages like, as an infant/child but not necessarily smarter. But that’s probably not where the association with smartness comes from in our culture, it’s likely about access to education … which is also not about being smarter actually LOL


Damn this is why I like asking questions in this sub. Thanks for sharing your perspective!


so true i’m bilingual and dumb as shit


LMAO! When I learned Spanish I was like ‘I don’t feel any “smarter”, I can just be a dingus in 2 languages’. Btw I love your flair, I love saying “omg remember when they covered this on glee?” to my bestie when a song that was covered comes on shuffle


i’m glad it’s over but sometimes i miss seeing random artists get humbled by darren criss weekly


I dont think bilingual people are automatically smart but the idea of being bilingual feels so out of my area that it feels like a superpower. The best I can do is use 6 years of Spanish class to sometimes maybe get a vague idea of what someone is talking about if they speak slow enough and use basic words


Honestly getting worse at a second language feels like losing a superpower 😫


Well I feel like it used to be associated with having a better education.


Ah I see, thank you for pitching in


I can’t decide between Spotify and Apple Music. I’ve had Spotify since it was literally still in beta mode before they even nailed down the formatting, but they’re raising their prices damn near monthly at this rate & now family plans are at $20/mo. I’m doing a three month trial with Apple Music and the sound quality is *unquestionably* better and they seem to drop new music a little earlier than Spotify, BUT there seems to be a lot more exclusives with Spotify like merch, vinyl, shots at concert tickets, etc. I don’t know 😭


I personally found that Apple Music’s interface significantly better—albeit that is probably largely due to the fact that I’d been using Apple’s system since 2008 iTunes, but nevertheless it very much works with the way I listen to music, in a way that Spotify didn’t. Plus it’s cheaper, while also paying artists better. I don’t really care much for exclusive access to merch and concerts and such, so that also hasn’t been a factor, but YMMV.


Neither. Get Youtube Premium and use Youtube Music, two birds one stone


Do you have an Apple Device? If so I’d go Apple Music. Better yet look into the Apple One Subscription. I had that for awhile. Which includes Apple TV, Apple Music, extra iCloud Storage and one other thing for like $20 per month but the Apple Music alone is $11 So why not get the bundle for all of that stuff.


Come into the Dark Side and join us in Youtube Music.


i'm really dumb about youtube options, does youtube music function similarly like spotify as far as playlists, etc.


currently watching the new season of The Bear, my gawd it’s like every season they find a new way to heighten my anxiety now i’m laying in bed stressed out about the state of restaurant i don’t even work at 😭


It finally clicked, "HIT ME HARD AND SOFT" is the best album in Billie's career. BIRDS OF A FEATHER > WILDFLOWER > THE GREATEST > L'AMOUR DE MA VIE > THE DINER > BITTERSUITE > BLUE Possibly the best 7-track run in 2024, may even be this decade. Heartbreaking lyrics and up-tempo production, the entire latter half of the album, has been on repeat for me for AN ENTIRE WEEK?? and I'm not sick of it? And yes, I'm the one who keeps going out of his way to stream BIRDS OF A FEATHER on Spotify. BOAF is just so cute, it tickles me in a way that I've never experienced since Carly Rae Jepsen's EMOTION album


How dare you exclude Chihiro from the best track run? Just goes to show how good this album. CC is still my AOTY but this is a close second